/* * @(#)TextAreaFigure.java * * Project: JHotdraw - a GUI framework for technical drawings * http://www.jhotdraw.org * http://jhotdraw.sourceforge.net * Copyright: ? by the original author(s) and all contributors * License: Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html */ package org.jhotdraw.contrib; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext; import java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import java.awt.font.TextLayout; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator; import java.text.AttributedString; import java.text.CharacterIterator; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import org.jhotdraw.figures.AttributeFigure; import org.jhotdraw.framework.Figure; import org.jhotdraw.framework.FigureChangeEvent; import org.jhotdraw.framework.FigureChangeListener; import org.jhotdraw.framework.HandleEnumeration; import org.jhotdraw.standard.*; import org.jhotdraw.util.*; /** * A TextAreaFigure contains formatted text.<br> * It automatically rearranges the text to fit its allocated display area, * breaking the lines at word boundaries whenever possible.<br> * The text can contain either LF or CRLF sequences to separate paragraphs, * as well as tab characters for table like formatting and alignment.<br> * Currently the tabs are distributed at regular intervals as determined by * the TabSize property. Tabs align correctly with either fixed * or variable fonts.<br> * If, when resizing, the vertical size of the display box is not enough to * display all the text, TextAreaFigure displays a dashed red line at the * bottom of the figure to indicate there is hidden text.<br> * TextAreFigure uses all standard attributes for the area rectangle, * ie: FillColor, PenColor for the border, FontSize, FontStyle, and FontName, * as well as four additional attributes LeftMargin, RightMargin, TopMargin, * and TabSize.<br> * * @author Eduardo Francos - InContext * @created 26 avril 2002 * @version <$CURRENT_VERSION$> */ public class TextAreaFigure extends AttributeFigure implements FigureChangeListener, TextHolder { /** True if the paragraph's cache needs to be reconstructed */ protected boolean fTextIsDirty = true; /** True if the sizing needs to be recalculated */ protected transient boolean fSizeIsDirty = true; /** The current display box for the figure */ private Rectangle fDisplayBox; /** Paragraph cache resulting from splitting the text */ protected List fParagraphs; /** The text */ protected String fText; /** The current font */ protected Font fFont; /** * True if the font has changed and font related calculations need to be remade */ protected boolean fFontIsDirty = true; /** The width of the current font */ protected float fFontWidth; /** * Map of attributes for the AttributedString used for the figure's text. * Currently it just uses one single attribute with the figure's current font. */ protected Hashtable attributesMap = new Hashtable(); /** True if the figure is read only */ protected boolean fIsReadOnly; /** A connected figure */ protected Figure fObservedFigure = null; /** Description of the Field */ protected OffsetLocator fLocator = null; final static long serialVersionUID = 4993631445423148845L; // make sure required default attributes are set static { initDefaultAttribute("LeftMargin", new Float(5)); initDefaultAttribute("RightMargin", new Float(5)); initDefaultAttribute("TopMargin", new Float(5)); initDefaultAttribute("TabSize", new Float(8)); } /** Constructor for the TextAreaFigure object */ public TextAreaFigure() { fParagraphs = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(); fDisplayBox = new Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 15); fFont = createFont(); fText = new String(""); fSizeIsDirty = true; fTextIsDirty = true; fFontIsDirty = true; } /** * Gets the text of the figure * * @return The text value */ public String getText() { return fText; } /** * Sets the text of the figure * * @param newText The new text value */ public void setText(String newText) { if (newText == null || !newText.equals(fText)) { markTextDirty(); fText = newText; changed(); } } /** * Returns the display box for the text * * @return Description of the Return Value */ public Rectangle textDisplayBox() { return displayBox(); } /** * Creates the font from current attributes. * * @return Description of the Return Value */ public Font createFont() { return new Font( (String)getAttribute("FontName"), ((Integer)getAttribute("FontStyle")).intValue(), ((Integer)getAttribute("FontSize")).intValue()); } public boolean isReadOnly() { return fIsReadOnly; } public void setReadOnly(boolean newReadOnly) { fIsReadOnly = newReadOnly; } /** * Tests whether the figure accepts typing. * * @return Description of the Return Value */ public boolean acceptsTyping() { return !isReadOnly(); } /** * Called whenever the something changes that requires text recomputing */ protected void markTextDirty() { setTextDirty(true); } /** * Sets the textDirty attribute of the TextAreaFigure object * * @param newTextDirty The new textDirty value */ protected void setTextDirty(boolean newTextDirty) { fTextIsDirty = newTextDirty; } /** * Gets the textDirty attribute of the TextAreaFigure object * * @return The textDirty value */ public boolean isTextDirty() { return fTextIsDirty; } /** * Called whenever the something changes that requires size recomputing */ protected void markSizeDirty() { setSizeDirty(true); } /** * Called to set the dirty status of the size * * @param newSizeIsDirty The new sizeDirty value */ public void setSizeDirty(boolean newSizeIsDirty) { fSizeIsDirty = newSizeIsDirty; } /** * Returns the current size dirty status * * @return The sizeDirty value */ public boolean isSizeDirty() { return fSizeIsDirty; } /** * Gets the font. * * @return The font value */ public Font getFont() { return fFont; } /** * Sets the font. * * @param newFont The new font value */ public void setFont(Font newFont) { if(newFont == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } willChange(); fFont = newFont; markSizeDirty(); markFontDirty(); attributesMap = new Hashtable(1); attributesMap.put(TextAttribute.FONT, newFont); changed(); } /** * Gets the number of columns to be overlaid when the figure is edited.<br> * This method is mandatory by the TextHolder interface but is not * used by the TextAreaFigure/TextAreaTool couple because the overlay always * covers the text area display box * * @return the number of overlay columns */ public int overlayColumns() { return 0; } /** * Sets the display box for the figure * * @param origin origin point * @param corner corner point * @see Figure */ public void basicDisplayBox(Point origin, Point corner) { Dimension prevSize = fDisplayBox.getSize(); fDisplayBox = new Rectangle(origin); fDisplayBox.add(corner); if (!fDisplayBox.getSize().equals(prevSize)){ markSizeDirty(); } } /** * Returns an iterator of standard sizing handles to manipulate the figure * * @return Description of the Return Value */ public HandleEnumeration handles() { List handles = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(); BoxHandleKit.addHandles(this, handles); return new HandleEnumerator(handles); } /** * Returns the current display box for the figure * * @return Description of the Return Value */ public Rectangle displayBox() { return new Rectangle( fDisplayBox.x, fDisplayBox.y, fDisplayBox.width, fDisplayBox.height); } /** * Moves the figure the supplied offset * * @param x x displacement * @param y y displacement */ public void moveBy(int x, int y) { willChange(); basicMoveBy(x, y); if (fLocator != null) { fLocator.moveBy(x, y); } changed(); } /** * Moves the figure the supplied offset * * @param x x displacement * @param y y displacement */ protected void basicMoveBy(int x, int y) { fDisplayBox.translate(x, y); } /** * Draws the background for the figure. Called by the superclass with the colors * set from the current attribute values * * @param g The graphics to use for the drawing */ public void drawBackground(Graphics g) { Rectangle r = displayBox(); g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } /** * Draws the figure. Overriden so as to draw the text once everything * else has been drawn * * @param g The graphics to use for the drawing */ public void draw(Graphics g) { super.draw(g); drawText(g, displayBox()); } /** * Draws the frame around the text * * @param g The graphics to use for the drawing */ public void drawFrame(Graphics g) { Rectangle r = displayBox(); g.setColor((Color)getAttribute("FrameColor")); g.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } /** * Formats and draws the text for the figure * * @param g the graphics for the drawing. It can be null when * called just to compute the size * @param displayBox the display box within which the text should be formatted and drawn * @return Description of the Return Value */ protected float drawText(Graphics g, Rectangle displayBox) { Graphics2D g2 = null; Shape savedClipArea = null; Color savedFontColor = null; Rectangle2D clipRect = null; RenderingHints savedRenderingHints = null; if (g != null) { g2 = (Graphics2D)g; savedRenderingHints = g2.getRenderingHints(); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); //Font savedFont = g2.getFont(); savedFontColor = g2.getColor(); savedClipArea = g2.getClip(); if(savedClipArea != null) { clipRect = displayBox.createIntersection((Rectangle2D)savedClipArea); } else { clipRect = displayBox; } g2.setClip(clipRect); Color textColor = getTextColor(); if (!ColorMap.isTransparent(textColor)) { g2.setColor(textColor); } g2.setFont(getFont()); } FontRenderContext fontRenderCtx = new FontRenderContext(null, false, false); // split the text into paragraphs prepareText(); float leftMargin = displayBox.x + ((Float)getAttribute("LeftMargin")).floatValue(); float rightMargin = displayBox.x + displayBox.width - ((Float)getAttribute("RightMargin")).floatValue(); float topMargin = displayBox.y + ((Float)getAttribute("TopMargin")).floatValue(); /** * @todo we prepare stops for 40 tabs which should be enough to handle * all normal cases, but a better means should/could be implemented */ float[] tabStops = new float[40]; // tabSize is in pixels float tabSize = ((Float)getAttribute("TabSize")).floatValue() * getFontWidth(); float tabPos = tabSize; for (int tabCnt = 0; tabCnt < 40; tabCnt++) { tabStops[tabCnt] = tabPos + leftMargin; tabPos += tabSize; } /** Iterate on the paragraphs displaying each one in turn */ float verticalPos = topMargin; Iterator paragraphs = fParagraphs.iterator(); while (paragraphs.hasNext()) { String paragraphText = (String)paragraphs.next(); // prepare tabs. Here we build an array with the character positions // of the tabs within the paragraph AttributedString attrText = new AttributedString(paragraphText); AttributedCharacterIterator paragraphIter = attrText.getIterator(); int[] tabLocations = new int[paragraphText.length()]; int tabCount = 0; for (char c = paragraphIter.first(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c = paragraphIter.next()) { if (c == '\t') { tabLocations[tabCount++] = paragraphIter.getIndex(); } } tabLocations[tabCount] = paragraphIter.getEndIndex() - 1; // tabs done. Replace tab characters with spaces. This to avoid // a strange behaviour where the layout is a lot slower and // the font get's changed. If anybody knows why this so please // tell me. paragraphText = paragraphText.replace('\t', ' '); attrText = new AttributedString(paragraphText, attributesMap); paragraphIter = attrText.getIterator(); // Now tabLocations has an entry for every tab's offset in // the text. For convenience, the last entry in tabLocations // is the offset of the last character in the text. LineBreakMeasurer measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(paragraphIter, fontRenderCtx); int currentTab = 0; while (measurer.getPosition() < paragraphIter.getEndIndex()) { // Lay out and draw each line. All segments on a line // must be computed before any drawing can occur, since // we must know the largest ascent on the line. // TextLayouts are computed and stored in a collection; // their horizontal positions are stored in a parallel // collection. // lineContainsText is true after first segment is drawn boolean lineContainsText = false; boolean lineComplete = false; float maxAscent = 0; float maxDescent = 0; float horizontalPos = leftMargin; List layouts = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(1); List penPositions = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(1); while (!lineComplete) { float wrappingWidth = rightMargin - horizontalPos; // ensure wrappingWidth is at least 1 wrappingWidth = Math.max(1, wrappingWidth); TextLayout layout = measurer.nextLayout(wrappingWidth, tabLocations[currentTab] + 1, lineContainsText); // layout can be null if lineContainsText is true if (layout != null) { layouts.add(layout); penPositions.add(new Float(horizontalPos)); horizontalPos += layout.getAdvance(); maxAscent = Math.max(maxAscent, layout.getAscent()); maxDescent = Math.max(maxDescent, layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading()); } else { lineComplete = true; } lineContainsText = true; if (measurer.getPosition() == tabLocations[currentTab] + 1) { currentTab++; } if (measurer.getPosition() == paragraphIter.getEndIndex()) { lineComplete = true; } else if (horizontalPos >= tabStops[tabStops.length - 1]) { lineComplete = true; } if (!lineComplete) { // move to next tab stop int j; for (j = 0; horizontalPos >= tabStops[j]; j++) { } horizontalPos = tabStops[j]; } } // set the vertical position for the line verticalPos += maxAscent; // now iterate through layouts and draw them Iterator layoutEnum = layouts.iterator(); Iterator positionEnum = penPositions.iterator(); while (layoutEnum.hasNext()) { TextLayout nextLayout = (TextLayout)layoutEnum.next(); Float nextPosition = (Float)positionEnum.next(); if (g2 != null) { nextLayout.draw(g2, nextPosition.floatValue(), verticalPos); } } // keep track of the highest (actually lowest) position for the // next iteration verticalPos += maxDescent; } } // if the last displayed line is not visible because the displayBox is // too small then draw a dashed red line at the bottom if (g2 != null && verticalPos > clipRect.getMaxY() && clipRect.getMaxY() == displayBox.getMaxY()) { Stroke savedStroke = g2.getStroke(); float[] dash = new float[2]; dash[0] = 2f; dash[1] = 4f; g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke( 1f, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 1f, dash, 0f)); g2.setColor(Color.red); g2.drawLine((int)clipRect.getMinX() + 1, (int)clipRect.getMaxY() - 1, (int)clipRect.getMaxX() - 1, (int)clipRect.getMaxY() - 1); g2.setStroke(savedStroke); } // restore saved graphic attributes if (g2 != null) { if(savedClipArea != null) { g2.setClip(savedClipArea); } g2.setColor(savedFontColor); g2.setRenderingHints(savedRenderingHints); } // and return the final text height return verticalPos; } /** * Splits the text into paragraphs. A paragraph is delimited by a LF or CRLF. * If the paragraph is empty it returns a single space so the display logic has * something to work with */ protected void prepareText() { if (!isTextDirty()) { return; } fParagraphs = CollectionsFactory.current().createList(); String paragraphText; Point pos = new Point(-1, -1); while ((paragraphText = getNextParagraph(fText, pos)) != null) { if (paragraphText.length() == 0) { paragraphText = " "; } fParagraphs.add(paragraphText); } setTextDirty(false); } /** * Gets the next paragraph in the supplied string<br> * Paragraphs are defined by a LF or CRLF sequence<br> * Scanning starts from the next characters as given by the pos.y value * * @param text the text to break into paragraphs * @param pos a point where pos.x is the position of the first character of the paragraph in * the string and pos.y is the last * @return The text for the paragraph */ protected String getNextParagraph(String text, Point pos) { int start = pos.y + 1; if (start >= text.length()) { return null; } pos.x = start; int end = text.indexOf('\n', start); if (end == -1) { end = text.length(); } pos.y = end; // check for "\r\n" sequence if (text.charAt(end - 1) == '\r') { return text.substring(start, end - 1); } else { return text.substring(start, end); } } /** * A text area figure uses the "LeftMargin", "RightMargin", "TopMargin", * "TabSize", "FontSize", "FontStyle", and "FontName" attributes * * @param name the attribute's name * @return the attribute value * @deprecated use getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant) */ public Object getAttribute(String name) { return super.getAttribute(name); } /** * A text area figure uses the "LeftMargin", "RightMargin", * "TopMargin", "TabSize", "FontSize", "FontStyle", and "FontName" * attributes * * @param name the new attribute name * @param value the new attribute value * @deprecated use setAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant, Object) */ public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) { // we need to create a new font if one of the font attributes Font font = getFont(); if (name.equals("FontSize")) { Integer s = (Integer)value; setFont(new Font(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), s.intValue())); // store the attribute super.setAttribute(name, value); } else if (name.equals("FontStyle")) { Integer s = (Integer)value; int style = font.getStyle(); if (s.intValue() == Font.PLAIN) { style = Font.PLAIN; } else { style = style ^ s.intValue(); } setFont(new Font(font.getName(), style, font.getSize())); // store the attribute super.setAttribute(name, new Integer(style)); } else if (name.equals("FontName")) { String n = (String)value; setFont(new Font(n, font.getStyle(), font.getSize())); // store the attribute super.setAttribute(name, value); } else { // store the attribute super.setAttribute(name, value); } } /** * Writes the figure to StorableOutput * * @param dw the output storable */ public void write(StorableOutput dw) { super.write(dw); dw.writeInt(fDisplayBox.x); dw.writeInt(fDisplayBox.y); dw.writeInt(fDisplayBox.width); dw.writeInt(fDisplayBox.height); dw.writeString(fText); dw.writeBoolean(fIsReadOnly); dw.writeStorable(fObservedFigure); dw.writeStorable(fLocator); } /** * Reads the figure from StorableInput * * @param dr Description of the Parameter * @throws IOException the inout storable */ public void read(StorableInput dr) throws IOException { super.read(dr); markSizeDirty(); markTextDirty(); markFontDirty(); fDisplayBox.x = dr.readInt(); fDisplayBox.y = dr.readInt(); fDisplayBox.width = dr.readInt(); fDisplayBox.height = dr.readInt(); fText = dr.readString(); fIsReadOnly = dr.readBoolean(); fObservedFigure = (Figure)dr.readStorable(); if (fObservedFigure != null) { fObservedFigure.addFigureChangeListener(this); } fLocator = (OffsetLocator)dr.readStorable(); setFont(createFont()); } /** * Reads the figure from an object stream * * @param s the input stream * @throws ClassNotFoundException thrown by called methods * @throws IOException thrown by called methods */ protected void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { s.defaultReadObject(); if (fObservedFigure != null) { fObservedFigure.addFigureChangeListener(this); } markSizeDirty(); markTextDirty(); markFontDirty(); } /** * Connects the figure to another figure * * @param figure the connecting figure */ public void connect(Figure figure) { if (fObservedFigure != null) { fObservedFigure.removeFigureChangeListener(this); } fObservedFigure = figure; fLocator = new OffsetLocator(figure.connectedTextLocator(this)); fObservedFigure.addFigureChangeListener(this); updateLocation(); } /** * Disconnects a text holder from a connect figure. * * @param disconnectFigure the disconnecting figure */ public void disconnect(Figure disconnectFigure) { if (disconnectFigure != null) { disconnectFigure.removeFigureChangeListener(this); } fLocator = null; } /** * Description of the Method * @todo Implement this org.jhotdraw.framework.FigureChangeListener method * * @param e Description of the Parameter */ public void figureInvalidated(FigureChangeEvent e) { } /** * A connected figure has changed, update the figure's location * * @param e Description of the Parameter */ public void figureChanged(FigureChangeEvent e) { updateLocation(); } /** * Updates the location relative to the connected figure. * The TextAreaFigure is centered around the located point. */ protected void updateLocation() { if (fLocator != null) { Point p = fLocator.locate(fObservedFigure); p.x -= size().width / 2 + fDisplayBox.x; p.y -= size().height / 2 + fDisplayBox.y; if (p.x != 0 || p.y != 0) { willChange(); basicMoveBy(p.x, p.y); changed(); } } } /** * The figure is about to be removed from another composite figure * * @param e Description of the Parameter */ public void figureRemoved(FigureChangeEvent e) { if (listener() != null) { listener().figureRemoved(new FigureChangeEvent(this)); } } /** * A request to remove the figure from another composite figure * * @param e Description of the Parameter */ public void figureRequestRemove(FigureChangeEvent e) { if (listener() != null) { listener().figureRequestRemove(new FigureChangeEvent(this)); } } /** * @param e Description of the Parameter */ public void figureRequestUpdate(FigureChangeEvent e) { // @todo: Implement this org.jhotdraw.framework.FigureChangeListener method } /** * Gets the font width for the active font. This is by convention the width of * the 'W' character, the widest one * * @return The fontWidth value */ protected float getFontWidth() { updateFontInfo(); return fFontWidth; } /** Retrieve all Font information needed */ protected void updateFontInfo() { if (!isFontDirty()) { return; } fFontWidth = (int) getFont().getMaxCharBounds(new FontRenderContext(null, false, false)).getWidth(); setFontDirty(false); } /** * Gets the text color of a figure. This is a convenience * method. * * @return The textColor value * @see #getAttribute */ public Color getTextColor() { return (Color)getAttribute("TextColor"); } /** * Gets the empty attribute of the figure. True if there is no text * * @return The empty value */ public boolean isEmpty() { return (fText.length() == 0); } /** * Called whenever the something changes that requires font recomputing */ protected void markFontDirty() { setFontDirty(true); } /** * Gets the fontDirty attribute of the TextAreaFigure object * * @return The fontDirty value */ public boolean isFontDirty() { return fFontIsDirty; } /** * Sets the fontDirty attribute of the TextAreaFigure object * * @param newFontIsDirty The new fontDirty value */ public void setFontDirty(boolean newFontIsDirty) { fFontIsDirty = newFontIsDirty; } /** * Usually, a TextHolders is implemented by a Figure subclass. To avoid casting * a TextHolder to a Figure this method can be used for polymorphism (in this * case, let the (same) object appear to be of another type). * Note, that the figure returned is not the figure to which the TextHolder is * (and its representing figure) connected. * @return figure responsible for representing the content of this TextHolder */ public Figure getRepresentingFigure() { return this; } /** * @see org.jhotdraw.framework.Figure#getTextHolder() */ public TextHolder getTextHolder() { return this; } }