package jeql.command.db; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import jeql.api.error.ExecutionException; import jeql.api.row.Row; import jeql.api.row.RowIterator; import jeql.api.row.RowList; import jeql.api.row.RowSchema; import jeql.command.db.driver.JdbcUtil; import jeql.command.db.driver.RowMapper; public class DbRowList implements RowList { public static final int DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE = 1000; private String driverClassName; private String connectString; private String user; private String password; private RowMapper rowMapper; private String sql; private int fetchSize = 1; private Connection conn = null; private Statement stmt = null; private ResultSet rs = null; private RowSchema schema; private boolean isRead = false; public DbRowList(String driverClassName, String connectString, String user, String password, String sql, int fetchSize, RowMapper rowMapper) { this.driverClassName = driverClassName; this.connectString = connectString; this.user = user; this.password = password; this.sql = sql; this.fetchSize = fetchSize; this.rowMapper = rowMapper; open(); } private void open() { conn = JdbcUtil.createConnection(driverClassName, connectString, user, password); try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); // this allows cursor-driven fetching (for PostGIS at least) stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.setFetchSize(fetchSize); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); schema = rowMapper.getSchema(rs); } catch (SQLException ex) { close(); throw new ExecutionException(ex.getMessage()); } } public RowSchema getSchema() { return schema; } public RowIterator iterator() { if (isRead) throw new ExecutionException("Attempt to re-read streamed table"); isRead = true; return new DbRowIterator(this); } //private ResultSet getRS() { return rs; } private void close() { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { // eat this exception - nothing we can do about it now } rs = null; try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { // eat this exception - nothing we can do about it now } stmt = null; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); conn = null; } catch (SQLException ex) { // eat this exception - nothing we can do about it now } } //============================================= private static class DbRowIterator implements RowIterator { private DbRowList dbRL; private RowSchema schema = null; public DbRowIterator(DbRowList dbRL) { this.dbRL = dbRL; schema = dbRL.getSchema(); } public RowSchema getSchema() { return schema; } public Row next() { if (dbRL == null) return null; Row row = null; try { if ( { row = dbRL.rowMapper.createRow(dbRL.schema,; } // else drop through and close the rowlist } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ExecutionException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (row == null) { dbRL.close(); dbRL = null; } } return row; } } }