package lux.query; import java.util.ArrayList; import lux.index.IndexConfiguration; import lux.query.BooleanPQuery.Clause; import lux.query.parser.LuxQueryParser; import lux.xml.QName; import lux.xpath.AbstractExpression; import lux.xpath.LiteralExpression; import lux.xpath.Sequence; import lux.xquery.AttributeConstructor; import lux.xquery.ElementConstructor; /** * Model a SpanNearQuery */ public class SpanNearPQuery extends ParseableQuery { private static final LiteralExpression SLOP_ATT_NAME = new LiteralExpression("slop"); private static final QName SPAN_NEAR_QNAME = new QName("SpanNear"); private static final AttributeConstructor IN_ORDER_ATT = new AttributeConstructor(new LiteralExpression("inOrder"), new LiteralExpression("true")); private ParseableQuery[] clauses; private int slop; private boolean inOrder; public SpanNearPQuery(int slop, boolean inOrder, ParseableQuery ... clauses) { if (slop == 0 && inOrder) { this.clauses = mergeSubClauses(clauses); } else { this.clauses = clauses; } this.slop= slop; this.inOrder= inOrder; } // optimize? by simplifying nested queries private ParseableQuery[] mergeSubClauses(ParseableQuery [] nested) { ArrayList<ParseableQuery> subclauses = new ArrayList<ParseableQuery>(); for (ParseableQuery clause : nested) { if (clause instanceof SpanNearPQuery) { SpanNearPQuery subquery = (SpanNearPQuery) clause; if (subquery.slop == 0 && subquery.inOrder) { for (ParseableQuery subclause : subquery.clauses) { subclauses.add(subclause); } continue; } } subclauses.add(clause); } return subclauses.toArray(new ParseableQuery[0]); } @Override public ElementConstructor toXmlNode(String field, IndexConfiguration config) { if (config.isOption(IndexConfiguration.INDEX_EACH_PATH)) { String qs = toPathOccurrenceQueryString(field, config, false); // TODO: get the path field name from config AttributeConstructor fieldAtt = new AttributeConstructor(TermPQuery.FIELD_ATTR_NAME, new LiteralExpression ("lux_path")); // TODO: boost (and refactor) return new ElementConstructor (SpanTermPQuery.REGEXP_TERM_QNAME, new LiteralExpression(qs), fieldAtt); } AttributeConstructor inOrderAtt=null, slopAtt; if (inOrder) { inOrderAtt = IN_ORDER_ATT; } slopAtt = new AttributeConstructor(SLOP_ATT_NAME, new LiteralExpression(slop)); if (clauses.length == 1) { return new ElementConstructor (SPAN_NEAR_QNAME, clauses[0].toXmlNode(field, config), inOrderAtt, slopAtt); } AbstractExpression[] clauseExprs = new AbstractExpression[clauses.length]; int i = 0; for (ParseableQuery q : clauses) { clauseExprs [i++] = q.toXmlNode(field, config); } return new ElementConstructor (SPAN_NEAR_QNAME, new Sequence(clauseExprs), inOrderAtt, slopAtt); } @Override public String toQueryString(String field, IndexConfiguration config) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (config.isOption(IndexConfiguration.INDEX_EACH_PATH)) { buf.append(field).append(":/").append(toPathOccurrenceQueryString(field, config, true)) .append('/'); } String markerName = inOrder ? "lux_within:" : "lux_near:"; buf.append("(+").append(markerName).append(slop); for (ParseableQuery clause : clauses) { buf.append(' ').append (clause.toQueryString(field, config)); } buf.append(')'); return buf.toString(); } private String toPathOccurrenceQueryString (String field, IndexConfiguration config, boolean escape) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // Escape slashes for the Lucene query parser since they are *part of the string to match* if (clauses.length > 0) { buf.append (toPathOccurrenceQueryString(clauses[clauses.length-1], field, config)); for (int i = clauses.length-2; i >= 0; i--) { ParseableQuery clause = clauses[i]; if (clause instanceof SpanMatchAll) { if (slop > 0) { buf.append(escape ? "(\\/.*)?" : "(/.*)?"); } continue; } if (slop > 0) { buf.append(escape ? "\\/.*" : "/.*"); } else { // don't translate a//b into b/*/a since that enforces an extra step // TODO: index this differently so we can distinguish and not have names // bleeding into wildcards. Use two slashes to separate? buf.append (escape ? "\\/" : "/"); } buf.append (toPathOccurrenceQueryString(clause, field, config)); } if (clauses[0] instanceof SpanTermPQuery) { // the path is not rooted, append a wildcard to get a prefix query buf.append(escape ? "(\\/.*)?" : "(/.*)?"); } } return buf.toString(); } // TODO: refactor this messiness private String toPathOccurrenceQueryString (ParseableQuery q, String field, IndexConfiguration config) { if (q instanceof SpanTermPQuery) { return (LuxQueryParser.escapeQParser(((SpanTermPQuery)q).getTerm().text())); } else if (q instanceof SpanNearPQuery) { return (((SpanNearPQuery) q).toPathOccurrenceQueryString(field, config, true)); } else if (q instanceof SpanBooleanPQuery) { // FIXME: you can also have a SpanOrQuery here: a/(b|c)/d // We'll implement using regex just as shown above StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder (); Clause[] subClauses = ((SpanBooleanPQuery) q).getClauses(); buf.append ('('); buf.append(toPathOccurrenceQueryString(subClauses[0].getQuery(), field, config)); for (int i = 1; i < subClauses.length; i++) { buf.append ('|'); buf.append(toPathOccurrenceQueryString(subClauses[i].getQuery(), field, config)); } buf.append (')'); return buf.toString(); } else if (q.isMatchAll()) { return ""; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Got a " + q.getClass().getName() + " when a SpanQuery was expected"); } } @Override public boolean isSpanCompatible() { return true; } @Override public boolean equals(ParseableQuery other) { if (other instanceof SpanNearPQuery) { SpanNearPQuery oq = (SpanNearPQuery) other; if (! (slop == oq.slop && inOrder == oq.inOrder && clauses.length == oq.clauses.length)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++) { if (! clauses[i].equals(oq.clauses[i])) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at */