package jeql.command.plot; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.font.GlyphVector; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.Raster; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import; import; import java.text.Bidi; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import jeql.api.row.Row; import jeql.api.row.RowIterator; import jeql.api.row.RowSchema; import jeql.api.row.RowUtil; import jeql.api.row.SchemaUtil; import jeql.api.table.Table; import jeql.awt.geom.Java2DConverter; import; import jeql.util.ColorUtil; import jeql.util.ImageUtil; import jeql.util.TypeUtil; import com.vividsolutions.jts.awt.FontGlyphReader; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; public class LabelPlotter { public static void plot(Plot plot, List data) { for (Iterator i = data.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Table tbl = (Table); LabelPlotter plotter = new LabelPlotter(plot); plotter.plot(tbl); } } private Plot plot; private int geomIndex = -1; private int labelIndex = -1; private int labelColorIndex = -1; private int labelSizeIndex = -1; private int labelHaloSizeIndex = -1; private int labelHaloColorIndex = -1; private int labelRotateIndex = -1; private int labelOffsetXIndex = -1; private int labelOffsetYIndex = -1; private Geometry labelPoint = null; private int labelPointIndex; public LabelPlotter(Plot plot) { this.plot = plot; } public void plot(Table tbl) { RowIterator ri = tbl.getRows().iterator(); RowSchema schema = ri.getSchema(); geomIndex = SchemaUtil.getColumnWithType(schema, Geometry.class); labelIndex = SchemaUtil.getColumnIndex(schema, StyleConstants.LABEL); labelColorIndex = SchemaUtil.getColumnIndex(schema, StyleConstants.LABEL_COLOR); labelSizeIndex = SchemaUtil.getColumnIndex(schema, StyleConstants.FONT_SIZE); labelHaloSizeIndex = SchemaUtil.getColumnIndex(schema, StyleConstants.HALO_RADIUS); labelHaloColorIndex = SchemaUtil.getColumnIndex(schema, StyleConstants.HALO_COLOR); labelOffsetXIndex = SchemaUtil.getColumnIndex(schema, StyleConstants.LABEL_OFFSET_X); labelOffsetYIndex = SchemaUtil.getColumnIndex(schema, StyleConstants.LABEL_OFFSET_Y); labelRotateIndex = SchemaUtil.getColumnIndex(schema, StyleConstants.LABEL_ROTATE); labelPointIndex = SchemaUtil.getColumnIndex(schema, StyleConstants.LABEL_POINT); if (geomIndex < 0) return; if (labelIndex < 0) return; Graphics2D graphics = plot.getGraphics(); while (true) { Row row =; if (row == null) break; plot(row, graphics); } } private static final String DEFAULT_LABEL_CLR = "000000"; //"80ff80"; private static final String DEFAULT_HALO_CLR = null; //"ff6060"; private Font font; private void plot(Row row, Graphics2D graphics) { Geometry geom = (Geometry) row.getValue(geomIndex); if (geom == null) return; // Shape shp = plot.getConverter().toShape(centroid); boolean hasColor = labelColorIndex >= 0; // only use default colours if none are specified String labelClrStr = null; if (! hasColor) { labelClrStr = DEFAULT_LABEL_CLR; } if (labelColorIndex >= 0) labelClrStr = (String) row.getValue(labelColorIndex); int labelSize = RowUtil.getInt(labelSizeIndex, row, 12); if (font == null) { font = new Font(FontGlyphReader.FONT_SANSERIF, Font.PLAIN, labelSize); graphics.setFont(font); } int haloSize = RowUtil.getInt(labelHaloSizeIndex, row, 0); String haloClrStr = RowUtil.getString(labelHaloColorIndex, row, DEFAULT_HALO_CLR); // if halo clr is specified, make sure halo is visible even if size was omitted if (haloClrStr != null && labelHaloSizeIndex < 0) { haloSize = 1; } double rotate = RowUtil.getInt(labelRotateIndex, row, 0); double offsetX = RowUtil.getInt(labelOffsetXIndex, row, 0); double offsetY = RowUtil.getInt(labelOffsetYIndex, row, 0); Geometry lblPoint = RowUtil.getGeometry(labelPointIndex, row); String label = row.getValue(labelIndex).toString(); if (lblPoint == null) { lblPoint = geom.getCentroid(); } if (labelClrStr != null && labelClrStr.length() > 0) { Coordinate centroidPt = lblPoint.getCoordinate(); Coordinate labelPt = new Coordinate(centroidPt.x + offsetX, centroidPt.y + offsetY); Point2D p = plot.convert(labelPt); //AffineTransform oldTransform = graphics.getTransform(); AffineTransform trans = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance( p.getX(), p.getY()); graphics.setTransform(trans); if (rotate > 0) { graphics.rotate(-Math.toRadians(rotate)); } //System.out.println(label + " " + p); if (haloSize > 0) { graphics.setColor(ColorUtil.RGBAtoColor(haloClrStr)); drawHalo(label, haloSize, p, graphics); } Color clr = ColorUtil.RGBAtoColor(labelClrStr); graphics.setColor(clr); graphics.drawString(label, 0, 0); //graphics.drawString(label, (int) p.getX() + 5, (int) p.getY()); } } private void drawHalo(String label, double haloRadius, Point2D p, Graphics2D graphics) { graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2f * (float) haloRadius, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND)); Shape halo = getHaloShape(label, haloRadius, graphics); graphics.draw(halo); } private Shape getHaloShape(String label, double haloRadius, Graphics2D graphics) { GlyphVector gv = getTextGlyphVector(label, graphics); Shape haloShape = new BasicStroke(2f * (float) haloRadius, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND).createStrokedShape(gv .getOutline()); return haloShape; } private GlyphVector getTextGlyphVector(String label, Graphics2D graphics) { // arabic and hebrew are scripted and right to left, they do require full layout // whilst western chars are easier to deal with. Find out which case we're dealing with, // and create the glyph vector with the appropriate call final char[] chars = label.toCharArray(); final int length = label.length(); GlyphVector textGlyphVector; if(Bidi.requiresBidi(chars, 0, length) && new Bidi(label, Bidi.DIRECTION_DEFAULT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT).isRightToLeft()) textGlyphVector = font.layoutGlyphVector(graphics.getFontRenderContext(), chars, 0, length, Font.LAYOUT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT); else textGlyphVector = font.createGlyphVector(graphics.getFontRenderContext(), chars); return textGlyphVector; } }