package jeql.engine.query; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import jeql.api.error.ExecutionException; import jeql.api.row.RowList; import jeql.api.table.Table; import jeql.engine.CompilationException; import jeql.engine.Scope; import; import; import; import jeql.engine.query.join.IndexedJoinRowList; import jeql.engine.query.join.NestedLoopJoinRowList; import jeql.engine.query.join.SimpleNestedLoopJoinRowList; import jeql.monitor.Monitor; import jeql.syntax.AssignmentNode; import jeql.syntax.FromItem; import jeql.syntax.FromList; import jeql.syntax.FunctionNode; import jeql.syntax.ParseTreeNode; import jeql.syntax.SelectItemList; import jeql.syntax.SelectNode; import jeql.syntax.StatementListNode; public class SelectEvaluator { public static Table eval(SelectNode select, Scope scope) { SelectEvaluator queryEval = new SelectEvaluator(select); return queryEval.eval(scope); } public static void evalAliases(StatementListNode stmtList, Scope scope) { if (stmtList == null) return; for (Iterator i = stmtList.getStatements().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { AssignmentNode node = (AssignmentNode); node.eval(scope); } } private SelectNode select; private BaseQueryScope baseScope = null; public SelectEvaluator(SelectNode select) { = select; } public Table eval(Scope scope) { // each select expression gets its own scope baseScope = new BaseQueryScope(scope); baseScope.prepareFromItems(select.getFromList()); SelectItemList selectList = select.getSelectList(); selectList.expand(baseScope); selectList.checkUniqueNames(); bind(select, baseScope); RowList baseRS = evalFromWhereSplit(); RowList selectRS = null; boolean isGrouped = isGrouped(select, baseScope); if (isGrouped) { selectRS = evalGroupBy(select, baseScope, baseRS); } else { selectRS = evalSelect(select, baseScope, baseRS); } RowList finalRS = evalDistinctOrderLimit(select, selectRS); return createTable(finalRS); } private Table createTable(RowList rs) { //rs = (RowList) Monitor.wrap(select.getLine(), select.monitorTag(), rs); // column names are already present in input RL, so just reuse them Table tbl = new Table(rs); return tbl; } private boolean isGrouped(SelectNode select, BaseQueryScope scope) { return select.isGrouped() || scope.hasAggregateFunctions(); } private void bind(SelectNode select, QueryScope scope) { ParseTreeNode whereExpr = select.getWhere(); if (whereExpr != null) whereExpr.bind(baseScope); bindSplitBy(select.getSplitBy(), baseScope); // bind LET block stmts bindAliasBlock(select.getAliasList(), baseScope); // bind select list select.getSelectList().bind(baseScope); } private void bindSplitBy(ParseTreeNode splitByExpr, QueryScope scope) { if (splitByExpr != null) { splitByExpr.bind(baseScope); // add SPLIT BY pseudo-column variables to scope scope.setVariableType(QueryScope.VAR_SPLITINDEX, Integer.class); scope.setVariable(QueryScope.VAR_SPLITINDEX, null); scope.setVariableType(QueryScope.VAR_SPLITVALUE, splitByExpr.getType(baseScope)); scope.setVariable(QueryScope.VAR_SPLITVALUE, null); } } /** * Enter alias vars into scope, with defined type but undefined value * * @param scope */ private void bindAliasBlock(StatementListNode stmtList, QueryScope scope) { if (stmtList == null) return; for (Iterator i = stmtList.getStatements().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { AssignmentNode node = (AssignmentNode); node.bind(scope); String name = node.getVariableName(); Class nodeType = node.getType(scope); /** * Set the type of the variable, which is now known. * The value is not yet known and so is set to null. */ scope.setVariableType(name, nodeType); scope.setVariable(name, null); } } private RowList evalSelect(SelectNode select, QueryScope scope, RowList baseRS) { RowList selectRS = new SelectedItemsRowList(baseRS, select.getSelectList(), select.getAliasList(), scope); return selectRS; } //* private RowList evalGroupBy(SelectNode select, BaseQueryScope scope, RowList baseRS) { GroupBinder groupBinder = new GroupBinder(select, scope); List aggFunArgList = groupBinder.getAggFunArgs(); GroupScope groupScope = groupBinder.getScope(scope); SelectItemList selectList = select.getSelectList(); // now re-bind in group scope (which will not bind below agg functions) selectList.bind(groupScope); GroupByEvaluator ge = new GroupByEvaluator( scope, aggFunArgList, select.getAliasList(), groupScope, selectList); RowList selectRS = ge.eval(baseRS); return selectRS; } /** * Computes final rowList with DISTINCT/ORDER BY/LIMIT+OFFSET * evaluated if specified. * * @param selectList * @param selectRS * @return */ private RowList evalDistinctOrderLimit(SelectNode select, RowList selectRS) { RowList finalRS = selectRS; // evaluate DISTINCT if (select.hasDistinct()) { finalRS = (new DistinctEvaluator(finalRS)).eval(); } // evaluate ORDER BY if (select.hasOrderBy()) { finalRS = (new OrderByEvaluator(select, finalRS)).eval(); } // evaluate LIMIT and OFFSET if (select.hasLimit()) { // eval using a stream finalRS = new LimitRowList(finalRS, select.getLimitValue(), select.getOffsetValue()); // finalRS = (new LimitEvaluator(select, finalRS)).eval(); } return finalRS; } private RowList evalFromWhereSplit() { RowList baseRS = buildFrom(); RowList splitRS = buildSplitRowStream(baseRS, select.getSplitBy()); RowList whereRS = buildFilteredRowStream(splitRS, select.getWhere()); return whereRS; } private RowList buildFrom() { RowList baseRS = null; if (! select.hasFromList()) { throw new CompilationException(select, "Empty/Missing FROM clause not supported"); } if (select.getFromList().size() == 1) { baseRS = buildSingleTableRowStream(); } else { baseRS = buildJoin(); } /* else throw new CompilationException(select, "JOINing more than 2 tables not currently supported"); */ return baseRS; } private RowList buildFilteredRowStream(RowList baseRS, ParseTreeNode filterExpr) { // short-circuit if there is no WHERE clause if (filterExpr == null) return baseRS; RowList rowStr = new FilterRowList(baseRS, filterExpr, baseScope); return rowStr; } private RowList buildSplitRowStream(RowList baseRS, ParseTreeNode splitExpr) { // short-circuit if there is no SPLIT BY clause if (splitExpr == null) return baseRS; if (! (splitExpr instanceof FunctionNode) || ! ((FunctionNode) splitExpr).isSplitFunction()) { throw new CompilationException(select, "Invalid Splitting function: " + splitExpr); } RowList rowStr = new SplitRowList(baseRS, splitExpr, baseScope); return rowStr; } /* private RowList buildNoTableRowStream() { Object lastObj = baseScope.getVariable(Scope.LAST_TABLE); if (lastObj instanceof Table) { Table tbl = (Table) lastObj; return tbl.getRows(); } throw new ExecutionException(select, "No default table computed"); } */ private RowList buildSingleTableRowStream() { return baseScope.getFromTable(0).getRows(); } /* private RowList buildSimpleNestedLoopJoin() { RowList rs0 = select.getFromList().getItem(0).eval(baseScope); FromItem from1 = select.getFromList().getItem(1); RowList rs1 = from1.eval(baseScope); SimpleNestedLoopJoinRowList joinRS = new SimpleNestedLoopJoinRowList(); joinRS.addRowStream(rs0); joinRS.addRowStream(rs1); ParseTreeNode joinCondExpr = from1.getJoinConditionExpr(); return buildFilteredRowStream(joinRS, joinCondExpr); } private RowList buildNestedLoopSingleJoin() { RowList rs0 = select.getFromList().getItem(0).eval(baseScope); FromItem from1 = select.getFromList().getItem(1); RowList rs1 = from1.eval(baseScope); ParseTreeNode joinCondExpr = from1.getJoinConditionExpr(); NestedLoopJoinRowList joinRS = new NestedLoopJoinRowList(rs0, rs1, joinCondExpr, from1.getJoinType(), baseScope); return joinRS; } */ private RowList buildJoin() { FromList fromList = select.getFromList(); RowList rs0 = fromList.getItem(0).eval(baseScope); RowList joinedRS = rs0; for (int i = 1; i < fromList.size(); i++) { FromItem from = fromList.getItem(i); joinedRS = addJoin(joinedRS, from); } return joinedRS; } private RowList addJoin(RowList innerRS, FromItem from) { RowList joinRS = from.eval(baseScope); ParseTreeNode joinCondExpr = from.getJoinConditionExpr(); RowList joinedRS = null; // see if join can be indexed int indexSide = IndexedJoinRowList.indexableOperandSide(joinCondExpr, from, joinRS.getSchema()); if (indexSide >= 0) { joinedRS = new IndexedJoinRowList(innerRS, joinRS, indexSide, joinCondExpr, from.getJoinType(), baseScope); } else { // default is to do a nested loop join joinedRS = new NestedLoopJoinRowList(innerRS, joinRS, joinCondExpr, from.getJoinType(), baseScope); } return joinedRS; } }