package lux.functions; import; import lux.Evaluator; import lux.solr.CloudSearchIterator; import lux.xpath.FunCall; import; import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException; import net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.SingletonIterator; import net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.UnfailingIterator; import net.sf.saxon.value.Int64Value; import net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceType; import; import; import; /** * <code>function lux:count($query as item()) as xs:integer</code> * <p> * This function counts the number of results of a search. It is faster and uses less memory * than calling fn:count() on the search results themselves because it does not need to load * the result documents in memory. See {@link Search} for an explanation of the supported * $query formats. * </p> */ public class Count extends SearchBase { public Count() { } @Override public StructuredQName getFunctionQName() { return new StructuredQName("lux", FunCall.LUX_NAMESPACE, "count"); } @Override public SequenceType getResultType(SequenceType[] suppliedArgumentTypes) { return SequenceType.SINGLE_INTEGER; } @Override public boolean trustResultType () { return true; } @Override public UnfailingIterator<Int64Value> iterate (Query query, Evaluator saxon, String[] sortCriteria, int start) throws XPathException { int count = 0; long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { DocIdSetIterator counter = saxon.getSearcher().search(query); while (counter.nextDoc() != Scorer.NO_MORE_DOCS) { ++count; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new XPathException (e); } saxon.getQueryStats().totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - t; saxon.getQueryStats().docCount += count; return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(new Int64Value(count)); } @Override protected UnfailingIterator<Int64Value> iterateDistributed(String query, QueryParser queryParser, Evaluator eval, String[] sortCriteria, int start) throws XPathException { try { long count = new CloudSearchIterator (eval, query, queryParser, sortCriteria, start).count(); return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(new Int64Value(count)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XPathException (e); } } } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at */