package org.geotools.dbffile; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Vector; import; /** * * This class represents a DBF (or DBase) file.<p> * Construct it with a URL or File (including the .dbf) * this causes the header and field definitions to be read.<p> * Later queries return rows or columns of the database.<p> * If a URL is specified then the whole file is read into memory<br> * if a file is specified then a randomAccess system is used.<br> *<hr> * @author <a href="">Ian Turton</a> Centre for * Computaional Geography, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, 1998. * <br> * mod to getStringCol by James Macgill. */ public class Dbf implements DbfConsts{ static final boolean DEBUG=false; static final String DBC="Dbf->"; int dbf_id; int last_update_d,last_update_m,last_update_y; int last_rec; int data_offset; int rec_size; StringBuffer records[]; int position=0; boolean hasmemo; boolean isFile = false; RandomAccessFile rFile; EndianDataInputStream dFile; int filesize,numfields; public DbfFieldDef fielddef[]; /** * Constructor, opens the file and reads the header infomation. * @param file The file to be opened, includes path and .dbf * @exception If the file can't be opened. * @exception DbfFileException If there is an error reading header. */ public Dbf(URL url) throws,DbfFileException{ if(DEBUG)System.out.println("----> constructed. Will identify itself as "+DBC); URLConnection uc = url.openConnection(); InputStream in = uc.getInputStream(); EndianDataInputStream sfile = new EndianDataInputStream(in); init(sfile); } public Dbf(InputStream in) throws,DbfFileException{ if(DEBUG)System.out.println("----> constructed. Will identify itself as "+DBC); EndianDataInputStream sfile = new EndianDataInputStream(in); init(sfile); } public Dbf(String name) throws,DbfFileException{ if(DEBUG)System.out.println("----> constructed. Will identify itself as "+DBC); URL url = new URL(name); URLConnection uc = url.openConnection(); InputStream in = uc.getInputStream(); EndianDataInputStream sfile = new EndianDataInputStream(in); init(sfile); } public Dbf(File file) throws,DbfFileException{ if(DEBUG)System.out.println("----> constructed. Will identify itself as "+DBC); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); EndianDataInputStream sfile = new EndianDataInputStream(in); rFile=new RandomAccessFile(file,"r"); isFile=true; init(sfile); } /** * Returns the date of the last update of the file as a string. */ public String getLastUpdate(){ String date=last_update_d+"/"+(last_update_m+1)+"/"+(1900+last_update_y); return date; } /** * Returns the number of records in the database file. */ public int getLastRec(){ return last_rec; } /** * Returns the size of the records in the database file. */ public int getRecSize(){ return rec_size; } /** * Returns the number of fields in the records in the database file. */ public int getNumFields(){ return numfields; } /** * looks up the field number for the given named column * @param name A String for the name to look up * @return int The col number for the field, -1 if field could not be found */ public int getFieldNumber(String name){ for(int i=0;i<numfields;i++){ //System.out.println(i); if(name.equalsIgnoreCase(fielddef[i].fieldname.toString())){ return i; } } return -1;//not found } /** * Returns the size of the database file. */ public int getFileSize(){ return filesize; } public StringBuffer getFieldName(int col){ if(col>=numfields) throw new IllegalArgumentException(DBC+"column number specified is invalid. It's higher than the amount of columns available "+numfields); return fielddef[col].fieldname; } public char getFieldType(int col){ if(col>=numfields) throw new IllegalArgumentException(DBC+"column number specified is invalid. It's higher than the amount of columns available"+numfields); return fielddef[col].fieldtype; } /** * initailizer, allows the use of multiple constructers in later * versions. */ private void init(EndianDataInputStream sfile)throws IOException,DbfFileException { DbfFileHeader head = new DbfFileHeader(sfile); int widthsofar; dFile=sfile; fielddef = new DbfFieldDef[numfields]; widthsofar=1; for(int index=0;index<numfields;index++){ fielddef[index] = new DbfFieldDef(); fielddef[index].setup(widthsofar,sfile); widthsofar+=fielddef[index].fieldlen; } sfile.skipBytes(1); // end of field defs marker if(!isFile){ records=GrabFile(); } } /** * Internal Class to hold information from the header of the file */ class DbfFileHeader{ /** * Reads the header of a dbf file. * @param LEDataInputStream file Stream attached to the input file * @exception IOException read error. */ public DbfFileHeader(EndianDataInputStream file) throws IOException { getDbfFileHeader(file); } private void getDbfFileHeader(EndianDataInputStream file) throws IOException { int len; dbf_id=(int)file.readUnsignedByteLE(); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(DBC+"Header id "+dbf_id); if(dbf_id==3) hasmemo=true; else hasmemo=false; last_update_y=(int)file.readUnsignedByteLE(); last_update_m=(int)file.readUnsignedByteLE(); last_update_d=(int)file.readUnsignedByteLE(); if(DEBUG)System.out.print(DBC+"last update "); if(DEBUG)System.out.print(last_update_d); if(DEBUG)System.out.print("/"); if(DEBUG)System.out.print(last_update_m); if(DEBUG)System.out.print("/"); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(last_update_y); last_rec=file.readIntLE(); if(DEBUG)System.out.print(DBC+"last rec "); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(last_rec); data_offset=file.readShortLE(); //data_offset=0; //System.out.println("x = "+file.readUnsignedByte()+" " + //file.readUnsignedByte()); if(DEBUG)System.out.print(DBC+"data offset "); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(data_offset); rec_size=file.readShortLE(); if(DEBUG)System.out.print(DBC+"rec_size "); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(rec_size); filesize=(rec_size * last_rec) + data_offset+1; numfields = (data_offset - DBF_BUFFSIZE -1)/DBF_BUFFSIZE; if(DEBUG)System.out.print(DBC+"num fields "); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(numfields); if(DEBUG)System.out.print(DBC+"file size "); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(filesize); file.skipBytes(20); } } /** * gets the next record and returns it as a string. This method works on * a sequential stream and can not go backwards. Only useful if you want * to read the whole file in one. * @exception on read error. */ public StringBuffer GetNextDbfRec()throws{ return records[position++]; } private StringBuffer GrabNextDbfRec()throws{ StringBuffer record = new StringBuffer(rec_size+numfields); //Modifed to use Hisaji ONO's approach for reading multi byte character sets byte[] strbuf = new byte[rec_size]; // <---- byte array buffer fo storing string's byte data for(int i=0;i<rec_size;i++){ strbuf[i] = dFile.readByteLE(); // <---- read string's byte data } record.append(new String(strbuf)); // <- append byte array to String Buffer return record; } private StringBuffer[] GrabFile() throws{ StringBuffer records[] = new StringBuffer[last_rec]; for(int i=0;i<last_rec;i++) records[i]=GrabNextDbfRec(); return records; } /** * fetches the <i>row</i>th row of the file * @param row - the row to fetch * @exception on read error. */ public StringBuffer GetDbfRec(int row)throws{ StringBuffer record;// = new StringBuffer(rec_size); if(!isFile){ return record = new StringBuffer(records[row].toString()); } else{ record = new StringBuffer(rec_size+numfields);*row)); //Modifed to use Hisaji ONO's approach for reading multi byte character sets byte[] strbuf = new byte[rec_size]; // <---- byte array buffer fo storing string's byte data for(int i=0;i<rec_size;i++){ strbuf[i] = dFile.readByteLE(); // <---- read string's byte data } record.append(new String(strbuf)); // <- append byte array to String Buffer return record; } } /** * fetches the <i>row</i>th row of the file and parses it into an vector * of objects. * @param row - the row to fetch * @exception on read error. */ public Vector ParseDbfRecord(int row)throws{ return ParseRecord(GetDbfRec(row)); } /** * Parses the record stored in the StringBuffer rec into a vector of * objects * @param StringBuffer rec - the record to be parsed. */ public Vector ParseRecord(StringBuffer rec){ Vector record=new Vector(numfields); String t; Integer I=new Integer(0); Float F=new Float(0.0); t = rec.toString(); for(int i=0;i<numfields;i++){ if(DEBUG)System.out.println(DBC+"type "+fielddef[i].fieldtype); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(DBC+"start "+fielddef[i].fieldstart); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(DBC+"len "+fielddef[i].fieldlen); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(DBC+""+t.substring(fielddef[i].fieldstart, fielddef[i].fieldstart+fielddef[i].fieldlen)); switch(fielddef[i].fieldtype){ case 'C': record.addElement(t.substring(fielddef[i].fieldstart, fielddef[i].fieldstart+fielddef[i].fieldlen)); break; case 'N': case 'F': if(fielddef[i].fieldnumdec==0) try{ record.addElement(I.decode(t.substring( fielddef[i].fieldstart,fielddef[i].fieldstart+fielddef[i].fieldlen))); }catch(java.lang.NumberFormatException e){ record.addElement(new Integer(0)); } else try{ record.addElement(F.valueOf(t.substring( fielddef[i].fieldstart,fielddef[i].fieldstart+fielddef[i].fieldlen))); }catch(java.lang.NumberFormatException e){ record.addElement(new Float(0.0)); } break; default: if(DEBUG)System.out.println(DBC+"Oh - don't know how to parse " +fielddef[i].fieldtype); } } return record; } /** * Fetches a column of Integers from the database file. * @param int col - the column to fetch * @exception - on read error * @exception DbfFileException - column is not an Integer. */ public Integer[] getIntegerCol(int col ) throws,DbfFileException { return getIntegerCol(col,0,last_rec); } /** * Fetches a part column of Integers from the database file. * @param int col - the column to fetch * @param int start - the row to start fetching from * @param int end - the row to stop fetching at. * @exception - on read error * @exception DbfFileException - column is not an Integer. */ public Integer[] getIntegerCol(int col, int start, int end) throws,DbfFileException { Integer column[]=new Integer[end-start]; String record = new String(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(numfields); int k=0,i=0; if(col>=numfields) throw new DbfFileException(DBC+"No Such Column in file: "+col); if(fielddef[col].fieldtype!='N') throw new DbfFileException(DBC+"Column "+col+" is not Integer "+ fielddef[col].fieldtype); if(start<0) throw new DbfFileException(DBC+"Start must be >= 0"); if(end>last_rec) throw new DbfFileException(DBC+"End must be <= "+last_rec); // move to start of data try{ for(i=start;i<end;i++){ sb.setLength(0); sb=GetDbfRec(i); record=sb.toString(); if(DEBUG)System.out.println(DBC+record.substring(fielddef[col].fieldstart, fielddef[col].fieldstart+fielddef[col].fieldlen).trim()+"*"); column[i-start]=new Integer(record.substring(fielddef[col].fieldstart, fielddef[col].fieldstart+fielddef[col].fieldlen).trim()); } } catch(java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe){ //throw new DbfFileException(DBC+"Column "+col+" contains an non integer id number "+nfe); // be nicer column[i-start]=new Integer(0); } catch( e){ System.err.println(e); System.err.println("Dbf->record "+i+" byte "+k+" file pos " );} catch( e){ System.err.println(e); System.err.println("Dbf->record "+i+" byte "+k+" file pos " );} return column; } /** * Fetches a column of Floats from the database file. * @param int col - the column to fetch * @exception - on read error * @exception DbfFileException - column is not an Integer. */ public Float[] getFloatCol(int col) throws DbfFileException,{ return getFloatCol(col,0,last_rec); } /** * Fetches a part column of Floats from the database file. * @param int col - the column to fetch * @param int start - the row to start fetching from * @param int end - the row to stop fetching at. * @exception - on read error * @exception DbfFileException - column is not an Integer. */ public Float[] getFloatCol(int col,int start,int end) throws DbfFileException,{ Float column[]=new Float[end-start]; String record,st; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(rec_size); int k=0,i=0; if(col>=numfields) throw new DbfFileException("Dbf->No Such Column in file: "+col); if(fielddef[col].fieldtype!='F'&&fielddef[col].fieldtype!='N') throw new DbfFileException("Dbf->Column "+col+" is not Float " +fielddef[col].fieldtype); if(start<0) throw new DbfFileException("Dbf->Start must be >= 0"); if(end>last_rec) throw new DbfFileException("Dbf->End must be <= "+last_rec); // move to start of data try{ for(i=start;i<end;i++){ sb.setLength(0); sb=GetDbfRec(i); record=sb.toString(); st=new String(record.substring(fielddef[col].fieldstart, fielddef[col].fieldstart+fielddef[col].fieldlen)).trim(); if(st.indexOf('.')==-1){ st=st+".0"; } try{ column[i-start]=new Float(st); }catch(java.lang.NumberFormatException e){ column[i-start]=new Float(0.0); } } } catch( e){ System.err.println("Dbf->"+e); System.err.println("Dbf->record "+i+" byte "+k+" file pos ");} catch( e){ System.err.println("Dbf->"+e); System.err.println("Dbf->record "+i+" byte "+k+" file pos ");} return column; } /** * Fetches a column of Strings from the database file. * @param int col - the column to fetch * @exception - on read error * @exception DbfFileException - column is not an Integer. */ public String[] getStringCol(int col) throws DbfFileException,{ return getStringCol(col,0,last_rec); } /** * Fetches a part column of Strings from the database file. * @param int col - the column to fetch * @param int start - the row to start fetching from * @param int end - the row to stop fetching at. * @exception - on read error * @exception DbfFileException - column is not an Integer. */ public String[] getStringCol(int col,int start,int end) throws DbfFileException,{ String column[]=new String[end-start]; String record = new String(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(numfields); int k=0,i=0; if(col>=numfields) throw new DbfFileException("Dbf->No Such Column in file: "+col); //if(fielddef[col].fieldtype!='C') //throw new DbfFileException("Column "+col+" is not a String"); if(start<0) throw new DbfFileException("Dbf->Start must be >= 0"); if(end>last_rec) throw new DbfFileException("Dbf->End must be <= "+last_rec); // move to start of data try{ for(i=start;i<end;i++){ sb.setLength(0); sb=GetDbfRec(i); record=sb.toString(); //column[i-start]=new String(record.substring(fielddef[col].fieldstart, //fielddef[col].fieldstart+fielddef[col].fieldlen)); // replaced to fix bug #547080 column[i-start]=new String(record.getBytes(), fielddef[col].fieldstart,fielddef [col].fieldlen).trim(); } } catch( e){ System.err.println("Dbf->"+e); System.err.println("Dbf->record "+i+" byte "+k+" file pos ");} catch( e){ System.err.println("Dbf->"+e); System.err.println("Dbf->record "+i+" byte "+k+" file pos ");} return column; } }