package lux.xml; /** These types correspond roughly to the XDM / XML Schema types */ public enum ValueType { VALUE("item", false, false), DOCUMENT("document-node"), NODE("node"), ELEMENT("element"), ATTRIBUTE("attribute"), TEXT("text"), COMMENT("comment"), PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION("processing-instruction"), ATOMIC("xs:anyAtomicType", true), STRING("xs:string", true), INT("xs:int", true, false, true), INTEGER("xs:integer", true, false, true), BOOLEAN("xs:boolean", true), DATE("xs:date", true), DATE_TIME("xs:dateTime", true), DAY("xs:gDay", true), DAY_TIME_DURATION("xs:dayTimeDuration", true), MONTH_DAY("xs:gMonthDay", true), YEAR("xs:gYear", true), YEAR_MONTH("xs:gYearMonth", true), YEAR_MONTH_DURATION("xs:YearMonthDuration", true), FLOAT("xs:float", true, false, true), DOUBLE("xs:double", true, false, true), DECIMAL("xs:decimal", true, false, true), TIME("xs:time", true), HEX_BINARY("xs:hexBinary", true), BASE64_BINARY("xs:base64Binary", true), MONTH("xs:gMonth", true), UNTYPED_ATOMIC("xs:untypedAtomic", true), QNAME("xs:QName", true), EMPTY("empty-sequence", false, false); final public static int EXACTLY_ZERO = 0; final public static int EXACTLY_ONE = 1; final public static int ZERO_OR_ONE = 2; // ? final public static int ONE_OR_MORE = 3; // + final public static int ANY_NUMBER = 4; // * final public static String[] CARDINALITY_MARKER = { "", "", "?", "+", "*" }; public final boolean isNode; public final boolean isAtomic; public final boolean isNumeric; public final String name; ValueType(String nodeTest) { this (nodeTest, false, true, false); } ValueType(String typeName, boolean isAtomic) { this (typeName, isAtomic, false, false); } ValueType(String typeName, boolean isAtomic, boolean isNode) { this (typeName, isAtomic, isNode, false); } ValueType(String typeName, boolean isAtomic, boolean isNode, boolean isNumeric) { this.isAtomic = isAtomic; this.isNode = isNode; this.isNumeric = isNumeric; name = typeName; } /** * @param other another type * @return whether this type is a subtype of the other */ public boolean is (ValueType other) { if (this == other) return true; if (other == VALUE) return true; if (this.isAtomic) return other == ATOMIC; if (this.isNode) return other == NODE; return false; } public ValueType restrict(ValueType type) { if ( (type)) { return this; } if ( { return type; } if (type.isNode && this.isNode) { return NODE; } if (type.isAtomic && this.isAtomic) { return ATOMIC; } return VALUE; } /** * @return the most specific type that includes both this and the other type. * @param type the other type */ public ValueType promote(ValueType type) { if (this == type) return this; if (isNode && type.isNode) return ValueType.NODE; if (isAtomic && type.isAtomic) return ValueType.ATOMIC; return ValueType.VALUE; } @Override public String toString () { // Any type qualifications is lost (like element(foo) - they become just element()) if (!isAtomic) { return name + "()"; } return name; } public String toString (QName qName) { if (!isAtomic) { return name + '(' + (qName != null ? qName.toString() : "") + ')'; } return name; } } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at */