package; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import jeql.api.row.ArrayRowList; import jeql.api.row.Row; import jeql.api.row.RowSchema; import org.geotools.dbffile.DbfFieldDef; import org.geotools.dbffile.DbfFile; import org.geotools.dbffile.DbfFileException; import org.geotools.dbffile.DbfFileWriter; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; class TableDbfWriter { public TableDbfWriter() { } /** * Write a dbf file with the information from a RowList. * * @param RowList * column data from collection * @param fname * name of the dbf file to write to */ void write(ArrayRowList memRowList, String fname) throws IOException, DbfFileException { RowSchema schema = memRowList.getSchema(); List rows = memRowList.getRows(); int num = rows.size(); DbfFieldDef[] fields = createFields(memRowList); // write header DbfFileWriter dbf = new DbfFileWriter(fname); dbf.writeHeader(fields, num); // write rows for (int t = 0; t < num; t++) { // System.out.println("dbf: record "+t); Row row = (Row) rows.get(t); Vector DBFrow = new Vector(); // make data for each column in this row for (int u = 0; u < schema.size(); u++) { Class columnType = schema.getType(u); Object a = row.getValue(u); if (columnType == Integer.class) { if (a == null) { DBFrow.add(new Integer(0)); } else { DBFrow.add((Integer) a); } } else if (columnType == Double.class) { if (a == null) { DBFrow.add(new Double(0.0)); } else { DBFrow.add((Double) a); } } // not handled for now else if (columnType == Date.class) { if (a == null) { DBFrow.add(""); } else { DBFrow.add(DbfFile.DATE_PARSER.format((Date) a)); } } else if (columnType == String.class) { if (a == null) { DBFrow.add(new String("")); } else { // MD 16 jan 03 - added some defensive programming if (a instanceof String) { DBFrow.add(a); } else { DBFrow.add(a.toString()); } } } } dbf.writeRecord(DBFrow); } dbf.close(); } private DbfFieldDef[] createFields(ArrayRowList rowList) throws IOException { RowSchema schema = rowList.getSchema(); // -1 because one of the columns is geometry DbfFieldDef[] fields = new DbfFieldDef[nonGeomColumnCount(schema)]; // dbf column type and size int f = 0; for (int i = 0; i < schema.size(); i++) { Class columnType = schema.getType(i); String columnName = schema.getName(i); if (columnType == Integer.class) { fields[f] = new DbfFieldDef(columnName, 'N', 16, 0); f++; } else if (columnType == Double.class) { fields[f] = new DbfFieldDef(columnName, 'N', 33, 16); f++; } else if (columnType == String.class) { int maxlength = findMaxStringLength(rowList, i); if (maxlength > 255) { throw new IOException( "DBF files do not support strings longer than 255 characters"); } fields[f] = new DbfFieldDef(columnName, 'C', maxlength, 0); f++; } else if (columnType == Date.class) { fields[f] = new DbfFieldDef(columnName, 'D', 8, 0); f++; } else if (columnType == Geometry.class) { // do nothing - the .shp file handles this } else { throw new IOException("Unsupported attribute type"); } } return fields; } /** * look at all the data in the column of the featurecollection, and find the * largest string! * * @param fc * features to look at * @param attributeNumber * which of the column to test. * @return the maximum length of the strings in the column * @return 0 if there are no rows */ private int findMaxStringLength(ArrayRowList rowList, int index) { int maxLen = 0; for (Iterator i = rowList.getRows().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Row row = (Row); String s = (String) row.getValue(index); if (s != null) { int len = s.length(); if (len > maxLen) { maxLen = len; } } } return maxLen; } private static int nonGeomColumnCount(RowSchema schema) { int count = 0; for (int t = 0; t < schema.size(); t++) { Class colType = schema.getType(t); if (colType != Geometry.class) count++; } return count; } }