/* * @(#)DrawApplet.java * * Project: JHotdraw - a GUI framework for technical drawings * http://www.jhotdraw.org * http://jhotdraw.sourceforge.net * Copyright: (c) by the original author(s) and all contributors * License: Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html */ package org.jhotdraw.applet; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import org.jhotdraw.framework.*; import org.jhotdraw.standard.*; import org.jhotdraw.figures.*; import org.jhotdraw.util.*; /** * DrawApplication defines a standard presentation for * a drawing editor that is run as an applet. The presentation is * customized in subclasses.<p> * Supported applet parameters: <br> * <i>DRAWINGS</i>: a blank separated list of drawing names that is * shown in the drawings choice. * * @version <$CURRENT_VERSION$> */ public class DrawApplet extends JApplet implements DrawingEditor, PaletteListener, VersionRequester { private transient Drawing fDrawing; private transient Tool fTool; private transient DrawingView fView; private transient ToolButton fDefaultToolButton; private transient ToolButton fSelectedToolButton; private transient boolean fSimpleUpdate; private transient JButton fUpdateButton; private transient JComboBox fFrameColor; private transient JComboBox fFillColor; private transient JComboBox fTextColor; private transient JComboBox fArrowChoice; private transient JComboBox fFontChoice; private transient UndoManager myUndoManager; static String fgUntitled = "untitled"; private static final String fgDrawPath = "/org/jhotdraw/"; public static final String IMAGES = fgDrawPath+"images/"; /** * Initializes the applet and creates its contents. */ public void init() { createIconkit(); getVersionControlStrategy().assertCompatibleVersion(); setUndoManager(new UndoManager()); getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); fView = createDrawingView(); JPanel attributes = createAttributesPanel(); createAttributeChoices(attributes); getContentPane().add("North", attributes); JPanel toolPanel = createToolPalette(); createTools(toolPanel); getContentPane().add("West", toolPanel); getContentPane().add("Center", (Component)view()); JPanel buttonPalette = createButtonPanel(); createButtons(buttonPalette); getContentPane().add("South", buttonPalette); initDrawing(); // JFC should have its own internal double buffering... //setBufferedDisplayUpdate(); setupAttributes(); } public void addViewChangeListener(ViewChangeListener vsl) { } public void removeViewChangeListener(ViewChangeListener vsl) { } protected Iconkit createIconkit() { return new Iconkit(this); } /** * Creates the attributes panel. */ protected JPanel createAttributesPanel() { JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new PaletteLayout(2, new Point(2,2), false)); return panel; } /** * Creates the attribute choices. Override to add additional * choices. */ protected void createAttributeChoices(JPanel panel) { panel.add(new JLabel("Fill")); fFillColor = createColorChoice(FigureAttributeConstant.FILL_COLOR); panel.add(fFillColor); panel.add(new JLabel("Text")); fTextColor = createColorChoice(FigureAttributeConstant.TEXT_COLOR); panel.add(fTextColor); panel.add(new JLabel("Pen")); fFrameColor = createColorChoice(FigureAttributeConstant.FRAME_COLOR); panel.add(fFrameColor); panel.add(new JLabel("Arrow")); CommandChoice choice = new CommandChoice(); fArrowChoice = choice; FigureAttributeConstant arrowMode = FigureAttributeConstant.ARROW_MODE; choice.addItem(new ChangeAttributeCommand("none", arrowMode, new Integer(PolyLineFigure.ARROW_TIP_NONE), this)); choice.addItem(new ChangeAttributeCommand("at Start", arrowMode, new Integer(PolyLineFigure.ARROW_TIP_START), this)); choice.addItem(new ChangeAttributeCommand("at End", arrowMode, new Integer(PolyLineFigure.ARROW_TIP_END), this)); choice.addItem(new ChangeAttributeCommand("at Both", arrowMode, new Integer(PolyLineFigure.ARROW_TIP_BOTH), this)); panel.add(fArrowChoice); panel.add(new JLabel("Font")); fFontChoice = createFontChoice(); panel.add(fFontChoice); } /** * Creates the color choice for the given attribute. */ protected JComboBox createColorChoice(FigureAttributeConstant attribute) { CommandChoice choice = new CommandChoice(); for (int i = 0; i < ColorMap.size(); i++) choice.addItem( new ChangeAttributeCommand( ColorMap.name(i), attribute, ColorMap.color(i), this ) ); return choice; } /** * Creates the font choice. The choice is filled with * all the fonts supported by the toolkit. */ protected JComboBox createFontChoice() { CommandChoice choice = new CommandChoice(); String fonts[] = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); for (int i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) { choice.addItem(new ChangeAttributeCommand(fonts[i], FigureAttributeConstant.FONT_NAME, fonts[i], this)); } return choice; } /** * Creates the buttons panel. */ protected JPanel createButtonPanel() { JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new PaletteLayout(2, new Point(2,2), false)); return panel; } /** * Creates the buttons shown in the buttons panel. Override to * add additional buttons. * @param panel the buttons panel. */ protected void createButtons(JPanel panel) { panel.add(new Filler(24,20)); JComboBox drawingChoice = new JComboBox(); drawingChoice.addItem(fgUntitled); String param = getParameter("DRAWINGS"); if (param == null) { param = ""; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(param); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { drawingChoice.addItem(st.nextToken()); } // offer choice only if more than one if (drawingChoice.getItemCount() > 1) { panel.add(drawingChoice); } else { panel.add(new JLabel(fgUntitled)); } drawingChoice.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { loadDrawing((String)e.getItem()); } } } ); panel.add(new Filler(6,20)); JButton button; button = new CommandButton(new DeleteCommand("Delete", this)); panel.add(button); button = new CommandButton(new DuplicateCommand("Duplicate", this)); panel.add(button); button = new CommandButton(new GroupCommand("Group", this)); panel.add(button); button = new CommandButton(new UngroupCommand("Ungroup", this)); panel.add(button); button = new JButton("Help"); button.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { showHelp(); } } ); panel.add(button); fUpdateButton = new JButton("Simple Update"); fUpdateButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (fSimpleUpdate) { setBufferedDisplayUpdate(); } else { setSimpleDisplayUpdate(); } } } ); // panel.add(fUpdateButton); // not shown currently } /** * Creates the tools palette. */ protected JPanel createToolPalette() { JPanel palette = new JPanel(); palette.setLayout(new PaletteLayout(2,new Point(2,2))); return palette; } /** * Creates the tools. By default only the selection tool is added. * Override this method to add additional tools. * Call the inherited method to include the selection tool. * @param palette the palette where the tools are added. */ protected void createTools(JPanel palette) { Tool tool = createSelectionTool(); fDefaultToolButton = createToolButton(IMAGES + "SEL", "Selection Tool", tool); palette.add(fDefaultToolButton); } /** * Creates the selection tool used in this editor. Override to use * a custom selection tool. */ protected Tool createSelectionTool() { return new SelectionTool(this); } /** * Creates a tool button with the given image, tool, and text */ protected ToolButton createToolButton(String iconName, String toolName, Tool tool) { return new ToolButton(this, iconName, toolName, tool); } /** * Creates the drawing used in this application. * You need to override this method to use a Drawing * subclass in your application. By default a standard * Drawing is returned. */ protected Drawing createDrawing() { return new StandardDrawing(); } /** * Creates the drawing view used in this application. * You need to override this method to use a DrawingView * subclass in your application. By default a standard * DrawingView is returned. */ protected DrawingView createDrawingView() { return new StandardDrawingView(this, 410, 370); } /** * Handles a user selection in the palette. * @see PaletteListener */ public void paletteUserSelected(PaletteButton button) { ToolButton toolButton = (ToolButton) button; setTool(toolButton.tool(), toolButton.name()); setSelected(toolButton); } /** * Handles when the mouse enters or leaves a palette button. * @see PaletteListener */ public void paletteUserOver(PaletteButton button, boolean inside) { if (inside) { showStatus(button.name()); } else if (fSelectedToolButton != null) { showStatus(fSelectedToolButton.name()); } } /** * Gets the current drawing. * @see DrawingEditor */ public Drawing drawing() { return fDrawing; } /** * Gets the current tool. * @see DrawingEditor */ public Tool tool() { return fTool; } /** * Gets the current drawing view. * @see DrawingEditor */ public DrawingView view() { return fView; } public DrawingView[] views() { return new DrawingView[] { view() } ; } /** * Sets the default tool of the editor. * @see DrawingEditor */ public void toolDone() { setTool(fDefaultToolButton.tool(), fDefaultToolButton.name()); setSelected(fDefaultToolButton); } /** * Handles a change of the current selection. Updates all * menu items that are selection sensitive. * @see DrawingEditor */ public void figureSelectionChanged(DrawingView view) { setupAttributes(); } public void viewSelectionChanged(DrawingView oldView, DrawingView newView) { } private void initDrawing() { fDrawing = createDrawing(); view().setDrawing(fDrawing); toolDone(); } private void setTool(Tool t, String name) { if (fTool != null) { fTool.deactivate(); } fTool = t; if (fTool != null) { showStatus(name); fTool.activate(); } } private void setSelected(ToolButton button) { if (fSelectedToolButton != null) { fSelectedToolButton.reset(); } fSelectedToolButton = button; if (fSelectedToolButton != null) { fSelectedToolButton.select(); } } protected void loadDrawing(String param) { if (param == fgUntitled) { fDrawing.release(); initDrawing(); return; } String filename = getParameter(param); if (filename != null) { readDrawing(filename); } } private void readDrawing(String filename) { toolDone(); String type = guessType(filename); if (type.equals("storable")) { readFromStorableInput(filename); } else if (type.equals("serialized")) { readFromObjectInput(filename); } else { showStatus("Unknown file type"); } } private void readFromStorableInput(String filename) { try { URL url = new URL(getCodeBase(), filename); InputStream stream = url.openStream(); StorableInput input = new StorableInput(stream); fDrawing.release(); fDrawing = (Drawing)input.readStorable(); view().setDrawing(fDrawing); } catch (IOException e) { initDrawing(); showStatus("Error:" + e); } } private void readFromObjectInput(String filename) { try { URL url = new URL(getCodeBase(), filename); InputStream stream = url.openStream(); ObjectInput input = new ObjectInputStream(stream); fDrawing.release(); fDrawing = (Drawing)input.readObject(); view().setDrawing(fDrawing); } catch (IOException e) { initDrawing(); showStatus("Error: " + e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { initDrawing(); showStatus("Class not found: " + e); } } private String guessType(String file) { if (file.endsWith(".draw")) { return "storable"; } if (file.endsWith(".ser")) { return "serialized"; } return "unknown"; } private void setupAttributes() { Color frameColor = (Color) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FRAME_COLOR); Color fillColor = (Color) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FILL_COLOR); //Color textColor = (Color) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.TEXT_COLOR); Integer arrowMode = (Integer) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.ARROW_MODE); String fontName = (String) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FONT_NAME); FigureEnumeration fe = view().selection(); while (fe.hasNextFigure()) { Figure f = fe.nextFigure(); frameColor = (Color) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FRAME_COLOR); fillColor = (Color) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FILL_COLOR); //textColor = (Color) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.TEXT_COLOR); arrowMode = (Integer) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.ARROW_MODE); fontName = (String) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FONT_NAME); } fFrameColor.setSelectedIndex(ColorMap.colorIndex(frameColor)); fFillColor.setSelectedIndex(ColorMap.colorIndex(fillColor)); //fTextColor.select(ColorMap.colorIndex(textColor)); if (arrowMode != null) { fArrowChoice.setSelectedIndex(arrowMode.intValue()); } if (fontName != null) { fFontChoice.setSelectedItem(fontName); } } protected void setSimpleDisplayUpdate() { view().setDisplayUpdate(new SimpleUpdateStrategy()); fUpdateButton.setText("Simple Update"); fSimpleUpdate = true; } protected void setBufferedDisplayUpdate() { view().setDisplayUpdate(new BufferedUpdateStrategy()); fUpdateButton.setText("Buffered Update"); fSimpleUpdate = false; } /** * Shows a help page for the applet. The URL of the help * page is derived as follows: codeBase+appletClassname+Help.html" */ protected void showHelp() { try { String appletPath = getClass().getName().replace('.', '/'); URL url = new URL(getCodeBase(), appletPath + "Help.html"); getAppletContext().showDocument(url, "Help"); } catch (IOException e) { showStatus("Help file not found"); } } protected void setUndoManager(UndoManager newUndoManager) { myUndoManager = newUndoManager; } public UndoManager getUndoManager() { return myUndoManager; } protected VersionControlStrategy getVersionControlStrategy() { return new StandardVersionControlStrategy(this); } /** * Subclasses should override this method to specify to which versions of * JHotDraw they are compatible. A string array is returned so it is possible * to specify several version numbers of JHotDraw to which the application * is compatible with. * * @return all versions number of JHotDraw the application is compatible with. */ public String[] getRequiredVersions() { String[] requiredVersions = new String[1]; // return the version of the package we are in requiredVersions[0] = VersionManagement.getPackageVersion(DrawApplet.class.getPackage()); return requiredVersions; } }