package org.jhotdraw.test.util.collections.jdk12; import junit.framework.TestSuite; // JUnitDoclet begin import // JUnitDoclet end import /* * Generated by JUnitDoclet, a tool provided by * ObjectFab GmbH under LGPL. * Please see, * and for informations about * the tool, the licence and the authors. */ // JUnitDoclet begin javadoc_class /** * TestSuite Jdk12Suite */ // JUnitDoclet end javadoc_class public class Jdk12Suite // JUnitDoclet begin extends_implements // JUnitDoclet end extends_implements { // JUnitDoclet begin class // JUnitDoclet end class public static TestSuite suite() { TestSuite suite; suite = new TestSuite("org.jhotdraw.test.util.collections.jdk12"); suite.addTestSuite(org.jhotdraw.test.util.collections.jdk12.CollectionsFactoryJDK12Test.class); // JUnitDoclet begin method suite() // JUnitDoclet end method suite() return suite; } /** * Method to execute the TestSuite from command line * using JUnit's textui.TestRunner . */ public static void main(String[] args) { // JUnitDoclet begin method testsuite.main; // JUnitDoclet end method testsuite.main } }