package jeql.std.function; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import jeql.api.annotation.Metadata; import jeql.api.function.FunctionClass; import jeql.api.row.ArrayRowList; import jeql.api.row.BasicRow; import jeql.api.row.RowSchema; import jeql.api.table.Table; import jeql.engine.EngineContext; import jeql.engine.FunctionRegistry; import; import jeql.workbench.ui.assist.CodeSnippet; public class SystemFunction implements FunctionClass { /** * Execs a system cmd and returns the first line of output as a string. * * * Note: to run Windows shell scripts it is necessary * to invoke the cmd.exe processor explicitly. This is done * by prefixing the command string with "cmd /c ". * * @param cmd * @return the output line from the command * @return an empty string if there was no output * @throws IOException - if an I/O error occurs * @throws InterruptedException */ public static String exec(String cmd) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc = rt.exec(cmd); proc.waitFor(); // get the first line of output InputStream inStream = proc.getInputStream(); LineNumberReader lineRdr = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream)); String line = lineRdr.readLine(); // check for no cmd output - if none return empty string if (line == null) return ""; return line; } public static String property(String key) { return System.getProperty(key); } public static Table properties() { RowSchema schema = new RowSchema(2); schema.setColumnDef(0, "key", String.class); schema.setColumnDef(1, "value", String.class); Map map = System.getProperties(); ArrayRowList rs = new ArrayRowList(schema); for (Iterator i = map.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String key = (String); BasicRow row = new BasicRow(schema.size()); row.setValue(0, key); row.setValue(1, (String) map.get(key)); rs.add(row); } Table t = new Table(rs); return t; } @Metadata (description = "Returns a table of function definitions" ) public static Table functions() { RowSchema schema = new RowSchema(5); schema.setColumnDef(0, "class", String.class); schema.setColumnDef(1, "name", String.class); schema.setColumnDef(2, "resultType", String.class); schema.setColumnDef(3, "args", String.class); schema.setColumnDef(4, "description", String.class); ArrayRowList rs = new ArrayRowList(schema); FunctionRegistry reg = EngineContext.getInstance().getFunctionRegistry(); for (String fname : reg.getFunctionNames() ) { String module = FunctionRegistry.moduleName(fname); for (Method meth : reg.getFunctionMethods(fname) ) { BasicRow row = new BasicRow(schema.size()); row.setValue(0, module); row.setValue(1, FunctionRegistry.functionName(fname) ); row.setValue(2, FunctionRegistry.resultType(meth) ); row.setValue(3, ManUtil.paramTypeList(meth) ); row.setValue(4, ManUtil.description(meth) ); rs.add(row); } } return new Table(rs); } }