/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util; import java.util.Iterator; /** * An offset list that has the capability of evaluating to a value. * * TODO(user): Consider reducing recomputation during evaluation to the * minimum possible. * * * @param <T> The type of data contained in the data structure. * @param <V> The result of evaluating this data structure. */ public final class EvaluableOffsetList<T, V> implements OffsetList<T> { /** * An associative operator. * * @param <T> The type of the base data. * @param <V> The type of data handled by the associative operator. */ public interface AssociativeOperator<T, V> { /** * Extracts a <code>V</code> from a <code>T</code>. * * @param value The <code>T</code> from which the <code>V</code> is to be * extracted. * @return The extracted value. */ V extract(T value); /** * Applies the operator to the two given operands. * * @param operand1 The first operand. * @param operand2 The second operand. * @return The result of applying the operator on the two given operands. */ V operate(V operand1, V operand2); } /** * A container for holding data. * * @param <T> The type of data contained in the container. */ public interface Container<T> extends OffsetList.Container<T> { @Override Container<T> getPreviousContainer(); @Override Container<T> getNextContainer(); @Override Container<T> insertBefore(T newValue, int valueSize); @Override Container<T> split(int offset, T newValue); /** * Invalidate the cached evaluation of this container, to indicate that the * evaluation of this container should be recomputed the next time its * offset list is evaluated. */ void invalidate(); } /** * A container, implemented as a node in a tree. * * @param <T> The type of data contained in the container. */ private static final class Node<T, V> implements Container<T> { /** * The value contained in this container. */ private T value; /** * The cached evaluation of this node. */ private V subtreeComputation; /** * The parent of this node */ private Node<T, V> parent; /** * The left child of this node. */ private Node<T, V> leftChild; /** * The right child of this node. */ private Node<T, V> rightChild; /** * The container before this container. */ private Node<T, V> previousContainer; /** * The container after this container. */ private Node<T, V> nextContainer; /** * The offset of this node in its subtree. */ private int offset; /** * The size of this node. */ private int size; /** * The height of this node. */ private int height; private Node(T value, int size) { assert size >= 0; this.value = value; this.size = size; } @Override public Container<T> getPreviousContainer() { return previousContainer; } @Override public Container<T> getNextContainer() { return nextContainer; } @Override public T getValue() { return value; } @Override public void setValue(T value) { this.value = value; } @Override public int offset() { int totalOffset = offset; for (Node<T, V> currentNode = this, currentParent = parent; currentParent != null; currentParent = currentNode.parent) { if (currentParent.rightChild == currentNode) { totalOffset += currentParent.offset + currentParent.size; } currentNode = currentParent; } return totalOffset; } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public Container<T> insertBefore(T newValue, int valueSize) { Node<T, V> newContainer = new Node<T, V>(newValue, valueSize); newContainer.previousContainer = previousContainer; newContainer.nextContainer = this; previousContainer.nextContainer = newContainer; previousContainer = newContainer; if (leftChild == null) { setLeftChild(newContainer); } else { leftChild.getLastInSubtree().setRightChild(newContainer); } offset += newContainer.size; correctOffsets(newContainer.size); newContainer.parent.rebalance(); return newContainer; } @Override public void remove() { // Assert that the node to remove is not the sentinel node. assert parent != null; nextContainer.previousContainer = previousContainer; previousContainer.nextContainer = nextContainer; correctOffsets(-size); if (rightChild == null) { replaceWith(leftChild); parent.rebalance(); } else { Node<T, V> replacementNode = rightChild.getFirstInSubtree(); Node<T, V> parentOfReplacement = replacementNode.parent; int removalSize = replacementNode.size; for (Node<T, V> node = parentOfReplacement; node != this; node = node.parent) { node.offset -= removalSize; } replacementNode.replaceWith(replacementNode.rightChild); replaceWith(replacementNode); // Ensure that the replacement node assimilates the left child, right // child, offset, and height of the node it is replacing. replacementNode.setLeftChildSafely(leftChild); replacementNode.setRightChildSafely(rightChild); replacementNode.offset = offset; replacementNode.height = height; parent.invalidate(); ((parentOfReplacement != this) ? parentOfReplacement : replacementNode).rebalance(); } // Help accidental reuse fail quickly nextContainer = null; previousContainer = null; parent = null; leftChild = null; rightChild = null; } @Override public Container<T> split(int offset, T newValue) { assert offset >= 0; assert offset <= size; int secondSize = size - offset; Node<T, V> newContainer = new Node<T, V>(newValue, secondSize); newContainer.nextContainer = nextContainer; newContainer.previousContainer = this; nextContainer.previousContainer = newContainer; nextContainer = newContainer; size = offset; if (rightChild == null) { setRightChild(newContainer); } else { Node<T, V> node = rightChild; while (node.leftChild != null) { node.offset += secondSize; node = node.leftChild; } node.offset += secondSize; node.setLeftChild(newContainer); } newContainer.parent.rebalance(); return newContainer; } @Override public void increaseSize(int sizeDelta) { assert size >= -sizeDelta; size += sizeDelta; correctOffsets(sizeDelta); } @Override public void invalidate() { if (subtreeComputation != null) { subtreeComputation = null; if (parent != null) { parent.invalidate(); } } } /** * Rebalances the tree along the path from this node up to the root. This * will also clear the cached evaluations of all nodes along the path to the * root. */ private void rebalance() { invalidate(); for (Node<T, V> node = this; node.parent != null; node = node.parent) { int oldHeight = node.height; int leftHeight = getHeight(node.leftChild); int rightHeight = getHeight(node.rightChild); if (rightHeight == leftHeight + 2) { if (getHeight(node.rightChild.rightChild) != rightHeight - 1) { node.rightChild.rotateRight(); } node = node.rotateLeft(); } else if (leftHeight == rightHeight + 2) { if (getHeight(node.leftChild.leftChild) != leftHeight - 1) { node.leftChild.rotateLeft(); } node = node.rotateRight(); } else { node.height = Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight) + 1; } if (node.height == oldHeight) { break; } } } /** * Performs a left rotation around this node. * * @return The new root of the subtree involved in the rotation. */ private Node<T, V> rotateLeft() { Node<T, V> newRoot = rightChild; Node<T, V> subtree1 = newRoot.leftChild; Node<T, V> subtree2 = leftChild; replaceWith(newRoot); setRightChildSafely(subtree1); newRoot.setLeftChild(this); height = Math.max(getHeight(subtree1), getHeight(subtree2)) + 1; if (height + 1 > newRoot.height) { newRoot.height = height + 1; } newRoot.offset += offset + size; subtreeComputation = null; newRoot.subtreeComputation = null; return newRoot; } /** * Performs a right rotation around this node. * * @return The new root of the subtree involved in the rotation. */ private Node<T, V> rotateRight() { Node<T, V> newRoot = leftChild; Node<T, V> subtree1 = newRoot.rightChild; Node<T, V> subtree2 = rightChild; replaceWith(newRoot); setLeftChildSafely(subtree1); newRoot.setRightChild(this); height = Math.max(getHeight(subtree1), getHeight(subtree2)) + 1; if (height + 1 > newRoot.height) { newRoot.height = height + 1; } offset -= newRoot.offset + newRoot.size; subtreeComputation = null; newRoot.subtreeComputation = null; return newRoot; } /** * Alters the offsets along the path from this node to the root. * * @param sizeDelta The size of the correction. */ private void correctOffsets(int sizeDelta) { for (Node<T, V> node = this, parentNode = parent; parentNode != null; node = parentNode, parentNode = node.parent) { if (parentNode.leftChild == node) { parentNode.offset += sizeDelta; } } } /** * Gets the first node in the subtree rooted at this node. * * @return The first node in the subtree rooted at this node. */ private Node<T, V> getFirstInSubtree() { Node<T, V> node = this; for (Node<T, V> child = leftChild; child != null; node = child, child = node.leftChild) {} return node; } /** * Gets the last node in the subtree rooted at this node. * * @return The last node in the subtree rooted at this node. */ private Node<T, V> getLastInSubtree() { Node<T, V> node = this; for (Node<T, V> child = rightChild; child != null; node = child, child = node.rightChild) {} return node; } /** * Sets the left child of this node, ensuring that the parent-child * relationship is correctly registered in both the parent and the child. * This assumes that the input argument is not null. * * @param leftChild The node which should become the left child of this * node. This should not be null. */ private void setLeftChild(Node<T, V> leftChild) { assert leftChild != null; this.leftChild = leftChild; leftChild.parent = this; } /** * Sets the right child of this node, ensuring that the parent-child * relationship is correctly registered in both the parent and the child. * This assumes that the input argument is not null. * * @param rightChild The node which should become the right child of this * node. This should not be null. */ private void setRightChild(Node<T, V> rightChild) { assert rightChild != null; this.rightChild = rightChild; rightChild.parent = this; } /** * Sets the left child of this node, ensuring that the parent-child * relationship is correctly registered in both the parent and the child. * * @param leftChild The node which should become the right child of this * node. This may be null to indicate that this node should have no * left child. */ private void setLeftChildSafely(Node<T, V> leftChild) { this.leftChild = leftChild; if (leftChild != null) { leftChild.parent = this; } } /** * Sets the right child of this node, ensuring that the parent-child * relationship is correctly registered in both the parent and the child. * * @param rightChild The node which should become the right child of this * node. This may be null to indicate that this node should have no * right child. */ private void setRightChildSafely(Node<T, V> rightChild) { this.rightChild = rightChild; if (rightChild != null) { rightChild.parent = this; } } /** * Replaces the subtree rooted at this node with another subtree. * * @param replacement The root of the replacement subtree. */ private void replaceWith(Node<T, V> replacement) { assert parent != null; if (replacement != null) { replacement.parent = parent; } if (parent.leftChild == this) { parent.leftChild = replacement; } else { parent.rightChild = replacement; } } @Override public String toString() { return offset() + "," + size() + ":" + getValue(); } } private final Node<T, V> root; private final AssociativeOperator<? super T, V> operator; /** * Constructs a new offset list. */ public EvaluableOffsetList() { this(null); } /** * Constructs a new offset list. */ public EvaluableOffsetList(AssociativeOperator<? super T, V> operator) { root = new Node<T, V>(null, 1); root.previousContainer = root; root.nextContainer = root; this.operator = operator; } @Override public Container<T> firstContainer() { return root.nextContainer; } @Override public Container<T> sentinel() { return root; } @Override public <R> R performActionAt(int offset, LocationAction<T, R> locationAction) { Node<T, V> node = root; while (node != null) { if (offset < node.offset) { node = node.leftChild; } else { offset -= node.offset; if (offset < node.size) { return locationAction.performAction(node, offset); } offset -= node.size; node = node.rightChild; } } throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid offest: " + offset + ", size: " + size()); } @Override public int size() { return root.offset; } @Override public Iterator<T> iterator() { return new Iterator<T>() { private Node<T, V> nextContainer = root.nextContainer; public boolean hasNext() { return nextContainer != root; } public T next() { T returnValue = nextContainer.value; nextContainer = nextContainer.nextContainer; return returnValue; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } /** * Evaluate the offset list using the associative operator provided when it * was constructed. * * @return The result of the evaluation. */ public V evaluate() { if (operator == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No associative operator was provided."); } if (root.leftChild == null) { return null; } return evaluate(root.leftChild); } private V evaluate(Node<T, V> node) { if (node.subtreeComputation != null) { return node.subtreeComputation; } V value = operator.extract(node.value); if (node.leftChild != null) { value = operator.operate(evaluate(node.leftChild), value); } if (node.rightChild != null) { value = operator.operate(value, evaluate(node.rightChild)); } node.subtreeComputation = value; return value; } /** * Gets the height of the given subtree. * * @param node The root of the subtree. * @return The height of the subtree. The leaf node is a height of 0. */ private static <T, V> int getHeight(Node<T, V> node) { return (node == null) ? -1 : node.height; } }