/* * @(#)TextTool.java * * Project: JHotdraw - a GUI framework for technical drawings * http://www.jhotdraw.org * http://jhotdraw.sourceforge.net * Copyright: (c) by the original author(s) and all contributors * License: Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html */ package org.jhotdraw.figures; import org.jhotdraw.framework.*; import org.jhotdraw.standard.*; import org.jhotdraw.util.FloatingTextField; import org.jhotdraw.util.UndoableAdapter; import org.jhotdraw.util.Undoable; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /** * Tool to create new or edit existing text figures. * The editing behavior is implemented by overlaying the * Figure providing the text with a FloatingTextField.<p> * A tool interaction is done once a Figure that is not * a TextHolder is clicked. * * @see TextHolder * @see FloatingTextField * * @version <$CURRENT_VERSION$> */ public class TextTool extends CreationTool { private FloatingTextField myTextField; private TextHolder myTypingTarget; /** * The selected figure is different from the TextHolder as the TextHolder * may be included in a DecoratorFigure. Thus, the DecoratorFigure is selected * while the TextFigure is edited. */ private Figure mySelectedFigure; public TextTool(DrawingEditor newDrawingEditor, Figure prototype) { super(newDrawingEditor, prototype); } /** * If the pressed figure is a TextHolder it can be edited otherwise * a new text figure is created. */ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e, int x, int y) { setView((DrawingView)e.getSource()); if (getTypingTarget() != null) { editor().toolDone(); return; } TextHolder textHolder = null; Figure pressedFigure = drawing().findFigureInside(x, y); if (pressedFigure != null) { textHolder = pressedFigure.getTextHolder(); setSelectedFigure(pressedFigure); } if ((textHolder != null) && textHolder.acceptsTyping()) { // do not create a new TextFigure but edit existing one beginEdit(textHolder); } else { super.mouseDown(e, x, y); // update view so the created figure is drawn before the floating text // figure is overlaid. (Note, fDamage should be null in StandardDrawingView // when the overlay figure is drawn because a JTextField cannot be scrolled) view().checkDamage(); beginEdit(getCreatedFigure().getTextHolder()); } } public void mouseDrag(MouseEvent e, int x, int y) { } public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e, int x, int y) { if (!isActive()) { editor().toolDone(); } } /** * Terminates the editing of a text figure. */ public void deactivate() { endEdit(); super.deactivate(); } /** * Sets the text cursor. */ public void activate() { super.activate(); // JDK1.1 TEXT_CURSOR has an incorrect hot spot //view().setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.TEXT_CURSOR)); } /** * Test whether the text tool is currently activated and is displaying * a overlay TextFigure for accepting input. * * @return true, if the text tool has a accepting target TextFigure for its input, false otherwise */ public boolean isActive() { return (getTypingTarget() != null); } protected void beginEdit(TextHolder figure) { if (getFloatingTextField() == null) { setFloatingTextField(createFloatingTextField()); } if (figure != getTypingTarget() && getTypingTarget() != null) { endEdit(); } getFloatingTextField().createOverlay((Container)view(), figure.getFont()); getFloatingTextField().setBounds(fieldBounds(figure), figure.getText()); setTypingTarget(figure); } protected void endEdit() { if (getTypingTarget() != null) { if (getAddedFigure() != null) { if (!isDeleteTextFigure()) { // figure has been created and not immediately deleted setUndoActivity(createPasteUndoActivity()); getUndoActivity().setAffectedFigures( new SingleFigureEnumerator(getAddedFigure()) ); getTypingTarget().setText(getFloatingTextField().getText()); } } else if (isDeleteTextFigure()) { // delete action setUndoActivity(createDeleteUndoActivity()); getUndoActivity().setAffectedFigures( new SingleFigureEnumerator(getSelectedFigure()) ); // perform delete operation of DeleteCommand.UndoActivity getUndoActivity().redo(); } else { // put affected figure into a figure enumeration setUndoActivity(createUndoActivity()); getUndoActivity().setAffectedFigures( new SingleFigureEnumerator(getTypingTarget().getRepresentingFigure())); getTypingTarget().setText(getFloatingTextField().getText()); ((TextTool.UndoActivity)getUndoActivity()).setBackupText(getTypingTarget().getText()); } setTypingTarget(null); getFloatingTextField().endOverlay(); } else { setUndoActivity(null); } setAddedFigure(null); setCreatedFigure(null); setSelectedFigure(null); } protected boolean isDeleteTextFigure() { return getFloatingTextField().getText().length() == 0; } private Rectangle fieldBounds(TextHolder figure) { Rectangle box = figure.textDisplayBox(); int nChars = figure.overlayColumns(); Dimension d = getFloatingTextField().getPreferredSize(nChars); return new Rectangle(box.x, box.y, d.width, d.height); } protected void setTypingTarget(TextHolder newTypingTarget) { myTypingTarget = newTypingTarget; } protected TextHolder getTypingTarget() { return myTypingTarget; } private void setSelectedFigure(Figure newSelectedFigure) { mySelectedFigure = newSelectedFigure; } protected Figure getSelectedFigure() { return mySelectedFigure; } private FloatingTextField createFloatingTextField() { return new FloatingTextField(); } private void setFloatingTextField(FloatingTextField newFloatingTextField) { myTextField = newFloatingTextField; } protected FloatingTextField getFloatingTextField() { return myTextField; } protected Undoable createDeleteUndoActivity() { FigureTransferCommand cmd = new DeleteCommand("Delete", editor()); return new DeleteCommand.UndoActivity(cmd); } protected Undoable createPasteUndoActivity() { return new PasteCommand.UndoActivity(view()); } /** * Factory method for undo activity */ protected Undoable createUndoActivity() { return new TextTool.UndoActivity(view(), getTypingTarget().getText()); } public static class UndoActivity extends UndoableAdapter { private String myOriginalText; private String myBackupText; public UndoActivity(DrawingView newDrawingView, String newOriginalText) { super(newDrawingView); setOriginalText(newOriginalText); setUndoable(true); setRedoable(true); } /* * Undo the activity * @return true if the activity could be undone, false otherwise */ public boolean undo() { if (!super.undo()) { return false; } getDrawingView().clearSelection(); setText(getOriginalText()); return true; } /* * Redo the activity * @return true if the activity could be redone, false otherwise */ public boolean redo() { if (!super.redo()) { return false; } getDrawingView().clearSelection(); setText(getBackupText()); return true; } protected boolean isValidText(String toBeChecked) { return ((toBeChecked != null) && (toBeChecked.length() > 0)); } protected void setText(String newText) { FigureEnumeration fe = getAffectedFigures(); while (fe.hasNextFigure()) { Figure currentFigure = fe.nextFigure(); if (currentFigure.getTextHolder() != null) { currentFigure.getTextHolder().setText(newText); } } } public void setBackupText(String newBackupText) { myBackupText = newBackupText; } public String getBackupText() { return myBackupText; } public void setOriginalText(String newOriginalText) { myOriginalText = newOriginalText; } public String getOriginalText() { return myOriginalText; } } }