package lux.xml; import; import; import; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException; /** * Holds an Offsets object that will accumulate offset information about a * document as it is parsed. Note that the Offsets is reused for subsequent parses. * Its contents will be overwritten when a document is read. */ public class OffsetDocBuilder extends SaxonDocBuilder { private final Offsets offsets; private int lastTextLocation; private boolean fixupCRLF = false; /** * @param processor a Saxon processor. * @throws SaxonApiException */ public OffsetDocBuilder(Processor processor) throws SaxonApiException { super(processor); offsets = new Offsets(); } @Override public void reset () { super.reset(); offsets.reset(); } @Override public void handleEvent(XMLStreamReader reader, int eventType) throws XMLStreamException { super.handleEvent(reader, eventType); switch (eventType) { case XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT: lastTextLocation = -1; break; case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT: case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT: case XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT: case XMLStreamConstants.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: recordOffsets(reader); break; case XMLStreamConstants.CDATA: recordOffsets(reader, reader.getLocation().getCharacterOffset() + "<!CDATA[[".length(), reader.getTextLength() ); recordOffsets(reader, lastTextLocation, "]]>".length()); break; case XMLStreamConstants.SPACE: case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS: int textLength = reader.getTextLength(); if (isFixupCRLF()) { if (reader.getTextCharacters()[reader.getTextStart()] == '\n') { recordOffsets(reader, reader.getLocation().getCharacterOffset() + 1, textLength); } else { recordOffsets(reader, reader.getLocation().getCharacterOffset(), textLength); } offsetCRLF(reader.getLocation().getCharacterOffset(), reader.getTextCharacters(), reader.getTextStart(), textLength); } else { recordOffsets(reader, reader.getLocation().getCharacterOffset(), textLength); } break; case XMLStreamConstants.ENTITY_REFERENCE: String text = reader.getText(); recordOffsets(reader, reader.getLocation().getCharacterOffset(), text.length()); break; } } // generate character offsets wherever there is a line feed (\n == 10) // since we're told it was a CRLF (\r\n = 13, 10) in the original text // XML parser are *required* to perform this "normalization" private void offsetCRLF(int location, char[] cbuf, int off, int size) { for (int i = off + 1; i < off + size; i++) { if (cbuf[i] == '\n') { offsets.addDelta(location + off - i, (short) 1); } } } // Keep track of the location at the end of the last text event, and use that to infer the presence of // a length-changing entity reference. The lastTextLocation is reset to -1 in start // element events so that the first text event in an element will have its position // stored absolutely. For each subsequent text-like event within the same text node // (which will occur because entity references are reported as separate events), // compute a delta based on the difference of the end offset of the last text event // and the start offset of this text event. Store the delta for use by an offset-correcting // CharStream. private void recordOffsets(XMLStreamReader reader, int location, int textLength) throws XMLStreamException { if (lastTextLocation < 0) { offsets.addOffset (location); } else { offsets.addDelta (location, (short) (location - lastTextLocation)); } lastTextLocation = location + textLength; } private void recordOffsets(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException { int location = reader.getLocation().getCharacterOffset(); if (lastTextLocation >= 0 && location > lastTextLocation) { offsets.addDelta (location, (short) (location - lastTextLocation)); } lastTextLocation = -1; } /** * @return the offsets accumulated for the parsed document. This object is only valid * after a document has been parsed, and in any case may be null if it setOffsets(null) was * called. */ @Override public Offsets getOffsets() { return offsets; } public boolean isFixupCRLF() { return fixupCRLF; } public void setFixupCRLF(boolean fixupCRLF) { this.fixupCRLF = fixupCRLF; } }