package lux.xqts; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import java.util.Map; import lux.Compiler; import lux.Compiler.SearchStrategy; import lux.QueryContext; import lux.QueryStats; import lux.XdmResultSet; import lux.compiler.PathOptimizer; import lux.compiler.SaxonTranslator; import lux.exception.LuxException; import lux.index.IndexConfiguration; import lux.xml.QName; import lux.xqts.TestCase.ComparisonMode; import lux.xquery.XQuery; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryEvaluator; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryExecutable; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmItem; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmValue; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class TestRunner extends RunnerBase { private static final int MIL = 1000000; private long compile0; private long compile1; private long compileTime; private long translateTime; private long optimizeTime; private long evalTime; private long bindTime; private String luxQuery; @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { // By default, no indexes are created, and no Lux query optimizations are performed. // This has the effect of testing the query translator only setup(IndexConfiguration.STORE_DOCUMENT, "TestSources"); // setup(IndexConfiguration.DEFAULT_OPTIONS, "TestSources"); } private boolean runTest (String caseName) throws Exception { TestCase test1 = catalog.getTestCaseByName(caseName); assertNotNull ("test case not found in catalog: " + caseName, test1); return runTest (test1); } private boolean runTest (TestCase test1) throws Exception { ++numtests; QueryContext context = new QueryContext(); try { long t00 = System.nanoTime(); bindExternalVariables(test1, context); long t0 = System.nanoTime(); XQueryExecutable expr = compileXQuery(test1.getQueryText()); context.setContextItem(test1.getContextItem()); if (printDetailedDiagnostics) { eval.setQueryStats(new QueryStats()); } long t1 = System.nanoTime(); XdmResultSet results = (XdmResultSet) eval.evaluate(expr, context); long t2 = System.nanoTime(); bindTime += (t0 - t00); // accumulated inside compileXQuery // compileTime += (t1 - t0); evalTime += (t2 - t1); if (benchmark) { return true; } if (!results.getErrors().isEmpty()) { throw results.getErrors().get(0); } /* if (test1.isExpectError()) { System.err.println (test1.getName() + " did not cause expected error"); return false; } */ Boolean comparedEqual = test1.compareResult (results); if (comparedEqual == null || comparedEqual) { //System.out.println (test1.getName() + " OK in " + stats.totalTime + "ms"); return true; } else { System.err.println (test1.getName() + " Mismatch: " + TestCase.resultToString(results) + " is not " + test1.getOutputText()[0]); ++numfailed; // debugging diagnostics: if (printDetailedDiagnostics) { SearchStrategy currentStrategy = eval.getCompiler().getSearchStrategy(); eval.getCompiler().setSearchStrategy(SearchStrategy.NONE); System.err.print (test1.getQueryText()); XQueryExecutable xq = eval.getCompiler().getXQueryCompiler().compile(test1.getQueryText()); results = (XdmResultSet) eval.evaluate(xq, context); XdmItem item = results.getXdmValue().itemAt(0); if (! test1.compareResult(item)) { System.err.println (test1.getName() + " Saxon fails too?"); } else { System.err.println (new SaxonTranslator(saxonConfig).queryFor(xq)); } eval.getCompiler().setSearchStrategy(currentStrategy); } return false; } } catch (Exception e) { // Saxon's XQTS report says it doesn't check actual error codes, so neither do we if (! (test1.isExpectError() || test1.getComparisonMode() == ComparisonMode.Ignore)) { ++numfailed; String error = e.getMessage(); if (error != null && error.length() > 1024) { error = error.substring(0, 1024); } System.err.println (test1.getName() + " at " + test1.getPath() + " Unexpected Error: " + error); // diagnostics: if (printDetailedDiagnostics ) { XQueryExecutable xq = eval.getCompiler().getXQueryCompiler().compile(test1.getQueryText()); XQueryEvaluator xqeval = xq.load(); if (context.getVariableBindings() != null) { for (Map.Entry<QName, Object> binding : context.getVariableBindings().entrySet()) { net.sf.saxon.s9api.QName saxonQName = new net.sf.saxon.s9api.QName(binding.getKey()); xqeval.setExternalVariable(saxonQName, (XdmValue) binding.getValue()); } } System.err.print("translated query: " + luxQuery + "\n\n"); try { XdmItem item = xqeval.evaluateSingle(); System.err.println (test1.getQueryText() + " returns " + item); } catch (Exception e1) { System.err.println (test1.getQueryText() + "\n\n failed while trying to print diagnostics"); e1.printStackTrace(); } } if (terminateOnException) { throw (e); } else { return false; } } //e.printStackTrace(); //System.out.println (test1.getName() + " OK (expected error)"); return true; } } // break out some internals of the lux optimizer so we can measure timings private XQueryExecutable compileXQuery(String exprString) throws LuxException { XQueryExecutable xquery; long t0 = System.nanoTime(); try { xquery = eval.getCompiler().getXQueryCompiler().compile(new StringReader(exprString)); } catch (SaxonApiException e) { throw new LuxException (e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LuxException (e); } long t1 = System.nanoTime(); compile0 += (t1 - t0); compileTime += (t1 - t0); XQuery abstractQuery = eval.getCompiler().makeTranslator().queryFor (xquery); long t2 = System.nanoTime(); translateTime += (t2 - t1); if (eval.getCompiler().getSearchStrategy() != SearchStrategy.NONE) { PathOptimizer optimizer = new PathOptimizer(eval.getCompiler()); XQuery optimizedQuery = optimizer.optimize(abstractQuery); luxQuery = optimizedQuery.toString(); } else { luxQuery = abstractQuery.toString(); } long t3 = System.nanoTime(); optimizeTime += (t3 - t2); try { xquery = eval.getCompiler().getXQueryCompiler().compile(new StringReader(luxQuery)); } catch (SaxonApiException e) { System.err.print("Error compiling " + luxQuery + "\n"); throw new LuxException (e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LuxException (e); } float compileTimeRatio = (t3 - t2) / (float) (t1 - t0); if (t3 - t2 > 2 * (t1 - t0)) { System.out.println ("Query got " + compileTimeRatio + " times harder to compile after optimization"); } long t4 = System.nanoTime(); compileTime += (t4 - t3); compile1 += (t4 - t3); return xquery; } private void runTestGroup (String groupName) throws Exception { ErrorIgnorer ignorer = (ErrorIgnorer) saxonConfig.getErrorListener(); if (printDetailedDiagnostics) { ignorer.setShowErrors(true); } else { ignorer.setShowErrors(false); } TestGroup group = catalog.getTestGroupByName(groupName); assertNotNull (groupName, group); testOneGroup (group); } private void testOneGroup (TestGroup group) throws Exception { //System.out.println(group.getBannerString()); for (TestCase test : group.getTestCases()) { runTest (test); } for (TestGroup subgroup : group.getSubGroups()) { testOneGroup (subgroup); } } @Test public void testOneTest() throws Exception { printDetailedDiagnostics = true; // Constr-cont-nsmode-11 requires schema-aware processing // K2-DirectConElemContent-35 Mismatch: true is not false // K2-ComputeConElem-9 Mismatch: true is not false // do these require schema-awarenes??? // assertTrue (runTest ("K2-DirectConElemContent-35")); // These two I don't understand what's wrong with the generated expression - maybe a Saxon bug? // K2-sequenceExprTypeswitch-14: The context item for axis step self::node() is undefined // K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-11: The context item is absent, so position() is undefined // K2-SeqExprCast-209 Mismatch: 〜 is not 〜 // count as pass //<e/>/(typeswitch (self::node()) // case $i as node() return . // becomes: // declare namespace zz=""; // (<e >{() }</e>)/(let $zz:zz_typeswitchVar := self::node() return if ($zz:zz_typeswitchVar instance of node()) then (.) else (1)) //assertTrue (runTest ("K2-sequenceExprTypeswitch-14")); // assertTrue (runTest ("fn-id-dtd-5")); //assertTrue (runTest ("fn-collection-4")); // These tests fail when we add the SaxonTranslator into the mix // we are dropping the types from name tests: // assertTrue (runTest ("K2-NameTest-68")); // I have no idea why this is failing? assertTrue (runTest ("K2-sequenceExprTypeswitch-14")); // // and this as well: // assertTrue (runTest ("K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-11")); // // if subsequence($b,$p,1) below is changed to $b[$p] then the expression compiles, // otherwise you get an error about no context item being defined // // declare variable $a as attribute()* := ((attribute { "name1" } { "" }),(attribute { "name2" } { "" }),(attribute { "name3" } { "" })); // declare variable $b as attribute()* := ((attribute { "name1" } { "" }),(attribute { "name2" } { "" }),(attribute { "name3" } { "" })); // ($a)/(let $p := position() return . is subsequence($b,$p,1)) // assertTrue (runTest ("TypedArguments-1")); // assertTrue (runTest ("TypedArguments-2")); } @Test public void testGroup () throws Exception { terminateOnException = false; // 2012-12-26: 19/19426 tests fail - 5 are surrogate-related; 10 are collection-related // 22/17497 fail w/lux translation and no optimization // 61/17498 fail w/lux optimization - we have changed the default context item runTestGroup ("MinimalConformance"); //runTestGroup ("FunctX"); //runTestGroup ("Basics"); //runTestGroup ("Expressions"); } /* * Run test cases through Saxon only so we can compare runtime with and without Lux optimization * runtime with Saxon alone: 34102 * runtime including Lux optimizing compilation: 53170 */ @Test public void testBenchmarkCompiler () throws Exception { benchmarkComparison(5, "MinimalConformance"); } private void benchmarkComparison (int runs, String testGroup) throws Exception { terminateOnException = false; benchmark = true; Compiler compiler = eval.getCompiler(); compiler.setSearchStrategy(SearchStrategy.LUX_SEARCH); runTestGroup (testGroup); compiler.setSearchStrategy(SearchStrategy.NONE); runTestGroup (testGroup); System.out.println ("Benchmark Saxon alone"); benchmark(runs, testGroup); System.out.println ("Benchmark including Lux optimize"); compiler.setSearchStrategy(SearchStrategy.LUX_SEARCH); benchmark(runs, testGroup); } private void benchmark(int runs, String testGroup) throws Exception { evalTime = 0; compileTime = 0; compile0 = 0; compile1 = 0; bindTime = 0; optimizeTime = 0; translateTime = 0; long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { runTestGroup (testGroup); } long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println (String.format("total time=%dms, bind=%dms, compile=%dms, translate=%dms, optimize=%dms, eval=%dms\n", (t1-t0), bindTime/MIL, compileTime/MIL, translateTime/MIL, optimizeTime/MIL, evalTime/MIL)); System.out.println (String.format("compile0=%d, compile1=%d\n", compile0/MIL, compile1/MIL)); } /* * Run test cases, replacing the context item with collection(). * Compare results and timing using Lux with results and timing using Saxon * alone fetching files from the file system. * * To do this: * 1. Change the processing of context items when we load the tests to bind external variables to collection() * 2. Change the test runner so it compares results from Lux and Saxon (not from XQTS) * 2a. the test runner should skip tests that throw errors, and those that use the emptydoc as context * 3. Change setup() so it actually indexes the content and optimizes the queries * * We also need to update Lux so that it optimizes (specifically) the use of collection() via a variable. */ @Test public void testBenchmark () throws Exception { terminateOnException = false; benchmark = true; eval.getCompiler().setSearchStrategy(SearchStrategy.LUX_SEARCH); //benchmarkComparison (100, "Basics"); benchmarkComparison (50, "PathExpr"); } } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at */