/* * @(#)AbstractFigure.java * * Project: JHotdraw - a GUI framework for technical drawings * http://www.jhotdraw.org * http://jhotdraw.sourceforge.net * Copyright: (c) by the original author(s) and all contributors * License: Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html */ package org.jhotdraw.standard; import org.jhotdraw.util.*; import org.jhotdraw.framework.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.List; import java.io.*; /** * AbstractFigure provides default implementations for * the Figure interface. * * <hr> * <b>Design Patterns</b><P> * <img src="images/red-ball-small.gif" width=6 height=6 alt=" o "> * <b><a href=../pattlets/sld036.htm>Template Method</a></b><br> * Template Methods implement default and invariant behavior for * figure subclasses. * <hr> * * @see Figure * @see Handle * * @version <$CURRENT_VERSION$> */ public abstract class AbstractFigure implements Figure { /** * The listeners for a figure's changes. * It is only one listener but this one can be a (chained) MultiCastFigureChangeListener * @see #invalidate * @see #changed * @see #willChange */ private transient FigureChangeListener fListener; /** * The dependend figures which have been added to this container. */ private List myDependendFigures; /* * Serialization support. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -10857585979273442L; private int abstractFigureSerializedDataVersion = 1; private int _nZ; protected AbstractFigure() { myDependendFigures = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(); } /** * Moves the figure by the given offset. */ public void moveBy(int dx, int dy) { willChange(); basicMoveBy(dx, dy); changed(); } /** * Moves the figure. This is the * method that subclassers override. Clients usually * call displayBox. * @see #moveBy */ protected abstract void basicMoveBy(int dx, int dy); /** * Changes the display box of a figure. Clients usually * call this method. It changes the display box * and announces the corresponding change. * @param origin the new origin * @param corner the new corner * @see #displayBox */ public void displayBox(Point origin, Point corner) { willChange(); basicDisplayBox(origin, corner); changed(); } /** * Sets the display box of a figure. This is the * method that subclassers override. Clients usually * call displayBox. * @see #displayBox */ public abstract void basicDisplayBox(Point origin, Point corner); /** * Gets the display box of a figure. */ public abstract Rectangle displayBox(); /** * Returns the handles of a Figure that can be used * to manipulate some of its attributes. * @return a type-safe iterator of handles * @see Handle */ public abstract HandleEnumeration handles(); /** * Returns an Enumeration of the figures contained in this figure. * @see CompositeFigure */ public FigureEnumeration figures() { return FigureEnumerator.getEmptyEnumeration(); } /** * Gets the size of the figure. A convenience method. */ public Dimension size() { return new Dimension(displayBox().width, displayBox().height); } /** * Checks if the figure is empty. The default implementation returns * true if the width or height of its display box is < 3 * @see Figure#isEmpty */ public boolean isEmpty() { return (size().width < 3) || (size().height < 3); } /** * Returns the figure that contains the given point. * In contrast to containsPoint it returns its * innermost figure that contains the point. * * @see #containsPoint */ public Figure findFigureInside(int x, int y) { if (containsPoint(x, y)) { return this; } return null; } /** * Checks if a point is inside the figure. */ public boolean containsPoint(int x, int y) { return displayBox().contains(x, y); } /** * Changes the display box of a figure. This is a * convenience method. Implementors should only * have to override basicDisplayBox * @see #displayBox */ public void displayBox(Rectangle r) { displayBox(new Point(r.x, r.y), new Point(r.x+r.width, r.y+r.height)); } /** * Checks whether the given figure is contained in this figure. */ public boolean includes(Figure figure) { return figure == this; } /** * Decomposes a figure into its parts. It returns a FigureEnumeration * that contains itself. * @return an Enumeration with itself as the only element. */ public FigureEnumeration decompose() { List figures = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(1); figures.add(this); return new FigureEnumerator(figures); } /** * Sets the Figure's container and registers the container * as a figure change listener. A figure's container can be * any kind of FigureChangeListener. A figure is not restricted * to have a single container. */ public void addToContainer(FigureChangeListener c) { addFigureChangeListener(c); invalidate(); } /** * Removes a figure from the given container and unregisters * it as a change listener. */ public void removeFromContainer(FigureChangeListener c) { invalidate(); removeFigureChangeListener(c); } /** * Adds a listener for this figure. */ public synchronized void addFigureChangeListener(FigureChangeListener l) { fListener = FigureChangeEventMulticaster.add(listener(), l); } /** * Removes a listener for this figure. */ public synchronized void removeFigureChangeListener(FigureChangeListener l) { fListener = FigureChangeEventMulticaster.remove(listener(), l); } /** * Gets the figure's listners. */ public synchronized FigureChangeListener listener() { return fListener; } /** * A figure is released from the drawing. You never call this * method directly. Release notifies its listeners. * @see Figure#release */ public void release() { if (listener() != null) { listener().figureRemoved(new FigureChangeEvent(this)); } } /** * Invalidates the figure. This method informs the listeners * that the figure's current display box is invalid and should be * refreshed. */ public void invalidate() { if (listener() != null) { Rectangle r = invalidateRectangle(displayBox()); listener().figureInvalidated(new FigureChangeEvent(this, r)); } } /** * Hook method to change the rectangle that will be invalidated */ protected Rectangle invalidateRectangle(Rectangle r) { r.grow(Handle.HANDLESIZE, Handle.HANDLESIZE); return r; } /** * Informes that a figure is about to change something that * affects the contents of its display box. * * @see Figure#willChange */ public void willChange() { // call invalidate before the change occurs to invalidate the old display area invalidate(); } /** * Informs that a figure changed the area of its display box. * * @see FigureChangeEvent * @see Figure#changed */ public void changed() { invalidate(); if (listener() != null) { listener().figureChanged(new FigureChangeEvent(this)); } } /** * Gets the center of a figure. A convenice * method that is rarely overridden. */ public Point center() { return Geom.center(displayBox()); } /** * Checks if this figure can be connected. By default * AbstractFigures can be connected. */ public boolean canConnect() { return true; } /** * Returns the connection inset. The connection inset * defines the area where the display box of a * figure can't be connected. By default the entire * display box can be connected. * */ public Insets connectionInsets() { return new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); } /** * Returns the Figures connector for the specified location. * By default a ChopBoxConnector is returned. * @see ChopBoxConnector */ public Connector connectorAt(int x, int y) { return new ChopBoxConnector(this); } /** * Sets whether the connectors should be visible. * By default they are not visible */ public void connectorVisibility(boolean isVisible, ConnectionFigure connector) { } /** * Returns the locator used to located connected text. */ public Locator connectedTextLocator(Figure text) { return RelativeLocator.center(); } /** * Returns the named attribute or null if a * a figure doesn't have an attribute. * By default figures don't have any attributes so getAttribute * returns null. * * @deprecated use getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant) instead */ public Object getAttribute(String name) { return null; } /** * Returns the named attribute or null if a * a figure doesn't have an attribute. * By default figures don't have any attributes getAttribute * returns null. */ public Object getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant attributeConstant) { return null; } /** * Sets the named attribute to the new value. By default * figures don't have any attributes and the request is ignored. * * @deprecated use setAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant, Object) instead */ public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) { } /** * Sets the named attribute to the new value. By default * figures don't have any attributes and the request is ignored. */ public void setAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant attributeConstant, Object value) { } /** * Clones a figure. Creates a clone by using the storable * mechanism to flatten the Figure to stream followed by * resurrecting it from the same stream. * * @see Figure#clone */ public Object clone() { Object clone = null; ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(200); try { ObjectOutput writer = new ObjectOutputStream(output); writer.writeObject(this); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Class not found: " + e); } InputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()); try { ObjectInput reader = new ObjectInputStream(input); clone = reader.readObject(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Class not found: " + e); } return clone; } /** * Stores the Figure to a StorableOutput. */ public void write(StorableOutput dw) { } /** * Reads the Figure from a StorableInput. */ public void read(StorableInput dr) throws IOException { } /** * Gets the z value (back-to-front ordering) of this figure. */ public int getZValue() { return _nZ; } /** * Sets the z value (back-to-front ordering) of this figure. */ public void setZValue(int z) { _nZ = z; } public void visit(FigureVisitor visitor) { // remember original listener as listeners might be changed by a visitor // (e.g. by calling addToContainer() or removeFromContainer()) //FigureChangeListener originalListener = listener(); FigureEnumeration fe = getDependendFigures(); visitor.visitFigure(this); FigureEnumeration visitFigures = figures(); while (visitFigures.hasNextFigure()) { visitFigures.nextFigure().visit(visitor); } HandleEnumeration visitHandles = handles(); while (visitHandles.hasNextHandle()) { visitor.visitHandle(visitHandles.nextHandle()); } /* originalListener = listener(); if (originalListener != null) { visitor.visitFigureChangeListener(originalListener); } */ while (fe.hasNextFigure()) { fe.nextFigure().visit(visitor); // or visitor.visitDependendFigure(fe.nextFigure()); } } public synchronized FigureEnumeration getDependendFigures() { return new FigureEnumerator(myDependendFigures); } public synchronized void addDependendFigure(Figure newDependendFigure) { myDependendFigures.add(newDependendFigure); } public synchronized void removeDependendFigure(Figure oldDependendFigure) { myDependendFigures.remove(oldDependendFigure); } public TextHolder getTextHolder() { return null; } public Figure getDecoratedFigure() { return this; } }