package lux.compiler; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lux.Compiler; import lux.Compiler.SearchStrategy; import lux.Evaluator; import lux.QueryContext; import lux.XdmResultSet; import lux.exception.LuxException; import lux.index.IndexConfiguration; import lux.index.XmlIndexer; import lux.xml.QName; import lux.xpath.AbstractExpression; import net.sf.saxon.lib.CollectionURIResolver; import net.sf.saxon.lib.StandardCollectionURIResolver; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathExecutable; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryExecutable; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmAtomicValue; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmSequenceIterator; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmValue; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * Tests that focus on the compiler and optimizer, and do not rely on any stored * documents */ public class CompilerTest { protected Compiler compiler; protected Evaluator eval; protected SaxonTranslator translator; @Before public void setup () { XmlIndexer indexer = new XmlIndexer(IndexConfiguration.INDEX_QNAMES); compiler = new Compiler(indexer.getConfiguration()); eval = new Evaluator(compiler, null, null); translator = compiler.makeTranslator(); } @Test public void testSearchStrategy () throws Exception { assertSame (SearchStrategy.LUX_SEARCH, compiler.getSearchStrategy()); compiler.setSearchStrategy(SearchStrategy.NONE); assertSame (SearchStrategy.NONE, compiler.getSearchStrategy()); } @Test public void testResolver () throws Exception { CollectionURIResolver resolver = compiler.getDefaultCollectionURIResolver(); assertNotNull (resolver); assertTrue (resolver.getClass().getName(), resolver instanceof StandardCollectionURIResolver); } @Test public void testInititalizeEXPath () throws Exception { System.setProperty("org.expath.pkg.saxon.repo", "fail"); // ensure that Compiler can be created with invalid EXPath repo - just logs an error new Compiler(new IndexConfiguration()); System.setProperty("org.expath.pkg.saxon.repo", ""); } @Test public void testXPathCompiler() throws SaxonApiException { XPathExecutable ex = compiler.getXPathCompiler().compile("/"); AbstractExpression expr = new SaxonTranslator(compiler.getProcessor().getUnderlyingConfiguration()). exprFor(ex.getUnderlyingExpression().getInternalExpression()); assertEquals ("(/)", expr.toString()); } @Test public void testModuleImport () throws Exception { assertQuery ("test", "import-module.xqy"); } @Test public void testTypedVariable() throws Exception { assertQuery ("13", "typed-variable.xqy"); } @Test public void testTypedFunction() throws Exception { assertQueryError ("A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the result of function local:int-sequence() (1, 2) ", "typed-function.xqy"); } @Test public void testTypedNodes() throws Exception { assertQuery ("2", "typed-nodes.xqy"); } @Test public void testTypedNodeFail() throws Exception { assertQueryError ("Required item type of result of function local:maybe-foo() is element(Q{}foo); supplied value has item type element(Q{}bar)", "typed-node-fail.xqy"); } @Test public void testExtVarType() throws Exception { XQueryExecutable query = compileQuery ("ext-var-type.xqy"); QueryContext context = new QueryContext (); context.bindVariable(new QName("http://localhost/", "integer"), new XdmAtomicValue("one")); // query expects an integer, not a string XdmResultSet result = eval.evaluate(query, context); assertEquals ("expected one error", 1, result.getErrors().size()); assertEquals ("Required item type of value of variable $local:integer is xs:integer; supplied value has item type xs:string", result.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()); } @Test public void testExtVar () throws Exception { XQueryExecutable query = compileQuery ("ext-var.xqy"); QueryContext context = new QueryContext (); context.bindVariable(new QName("http://localhost/", "integer"), new XdmAtomicValue("1")); XdmResultSet result = eval.evaluate(query, context); assertEquals ("expected no results", false, result.getXdmValue().iterator().hasNext()); } @Test public void testCommentConstructor() throws Exception { assertQuery ("<!--test-->", "comment-constructor.xqy"); } @Test public void testPIConstructor() throws Exception { assertQuery ("<?php test?>", "processing-instruction-constructor.xqy"); } @Test public void testElementConstructor() throws Exception { assertQuery ("<xml:Father xml:id=\"Bosak\">John Bosak</xml:Father>", "element-constructor.xqy"); } @Test public void testInstanceOf() throws Exception { assertQuery ("test,testtest1,test", "instance-of.xqy"); } @Test public void testSatisfies() throws Exception { assertQuery ("yesno", "satisfies.xqy"); } @Test public void testIntersect() throws Exception { assertQuery ("test", "intersect.xqy"); } @Test public void testMinus() throws Exception { assertQuery ("1", "minus.xqy"); assertQuery ("1", "minus-1.xqy"); } @Test public void testVariableShadowing () throws Exception { assertQuery ("1", "variable-shadowing.xqy"); } @Test public void testWhereClause () throws Exception { // this is supposed to test the translation and optimization of where clauses (a bit) // but Saxon converts where clauses to predicates pretty much universally, so // this uses an "at" expression to force the where clause to be retained assertQuery ("4", "count-primes-less-than-10.xqy"); } @Test public void testParentExpression () throws Exception { assertQuery ("2", "count-parents.xqy"); } @Test public void testComputedAttributeName () throws Exception { assertQueryError (null, "computed-attribute-name.xqy"); } @Test public void testK2ForExprWithout10 () throws Exception { // exercise some obscure Saxon code rewriting path involving LetClause assertQuery ("111222333", "K2-ForExprWithout-10.xqy"); } @Test public void testFollowing () throws Exception { assertQuery ("true", "following.xqy"); } @Test public void testEmptyVariable() throws Exception { assertQuery ("", "empty-variable.xqy"); } @Test public void testOptionalVariable() throws Exception { assertQuery ("b", "optional-variable.xqy"); } @Test public void testNodeNameWildcards () throws Exception { assertQuery ("a xs:bxs:ba", "node-wildcard.xqy"); } @Test public void testStrayOperators () throws Exception { assertQuery ("-2", "stray-operators.xqy"); } @Test public void testForAt() throws Exception { assertQuery ("1148", "for-at.xqy"); } @Test public void testReverse() throws Exception { assertQuery ("10", "reverse.xqy"); } @Test public void testIntegerRange() throws Exception { assertQuery ("true", "integer-range.xqy"); } @Test public void testGeneralizeOperator() throws Exception { QueryContext context = new QueryContext(); String input = "<works><employee name='Jane Doe 1' gender='female'><empnum>E1</empnum><pnum>P1</pnum><hours>40</hours></employee></works>"; XdmNode inputDoc = compiler.getProcessor().newDocumentBuilder().build(new StreamSource (new StringReader (input))); context.bindVariable(new QName("input-context1"), inputDoc); assertQuery ("true", "generalize-operator.xqy", context); } @Test public void testReturnExpr018() throws Exception { QueryContext context = new QueryContext(); String input = "<Drive id='0'><Folder><File><Stream><StreamSize>10</StreamSize></Stream></File></Folder></Drive>"; XdmNode inputDoc = compiler.getProcessor().newDocumentBuilder().build(new StreamSource (new StringReader (input))); context.bindVariable(new QName("input-context"), inputDoc); assertQuery ("falsetruefalsetruefalsetrue", "ReturnExpr018.xqy", context); } @Test public void testDateSubtraction() throws Exception { //assertQuery ("xs:dayTimeDuration(\"P26997D\")", "day-time.xqy"); assertQuery ("P26997D", "day-time.xqy"); } private void assertQuery (String result, String queryFileName) throws IOException, LuxException, URISyntaxException { assertQuery (result, queryFileName, null); } private void assertQuery (String result, String queryFileName, QueryContext context) throws IOException, LuxException, URISyntaxException { XdmResultSet resultSet = evalQuery(queryFileName, context); if (resultSet.getErrors().size() > 0) { fail ("Got unexpected error: " + resultSet.getErrors().get(0).getMessageAndLocation()); } XdmValue value = resultSet.getXdmValue(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); XdmSequenceIterator iter = value.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { buf.append(; } assertEquals (result, buf.toString()); } private XdmResultSet evalQuery(String queryFileName, QueryContext context) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { XQueryExecutable cq = compileQuery(queryFileName); return eval.evaluate(cq, context); } private XQueryExecutable compileQuery(String queryFileName) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); URL url = classLoader.getResource ("lux/compiler/" + queryFileName); String query = IOUtils.toString(url.openStream(), "utf-8"); URI uri = url.toURI(); XQueryExecutable cq = compiler.compile(query, null, uri, null); // System.err.println (compiler.getLastOptimized()); return cq; } private void assertQueryError (String error, String queryFileName) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { assertQueryError (error, queryFileName, null); } private void assertQueryError (String error, String queryFileName, QueryContext context) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { XdmResultSet result = evalQuery (queryFileName, context); assertFalse ("expected exception '" + error + "' not thrown; got results=" + result.getXdmValue(), result.getErrors().isEmpty()); if (error != null) { assertEquals (error, result.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()); } } }