/* * @(#)DragTracker.java * * Project: JHotdraw - a GUI framework for technical drawings * http://www.jhotdraw.org * http://jhotdraw.sourceforge.net * Copyright: (c) by the original author(s) and all contributors * License: Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html */ package org.jhotdraw.standard; import org.jhotdraw.framework.*; import org.jhotdraw.util.UndoableAdapter; import org.jhotdraw.util.Undoable; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; /** * DragTracker implements the dragging of the clicked * figure. * * @see SelectionTool * * @version <$CURRENT_VERSION$> */ public class DragTracker extends AbstractTool { private Figure fAnchorFigure; private int fLastX, fLastY; // previous mouse position private boolean fMoved = false; public DragTracker(DrawingEditor newDrawingEditor, Figure anchor) { super(newDrawingEditor); setAnchorFigure(anchor); } public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e, int x, int y) { super.mouseDown(e, x, y); setLastMouseX(x); setLastMouseY(y); if (e.isShiftDown()) { getActiveView().toggleSelection(getAnchorFigure()); setAnchorFigure(null); } else if (!getActiveView().isFigureSelected(getAnchorFigure())) { getActiveView().clearSelection(); getActiveView().addToSelection(getAnchorFigure()); } setUndoActivity(createUndoActivity()); getUndoActivity().setAffectedFigures(getActiveView().selection()); // getUndoActivity().setAffectedFigures(view().selectionElements()); } public void mouseDrag(MouseEvent e, int x, int y) { super.mouseDrag(e, x, y); setHasMoved((Math.abs(x - getAnchorX()) > 4) || (Math.abs(y - getAnchorY()) > 4)); if (hasMoved()) { FigureEnumeration figures = getUndoActivity().getAffectedFigures(); while (figures.hasNextFigure()) { figures.nextFigure().moveBy(x - getLastMouseX(), y - getLastMouseY()); } } setLastMouseX(x); setLastMouseY(y); } protected void setAnchorFigure(Figure newAnchorFigure) { fAnchorFigure = newAnchorFigure; } public Figure getAnchorFigure() { return fAnchorFigure; } protected void setLastMouseX(int newLastMouseX) { fLastX = newLastMouseX; } protected int getLastMouseX() { return fLastX; } protected void setLastMouseY(int newLastMouseY) { fLastY = newLastMouseY; } protected int getLastMouseY() { return fLastY; } /** * Check whether the selected figure has been moved since * the tool has been activated. * * @return true if the selected figure has been moved */ public boolean hasMoved() { return fMoved; } protected void setHasMoved(boolean newMoved) { fMoved = newMoved; } public void activate() { // suppress clearSelection() and tool-activation-notification // in superclass } public void deactivate() { if (hasMoved()) { ((DragTracker.UndoActivity)getUndoActivity()).setBackupPoint(new Point(getLastMouseX(), getLastMouseY())); } else { setUndoActivity(null); } } /** * Factory method for undo activity */ protected Undoable createUndoActivity() { return new DragTracker.UndoActivity(getActiveView(), new Point(getLastMouseX(), getLastMouseY())); } public static class UndoActivity extends UndoableAdapter { private Point myOriginalPoint; private Point myBackupPoint; public UndoActivity(DrawingView newDrawingView, Point newOriginalPoint) { super(newDrawingView); setOriginalPoint(newOriginalPoint); setUndoable(true); setRedoable(true); } /* * Undo the activity * @return true if the activity could be undone, false otherwise */ public boolean undo() { if (!super.undo()) { return false; } moveAffectedFigures(getBackupPoint(), getOriginalPoint()); return true; } /* * Redo the activity * @return true if the activity could be redone, false otherwise */ public boolean redo() { if (!super.redo()) { return false; } moveAffectedFigures(getOriginalPoint(), getBackupPoint()); return true; } public void setBackupPoint(Point newBackupPoint) { myBackupPoint = newBackupPoint; } public Point getBackupPoint() { return myBackupPoint; } public void setOriginalPoint(Point newOriginalPoint) { myOriginalPoint = newOriginalPoint; } public Point getOriginalPoint() { return myOriginalPoint; } public void moveAffectedFigures(Point startPoint, Point endPoint) { FigureEnumeration figures = getAffectedFigures(); while (figures.hasNextFigure()) { figures.nextFigure().moveBy(endPoint.x - startPoint.x, endPoint.y - startPoint.y); } } } }