/* * @(#)PolyLineFigure.java * * Project: JHotdraw - a GUI framework for technical drawings * http://www.jhotdraw.org * http://jhotdraw.sourceforge.net * Copyright: (c) by the original author(s) and all contributors * License: Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html */ package org.jhotdraw.figures; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; // JUnitDoclet begin import import org.jhotdraw.framework.Connector; import org.jhotdraw.framework.FigureAttributeConstant; import org.jhotdraw.framework.HandleEnumeration; import org.jhotdraw.framework.Locator; import org.jhotdraw.standard.AbstractFigure; import org.jhotdraw.standard.HandleEnumerator; import org.jhotdraw.util.CollectionsFactory; import org.jhotdraw.util.Geom; import org.jhotdraw.util.StorableInput; import org.jhotdraw.util.StorableOutput; // JUnitDoclet end import /** * A poly line figure consists of a list of points. * It has an optional line decoration at the start and end. * * @see LineDecoration * * @version <$CURRENT_VERSION$> */ public class PolyLineFigure extends AbstractFigure { public final static int ARROW_TIP_NONE = 0; public final static int ARROW_TIP_START = 1; public final static int ARROW_TIP_END = 2; public final static int ARROW_TIP_BOTH = 3; protected List fPoints; protected LineDecoration fStartDecoration = null; protected LineDecoration fEndDecoration = null; protected Color fFrameColor = Color.black; /* * Serialization support. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -7951352179906577773L; private int polyLineFigureSerializedDataVersion = 1; public PolyLineFigure() { this(4); } public PolyLineFigure(int size) { fPoints = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(size); } public PolyLineFigure(int x, int y) { fPoints = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(); fPoints.add(new Point(x, y)); } public Rectangle displayBox() { Iterator iter = points(); if (iter.hasNext()) { // avoid starting with origin 0,0 because that would lead to a too large rectangle Rectangle r = new Rectangle((Point)iter.next()); while (iter.hasNext()) { r.add((Point)iter.next()); } return r; } else { return new Rectangle(); } } public boolean isEmpty() { return (size().width < 3) && (size().height < 3); } public HandleEnumeration handles() { List handles = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(fPoints.size()); for (int i = 0; i < fPoints.size(); i++) { handles.add(new PolyLineHandle(this, locator(i), i)); } return new HandleEnumerator(handles); } public void basicDisplayBox(Point origin, Point corner) { } /** * Adds a node to the list of points. */ public void addPoint(int x, int y) { fPoints.add(new Point(x, y)); changed(); } public Iterator points() { return fPoints.iterator(); } public int pointCount() { return fPoints.size(); } protected void basicMoveBy(int dx, int dy) { Iterator iter = points(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ((Point)iter.next()).translate(dx, dy); } } /** * Changes the position of a node. */ public void setPointAt(Point p, int i) { willChange(); fPoints.set(i, p); changed(); } /** * Insert a node at the given point. */ public void insertPointAt(Point p, int i) { fPoints.add(i, p); changed(); } public void removePointAt(int i) { willChange(); fPoints.remove(i); changed(); } /** * Splits the segment at the given point if a segment was hit. * @return the index of the segment or -1 if no segment was hit. */ public int splitSegment(int x, int y) { int i = findSegment(x, y); if (i != -1) { insertPointAt(new Point(x, y), i+1); } return i+1; } public Point pointAt(int i) { return (Point)fPoints.get(i); } /** * Joins to segments into one if the given point hits a node * of the polyline. * @return true if the two segments were joined. */ public boolean joinSegments(int x, int y) { for (int i= 1; i < fPoints.size()-1; i++) { Point p = pointAt(i); if (Geom.length(x, y, p.x, p.y) < 3) { removePointAt(i); return true; } } return false; } public Connector connectorAt(int x, int y) { return new PolyLineConnector(this); } /** * Sets the start decoration. */ public void setStartDecoration(LineDecoration l) { fStartDecoration = l; } /** * Returns the start decoration. */ public LineDecoration getStartDecoration() { return fStartDecoration; } /** * Sets the end decoration. */ public void setEndDecoration(LineDecoration l) { fEndDecoration = l; } /** * Returns the end decoration. */ public LineDecoration getEndDecoration() { return fEndDecoration; } public void draw(Graphics g) { g.setColor(getFrameColor()); Point p1, p2; for (int i = 0; i < fPoints.size()-1; i++) { p1 = pointAt(i); p2 = pointAt(i+1); drawLine(g, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); } decorate(g); } /** * Can be overriden in subclasses to draw different types of lines * (e.g. dotted lines) */ protected void drawLine(Graphics g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); } public boolean containsPoint(int x, int y) { Rectangle bounds = displayBox(); bounds.grow(4,4); if (!bounds.contains(x, y)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < fPoints.size()-1; i++) { Point p1 = pointAt(i); Point p2 = pointAt(i+1); if (Geom.lineContainsPoint(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, x, y)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the segment of the polyline that is hit by * the given point. * @return the index of the segment or -1 if no segment was hit. */ public int findSegment(int x, int y) { for (int i = 0; i < fPoints.size()-1; i++) { Point p1 = pointAt(i); Point p2 = pointAt(i+1); if (Geom.lineContainsPoint(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, x, y)) { return i; } } return -1; } private void decorate(Graphics g) { if (getStartDecoration() != null) { Point p1 = pointAt(0); Point p2 = pointAt(1); getStartDecoration().draw(g, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); } if (getEndDecoration() != null) { Point p3 = pointAt(fPoints.size()-2); Point p4 = pointAt(fPoints.size()-1); getEndDecoration().draw(g, p4.x, p4.y, p3.x, p3.y); } } /** * Gets the attribute with the given name. * PolyLineFigure maps "ArrowMode"to a * line decoration. * * @deprecated use getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant) instead */ public Object getAttribute(String name) { return getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.getConstant(name)); } /** * Gets the attribute with the given name. * PolyLineFigure maps "ArrowMode"to a * line decoration. */ public Object getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant attributeConstant) { if (attributeConstant.equals(FigureAttributeConstant.FRAME_COLOR)) { return getFrameColor(); } else if (attributeConstant.equals(FigureAttributeConstant.ARROW_MODE)) { int value = 0; if (getStartDecoration() != null) { value |= ARROW_TIP_START; } if (getEndDecoration() != null) { value |= ARROW_TIP_END; } return new Integer(value); } return super.getAttribute(attributeConstant); } /** * Sets the attribute with the given name. * PolyLineFigure interprets "ArrowMode"to set * the line decoration. * * @deprecated use setAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant, Object) instead */ public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) { setAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.getConstant(name), value); } /** * Sets the attribute with the given name. * PolyLineFigure interprets "ArrowMode"to set * the line decoration. */ public void setAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant attributeConstant, Object value) { if (attributeConstant.equals(FigureAttributeConstant.FRAME_COLOR)) { setFrameColor((Color)value); changed(); } else if (attributeConstant.equals(FigureAttributeConstant.ARROW_MODE)) { Integer intObj = (Integer)value; if (intObj != null) { int decoration = intObj.intValue(); if ((decoration & ARROW_TIP_START) != 0) { setStartDecoration(new ArrowTip()); } else { setStartDecoration(null); } if ((decoration & ARROW_TIP_END) != 0) { setEndDecoration(new ArrowTip()); } else { setEndDecoration(null); } } changed(); } else { super.setAttribute(attributeConstant, value); } } public void write(StorableOutput dw) { super.write(dw); dw.writeInt(fPoints.size()); Iterator iter = points(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Point p = (Point)iter.next(); dw.writeInt(p.x); dw.writeInt(p.y); } dw.writeStorable(fStartDecoration); dw.writeStorable(fEndDecoration); dw.writeColor(fFrameColor); } public void read(StorableInput dr) throws IOException { super.read(dr); int size = dr.readInt(); fPoints = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(size); for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { int x = dr.readInt(); int y = dr.readInt(); fPoints.add(new Point(x,y)); } setStartDecoration((LineDecoration)dr.readStorable()); setEndDecoration((LineDecoration)dr.readStorable()); fFrameColor = dr.readColor(); } /** * Creates a locator for the point with the given index. */ public static Locator locator(int pointIndex) { return new PolyLineLocator(pointIndex); } protected Color getFrameColor() { return fFrameColor; } protected void setFrameColor(Color c) { fFrameColor = c; } /** * Hook method to change the rectangle that will be invalidated */ protected Rectangle invalidateRectangle(Rectangle r) { // SF-bug id: 533953: provide this method to customize invalidated rectangle Rectangle parentR = super.invalidateRectangle(r); if (getStartDecoration() != null) { parentR.add(getStartDecoration().displayBox()); } if (getEndDecoration() != null) { parentR.add(getEndDecoration().displayBox()); } return parentR; } }