package lux.xpath; import lux.xml.QName; import lux.xml.ValueType; public class NodeTest { private final ValueType type; private final QName name; /** @param type the type of test: one of DOCUMENT, NODE, ELEMENT, * ATTRIBUTE, TEXT, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION or COMMENT. * * @param name the name of the node that the test matches, or null * if any node of the given type matches. * * <p> The local * name may be "*", indicating a match to any local * name. * * <p> The prefix may be "*" to indicate any namespace matches (in * which case the namespace uri is ignored and should be null). * * <p> The namespace uri is preserved for use in query generation, * however it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that namespace * prefix bindings are consistent within an expression tree, and with * the surrounding environment. * </p> * * <p> For node tests without names (node(), comment(), text()), the * name is ignored and should be null. For node tests without namespaces * (processing-instruction()), the namespace uri and prefix are both * ignored and should be null. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type is not a node type, * @throws NullPointerException if the type is null */ public NodeTest (ValueType type, QName name) { if (type.isAtomic) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Attempt to construct a NodeTest with type " + type + " which is not a type of node"); } this.type = type; = name; } public NodeTest (ValueType type) { this (type, null); } public ValueType getType () { return type; } public QName getQName() { return name; } public boolean isWild () { return name == null || name.getLocalPart().equals("*"); // namespace wildcard? } @Override public String toString () { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder (); toString (buf); return buf.toString(); } public void toString (StringBuilder buf) { if (name == null) { buf.append ( ("()"); return; } switch (type) { case NODE: case COMMENT: case TEXT: buf.append ( ("()"); break; case ATTRIBUTE: case ELEMENT: if ("*".equals(name.getLocalPart())) { if (name.getPrefix().isEmpty()) { buf.append ( ("()"); } else { buf.append(name.getPrefix()).append(":*"); } } else { if ("*".equals(name.getPrefix())) { name.toString(buf); } else { buf.append ( ("("); name.toString(buf); buf.append(')'); } } break; case DOCUMENT: buf.append ("(element("); name.toString(buf); buf.append("))"); break; case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: buf.append ('(').append(name.getLocalPart()).append(')'); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException ("invalid node type " + type); } } public boolean equivalent (Object other) { return other != null && other instanceof NodeTest && type == ((NodeTest) other).type && name.equals(((NodeTest) other).name); } public boolean propGreaterEqual (NodeTest other) { // TODO: wildcard namespace return (type == other.type || type == ValueType.NODE) && (isWild() || (!other.isWild() && name.equals(((NodeTest) other).name))); } public int equivHash () { return type.ordinal() * (name == null ? 91 : name.hashCode()); } } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at */