package lux.compiler; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import lux.exception.LuxException; import lux.xml.QName; import lux.xml.ValueType; import lux.xpath.AbstractExpression; import lux.xpath.BinaryOperation; import lux.xpath.BinaryOperation.Operator; import lux.xpath.Dot; import lux.xpath.FunCall; import lux.xpath.LiteralExpression; import lux.xpath.Namespace; import lux.xpath.PathExpression; import lux.xpath.PathStep; import lux.xpath.Predicate; import lux.xpath.Root; import lux.xpath.Sequence; import lux.xpath.Subsequence; import lux.xpath.UnaryMinus; import lux.xquery.AttributeConstructor; import lux.xquery.CommentConstructor; import lux.xquery.ComputedElementConstructor; import lux.xquery.Conditional; import lux.xquery.DocumentConstructor; import lux.xquery.ElementConstructor; import lux.xquery.FLWOR; import lux.xquery.FLWORClause; import lux.xquery.ForClause; import lux.xquery.FunctionDefinition; import lux.xquery.InstanceOf; import lux.xquery.LetClause; import lux.xquery.ModuleImport; import lux.xquery.OrderByClause; import lux.xquery.ProcessingInstructionConstructor; import lux.xquery.Satisfies; import lux.xquery.Satisfies.Quantifier; import lux.xquery.SortKey; import lux.xquery.TextConstructor; import lux.xquery.Variable; import lux.xquery.VariableDefinition; import lux.xquery.WhereClause; import lux.xquery.XQuery; import net.sf.saxon.Configuration; import net.sf.saxon.expr.*; import net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.Clause; import net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.FLWORExpression; import net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.LocalVariableBinding; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Block; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Choose; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Comment; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ComputedAttribute; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ComputedElement; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.CopyOf; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.DocumentInstr; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.FixedAttribute; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.FixedElement; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.GlobalVariable; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ProcessingInstruction; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.UserFunctionParameter; import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ValueOf; import net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.Token; import net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.DocumentSorter; import net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortKeyDefinition; import net.sf.saxon.functions.StandardFunction; import net.sf.saxon.functions.StandardFunction.Entry; import net.sf.saxon.lib.FeatureKeys; import net.sf.saxon.lib.NamespaceConstant; import*; import net.sf.saxon.pattern.CombinedNodeTest; import net.sf.saxon.pattern.DocumentNodeTest; import net.sf.saxon.pattern.LocalNameTest; import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NameTest; import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NamespaceTest; import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NodeTest; import net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule; import net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryExpression; import net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryFunction; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryExecutable; import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException; import net.sf.saxon.type.AtomicType; import net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType; import net.sf.saxon.type.ErrorType; import net.sf.saxon.type.ItemType; import net.sf.saxon.type.Type; import net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue; import net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue; import net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue; import net.sf.saxon.value.Cardinality; import net.sf.saxon.value.DurationValue; import net.sf.saxon.value.QNameValue; import net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceType; import net.sf.saxon.z.IntSet; import net.sf.saxon.z.IntUniversalSet; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /* TODO: AdjacentTextNodeMerger, EmptyTextNodeRemover, DocumentSorter, CastToList, CastableToList, SingletonAtomizer, */ /** * Translates Saxon XPath 2.0 Expressions into Lux AbstractExpressions. */ public class SaxonTranslator { public static final String CODEPOINT_COLLATION = ""; private Configuration config; private HashMap<String,String> namespaceDeclarations; private static final HashMap<String,ExprClass> dispatcher = new HashMap<String,ExprClass>(); static { for (ExprClass eclass : ExprClass.values()) { dispatcher.put (eclass.toString(), eclass); } } private QueryModule queryModule; public SaxonTranslator (Configuration config) { this.config = config; namespaceDeclarations = new HashMap<String, String>(); } /** Converts from a Saxon to a lux xquery representation. * @param xquery a Saxon representation of an XQuery module * @return a lux representation of an equivalent XQuery module */ public XQuery queryFor(XQueryExecutable xquery) { XQueryExpression saxonQuery = xquery.getUnderlyingCompiledQuery(); queryModule = saxonQuery.getStaticContext(); Iterator<?> moduleIter = queryModule.getExecutable().getQueryLibraryModules(); ArrayList<ModuleImport> importedModules = new ArrayList<ModuleImport>(); while (moduleIter.hasNext()) { QueryModule importedModule = (QueryModule); String moduleNamespace = importedModule.getModuleNamespace(); String prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(moduleNamespace); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(prefix)) { // if prefix is blank, that indicates the imported module was not used importedModules.add(new ModuleImport(prefix, moduleNamespace, importedModule.getSystemId())); } } //StructuredQName[] extVars = saxonQuery.getExternalVariableNames(); // Namespace declarations are accumulated while walking the expression trees: initializeNamespaces(saxonQuery); FunctionDefinition[] functionDefinitions = getFunctionDefinitions(); AbstractExpression body = exprFor (saxonQuery.getExpression()); String defaultCollation = queryModule.getDefaultCollationName(); if (defaultCollation.equals (CODEPOINT_COLLATION)) { defaultCollation = null; } VariableDefinition[] variableDefinitions = getVariableDefinitions(queryModule); Boolean isPreserveNamespaces = (Boolean) config.getConfigurationProperty(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_PRESERVE_NAMESPACES); Boolean isInheritNamespaces = (Boolean) config.getConfigurationProperty(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_INHERIT_NAMESPACES); if (queryModule.isPreserveNamespaces() == isPreserveNamespaces && queryModule.isInheritNamespaces() == isInheritNamespaces) { // both settings are the same as the current config, so no need to insert an explicit declaration in the query isPreserveNamespaces = isInheritNamespaces = null; } else { isPreserveNamespaces = queryModule.isPreserveNamespaces(); isInheritNamespaces = queryModule.isInheritNamespaces(); } return new XQuery( queryModule.getDefaultElementNamespace(), queryModule.getDefaultFunctionNamespace(), defaultCollation, importedModules.toArray(new ModuleImport[importedModules.size()]), getNamespaceDeclarations(), variableDefinitions, functionDefinitions, body, queryModule.getBaseURI(), isPreserveNamespaces, isInheritNamespaces, queryModule.isEmptyLeast()); } private void initializeNamespaces(XQueryExpression saxonQuery) { namespaceDeclarations.clear(); NamespaceResolver ns = saxonQuery.getStaticContext().getNamespaceResolver(); Iterator<String> prefixes = ns.iteratePrefixes(); while (prefixes.hasNext()) { String prefix =; String nsURI = ns.getURIForPrefix(prefix, false); if (!(NamespaceConstant.isReservedInQuery(nsURI) || (prefix.equals("saxon") && nsURI.equals(NamespaceConstant.SAXON)) || (prefix.equals("local") && nsURI.equals(NamespaceConstant.LOCAL)) || (prefix.equals("err") && nsURI.equals(NamespaceConstant.ERR)) || (prefix.equals("lux") && nsURI.equals(FunCall.LUX_NAMESPACE)))) { namespaceDeclarations.put(prefix, nsURI); } } } private Namespace[] getNamespaceDeclarations() { // String defElementNS = queryModule.getDefaultElementNamespace(); // String defFunctionNS = queryModule.getDefaultFunctionNamespace(); // We'd like to get our hands on queryModule.explicitPrologNamespaces :( // Without it we have to resort to some scanning ugliness in search of // all namespaces. Namespace[] decls = new Namespace[namespaceDeclarations.size()]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : namespaceDeclarations.entrySet()) { decls[i++] = new Namespace (entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return decls; } private VariableDefinition[] getVariableDefinitions(QueryModule module) { ArrayList<VariableDefinition> defs = new ArrayList<VariableDefinition>(); Iterator<GlobalVariable> decls = module.getModuleVariables(); while (decls.hasNext()) { GlobalVariable decl =; GlobalVariable global = decl.getUltimateOriginalVariable(); String typeDesc = getTypeDescription (decl.getRequiredType()); Variable var = global != null ? (Variable) exprFor(global) : new Variable(qnameFor(decl.getVariableQName())); int order = decl.getLineNumber() * 1000000 + decl.getColumnNumber(); VariableDefinition def = new VariableDefinition(var, exprFor(decl.getSelectExpression()), typeDesc, order); defs.add(def); } VariableDefinition [] orderedDefs = defs.toArray(new VariableDefinition[0]); Arrays.sort(orderedDefs); return orderedDefs; } private void addNamespaceDeclaration (QName qname) { String prefix = qname.getPrefix(); String namespaceURI = qname.getNamespaceURI(); if (! namespaceDeclarations.containsKey(prefix)) { // We only want the outermost binding of each prefix; these // are used to generate the namespace declarations in the query preamble namespaceDeclarations.put(prefix, namespaceURI); } } private FunctionDefinition[] getFunctionDefinitions() { ArrayList<FunctionDefinition> functionDefinitions = new ArrayList<FunctionDefinition>(); Iterator<XQueryFunction> functions = queryModule.getLocalFunctionLibrary().getFunctionDefinitions(); while (functions.hasNext()) { XQueryFunction function =; UserFunctionParameter[] params = function.getParameterDefinitions(); Variable[] args = new Variable[params.length]; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { QName argname = qnameFor (params[i].getVariableQName()); addNamespaceDeclaration(argname); args[i] = new Variable (argname, getTypeDescription(params[i].getRequiredType())); } QName fname = qnameFor(function.getFunctionName()); addNamespaceDeclaration(fname); SequenceType resultType = function.getResultType(); ItemType returnType = resultType.getPrimaryType(); QName returnTypeName = null; if (returnType instanceof NameTest) { returnTypeName = qnameForNameCode (((NameTest) returnType).getFingerprint()); } FunctionDefinition fdef = new FunctionDefinition(fname, valueTypeForItemType(resultType.getPrimaryType()), cardinalityOf(resultType), returnTypeName, args, exprFor (function.getBody())); functionDefinitions.add (fdef); } return functionDefinitions.toArray(new FunctionDefinition[0]); } private String getTypeDescription (SequenceType sequenceType) { // typeDesc = decl.getRequiredType().getPrimaryType().toString(); if (sequenceType == null) { return null; } String typeDesc; ItemType itemType = sequenceType.getPrimaryType(); if (itemType.isAtomicType()) { typeDesc = sequenceType.toString(); } else { // Note: we drop specializations of the element() (and document()) types since // compile-time errors will already have been reported, and run-time errors are handled // using the "treat as" operator. typeDesc = itemType.getPrimitiveItemType().toString(); int cardinality = sequenceType.getCardinality(); if (cardinality == StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ONE_OR_MORE) { typeDesc = typeDesc + '+'; } else if (cardinality == StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE) { typeDesc = typeDesc + '*'; } else if (cardinality == StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_ONE) { typeDesc = typeDesc + '?'; } } return typeDesc; } public AbstractExpression exprFor (AtomicSequenceConverter atomizer) { return exprFor (atomizer.getBaseExpression()); } /* return a QName suitable for use as a constructor of the given type */ private QName qnameFor (AtomicType type) { if (type.isBuiltInType()) { return qnameFor (((BuiltInAtomicType)type).getQualifiedName()); } return qnameForNameCode(type.getNameCode()); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (Atomizer atomizer) { Expression base = atomizer.getBaseExpression(); return exprFor (base); //return new FunCall (FunCall.FN_DATA, ValueType.ATOMIC, exprFor (base)); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (AxisExpression expr) { PathStep.Axis axis; switch (expr.getAxis()) { case AxisInfo.ANCESTOR: axis = PathStep.Axis.Ancestor; break; case AxisInfo.PARENT: axis = PathStep.Axis.Parent; break; case AxisInfo.DESCENDANT: axis = PathStep.Axis.Descendant; break; case AxisInfo.PRECEDING: axis = PathStep.Axis.Preceding; break; case AxisInfo.FOLLOWING: axis = PathStep.Axis.Following; break; case AxisInfo.SELF: axis = PathStep.Axis.Self; break; case AxisInfo.PRECEDING_SIBLING: axis = PathStep.Axis.PrecedingSibling; break; case AxisInfo.FOLLOWING_SIBLING: axis = PathStep.Axis.FollowingSibling; break; case AxisInfo.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF: axis = PathStep.Axis.AncestorSelf; break; case AxisInfo.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF: axis = PathStep.Axis.DescendantSelf; break; case AxisInfo.ATTRIBUTE: axis = PathStep.Axis.Attribute; break; case AxisInfo.CHILD: axis = PathStep.Axis.Child; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported axis in expression: " + expr.toString()); } AbstractExpression ae = exprFor (axis, expr.getNodeTest()); /* if (!Axis.isForwards[expr.getAxis()]) { ae = new FunCall (new QName("reverse"), ae); } */ return ae; } private BinaryOperation exprFor (PathStep.Axis axis, CombinedNodeTest nodeTest) { NodeTest[] tests = nodeTest.getComponentNodeTests(); BinaryOperation.Operator op = operatorFor(nodeTest.getOperator()); return new BinaryOperation (exprFor(axis, tests[0]), op, exprFor(axis, tests[1])); } private lux.xpath.NodeTest nodeTestFor (DocumentNodeTest nodeTest) { NodeTest elementTest = nodeTest.getElementTest(); int nameCode = elementTest.getFingerprint(); return new lux.xpath.NodeTest (ValueType.DOCUMENT, qnameForNameCode(nameCode)); } private QName qnameForNameCode(int nameCode) { StructuredQName sqname = config.getNamePool().getStructuredQName(nameCode); String prefix = sqname.getPrefix(); String namespace = sqname.getURI(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(prefix) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(namespace)) { prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(namespace); } return new QName (namespace, sqname.getLocalPart(), prefix); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (PathStep.Axis axis, NodeTest nodeTest) { if (nodeTest != null && nodeTest instanceof CombinedNodeTest) { return exprFor (axis, (CombinedNodeTest) nodeTest); } return new PathStep (axis, nodeTestFor (nodeTest)); } private lux.xpath.NodeTest nodeTestFor (NodeTest nodeTest) { if (nodeTest == null) { return new lux.xpath.NodeTest(ValueType.NODE); } if (nodeTest instanceof DocumentNodeTest) { return nodeTestFor ((DocumentNodeTest) nodeTest); } int nameCode = nodeTest.getFingerprint(); ValueType nodeType = valueTypeForItemType(nodeTest); if (nameCode >= 0) { // matches a single node name return new lux.xpath.NodeTest (nodeType, qnameForNameCode(nameCode)); } else { // matches multiple node names if (nodeTest instanceof LocalNameTest) { return new lux.xpath.NodeTest (nodeType, new QName(null, ((LocalNameTest)nodeTest).getLocalName(), "*")); } if (nodeTest instanceof NamespaceTest) { NamespaceTest namespaceTest = (NamespaceTest) nodeTest; String namespace = namespaceTest.getNamespaceURI(); String prefix = getPrefixForNamespace (namespace); QName qname = new QName(namespace, "*", prefix); addNamespaceDeclaration(qname); return new lux.xpath.NodeTest (nodeType, qname); } IntSet nameCodes = nodeTest.getRequiredNodeNames(); if (nameCodes == IntUniversalSet.getInstance()) { return new lux.xpath.NodeTest (nodeType); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported node test: " + nodeTest.toString()); } } private String getPrefixForNamespace(String namespace) { String prefix = config.getNamePool().suggestPrefixForURI(namespace); if (prefix == null && queryModule != null) { // queryModule can be null when optimizing a query fragment NamespaceResolver resolver = queryModule.getNamespaceResolver(); Iterator<String> prefixes = resolver.iteratePrefixes(); while (prefixes.hasNext()) { String p =; if (namespace.equals(resolver.getURIForPrefix(p, true))) { prefix = p; break; } } } if (prefix != null) { namespaceDeclarations.put(prefix, namespace); } else { for (Map.Entry<String, String> ns : namespaceDeclarations.entrySet()) { if (ns.getValue().equals(namespace)) return ns.getKey(); } // this will happen if queryModule is null; it's actually ok in the only known case, which // is when we translate fragments while checking for document ordering (in which case the // exactitude of the QName translation is irrelevant). prefix = ""; } return prefix; } // covers ArithmeticExpression, BooleanExpression, GeneralComparison, ValueComparison, // IdentityComparison, RangeExpression public AbstractExpression exprFor (BinaryExpression expr) { Expression [] operands = expr.getOperands(); BinaryOperation.Operator op = operatorFor(expr.getOperator()); if (operands[0] instanceof AtomicSequenceConverter || operands[1] instanceof AtomicSequenceConverter) { // Saxon optimizes some general sequences into atomic sequences in a way that // we can't represent in XQuery directly. So we use a General Comparison in that case // which we *think* will mimic Saxon's behavior op = generalizeOperator (op); } return new BinaryOperation (exprFor(operands[0]), op, exprFor(operands[1])); } private static BinaryOperation.Operator generalizeOperator (BinaryOperation.Operator op) { switch (op) { case AEQ: return BinaryOperation.Operator.EQUALS; case ANE : return BinaryOperation.Operator.NE; case ALT : return BinaryOperation.Operator.LT; case ALE : return BinaryOperation.Operator.LE; case AGT : return BinaryOperation.Operator.GT; case AGE : return BinaryOperation.Operator.GE; default: return op; } } private static BinaryOperation.Operator operatorFor(int op) { switch (op) { case Token.AND: return BinaryOperation.Operator.AND; case Token.OR: return BinaryOperation.Operator.OR; case Token.INTERSECT: return BinaryOperation.Operator.INTERSECT; case Token.EXCEPT: return BinaryOperation.Operator.EXCEPT; case Token.UNION: return BinaryOperation.Operator.UNION; case Token.PLUS: return BinaryOperation.Operator.ADD; case Token.MINUS: return BinaryOperation.Operator.SUB; case Token.MULT: return BinaryOperation.Operator.MUL; case Token.DIV: return BinaryOperation.Operator.DIV; case Token.IDIV: return BinaryOperation.Operator.IDIV; case Token.MOD: return BinaryOperation.Operator.MOD; case Token.EQUALS: return BinaryOperation.Operator.EQUALS; case Token.NE: return BinaryOperation.Operator.NE; case Token.LT: return BinaryOperation.Operator.LT; case Token.GT: return BinaryOperation.Operator.GT; case Token.LE: return BinaryOperation.Operator.LE; case Token.GE: return BinaryOperation.Operator.GE; case Token.FEQ: return BinaryOperation.Operator.AEQ; case Token.FNE: return BinaryOperation.Operator.ANE; case Token.FLT: return BinaryOperation.Operator.ALT; case Token.FLE: return BinaryOperation.Operator.ALE; case Token.FGT: return BinaryOperation.Operator.AGT; case Token.FGE: return BinaryOperation.Operator.AGE; case Token.IS: return BinaryOperation.Operator.IS; case Token.PRECEDES: return BinaryOperation.Operator.BEFORE; case Token.FOLLOWS: return BinaryOperation.Operator.AFTER; case Token.TO: return BinaryOperation.Operator.TO; case Token.NEGATE: return BinaryOperation.Operator.SUB; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported operator: " + op); } } public AbstractExpression exprFor (Block expr) { return exprFor (expr.getChildren()); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (CastExpression expr) { Expression base = expr.getBaseExpression(); AtomicType type = expr.getTargetType(); return castExprFor(exprFor(base), type); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (CastableExpression expr) { Expression base = expr.getBaseExpression(); AtomicType type = expr.getTargetType(); return new lux.xquery.CastableExpression(exprFor(base), type.toString()); } private AbstractExpression castExprFor (AbstractExpression ae, AtomicType type) { if (type.isAbstract()) { return ae; } return new FunCall (qnameFor(type), valueTypeForItemType(type), ae); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (ItemChecker checker) { Expression base = checker.getBaseExpression(); AbstractExpression baseExpr = exprFor(base); return baseExpr; } private Sequence exprFor (Expression[] exprs) { AbstractExpression[] aex = new AbstractExpression [exprs.length]; for (int i = 0 ; i < exprs.length; i++) { aex[i] = exprFor (exprs[i]); } return new Sequence (aex); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (Choose choose) { // convert a list of condition/action pairs (a la XSLT) to a chain // of if-then-else conditions a-la XQuery Expression[] conds = choose.getConditions(); Expression[] actions = choose.getActions(); int l = conds.length; if (actions.length != conds.length) { throw new LuxException ("Choose must have the same number of actions as conditions"); } if (l < 2) { return new Conditional (exprFor (conds[0]), exprFor(actions[0]), LiteralExpression.EMPTY); } l -= 2; AbstractExpression tail = new Conditional(exprFor (conds[l]), exprFor (actions[l]), exprFor(actions[l+1])); while (l-- > 0) { tail = new Conditional (exprFor (conds[l]), exprFor(actions[l]), tail); } return tail; } public AbstractExpression exprFor (Comment expr) { return new CommentConstructor(exprFor(expr.getContentExpression())); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (ComputedAttribute expr) { return new AttributeConstructor(exprFor(expr.getNameExpression()), exprFor(expr.getContentExpression())); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (ComputedElement expr) { return new ComputedElementConstructor(exprFor (expr.getNameExpression()), exprFor (expr.getContentExpression())); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (ContextItemExpression expr) { return new Dot(); } private AbstractExpression exprFor(CopyOf expr) { return exprFor (expr.getSelectExpression()); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (DocumentInstr documentInstr) { return new DocumentConstructor (exprFor (documentInstr.getContentExpression())); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (FilterExpression expr) { AbstractExpression filtered = exprFor (expr.getControllingExpression()); AbstractExpression filter = exprFor (expr.getFilter()); return new Predicate(filtered, filter); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (FirstItemExpression expr) { return new Subsequence (exprFor (expr.getBaseExpression()), LiteralExpression.ONE, LiteralExpression.ONE); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (FixedAttribute attribute) { NodeName name = attribute.getAttributeName(); QName qname = qnameFor (name.getStructuredQName()); AttributeConstructor att = new AttributeConstructor( new LiteralExpression(qname.toString(), ValueType.STRING), exprFor (attribute.getContentExpression())); return att; } public AbstractExpression exprFor (FixedElement element) { NodeName name = element.getElementName(); QName qname = qnameFor (name.getStructuredQName()); AbstractExpression content = exprFor (element.getContentExpression()); Namespace [] namespaces = namespacesFor (element.getActiveNamespaces()); return new ElementConstructor(qname, namespaces, content); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (ForExpression forExpr) { StructuredQName var = forExpr.getVariableQName(); Expression seq = forExpr.getSequence(); Expression returns = forExpr.getAction(); PositionVariable posvar = forExpr.getPositionVariable(); Variable pos = null; if (posvar != null) { pos = new Variable(qnameFor(posvar.getVariableQName())); } return new FLWOR(exprFor(returns), new ForClause (new Variable(qnameFor(var)), pos, exprFor(seq))); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (FunctionCall funcall) { if (funcall.getFunctionName().equals(itemAtQName)) { return new Subsequence(exprFor (funcall.getArguments()[0]), exprFor(funcall.getArguments()[1]), LiteralExpression.ONE); } else if (functionEqualsBuiltin(funcall, "reverse")) { // Saxon wraps a call to reverse() around reverse axis expressions; its axis expression // always returns items in axis (reverse) order, unlike an xpath axis expression, whose results // are returned in different order depending on the context Expression arg = funcall.getArguments()[0]; if ((arg.getSpecialProperties() & StaticProperty.REVERSE_DOCUMENT_ORDER) != 0 || (! Cardinality.allowsMany(arg.getCardinality()))) { // if (arg instanceof AxisExpression && (!Axis.isForwards[((AxisExpression) arg).getAxis()])) { // wrap in a sequence so as to preserve document order using an expression that will serialize // to an appropriate xpath syntax return new Sequence (exprFor (arg)); } } else if (functionEqualsBuiltin(funcall, "subsequence")) { if (funcall.getNumberOfArguments() == 2) { // This is actually dead code, since Saxon always creates a TailExpression, but we have no guarantee, // so we keep this just in case that should change return new Subsequence (exprFor(funcall.getArguments()[0]), exprFor(funcall.getArguments()[1])); } else { if (funcall.getNumberOfArguments() != 3) { throw new LuxException ("call to subsequence has " + funcall.getNumberOfArguments() + " arguments?"); } return new Subsequence (exprFor(funcall.getArguments()[0]), exprFor(funcall.getArguments()[1]), exprFor(funcall.getArguments()[2])); } } /* if (functionEqualsBuiltin(funcall, "string-join")) { // undo this optimization of Saxon's if (funcall.getArguments()[0] instanceof AtomicSequenceConverter) { return exprFor (funcall.getArguments()[0]); } } */ Expression[] args = funcall.getArguments(); AbstractExpression[] aargs = new AbstractExpression[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { aargs[i] = exprFor (args[i]); } Entry entry = StandardFunction.getFunction(funcall.getFunctionName().getDisplayName(), aargs.length); ValueType returnType = entry != null ? valueTypeForItemType (entry.itemType) : ValueType.VALUE; QName fnQName = qnameFor (funcall.getFunctionName()); if (functionEqualsBuiltin(funcall, "root") || fnQName.equals(FunCall.LUX_SEARCH)) { // root() may return an element when executed in the context of a fragment // However for the purposes of our optimizer, we want to know if it is returning // documents. We only optimize absolute expressions, and this inference is correct in those cases. returnType = ValueType.DOCUMENT; } return new FunCall (qnameFor (funcall.getFunctionName()), returnType, aargs); } private boolean functionEqualsBuiltin (FunctionCall funcall, String builtinFunction) { return funcall.getFunctionName().getDisplayName().equals (builtinFunction); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (GlobalVariable var) { // TODO: encode the declared type return new Variable (qnameFor (var.getVariableQName())); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (IntegerRangeTest rangeTest) { return new BinaryOperation (new BinaryOperation (exprFor (rangeTest.getValueExpression()), Operator.ALE, exprFor (rangeTest.getMaxValueExpression())), Operator.AND, new BinaryOperation (exprFor (rangeTest.getValueExpression()), Operator.AGE, exprFor (rangeTest.getMinValueExpression()))); } private AbstractExpression exprFor (InstanceOfExpression expr) { ItemType type = expr.getRequiredItemType(); String typeExpr; if (type.isPlainType()) { typeExpr = type.toString(); } else if (type instanceof NodeTest) { lux.xpath.NodeTest nodeTest = nodeTestFor((NodeTest)type); typeExpr = nodeTest.toString(); } else { throw new LuxException ("Unsupported node test in instance-of expression: " + expr.toString()); } return new InstanceOf(typeExpr, exprFor (expr.getBaseExpression())); } private ValueType valueTypeForItemType(ItemType itemType) { if (itemType.isAtomicType()) { switch (itemType.getPrimitiveType()) { case StandardNames.XS_STRING: case StandardNames.XS_ANY_URI: return ValueType.STRING; case StandardNames.XS_DATE: return ValueType.DATE; case StandardNames.XS_DATE_TIME: return ValueType.DATE_TIME; case StandardNames.XS_G_YEAR: return ValueType.YEAR; case StandardNames.XS_G_YEAR_MONTH: return ValueType.YEAR_MONTH; case StandardNames.XS_G_MONTH: return ValueType.MONTH; case StandardNames.XS_G_DAY: return ValueType.DAY; case StandardNames.XS_G_MONTH_DAY: return ValueType.MONTH_DAY; case StandardNames.XS_DAY_TIME_DURATION: return ValueType.DAY_TIME_DURATION; case StandardNames.XS_YEAR_MONTH_DURATION: return ValueType.YEAR_MONTH_DURATION; case StandardNames.XS_INT: return ValueType.INT; case StandardNames.XS_INTEGER: if (itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.INT)) { return ValueType.INT; } return ValueType.INTEGER; case StandardNames.XS_DOUBLE: return ValueType.DOUBLE; case StandardNames.XS_FLOAT: return ValueType.FLOAT; case StandardNames.XS_DECIMAL: return ValueType.DECIMAL; case StandardNames.XS_BOOLEAN: return ValueType.BOOLEAN; case StandardNames.XS_TIME: return ValueType.TIME; case StandardNames.XS_HEX_BINARY: return ValueType.HEX_BINARY; case StandardNames.XS_BASE64_BINARY: return ValueType.BASE64_BINARY; case StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED_ATOMIC: return ValueType.UNTYPED_ATOMIC; case StandardNames.XS_QNAME: return ValueType.QNAME; default: return ValueType.ATOMIC; } } if (itemType instanceof NodeTest) { NodeTest nodeTest = (NodeTest) itemType; switch (nodeTest.getPrimitiveType()) { case Type.NODE: return ValueType.NODE; case Type.ELEMENT: return ValueType.ELEMENT; case Type.TEXT: return ValueType.TEXT; case Type.ATTRIBUTE: return ValueType.ATTRIBUTE; case Type.DOCUMENT: return ValueType.DOCUMENT; case Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: return ValueType.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; case Type.COMMENT: return ValueType.COMMENT; case Type.EMPTY: return ValueType.EMPTY; } } if (itemType == ErrorType.getInstance()) { return ValueType.EMPTY; } // could be a function type? or namespace()? return ValueType.VALUE; } public AbstractExpression exprFor (LastItemExpression expr) { return new Subsequence (exprFor (expr.getBaseExpression()), FunCall.LastExpression, LiteralExpression.ONE); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (LetExpression let) { StructuredQName var = let.getVariableQName(); Expression seq = let.getSequence(); Expression returns = let.getAction(); return new FLWOR(exprFor(returns), new LetClause (new Variable(qnameFor(var), getTypeDescription(let.getRequiredType())), exprFor(seq))); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (Literal literal) { // This could be a sequence!! GroundedValue value = literal.getValue(); try { int len = value.getLength(); if (len == 0) { return LiteralExpression.EMPTY; } SequenceIterator<?> iter = value.iterate(); if (len > 1) { ArrayList<LiteralExpression> items = new ArrayList<LiteralExpression>(); Item member; while ((member = != null) { if (member instanceof AtomicValue) { items.add (exprFor ((AtomicValue) member)); } else { throw new LuxException ("unsupported node in a literal sequence: " + literal.toString()); } } return new Sequence (items.toArray(new LiteralExpression[0])); } return exprFor ((AtomicValue); } catch (XPathException e) { throw new LuxException (e); } } public LiteralExpression exprFor (AtomicValue value) { ValueType type = valueTypeForItemType(value.getItemType()); if (value instanceof CalendarValue || value instanceof DurationValue || value instanceof BigIntegerValue) { //return new LiteralExpression(((CalendarValue)value).getCalendar(), type); // , value.getPrimitiveType().getQualifiedName().toString() return new LiteralExpression(value.getStringValue(), type); } if (value instanceof QNameValue) { return new LiteralExpression (qnameFor (((QNameValue) value).getStructuredQName()), type); } try { Object oval = SequenceTool.convertToJava(value); return new LiteralExpression(oval, type); } catch (XPathException e) { throw new LuxException (e); } } public AbstractExpression exprFor (NegateExpression expr) { return new UnaryMinus(exprFor (expr.getBaseExpression())); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (ParentNodeExpression expr) { return new PathStep(PathStep.Axis.Parent, new lux.xpath.NodeTest(ValueType.NODE)); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (ProcessingInstruction pi) { return new ProcessingInstructionConstructor(exprFor(pi.getNameExpression()), exprFor(pi.getContentExpression())); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (QuantifiedExpression expr) { Satisfies.Quantifier quantifier = expr.getOperator() == Token.SOME ? Quantifier.SOME : Quantifier.EVERY; return new Satisfies(quantifier, new Variable(qnameFor(expr.getVariableQName())), exprFor(expr.getSequence()), exprFor (expr.getAction())); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (RootExpression expr) { return new Root(); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (SlashExpression expr) { AbstractExpression lq = exprFor (expr.getControllingExpression()); AbstractExpression rq = exprFor (expr.getControlledExpression()); return new PathExpression(lq, rq); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (SubscriptExpression expr) { return new Subsequence (exprFor (expr.getBaseExpression()), exprFor(expr.getSubscriptExpression()), LiteralExpression.ONE); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (TailExpression expr) { return new Subsequence (exprFor (expr.getBaseExpression()), new LiteralExpression(expr.getStart())); } /* * just a kind of UnaryExpression? public AbstractExpression exprFor (TailCallLoop expr) { return exprFor (expr.getBaseExpression()); } */ public AbstractExpression exprFor (UnaryExpression expr) { return exprFor (expr.getBaseExpression()); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (ValueOf valueOf) { return new TextConstructor(exprFor (valueOf.getContentExpression())); } public AbstractExpression exprFor (VariableReference var) { if (var.getBinding() != null) { StructuredQName varName= var.getBinding().getVariableQName(); return new Variable (qnameFor (varName)); } else { // total HACK, but Saxon provides no other public method to retrieve the constant value try { Object o = var.optimize(null, null); if (o instanceof Literal) { return exprFor ((Literal) o); } } catch (XPathException e) { throw new LuxException ("Unsupported variable reference: " + var); } throw new LuxException ("Unsupported variable reference: " + var); } } private static final StructuredQName itemAtQName = new StructuredQName("", NamespaceConstant.SAXON, "item-at"); private QName qnameFor(StructuredQName name) { QName qname = new QName (name.getNamespaceBinding().getURI(), name.getLocalPart(), name.getNamespaceBinding().getPrefix()); if (!(qname.getPrefix().equals ("fn") && qname.getNamespaceURI().equals(FunCall.FN_NAMESPACE) || qname.getPrefix().equals("local") && qname.getNamespaceURI().equals(FunCall.LOCAL_NAMESPACE) || qname.getPrefix().equals("xs") && qname.getNamespaceURI().equals(FunCall.XS_NAMESPACE))) { addNamespaceDeclaration(qname); } return qname; } public AbstractExpression exprFor (CompareToIntegerConstant comp) { Operator op = operatorFor (comp.getComparisonOperator()); long num = comp.getComparand(); return new BinaryOperation (exprFor (comp.getOperand()), op, new LiteralExpression (num)); } private Namespace[] namespacesFor(NamespaceBinding[] activeNamespaces) { if (activeNamespaces == null) return null; Namespace[] namespaces = new Namespace[activeNamespaces.length]; int i = 0; for (NamespaceBinding binding : activeNamespaces) { namespaces[i++] = new Namespace (binding.getPrefix(), binding.getURI()); } return namespaces; } public AbstractExpression exprFor (FLWORExpression flwor) { List<Clause> saxonClauses = flwor.getClauseList(); int i = 0; while (i < saxonClauses.size() && saxonClauses.get(i).getClauseKey() == Clause.WHERE) { // Saxon optimizes constant where clauses to the left of the expression where they // are no longer syntactically valid as xquery ++i; } FLWORClause clauses[]; int k = 0; if (i < saxonClauses.size()) { clauses = new FLWORClause[saxonClauses.size()]; // add clauses up to but not including the first order by clause for (int j = i; j < saxonClauses.size() && saxonClauses.get(j).getClauseKey() != Clause.ORDERBYCLAUSE; j++) { clauses[k++] = clauseFor (saxonClauses.get(j)); } } else { clauses = new FLWORClause[saxonClauses.size() + 1]; } if (k == 0) { // Generate a dummy let clause if the where clause was the only clause?? clauses[k++] = new LetClause(new Variable (new QName("x")), LiteralExpression.ONE); } if (i > 0) { // append any of the preamble where clauses for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { clauses[k++] = clauseFor (saxonClauses.get(j)); } } // and the rest of the clauses... while (k < saxonClauses.size()) { clauses[k] = clauseFor (saxonClauses.get(k)); ++k; } return new FLWOR(exprFor (flwor.getReturnClause()), clauses); } private FLWORClause clauseFor (Clause clause) { switch (clause.getClauseKey()) { case Clause.LET: return clauseFor ((net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.LetClause) clause); case Clause.FOR: return clauseFor ((net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.ForClause) clause); case Clause.WHERE: return clauseFor ((net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.WhereClause) clause); case Clause.ORDERBYCLAUSE: return clauseFor ((net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.OrderByClause) clause); default: throw new LuxException ("Unsupported FLWOR clause " + clause.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } private FLWORClause clauseFor (net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.ForClause clause) { AbstractExpression seq = exprFor (clause.getSequence()); Variable var = new Variable (qnameFor(clause.getRangeVariable().getVariableQName())); LocalVariableBinding positionVariable = clause.getPositionVariable(); Variable pos; if (positionVariable != null) { pos = new Variable (qnameFor(positionVariable.getVariableQName())); } else { pos = null; } return new ForClause(var, pos, seq); } private FLWORClause clauseFor (net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.LetClause clause) { AbstractExpression seq = exprFor (clause.getSequence()); Variable var = new Variable (qnameFor(clause.getRangeVariable().getVariableQName())); return new LetClause(var, seq); } private FLWORClause clauseFor (net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.WhereClause clause) { return new WhereClause(exprFor (clause.getPredicate())); } private FLWORClause clauseFor (net.sf.saxon.expr.flwor.OrderByClause clause) { SortKeyDefinition[] sortKeyDefs = clause.getSortKeyDefinitions(); SortKey[] sortKeys = new SortKey[sortKeyDefs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sortKeyDefs.length; i++) { sortKeys[i] = sortKeyFor (sortKeyDefs[i]); } return new OrderByClause(sortKeys); } private SortKey sortKeyFor (SortKeyDefinition sortKeyDef) { return new SortKey (exprFor (sortKeyDef.getSortKey()), (LiteralExpression) exprFor (sortKeyDef.getOrder()), exprFor (sortKeyDef.getCollationNameExpression()), sortKeyDef.getEmptyLeast()); } private static int cardinalityOf (SequenceType type) { int cardinality =type.getCardinality(); if (cardinality == StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ONE_OR_MORE) { return ValueType.ONE_OR_MORE; } else if (cardinality == StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE) { return ValueType.ANY_NUMBER; } else if (cardinality == StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_ONE) { return ValueType.ZERO_OR_ONE; } else if (cardinality == StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ONE) { return ValueType.EXACTLY_ONE; } else { return ValueType.EXACTLY_ZERO; } } public AbstractExpression exprFor (Expression expr) { if (expr == null) { return null; } ExprClass exprClass = null; for (Class<?> cls = expr.getClass(); exprClass == null && cls != Object.class; cls = cls.getSuperclass()) { exprClass = dispatcher.get (cls.getSimpleName()); } if (exprClass == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("unhandled expression type: " + expr.getClass().getSimpleName() + " in " + expr.toString()); } switch (exprClass) { case AtomicSequenceConverter: return exprFor ((AtomicSequenceConverter)expr); case Atomizer: return exprFor ((Atomizer) expr); case AxisExpression: return exprFor ((AxisExpression) expr); case BinaryExpression: return exprFor ((BinaryExpression) expr); case Block: return exprFor ((Block) expr); case CastExpression: return exprFor ((CastExpression) expr); case CastableExpression: return exprFor ((CastableExpression) expr); case Choose: return exprFor ((Choose) expr); case Comment: return exprFor ((Comment) expr); case CompareToIntegerConstant: return exprFor ((CompareToIntegerConstant) expr); case ComputedAttribute: return exprFor ((ComputedAttribute) expr); case ComputedElement: return exprFor ((ComputedElement) expr); case ContextItemExpression: return exprFor ((ContextItemExpression) expr); case CopyOf: return exprFor ((CopyOf) expr); case DocumentInstr: return exprFor ((DocumentInstr) expr); case DocumentSorter: return exprFor ((DocumentSorter) expr); case FilterExpression: return exprFor ((FilterExpression) expr); case FirstItemExpression: return exprFor ((FirstItemExpression) expr); case FixedAttribute: return exprFor ((FixedAttribute) expr); case FixedElement: return exprFor ((FixedElement) expr); case FLWORExpression: return exprFor ((FLWORExpression) expr); case ForExpression: return exprFor ((ForExpression) expr); case FunctionCall: return exprFor ((FunctionCall) expr); case InstanceOfExpression: return exprFor ((InstanceOfExpression) expr); case IntegerRangeTest: return exprFor ((IntegerRangeTest) expr); case ItemChecker: return exprFor ((ItemChecker) expr); case LastItemExpression: return exprFor ((LastItemExpression) expr); case LetExpression: return exprFor ((LetExpression) expr); case Literal: return exprFor ((Literal) expr); case NegateExpression: return exprFor ((NegateExpression) expr); case ParentNodeExpression: return exprFor ((ParentNodeExpression) expr); case ProcessingInstruction: return exprFor ((ProcessingInstruction) expr); case QuantifiedExpression: return exprFor ((QuantifiedExpression) expr); case RootExpression: return exprFor ((RootExpression) expr); case SingletonAtomizer: return exprFor ((SingletonAtomizer) expr); case SlashExpression: return exprFor ((SlashExpression) expr); case SubscriptExpression: return exprFor ((SubscriptExpression) expr); case TailExpression: return exprFor ((TailExpression) expr); case TreatAs: return exprFor ((ItemChecker) expr); case UnaryExpression: return exprFor ((UnaryExpression) expr); case ValueOf: return exprFor ((ValueOf) expr); //case LocalVariableReference: case VariableReference: return exprFor ((VariableReference) expr); case ErrorExpression: throw new LuxException ("A potential run-time error was detected during compilation: " + ((ErrorExpression) expr).getException().getMessageAndLocation(), ((ErrorExpression) expr).getException()); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unhandled expression type: " + expr.getClass().getSimpleName() + " in " + expr.toString()); } } // list the names of all the classes // for which we have defined overrides of exprFor // - probably should do this by introspection private enum ExprClass { AtomicSequenceConverter, Atomizer, AxisExpression, BinaryExpression, CastExpression, CastableExpression, CompareToIntegerConstant, ComputedAttribute, ComputedElement, ContextItemExpression, CopyOf, DocumentSorter, ErrorExpression, Expression, FilterExpression, FirstItemExpression, ForExpression, FunctionCall, InstanceOfExpression, IntegerRangeTest, ItemChecker, LastItemExpression, LetExpression, Literal, NegateExpression, ProcessingInstruction, ParentNodeExpression, QuantifiedExpression, RootExpression, SingletonAtomizer, SlashExpression, SubscriptExpression, TailExpression, TreatAs, UnaryExpression, VariableReference, FLWORExpression, Block, Choose, Comment, DocumentInstr, FixedAttribute, FixedElement, GlobalVariable, ValueOf } } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at */