package; import; import; import jeql.api.row.Row; import jeql.api.row.RowIterator; import jeql.api.row.RowSchema; import jeql.api.table.Table; import; import; import jeql.engine.Scope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import; // TODO: allow output of nested column values (using _ as tag sep) /** * Outputs XML with defined tags for table and row tags. * Column tags are defined by column names. * Also allows outputing custom XML attributes for table element. * Geometries are written in GML2 format (to write them as WKT, convert them to a WKT string in JEQL) * * @author Martin Davis * */ public class XMLWriterCommand extends TableFileWriterCmd { public static String[] splitTags(String tags, String tagSep) { String[] tag = tags.split(tagSep); return tag; } private static final int GEOM_FORMAT_WKT = 0; private static final int GEOM_FORMAT_GML2 = 1; private String comment = null; private String tableAttr = null; private String tableTag = "table"; private String rowTag = "row"; private int geometryFormat = GEOM_FORMAT_WKT; private RowSchema schema = null; private XmlDataWriter xmlWriter; private GMLWriter gmlWriter = new GMLWriter(); public XMLWriterCommand() { super(); } /** * Sets the name to use as the table tag name. * Name string may contain multiple tags separated by TBL_ROW_TAGS_SEPARATOR. * Multiple tags will be written as nested elements. * * @param tableTag */ public void setTableTag(String tableTag) { this.tableTag = tableTag; } /** * Sets the name to use as the row tag name. * Name string may contain multiple tags separated by TBL_ROW_TAGS_SEPARATOR. * Multiple tags will be written as nested elements. * * @param rowTag */ public void setRowTag(String rowTag) { this.rowTag = rowTag; } /** * Sets comment text to write at start of document * @param comment */ public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; } /** * Attributes string to write in table tag * @param tableAttr */ public void setTableAttr(String tableAttr) { this.tableAttr = tableAttr; } /** * Sets whether to write geometry as GML-style XML * * @param asGML */ public void setGml(boolean asGML) { if (asGML) geometryFormat = GEOM_FORMAT_GML2; } public void execute(Scope scope) throws Exception { writer = getWriter(); xmlWriter = new XmlDataWriter(writer); xmlWriter.prolog(); if (comment != null) xmlWriter.comment(comment); // write table int n = writeStartElements(tableTag, tableAttr); write(tbl); xmlWriter.elementEnd(n); writer.close(); } private int writeStartElements(String tag, String attr1) throws IOException { String[] tags = splitTags(tag, IOConstants.XML_NESTED_TAGS_SEPARATOR); for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { if (i == 0) xmlWriter.elementStart(tags[0], attr1); else xmlWriter.elementStart(tags[i]); } return tags.length; } protected void write(Table tbl) throws Exception { schema = tbl.getRows().getSchema(); RowIterator rs = tbl.getRows().iterator(); while (true) { Row row =; if (row == null) break; int n = writeStartElements(rowTag, null); writeRow(writer, row); xmlWriter.elementEnd(n); } } private void writeRow(Writer writer, Row row) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++) { String itemTag = schema.getName(i); Object val = row.getValue(i); if (val instanceof String) { xmlWriter.elementWithData(itemTag, (String) val); } else if (val instanceof Geometry) { // indent geometry output xmlWriter.elementStart(itemTag); xmlWriter.markup(geometryRep((Geometry) val), true); xmlWriter.elementEnd(); // xmlWriter.elementWithDataRaw(itemTag, geometryRep((Geometry) val))); } else { // no need to encode non-string values -> faster xmlWriter.elementWithDataRaw(itemTag, val.toString()); } // TODO: better formatting for data items (eg Geometry, dates) ?? } } private String geometryRep(Geometry g) { if (geometryFormat == GEOM_FORMAT_GML2) return gmlWriter.write(g); return g.toString() + "\n"; } }