package org.mapfish.print.processor.jasper; import; import; import; import; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRBand; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRElement; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRStyle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.HorizontalImageAlignEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.HorizontalTextAlignEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.ScaleImageEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.StretchTypeEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlWriter; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.mapfish.print.Constants; import org.mapfish.print.PrintException; import org.mapfish.print.attribute.TableAttribute.TableAttributeValue; import org.mapfish.print.config.Configuration; import org.mapfish.print.config.ConfigurationException; import org.mapfish.print.config.Template; import org.mapfish.print.http.MfClientHttpRequestFactory; import org.mapfish.print.processor.AbstractProcessor; import org.mapfish.print.processor.http.MfClientHttpRequestFactoryProvider; import org.mapfish.print.wrapper.PArray; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static org.mapfish.print.processor.jasper.JasperReportBuilder.JASPER_REPORT_COMPILED_FILE_EXT; import static org.mapfish.print.processor.jasper.JasperReportBuilder.JASPER_REPORT_XML_FILE_EXT; /** * <p>A processor for generating a table.</p> * <p>See also: <a href="attributes.html#!table">!table</a> attribute</p> * [[examples=verboseExample,datasource_dynamic_tables,customDynamicReport]] */ public final class TableProcessor extends AbstractProcessor<TableProcessor.Input, TableProcessor.Output> { private static final int SPACE_BETWEEN_COLS = 0; private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_COLUMNS = 9; private Map<String, TableColumnConverter<?>> columnConverterMap = Maps.newHashMap(); private List<TableColumnConverter<?>> converters = Lists.newArrayList(); private boolean dynamic = false; private Integer reportWidth = null; private String jasperTemplate = null; private String firstHeaderStyle; private String lastHeaderStyle; private String headerStyle; private String firstDetailStyle; private String lastDetailStyle; private String detailStyle; private int maxColumns = DEFAULT_MAX_COLUMNS; private Set<String> excludeColumns = Sets.newHashSet(); @Autowired private JasperReportBuilder jasperReportBuilder; private boolean defaultTemplate; /** * Constructor. */ protected TableProcessor() { super(Output.class); } /** * The path to the JasperReports template that contains the template for the sub-report. If dynamic is false then the template * will be used without any changes. It will simply be compiled and used as is. * <p> * If dynamic is true then the template will be used to obtain the column styles and the size of the subreport and to * get the position of the first header and field element. * The actual field and column definitions will be dynamically generated from the table data that is provided. * </p> * This may be null if dynamic is false. If it is null then the main template will likely use the generated * table datasource directly as its datasource for use in its detail section and the table will be directly in the main template's * detail section. Or a later processor may use the table's datasource in someway. * * @param jasperTemplate the template to use for rendering the table. */ public void setJasperTemplate(final String jasperTemplate) { this.jasperTemplate = jasperTemplate; } /** * If true then the JasperReport template will be generated dynamically based on the columns in the table attribute. * <p>Default: false</p> * * @param dynamic indicate if the template should be dynamically generated for each print request. */ public void setDynamic(final boolean dynamic) { this.dynamic = dynamic; } /** * If dynamic is true, the page width of the table report can be adjusted with this property. * * @param reportWidth The report width to use. */ public void setReportWidth(final Integer reportWidth) { this.reportWidth = reportWidth; } /** * Set strategies for converting the textual representation of each column to some other object (image, other text, etc...). * <p></p> * Note: The type returned by the column converter must match the type in the jasper template. * * @param columnConverters Map from column name -> {@link TableColumnConverter} */ public void setColumns(final Map<String, TableColumnConverter<?>> columnConverters) { this.columnConverterMap = columnConverters; } /** * Set strategies for converting the textual representation of each cell to some other object (image, other text, etc...). * <p></p> * This is similar to the converters specified for a particular column. The difference is that these converters are applied * to every cell of the table (except for the cells of those columns that are assigned a specific converter). * @param converters A list of {@link TableColumnConverter}s. */ public void setConverters(final List<TableColumnConverter<?>> converters) { this.converters = converters; } /** * The id of the style to apply to the first column in the table header. This is optional. * <p> * The style must be a style element in the jasperTemplate. * </p> * @param firstHeaderStyle a ref to a style in the japserTemplate */ public void setFirstHeaderStyle(final String firstHeaderStyle) { this.firstHeaderStyle = firstHeaderStyle; } /** * The id of the style to apply to the last column in the table header. This is optional. * <p> * The style must be a style element in the jasperTemplate. * </p> * @param lastHeaderStyle a ref to a style in the japserTemplate */ public void setLastHeaderStyle(final String lastHeaderStyle) { this.lastHeaderStyle = lastHeaderStyle; } /** * The id of the style to apply to the all columns in the table header except first and last columns. This value is will be * used as a default if either firstHeaderStyle or lastHeaderStyle is not defined. This is required if dynamic is true * and is not permitted if dynamic is false. * <p> * The style must be a style element in the jasperTemplate. * </p> * @param headerStyle a ref to a style in the japserTemplate */ public void setHeaderStyle(final String headerStyle) { this.headerStyle = headerStyle; } /** * The id of the style to apply to the first column in the table detail section. This is optional. * <p> * The style must be a style element in the jasperTemplate. * </p> * @param firstDetailStyle a ref to a style in the jasperTemplate */ public void setFirstDetailStyle(final String firstDetailStyle) { this.firstDetailStyle = firstDetailStyle; } /** * The id of the style to apply to the last column in the table detail section. This is optional. * <p> * The style must be a style element in the jasperTemplate. * </p> * @param lastDetailStyle a ref to a style in the jasperTemplate */ public void setLastDetailStyle(final String lastDetailStyle) { this.lastDetailStyle = lastDetailStyle; } /** * The id of the style to apply to the all columns in the table detail section except first and last columns. This value is will be * used as a default if either firstDetailStyle or lastDetailStyle is not defined. This is required if dynamic is true * and is not permitted if dynamic is false. * <p> * The style must be a style element in the jasperTemplate. * </p> * @param detailStyle a ref to a style in the japserTemplate */ public void setDetailStyle(final String detailStyle) { this.detailStyle = detailStyle; } /** * The maximum number of columns to allow. * @param maxColumns maximum number of columns to allow. */ public void setMaxColumns(final int maxColumns) { this.maxColumns = maxColumns; } /** * A set of column names to exclude from the table. * * @param excludeColumns a set of names of the columns to exclude from the table. */ public void setExcludeColumns(final Set<String> excludeColumns) { this.excludeColumns = excludeColumns; } @Override public Input createInputParameter() { return new Input(); } @Override public Output execute(final Input values, final ExecutionContext context) throws Exception { final TableAttributeValue jsonTable = values.table; final Collection<Map<String, ?>> table = new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>(); final String[] columnNames = jsonTable.columns; // this map needs to be linked so it keeps order Map<String, Class<?>> columns = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); final PArray[] jsonData =; for (final PArray jsonRow : jsonData) { checkCancelState(context); final Map<String, Object> row = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int j = 0; j < jsonRow.size(); j++) { final String columnName = columnNames[j]; Object rowValue = jsonRow.get(j); if (rowValue == JSONObject.NULL) { rowValue = null; } TableColumnConverter<?> converter = this.columnConverterMap.get(columnName); if (converter != null) { rowValue = converter.resolve(values.clientHttpRequestFactoryProvider.get(), (String) rowValue); } else { rowValue = tryConvert(values.clientHttpRequestFactoryProvider.get(), rowValue); } if (columns.size() < this.maxColumns && !this.excludeColumns.contains(columnName)) { Class<?> columnDef = columns.get(columnName); if (columnDef == null) { Class<?> rowValueClass = null; if (rowValue != null) { rowValueClass = rowValue.getClass(); } columns.put(columnName, rowValueClass); } } row.put(columnName, rowValue); } table.add(row); } String subreport = null; if (this.dynamic) { subreport = generateSubReport(values, columns); } final JRMapCollectionDataSource dataSource = new JRMapCollectionDataSource(table); return new Output(dataSource, table.size(), subreport); } /** * If converters are set on a table, this function tests if these can convert * a cell value. The first converter, which claims that it can convert, * will be used to do the conversion. */ private Object tryConvert(final MfClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory, final Object rowValue) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { if (this.converters.isEmpty()) { return rowValue; } String value = String.valueOf(rowValue); for (TableColumnConverter<?> converter : this.converters) { if (converter.canConvert(value)) { return converter.resolve(clientHttpRequestFactory, value); } } return rowValue; } private String generateSubReport( final Input input, final Map<String, Class<?>> columns) throws JRException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { byte[] bytes = loadJasperTemplate(input.template.getConfiguration()); final JasperDesign templateDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); if (this.reportWidth != null) { templateDesign.setPageWidth(this.reportWidth); } int headerHeight = templateDesign.getColumnHeader().getHeight(); final JRDesignSection detailSection = (JRDesignSection) templateDesign.getDetailSection(); int detailHeight = detailSection.getBands()[0].getHeight(); final JRElement sampleHeaderEl = templateDesign.getColumnHeader().getElements()[0]; int headerPosX = sampleHeaderEl.getX(); int headerPosY = sampleHeaderEl.getY(); final JRElement sampleDetailEl = detailSection.getBands()[0].getElements()[0]; int detailPosX = sampleDetailEl.getX(); int detailPosY = sampleDetailEl.getY(); clearFields(templateDesign); removeDetailBand(templateDesign); JRDesignBand headerBand = new JRDesignBand(); headerBand.setHeight(headerHeight); templateDesign.setColumnHeader(headerBand); JRDesignBand detailBand = new JRDesignBand(); detailBand.setHeight(detailHeight); detailSection.addBand(detailBand); final int columnWidth; final int numColumns = columns.size(); if (columns.isEmpty()) { columnWidth = templateDesign.getPageWidth(); } else { columnWidth = (templateDesign.getPageWidth() - (SPACE_BETWEEN_COLS * (numColumns - 1))) / numColumns; } int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, Class<?>> entry : columns.entrySet()) { i++; JRStyle columnDetailStyle; JRStyle columnHeaderStyle; if (i == 1) { columnDetailStyle = getStyle(templateDesign, this.firstDetailStyle, this.detailStyle); columnHeaderStyle = getStyle(templateDesign, this.firstHeaderStyle, this.headerStyle); } else if (i == numColumns) { columnDetailStyle = getStyle(templateDesign, this.lastDetailStyle, this.detailStyle); columnHeaderStyle = getStyle(templateDesign, this.lastHeaderStyle, this.headerStyle); } else { columnDetailStyle = templateDesign.getStylesMap().get(this.detailStyle); columnHeaderStyle = templateDesign.getStylesMap().get(this.headerStyle); } String columnName = entry.getKey(); Class<?> valueClass = String.class; if (entry.getValue() != null) { valueClass = entry.getValue(); } // Create a Column Field JRDesignField field = new JRDesignField(); field.setName(columnName); if (this.converters.isEmpty()) { // if there are no cell converters, the type for all cells in a column should be the same. // so we can set a specific type. otherwise we have to set a generic type (Object.class). field.setValueClass(valueClass); } else { field.setValueClass(Object.class); } templateDesign.addField(field); // Add a Header Field to the headerBand JRDesignTextField colHeaderField = new JRDesignTextField(); colHeaderField.setX(headerPosX); colHeaderField.setY(headerPosY); colHeaderField.setWidth(columnWidth); colHeaderField.setHeight(headerHeight); colHeaderField.setHorizontalTextAlign(HorizontalTextAlignEnum.LEFT); colHeaderField.setStyle(columnHeaderStyle); colHeaderField.setStretchWithOverflow(true); colHeaderField.setStretchType(StretchTypeEnum.RELATIVE_TO_TALLEST_OBJECT); JRDesignExpression headerExpression = new JRDesignExpression(); headerExpression.setText('"' + columnName + '"'); colHeaderField.setExpression(headerExpression); headerBand.addElement(colHeaderField); // Add fields to the detailBand if (this.converters.isEmpty()) { // if no converters are used, create a field depending on the type JRDesignElement designElement; if (RenderedImage.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) { designElement = createImageElement(templateDesign, columnName); addElement(detailBand, designElement, detailPosX, detailPosY, columnWidth, detailHeight, columnDetailStyle); } else { JRDesignTextField textField = createTextField(columnName); addElement(detailBand, textField, detailPosX, detailPosY, columnWidth, detailHeight, columnDetailStyle); } } else { // image element JRDesignElement imageElement = createImageElement(templateDesign, columnName); // condition: use this element for images JRDesignExpression printWhenExpression = new JRDesignExpression(); printWhenExpression.setText("new Boolean($F{" + columnName + "}.getClass().equals(java.awt.image.BufferedImage.class))"); imageElement.setPrintWhenExpression(printWhenExpression); addElement(detailBand, imageElement, detailPosX, detailPosY, columnWidth, detailHeight, columnDetailStyle); // text field element JRDesignTextField textField = createTextField(columnName); // condition: use this element for non-images printWhenExpression = new JRDesignExpression(); printWhenExpression.setText("new Boolean(!$F{" + columnName + "}.getClass().equals(java.awt.image.BufferedImage.class))"); textField.setPrintWhenExpression(printWhenExpression); addElement(detailBand, textField, detailPosX, detailPosY, columnWidth, detailHeight, columnDetailStyle); } headerPosX = headerPosX + columnWidth + SPACE_BETWEEN_COLS; detailPosX = detailPosX + columnWidth + SPACE_BETWEEN_COLS; } final File jrxmlFile = File.createTempFile("table-", JASPER_REPORT_XML_FILE_EXT, input.tempTaskDirectory); JRXmlWriter.writeReport(templateDesign, jrxmlFile.getAbsolutePath(), Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); final File buildFile = File.createTempFile("table-", JASPER_REPORT_COMPILED_FILE_EXT, input.tempTaskDirectory); if (!buildFile.delete()) { throw new PrintException("Unable to delete the build file: " + buildFile); } return this.jasperReportBuilder.compileJasperReport(buildFile, jrxmlFile).getAbsolutePath(); } private JRDesignTextField createTextField(final String columnName) { JRDesignTextField textField = new JRDesignTextField(); textField.setHorizontalTextAlign(HorizontalTextAlignEnum.LEFT); JRDesignExpression expression = new JRDesignExpression(); expression.setText("$F{" + columnName + "}"); textField.setExpression(expression); textField.setStretchWithOverflow(true); return textField; } private JRDesignElement createImageElement(final JasperDesign templateDesign, final String columnName) { JRDesignImage designImage = new JRDesignImage(templateDesign); designImage.setScaleImage(ScaleImageEnum.RETAIN_SHAPE); designImage.setHorizontalImageAlign(HorizontalImageAlignEnum.LEFT); JRDesignExpression expression = new JRDesignExpression(); expression.setText("$F{" + columnName + "}"); designImage.setExpression(expression); return designImage; } private void addElement(final JRDesignBand detailBand, final JRDesignElement designElement, final int detailPosX, final int detailPosY, final int columnWidth, final int detailHeight, final JRStyle columnDetailStyle) { designElement.setStretchType(StretchTypeEnum.RELATIVE_TO_TALLEST_OBJECT); designElement.setX(detailPosX); designElement.setY(detailPosY); designElement.setWidth(columnWidth); designElement.setHeight(detailHeight); designElement.setStyle(columnDetailStyle); detailBand.addElement(designElement); } private void removeDetailBand(final JasperDesign templateDesign) { final JRDesignSection detailSection = (JRDesignSection) templateDesign.getDetailSection(); final List<JRBand> bandsList = Lists.newArrayList(detailSection.getBandsList()); for (JRBand jrBand : bandsList) { detailSection.removeBand(jrBand); } } private void clearFields(final JasperDesign templateDesign) { final List<JRField> fieldsList = Lists.newArrayList(templateDesign.getFieldsList()); for (JRField jrField : fieldsList) { templateDesign.removeField(jrField); } } private JRStyle getStyle(final JasperDesign templateDesign, final String specificStyle, final String defaultStyle) { JRStyle columnDetailStyle; if (specificStyle != null) { columnDetailStyle = templateDesign.getStylesMap().get(specificStyle); } else { columnDetailStyle = templateDesign.getStylesMap().get(defaultStyle); } return columnDetailStyle; } @Override protected void extraValidation(final List<Throwable> validationErrors, final Configuration configuration) { final boolean styleRefDeclared = this.firstHeaderStyle != null || this.lastHeaderStyle != null || this.headerStyle != null || this.firstDetailStyle != null || this.lastDetailStyle != null || this.detailStyle != null; if (styleRefDeclared && this.jasperTemplate == null) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException( "if a style is declared a 'jasperTemplate' must also be declared (in !tableProcessor).")); } if (styleRefDeclared && !this.dynamic) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException( "if a style is declared dynamic must be true (in !tableProcessor).")); } if (this.dynamic) { if (this.jasperTemplate == null) { try { this.jasperTemplate = TableProcessor.class.getResource("dynamic-table-default.jrxml").toURI().toString(); this.firstDetailStyle = "column_style_1"; this.detailStyle = "column_style_2"; this.lastDetailStyle = "column_style_3"; this.firstHeaderStyle = "header_style_1"; this.headerStyle = "header_style_2"; this.lastHeaderStyle = "header_style_3"; this.defaultTemplate = true; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new Error(e); } } if (this.headerStyle == null) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException( "'headerStyle' property must be declared if !tableProcessor is dynamic.")); } if (this.detailStyle == null) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException( "'detailStyle' property must be declared if !tableProcessor is dynamic.")); } try { byte[] bytes = loadJasperTemplate(configuration); final JasperDesign templateDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); final Map<String, JRStyle> stylesMap = templateDesign.getStylesMap(); if (templateDesign.getColumnHeader() == null) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException( "JasperTemplate must have a column band defined for height and positioning information")); } else if (templateDesign.getColumnHeader().getElements().length == 0) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException( "column header band must have at least one element defined for to height and positioning information")); } final JRDesignSection detailSection = (JRDesignSection) templateDesign.getDetailSection(); if (detailSection.getBands().length == 0) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException( "JasperTemplate must have a detail band defined for height and positioning information")); } else if (detailSection.getBands()[0].getElements().length == 0) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException( "detail band must have at least one element defined for to height and positioning information")); } checkStyleExists(validationErrors, stylesMap, this.firstDetailStyle); checkStyleExists(validationErrors, stylesMap, this.detailStyle); checkStyleExists(validationErrors, stylesMap, this.lastDetailStyle); checkStyleExists(validationErrors, stylesMap, this.firstHeaderStyle); checkStyleExists(validationErrors, stylesMap, this.headerStyle); checkStyleExists(validationErrors, stylesMap, this.lastHeaderStyle); } catch (Throwable e) { validationErrors.add(e); } } } private byte[] loadJasperTemplate(final Configuration configuration) throws IOException { if (this.defaultTemplate) { return Resources.toByteArray(new URL(this.jasperTemplate)); } else { return configuration.loadFile(this.jasperTemplate); } } private void checkStyleExists(final List<Throwable> validationErrors, final Map<String, JRStyle> stylesMap, final String styleRef) { if (styleRef != null && !stylesMap.containsKey(styleRef)) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException( "No style with id: '" + styleRef + "' exists in " + this.jasperTemplate)); } } /** * Input object for execute. */ public static final class Input { /** * A factory for making http requests. This is added to the values by the framework and therefore * does not need to be set in configuration */ public MfClientHttpRequestFactoryProvider clientHttpRequestFactoryProvider; /** * The directory to write the generated table to (if dynamic). */ public File tempTaskDirectory; /** * The template containing this table processor. */ public Template template; /** * Data for constructing the table Datasource. */ public TableAttributeValue table; } /** * The Output of the processor. */ public static final class Output { /** * The table datasource. */ public final JRMapCollectionDataSource tableDataSource; /** * The number of rows in the table. */ public final int numberOfTableRows; /** * The path to the generated sub-report. If dynamic is false then this will be null. */ public final String tableSubReport; private Output(final JRMapCollectionDataSource dataSource, final int numberOfTableRows, final String subReport) { this.tableDataSource = dataSource; this.numberOfTableRows = numberOfTableRows; this.tableSubReport = subReport; } } }