/* * @(#)StorableOutput.java * * Project: JHotdraw - a GUI framework for technical drawings * http://www.jhotdraw.org * http://jhotdraw.sourceforge.net * Copyright: (c) by the original author(s) and all contributors * License: Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html */ package org.jhotdraw.util; import java.io.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.List; /** * An output stream that can be used to flatten Storable objects. * StorableOutput preserves the object identity of the stored objects. * * @see Storable * @see StorableInput * * @version <$CURRENT_VERSION$> */ public class StorableOutput extends Object { private PrintWriter fStream; private List fMap; private int fIndent; /** * Initializes the StorableOutput with the given output stream. */ public StorableOutput(OutputStream stream) { fStream = new PrintWriter(stream); fMap = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(); fIndent = 0; } /** * Writes a storable object to the output stream. */ public void writeStorable(Storable storable) { if (storable == null) { fStream.print("NULL"); space(); return; } if (mapped(storable)) { writeRef(storable); return; } incrementIndent(); startNewLine(); map(storable); fStream.print(storable.getClass().getName()); space(); storable.write(this); space(); decrementIndent(); } /** * Writes an int to the output stream. */ public void writeInt(int i) { fStream.print(i); space(); } /** * Writes a long to the output stream. */ public void writeLong(long l) { fStream.print(l); space(); } public void writeColor(Color c) { writeInt(c.getRed()); writeInt(c.getGreen()); writeInt(c.getBlue()); } /** * Writes an int to the output stream. */ public void writeDouble(double d) { fStream.print(d); space(); } /** * Writes an int to the output stream. */ public void writeBoolean(boolean b) { if (b) { fStream.print(1); } else { fStream.print(0); } space(); } /** * Writes a string to the output stream. Special characters * are quoted. */ public void writeString(String s) { fStream.print('"'); for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); switch(c) { case '\n': fStream.print('\\'); fStream.print('n'); break; case '"' : fStream.print('\\'); fStream.print('"'); break; case '\\': fStream.print('\\'); fStream.print('\\'); break; case '\t': fStream.print('\\'); fStream.print('\t'); break; default: fStream.print(c); } } fStream.print('"'); space(); } /** * Closes a storable output stream. */ public void close() { fStream.close(); } private boolean mapped(Storable storable) { return fMap.contains(storable); } private void map(Storable storable) { if (!fMap.contains(storable)) { fMap.add(storable); } } private void writeRef(Storable storable) { int ref = fMap.indexOf(storable); fStream.print("REF"); space(); fStream.print(ref); space(); } private void incrementIndent() { fIndent += 4; } private void decrementIndent() { fIndent -= 4; if (fIndent < 0) fIndent = 0; } private void startNewLine() { fStream.println(); for (int i=0; i<fIndent; i++) { space(); } } private void space() { fStream.print(' '); } }