/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.undo; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.AddParticipant; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.BlipContentOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.WaveletBlipOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.WaveletOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.WaveletOperationContext; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.DocOp; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.DocOpBuilder; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.OperationPair; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.TransformException; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.core.CoreWaveletDocumentOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.ParticipantId; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** */ public class WaveAggregateOpTest extends TestCase { private static final String CREATOR1_ID = "creator1"; private static final String CREATOR2_ID = "creator2"; private static final String TARGET1 = "target1"; private static final String TARGET2 = "target2"; private static final WaveletOperationContext CREATOR1_CONTEXT = new WaveletOperationContext(new ParticipantId(CREATOR1_ID), 0, 0); private static final WaveletOperationContext CREATOR2_CONTEXT = new WaveletOperationContext(new ParticipantId(CREATOR2_ID), 0, 0); private DocOp insertDocOp(int location, int size) { return new DocOpBuilder() .retain(location) .characters("a") .retain(size - location) .build(); } private DocOp deleteDocOp(int location, int size) { return new DocOpBuilder() .retain(location) .deleteCharacters("a") .retain(size - location) .build(); } public void testCompose() { { WaveAggregateOp op1 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR1_ID).addParticipant(TARGET1).build(); WaveAggregateOp op2 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR2_ID).addParticipant(TARGET2).build(); WaveAggregateOp composed = compose(op1, op2); List<WaveletOperation> expected = Arrays.<WaveletOperation>asList( new AddParticipant(CREATOR1_CONTEXT, new ParticipantId(TARGET1)), new AddParticipant(CREATOR2_CONTEXT, new ParticipantId(TARGET2)) ); assertEquals(expected, composed.toWaveletOperations()); } { DocOp insertDocOp = insertDocOp(1, 5); WaveAggregateOp op1 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR1_ID).addParticipant(TARGET1).build(); WaveAggregateOp op2 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR2_ID).docOp("doc", insertDocOp).build(); WaveAggregateOp composed = compose(op1, op2); List<WaveletOperation> expected = Arrays.<WaveletOperation>asList( new AddParticipant(CREATOR1_CONTEXT, new ParticipantId(TARGET1)), new WaveletBlipOperation("doc", new BlipContentOperation(CREATOR2_CONTEXT, insertDocOp)) ); assertEquals(expected, composed.toWaveletOperations()); } // Test compose of document op from the same creator { DocOp insertDocOp1 = insertDocOp(1, 3); DocOp insertDocOp2 = insertDocOp(3, 4); DocOp deleteDocOp = deleteDocOp(2, 5); WaveAggregateOp op1 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR1_ID).docOp("doc", insertDocOp1).build(); WaveAggregateOp op2 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR1_ID) .docOp("doc", insertDocOp2) .docOp("doc", deleteDocOp) .build(); WaveAggregateOp composed = compose(op1, op2); DocOp expectedDocOp = new DocOpBuilder() .retain(1) .characters("a") .deleteCharacters("a") .characters("a") .retain(1) .build(); List<WaveletOperation> expected = Arrays.<WaveletOperation>asList( new WaveletBlipOperation("doc", new BlipContentOperation(CREATOR1_CONTEXT, expectedDocOp)) ); assertEquals(expected, composed.toWaveletOperations()); } } public void testTransform() { // Test that orthogonal ops are preserved. { WaveAggregateOp op1 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR1_ID).addParticipant(TARGET1).build(); WaveAggregateOp op2 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR2_ID).addParticipant(TARGET2).build(); OperationPair<WaveAggregateOp> transformed; try { transformed = WaveAggregateOp.transform(op1, op2); } catch (TransformException e) { fail("transform failed:" + e); return; } List<WaveletOperation> expectedClient = Arrays.<WaveletOperation> asList( new AddParticipant(CREATOR1_CONTEXT, new ParticipantId(TARGET1))); List<WaveletOperation> expectedServer = Arrays.<WaveletOperation> asList( new AddParticipant(CREATOR2_CONTEXT, new ParticipantId(TARGET2))); assertEquals(expectedClient, transformed.clientOp().toWaveletOperations()); assertEquals(expectedServer, transformed.serverOp().toWaveletOperations()); } // Test case where client ops are transformed away, and some server ops are kept { WaveAggregateOp op1 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR1_ID).addParticipant(TARGET1).build(); WaveAggregateOp op2 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR2_ID).addParticipant(TARGET1).addParticipant(TARGET2).build(); OperationPair<WaveAggregateOp> transformed; try { transformed = WaveAggregateOp.transform(op1, op2); } catch (TransformException e) { fail("transform failed:" + e); return; } List<WaveletOperation> expectedServer = Arrays.<WaveletOperation> asList(new AddParticipant(CREATOR2_CONTEXT, new ParticipantId( TARGET2))); assertEquals(0, transformed.clientOp().toWaveletOperations().size()); assertEquals(expectedServer, transformed.serverOp().toWaveletOperations()); } // Same as above, but server ops originate from 2 different creators. Test // that the creators are preserved correctly through transform and // composition. { WaveAggregateOp op1 = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR1_ID).addParticipant(TARGET1).build(); WaveAggregateOp op2a = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR2_ID).addParticipant(TARGET1).build(); WaveAggregateOp op2b = new WaveOpBuilder(CREATOR1_ID).addParticipant(TARGET2).build(); WaveAggregateOp op2 = compose(op2a, op2b); OperationPair<WaveAggregateOp> transformed; try { transformed = WaveAggregateOp.transform(op1, op2); } catch (TransformException e) { fail("transform failed:" + e); return; } List<WaveletOperation> expectedServer = Arrays.<WaveletOperation> asList(new AddParticipant(CREATOR1_CONTEXT, new ParticipantId( TARGET2))); assertEquals(0, transformed.clientOp().toWaveletOperations().size()); assertEquals(expectedServer, transformed.serverOp().toWaveletOperations()); } } private static class WaveOpBuilder { final ParticipantId creator; List<AggregateOperation> ops = new ArrayList<AggregateOperation>(); WaveOpBuilder(String userName) { creator = new ParticipantId(userName); } public WaveOpBuilder docOp(String docId, DocOp docOp) { ops.add(new AggregateOperation(new CoreWaveletDocumentOperation(docId, docOp))); return this; } WaveOpBuilder aggregateOp(AggregateOperation op) { ops.add(op); return this; } WaveOpBuilder addParticipant(String participantId) { ops.add(AggregateOpTestUtil.addParticipant(participantId)); return this; } WaveOpBuilder removeParticipant(String participantId) { ops.add(AggregateOpTestUtil.removeParticipant(participantId)); return this; } WaveOpBuilder insert(String id, int location, int size) { ops.add(AggregateOpTestUtil.insert(id, location, size)); return this; } WaveOpBuilder delete(String id, int location, int size) { ops.add(AggregateOpTestUtil.delete(id, location, size)); return this; } WaveAggregateOp build() { return new WaveAggregateOp(AggregateOperation.compose(ops), creator); } } private static WaveAggregateOp compose(WaveAggregateOp... ops) { return WaveAggregateOp.compose(Arrays.asList(ops)); } private void assertEquals(List<WaveletOperation> ops1, List<WaveletOperation> ops2) { if (ops1.size() != ops2.size()) { fail("size differ: " + "(" + ops1.size() + ", " + ops2.size() + ") " + ops1 + " " + ops2); } for (int i = 0; i < ops1.size(); ++i) { assertEquals(ops1.get(i), ops2.get(i)); } } private void assertEquals(WaveletOperation op1, WaveletOperation op2) { if (!haveSameCreator(op1, op2)) { fail("creator differ ( " + op1.getContext().getCreator() + ", " + op2.getContext().getCreator() + ") "); } if (!op1.equals(op2)) { fail("op differ ( " + op1 + ", " + op2); } } private boolean haveSameCreator(WaveletOperation op1, WaveletOperation op2) { return op1.getContext().getCreator().equals(op2.getContext().getCreator()); } }