package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import jeql.api.error.IllegalValueException; import jeql.api.error.InvalidInputException; import jeql.api.error.JeqlException; import jeql.api.row.BasicRow; import jeql.api.row.Row; import jeql.api.row.RowIterator; import jeql.api.row.RowList; import jeql.api.row.RowSchema; /** * A {@link RowList} providing rows from a CSV file * @author Martin Davis * */ public class CSVRowList implements RowList { public static final int NO_COL_NAMES = 1; public static final int SKIP_COL_NAMES = 2; public static final int USE_COL_NAMES = 3; private String filename; private int colNameStrategy = NO_COL_NAMES; private RowSchema schema = null; private char colSeparator = 0; private int numColumns = -1; public CSVRowList(String filename) throws IOException { this.filename = filename; schema = readSchema(filename); } public CSVRowList(String filename, int colNameStrategy, int numColumns, char separator) throws IOException { this.filename = filename; this.colNameStrategy = colNameStrategy; this.numColumns = numColumns; colSeparator = separator; schema = readSchema(filename, numColumns); } public RowSchema getSchema() { return schema; } private RowSchema readSchema(String filename) throws IOException { SchemaExtracter se = new SchemaExtracter(filename, colNameStrategy == USE_COL_NAMES, colSeparator); return se.getSchema(); } private RowSchema readSchema(String filename, int numColumns) throws IOException { SchemaExtracter se = new SchemaExtracter(filename, colNameStrategy == USE_COL_NAMES, colSeparator); se.setNumColumns(numColumns); return se.getSchema(); } public RowIterator iterator() { CSVRowIterator it = new CSVRowIterator(schema, filename, colNameStrategy != NO_COL_NAMES); if (colSeparator > 0) it.setColSep(colSeparator); return it; } private static class CSVRowIterator implements RowIterator { private CSVRecordParser csvLineParser = new CSVRecordParser(); private String filename; private boolean hasColNames = true; private RowSchema schema; private LineNumberReader lineReader = null; private String line = null; private boolean isClosed = false; private int rowCount = 0; public CSVRowIterator(RowSchema schema, String filename, boolean hasColNames) { this.schema = schema; this.filename = filename; this.hasColNames = hasColNames; init(); } public void setColSep(char separator) { csvLineParser.setColSep(separator); } public RowSchema getSchema() { return schema; } private void init() { if (isClosed) return; if (lineReader != null) return; try { lineReader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(filename)); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new JeqlException(ex); } if (hasColNames) readLine(); } private String readLine() { try { return lineReader.readLine(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new JeqlException(ex); } //return null; } public Row next() { init(); line = readLine(); rowCount++; // if at end, can close input if (line == null) { close(); return null; } Row row; try { row = createRow(line); } catch (InvalidInputException e) { throw new InvalidInputException(e, rowCount); } return row; } private void close() { if (lineReader != null) { try { lineReader.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // eat this exception - nothing we can do about it anyway } } lineReader = null; isClosed = true; } private Row createRow(String line) { BasicRow row = new BasicRow(schema.size()); String[] vals = csvLineParser.parse(line); int nToCopy = vals.length; if (nToCopy > row.size()) nToCopy = row.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nToCopy; i++) { row.setValue(i, vals[i]); } return row; } } /* private static class CheesyCSVLineParser { public static String[] parse(String line) { String[] val = line.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (val[i].charAt(0) == '"') { val[i] = val[i].substring(1, val[i].length() - 1); } } return val; } } */ //===================================================== private static class SchemaExtracter { private String filename = null; // -1 = use number of cols in CSV file schema or first line private int numColumns = -1; private boolean useColNames; private CSVRecordParser csvLineParser = new CSVRecordParser(); private LineNumberReader lineReader = null; private List colNames = new ArrayList(); public SchemaExtracter(String filename, boolean useColNames, char fieldSeparator) { this.filename = filename; this.useColNames = useColNames; if (fieldSeparator > 0) csvLineParser.setColSep(fieldSeparator); } /** * * @param numColumns -1 if all columns should be read */ public void setNumColumns(int numColumns) { this.numColumns = numColumns; } public RowSchema getSchema() throws IOException { try { lineReader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(filename)); readCols(); } finally { if (lineReader != null) lineReader.close(); } return buildSchema(colNames); } private RowSchema buildSchema(List colNames) { String[] names = new String[colNames.size()]; Class[] types = new Class[colNames.size()]; int index = 0; for (Iterator i = colNames.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String); // replace blanks with underscores names[index] = name.replace(" ", "_"); types[index] = String.class; index++; } RowSchema schema = new RowSchema(names, types); return schema; } private void readCols() throws IOException { String line = lineReader.readLine(); String[] cols = csvLineParser.parse(line); int schemaColSize = cols.length; if (numColumns >= 0) { schemaColSize = numColumns; } for (int i = 0; i < schemaColSize; i++) { // TODO: if column names are provided read them String colName = RowSchema.getDefaultColumnName(i + 1); if (useColNames && i < cols.length) { colName = cols[i]; if (! RowSchema.isValidColumnName(colName)) { throw new IllegalValueException("column name", colName); } } // create a standard column name colNames.add(colName); //TODO: check for duplicate col names and throw error if found (prevents very long rows) } } } }