/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.model.testing; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.bootstrap.BootstrapDocument; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.Attributes; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.AttributesUpdate; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.DocOp; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.DocOpCursor; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.automaton.AutomatonDocument; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.automaton.DocOpAutomaton; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.automaton.DocOpAutomaton.ValidationResult; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.automaton.DocOpAutomaton.ViolationCollector; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.automaton.DocumentSchema; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.AnnotationBoundaryMapImpl; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.AnnotationMap; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.AttributesUpdateImpl; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.DocInitializationBuilder; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.DocOpBuffer; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.DocOpUtil; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.DocOpValidator; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.OperationException; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.testing.RandomDocOpGenerator.Parameters.AnnotationOption; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Preconditions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * Generates random document operations based on a document. They can be * valid or invalid, depending on parameters. */ public final class RandomDocOpGenerator { /** * Random number generator interface, to avoid the dependency on java.util.Random, * which would prevent the use of this class with GWT. */ public interface RandomProvider { /** @returns a pseudorandom non-negative integer smaller than upperBound */ int nextInt(int upperBound); /** @returns a pseudorandom boolean */ boolean nextBoolean(); } private RandomDocOpGenerator() {} /** Parameters for random DocOp generation. */ public static final class Parameters { /** * An annotation key with the corresponding list of value alternatives. */ public static final class AnnotationOption { final String key; final List<String> valueAlternatives; public AnnotationOption(String key, List<String> valueAlternatives) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(key, "key must not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(valueAlternatives, "valueAlternatives must not be null"); this.key = key; this.valueAlternatives = valueAlternatives; } public String getKey() { return key; } public String randomValue(RandomProvider r) { return randomElement(r, valueAlternatives); } } int maxOpeningComponents = 16; int maxInsertLength = 10; int maxDeleteLength = 5; boolean valid = true; // only relevant when producing invalid ops. int maxSkipAfterEnd = 5; // We use lists here instead of sets to have an explicit fixed ordering, // which helps reproducibility when generating pseudo-random operations. // SortedSets would also work for this, but then we'd have to make // AnnotationOptions comparable, which is more work. List<String> elementTypes = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList( "body", "line", "input", "image", "caption", "br"// "gadget", )); List<String> attributeNames = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList( "_t", "t", "i", "attachment", "style", "blipId", "state", "url", "fontWeight", "fontStyle", "invalid_dummy")); // TODO: We should make attributeValues dependent on attributeNames (and perhaps on element // types) so that we can randomly insert chess gadgets with a valid state and inline images // with a proper attachment spec. // // updateAttributes will only generate attribute removals if null is in this list. List<String> attributeValues = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList( null, "title", "li", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "114", "9817")); List<AnnotationOption> annotationOptions = Collections.unmodifiableList( Arrays.asList( new AnnotationOption("a", Arrays.asList(null, "1", "2")), new AnnotationOption("b", Arrays.asList(null, "1")), new AnnotationOption("c", Arrays.asList(null, "1")) )); public static final List<AnnotationOption> RENDERABLE_ANNOTATION_OPTIONS = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList( new AnnotationOption("link/auto", Arrays.asList(null, "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBplLTBBmiA&feature=hd", "http://code.google.com/p/wave-protocols/issues/entry")), new AnnotationOption("style/fontWeight", Arrays.asList(null, "bold")), new AnnotationOption("style/textDecoration", Arrays.asList(null, "underline")) )); public List<String> attributeValues() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("title", "li", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "114", "9817")); } public Parameters() { } public int getMaxOpeningComponents() { return maxOpeningComponents; } /** * @return the maxInsertLength */ public int getMaxInsertLength() { return maxInsertLength; } /** * @return the maxDeleteLength */ public int getMaxDeleteLength() { return maxDeleteLength; } /** * @return the annotationOptions */ public List<AnnotationOption> getAnnotationOptions() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(annotationOptions); } public Parameters setMaxOpeningComponents(int maxOpeningComponents) { this.maxOpeningComponents = maxOpeningComponents; return this; } /** * @param maxInsertLength the maxInsertLength to set */ public Parameters setMaxInsertLength(int maxInsertLength) { this.maxInsertLength = maxInsertLength; return this; } /** * @param maxDeleteLength the maxDeleteLength to set */ public Parameters setMaxDeleteLength(int maxDeleteLength) { this.maxDeleteLength = maxDeleteLength; return this; } /** * @param annotationOptions the annotationOptions to set */ public Parameters setAnnotationOptions(List<AnnotationOption> annotationOptions) { this.annotationOptions = annotationOptions; return this; } // Gotta love auto-generated javadoc. /** * @return the valid */ public boolean getValidity() { return valid; } /** * @param valid the valid to set */ public Parameters setValidity(boolean valid) { this.valid = valid; return this; } public int getMaxSkipAfterEnd() { return maxSkipAfterEnd; } public Parameters setMaxSkipBeyondEnd(int maxSkipAfterEnd) { this.maxSkipAfterEnd = maxSkipAfterEnd; return this; } /** * Returns the list of keys from annotationOptions. */ public List<String> getAnnotationKeys() { List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(annotationOptions.size()); for (AnnotationOption o : annotationOptions) { keys.add(o.key); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(keys); } public List<String> getElementTypes() { return elementTypes; } public Parameters setElementTypes(List<String> elementTypes) { this.elementTypes = elementTypes; return this; } public List<String> getAttributeNames() { return attributeNames; } public Parameters setAttributeNames(List<String> attributeNames) { Preconditions.checkArgument( new HashSet<String>(attributeNames).size() == attributeNames.size(), "duplicate attribute name"); this.attributeNames = attributeNames; return this; } public List<String> getAttributeValues() { return attributeValues; } public Parameters setAttributeValues(List<String> attributeValues) { this.attributeValues = attributeValues; return this; } } private static <T> T randomElement(RandomProvider r, List<T> l) { return l.get(r.nextInt(l.size())); } private static int randomIntFromRange(RandomProvider r, int min, int limit) { assert 0 <= min; // not really a precondition, but true in our case assert min < limit; int x = r.nextInt(limit - min) + min; assert min <= x; assert x < limit; return x; } private static <T> void swap(ArrayList<T> a, int i, int j) { T temp = a.get(i); a.set(i, a.get(j)); a.set(j, temp); } private static void shuffle(RandomProvider r, ArrayList<?> a) { int N = a.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { int j = randomIntFromRange(r, i, N); swap(a, i, j); } } private interface Mapper<I, O> { O map(I in); } private static <I, O> O pickRandomNonNullMappedElement(RandomProvider r, List<I> in, Mapper<I, O> mapper) { List<I> list = new ArrayList<I>(in); while (!list.isEmpty()) { int index = randomIntFromRange(r, 0, list.size()); O value = mapper.map(list.get(index)); if (value != null) { return value; } // Remove element efficiently by swapping in an element from the end. list.set(index, list.get(list.size() - 1)); list.remove(list.size() - 1); } return null; } private static class Generator { abstract class RandomizerOperationComponent { abstract ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v); abstract void apply(DocOpAutomaton a); abstract void output(DocOpCursor c); boolean isAnnotationBoundary() { return false; } } enum Stage { // all components are permitted S1_UNRESTRICTED, // if deletion stack and insertion stack are empty, permit nothing (go to next stage). // while deletion stack is nonempty, permit annotation boundaries, deleteCharacters, // deleteElementStarts and deleteElementEnds. Must move on to next stage as soon as // deletion stack becomes empty. // while insertion stack is nonempty, permit elementEnds. S2_CLOSE_STRUCTURE, // if annotations are open, close them S3_CLOSE_ANNOTATIONS, // if not at end of document, assert invalidity and skip to end of document. S4_SKIP_TO_END; } abstract class RandomOperationComponentGenerator { // returns null if it couldn't generate a matching component abstract RandomizerOperationComponent generate(DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage); } class SkipGenerator extends RandomOperationComponentGenerator { @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") @Override RandomizerOperationComponent generate(DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage) { final int distance; switch (stage) { case S1_UNRESTRICTED: int maxDistance = a.maxRetainItemCount(); if (maxDistance == 0) { return null; } if (a.checkRetain(1, null).isIllFormed()) { return null; } if (valid) { if (!a.checkRetain(1, null).isValid()) { return null; } int d = randomIntFromRange(r, 1, maxDistance + 1); while (!a.checkRetain(d, null).isValid()) { d--; assert d > 0; } distance = d; assert a.checkRetain(distance, null).isValid(); } else { distance = randomIntFromRange(r, maxDistance + 1, maxDistance + p.getMaxSkipAfterEnd()); assert a.checkRetain(distance, null) == ValidationResult.INVALID_DOCUMENT; } break; case S2_CLOSE_STRUCTURE: case S3_CLOSE_ANNOTATIONS: return null; case S4_SKIP_TO_END: if (!valid) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } switch (a.checkRetain(1, null)) { case INVALID_DOCUMENT: assert a.checkFinish(null).isValid(); return null; case VALID: distance = a.maxRetainItemCount(); assert distance > 0; assert !a.checkFinish(null).isValid(); break; case INVALID_SCHEMA: case ILL_FORMED: assert false; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected validation result"); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected stage: " + stage); } return new RandomizerOperationComponent() { @Override public ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return a.checkRetain(distance, v); } @Override public void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { a.doRetain(distance); } @Override public void output(DocOpCursor c) { c.retain(distance); } @Override public String toString() { return "Skip(" + distance + ")"; } }; } } class CharactersGenerator extends RandomOperationComponentGenerator { @Override RandomizerOperationComponent generate(DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage) { if (stage != Stage.S1_UNRESTRICTED) { return null; } ValidationResult v = a.checkCharacters("a", null); if (v.isIllFormed()) { return null; } int count; if (valid) { if (!v.isValid()) { return null; } // TODO: implement this once we have size limits. int max = p.getMaxInsertLength(); if (max == 0) { return null; } count = randomIntFromRange(r, 1, max + 1); } else { if (v.isValid()) { // Exceed length of document (if p.maxInsertLength allows it). int max = p.getMaxInsertLength(); // TODO: implement this once we have size limits. //count = randomIntFromRange(r, min, max + 1); return null; } else { count = randomIntFromRange(r, 1, p.getMaxInsertLength()); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); assert count > 0; char startChar = r.nextBoolean() ? 'a' : 'A'; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i <= 26) { sb.append((char) (startChar + i)); } else { sb.append('.'); } } final String s = sb.toString(); return new RandomizerOperationComponent() { @Override public ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return a.checkCharacters(s, v); } @Override public void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { a.doCharacters(s); } @Override public void output(DocOpCursor c) { c.characters(s); } @Override public String toString() { return "Characters(" + s + ")"; } }; } } class DeleteCharactersGenerator extends RandomOperationComponentGenerator { @Override RandomizerOperationComponent generate(DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage) { if (stage != Stage.S1_UNRESTRICTED && (stage != Stage.S2_CLOSE_STRUCTURE || a.deletionStackComplexityMeasure() == 0)) { return null; } // TODO: In stage 2, this should perhaps be less random about how many characters // it deletes. Alternatively, skip in stage 4 could be more random. int nextChar = a.nextChar(0); if (nextChar == -1 || a.checkDeleteCharacters("" + ((char) nextChar), null).isIllFormed()) { return null; } final int count; if (valid) { int max = Math.min(a.maxCharactersToDelete(), p.getMaxDeleteLength()); if (max == 0) { return null; } count = randomIntFromRange(r, 1, max + 1); } else { int max = p.getMaxDeleteLength(); int min = a.maxCharactersToDelete() + 1; if (min > max) { return null; } count = randomIntFromRange(r, min, max + 1); } // TODO: implement invalid case, both by right char but wrong // annotations (if possible) and wrong char. StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int c = a.nextChar(i); assert c != -1; b.append((char) c); if (valid && !a.checkDeleteCharacters(b.toString(), null).isValid()) { b.deleteCharAt(b.length() - 1); break; } } if (b.length() == 0) { // TODO: simplify this method return null; } final String s = b.toString(); RandomizerOperationComponent c = new RandomizerOperationComponent() { @Override public ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return a.checkDeleteCharacters(s, v); } @Override public void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { a.doDeleteCharacters(s); } @Override public void output(DocOpCursor c) { c.deleteCharacters(s); } @Override public String toString() { return "DeleteCharacters(" + s + ")"; } }; if (c.check(a, null).isValid() != valid) { return null; } else { return c; } } } interface AttributesUpdateChecker { ValidationResult check(AttributesUpdate u); } // returns null on failure AttributesUpdate generateRandomAttributesUpdate(final boolean valid, final Attributes oldAttributes, final AttributesUpdateChecker checker) { AttributesUpdate accu = new AttributesUpdateImpl(); if (valid && !checker.check(accu).isValid() || !valid && checker.check(accu).isIllFormed()) { return null; } if (!valid) { // If we want an invalid component, and it's not already invalid without // any attributes, make it invalid by adding an invalid attribute first. if (checker.check(accu).isValid()) { assert accu.changeSize() == 0; accu = pickRandomNonNullMappedElement(r, p.getAttributeNames(), new Mapper<String, AttributesUpdate>() { @Override public AttributesUpdate map(final String name) { return pickRandomNonNullMappedElement(r, p.getAttributeValues(), new Mapper<String, AttributesUpdate> () { @Override public AttributesUpdate map(String value) { AttributesUpdate b = new AttributesUpdateImpl(name, oldAttributes.get(name), value); switch (checker.check(b)) { case ILL_FORMED: return null; case INVALID_DOCUMENT: case INVALID_SCHEMA: return b; case VALID: return null; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected validation result"); } } }); } }); if (accu == null) { return null; } } assert !checker.check(accu).isValid(); // Flip a coin and terminate if the number of attributes was really // supposed to be zero. if (r.nextBoolean()) { return accu; } } while (r.nextBoolean()) { final AttributesUpdate finalAccu = accu; AttributesUpdate newAccu = pickRandomNonNullMappedElement(r, p.getAttributeNames(), new Mapper<String, AttributesUpdate>() { @Override public AttributesUpdate map(final String name) { for (int i = 0; i < finalAccu.changeSize(); i++) { if (finalAccu.getChangeKey(i).equals(name)) { return null; } } return pickRandomNonNullMappedElement(r, p.getAttributeValues(), new Mapper<String, AttributesUpdate>() { @Override public AttributesUpdate map(String value) { AttributesUpdate b = finalAccu.composeWith(new AttributesUpdateImpl(name, oldAttributes.get(name), value)); assert b != finalAccu; // assert non-destructiveness ValidationResult v = checker.check(b); if (valid && !v.isValid() || !valid && v.isIllFormed()) { return null; } else { return b; } } }); } }); if (newAccu == null) { return accu; } accu = newAccu; } return accu; } class ElementStartGenerator extends RandomOperationComponentGenerator { @Override RandomizerOperationComponent generate(DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage) { switch (stage) { case S1_UNRESTRICTED: return generate(a, valid); case S2_CLOSE_STRUCTURE: case S3_CLOSE_ANNOTATIONS: case S4_SKIP_TO_END: return null; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected stage: " + stage); } } RandomizerOperationComponent generateGivenTag(final DocOpAutomaton a, final boolean valid, final String tag) { { ValidationResult v = a.checkElementStart(tag, Attributes.EMPTY_MAP, null); if (valid && !v.isValid() || !valid && v.isIllFormed()) { // Early exit if we can't build an element start with this tag. return null; } } AttributesUpdate u = generateRandomAttributesUpdate(valid, Attributes.EMPTY_MAP, new AttributesUpdateChecker() { @Override public ValidationResult check(AttributesUpdate u) { Attributes attrs = Attributes.EMPTY_MAP.updateWith(u); return a.checkElementStart(tag, attrs, null); } }); if (u == null) { return null; } else { final Attributes attributes = Attributes.EMPTY_MAP.updateWith(u); return new RandomizerOperationComponent() { @Override public ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return a.checkElementStart(tag, attributes, v); } @Override public void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { a.doElementStart(tag, attributes); } @Override public void output(DocOpCursor c) { c.elementStart(tag, attributes); } @Override public String toString() { return "ElementStart(" + tag + ", " + attributes + ")"; } }; } } RandomizerOperationComponent generate(final DocOpAutomaton a, final boolean valid) { return pickRandomNonNullMappedElement(r, p.getElementTypes(), new Mapper<String, RandomizerOperationComponent>() { @Override public RandomizerOperationComponent map(final String tag) { return generateGivenTag(a, valid, tag); } }); } } abstract class RandomConstantOperationComponentGenerator extends RandomOperationComponentGenerator { abstract ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v); abstract void apply(DocOpAutomaton a); abstract void output(DocOpCursor c); RandomizerOperationComponent generate(DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid) { switch (check(a, null)) { case ILL_FORMED: return null; case VALID: if (!valid) { return null; } break; case INVALID_DOCUMENT: if (valid) { return null; } break; case INVALID_SCHEMA: if (valid) { return null; } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected validation result"); } return new RandomizerOperationComponent() { @Override public ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return RandomConstantOperationComponentGenerator.this.check(a, v); } @Override public void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { RandomConstantOperationComponentGenerator.this.apply(a); } @Override public void output(DocOpCursor c) { RandomConstantOperationComponentGenerator.this.output(c); } @Override public String toString() { return "Constant component from " + RandomConstantOperationComponentGenerator.this.getClass().getName(); } }; } } class ElementEndGenerator extends RandomConstantOperationComponentGenerator { @Override RandomizerOperationComponent generate(DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage) { switch (stage) { case S1_UNRESTRICTED: return generate(a, valid); case S2_CLOSE_STRUCTURE: if (a.insertionStackComplexityMeasure() == 0) { return null; } return generate(a, valid); case S3_CLOSE_ANNOTATIONS: case S4_SKIP_TO_END: return null; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected stage: " + stage); } } @Override ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return a.checkElementEnd(v); } @Override void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { a.doElementEnd(); } @Override void output(DocOpCursor c) { c.elementEnd(); } } class DeleteElementStartGenerator extends RandomOperationComponentGenerator { @Override RandomizerOperationComponent generate(DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage) { switch (stage) { case S1_UNRESTRICTED: return generate(a, valid); case S2_CLOSE_STRUCTURE: if (a.deletionStackComplexityMeasure() == 0) { return null; } return generate(a, valid); case S3_CLOSE_ANNOTATIONS: case S4_SKIP_TO_END: return null; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected stage: " + stage); } } RandomizerOperationComponent generate(final DocOpAutomaton a, final boolean valid) { final String tag = a.currentElementStartTag(); final Attributes oldAttrs = a.currentElementStartAttributes(); if (tag == null) { assert oldAttrs == null; return null; } assert oldAttrs != null; switch (a.checkDeleteElementStart(tag, oldAttrs, null)) { case ILL_FORMED: case INVALID_DOCUMENT: // TODO: bring back generating invalid ops case INVALID_SCHEMA: return null; case VALID: return new RandomizerOperationComponent() { @Override public ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return a.checkDeleteElementStart(tag, oldAttrs, v); } @Override public void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { a.doDeleteElementStart(tag, oldAttrs); } @Override public void output(DocOpCursor c) { c.deleteElementStart(tag, oldAttrs); } }; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected validation result"); } } } class DeleteElementEndGenerator extends RandomConstantOperationComponentGenerator { @Override void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { a.doDeleteElementEnd(); } @Override ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return a.checkDeleteElementEnd(v); } @Override void output(DocOpCursor c) { c.deleteElementEnd(); } @Override RandomizerOperationComponent generate(DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage) { switch (stage) { case S1_UNRESTRICTED: return generate(a, valid); case S2_CLOSE_STRUCTURE: if (a.deletionStackComplexityMeasure() == 0) { return null; } return generate(a, valid); case S3_CLOSE_ANNOTATIONS: case S4_SKIP_TO_END: return null; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected stage: " + stage); } } } class ReplaceAttributesGenerator extends RandomOperationComponentGenerator { @Override RandomizerOperationComponent generate(final DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage) { if (stage != Stage.S1_UNRESTRICTED) { return null; } final Attributes oldAttrs = a.currentElementStartAttributes(); if (oldAttrs == null) { if (valid) { return null; } } if (!valid) { // TODO: bring this back. // several cases: invalid because of wrong old attributes, or invalid // because of schema violation of new attributes, or because no // element start here throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } AttributesUpdate u = generateRandomAttributesUpdate(valid, oldAttrs, new AttributesUpdateChecker() { @Override public ValidationResult check(AttributesUpdate u) { return a.checkReplaceAttributes(oldAttrs, oldAttrs.updateWith(u), null); } }); if (u == null) { return null; } final Attributes newAttrs = oldAttrs.updateWith(u); return new RandomizerOperationComponent() { @Override public void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { a.doReplaceAttributes(oldAttrs, newAttrs); } @Override public ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return a.checkReplaceAttributes(oldAttrs, newAttrs, v); } @Override public void output(DocOpCursor c) { c.replaceAttributes(oldAttrs, newAttrs); } @Override public String toString() { return "ReplaceAttributes(" + oldAttrs + ", " + newAttrs + ")"; } }; } } class UpdateAttributesGenerator extends RandomOperationComponentGenerator { @Override RandomizerOperationComponent generate(final DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage) { if (stage != Stage.S1_UNRESTRICTED) { return null; } final Attributes oldAttrs = a.currentElementStartAttributes(); if (oldAttrs == null) { if (valid) { return null; } } if (!valid) { // TODO: bring this back. // several cases: invalid because of wrong old attributes, or invalid // because of schema violation of new attributes, or because no // element start here throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented"); } final AttributesUpdate update = generateRandomAttributesUpdate(valid, oldAttrs, new AttributesUpdateChecker() { @Override public ValidationResult check(AttributesUpdate u) { return a.checkUpdateAttributes(u, null); } }); if (update == null) { return null; } return new RandomizerOperationComponent() { @Override public void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { a.doUpdateAttributes(update); } @Override public ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return a.checkUpdateAttributes(update, v); } @Override public void output(DocOpCursor c) { c.updateAttributes(update); } @Override public String toString() { return "UpdateAttributes(" + update + ")"; } }; } } interface RunnableWithException<E extends Throwable> { void run() throws E; } class AnnotationBoundaryGenerator extends RandomOperationComponentGenerator { @Override RandomizerOperationComponent generate(DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, Stage stage) { switch (stage) { case S1_UNRESTRICTED: case S2_CLOSE_STRUCTURE: return generateWithLookahead(a, valid, stage); case S3_CLOSE_ANNOTATIONS: assert valid; return generateClosing(a); case S4_SKIP_TO_END: return null; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected stage: " + stage); } } RandomizerOperationComponent generate(final AnnotationBoundaryMapImpl map) { return new RandomizerOperationComponent() { @Override void apply(DocOpAutomaton a) { a.doAnnotationBoundary(map); } @Override ValidationResult check(DocOpAutomaton a, ViolationCollector v) { return a.checkAnnotationBoundary(map, v); } @Override void output(DocOpCursor c) { c.annotationBoundary(map); } @Override boolean isAnnotationBoundary() { return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "AnnotationBoundary(" + map + ")"; } }; } String[] toArray(ArrayList<String> a) { return a.toArray(new String[0]); } RandomizerOperationComponent generateClosing(DocOpAutomaton a) { if (a.openAnnotations().isEmpty()) { return null; } ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(a.openAnnotations()); Collections.sort(l); AnnotationBoundaryMapImpl map = AnnotationBoundaryMapImpl.builder().initializationEnd( toArray(l)).build(); assert !a.checkAnnotationBoundary(map, null).isIllFormed(); return generate(map); } class Result extends Exception { final RandomizerOperationComponent component; Result(RandomizerOperationComponent component) { this.component = component; } } class StringNullComparator implements Comparator<String> { @Override public int compare(String a, String b) { if (a == b) { return 0; } if (a == null) { return -1; } if (b == null) { return 1; } return a.compareTo(b); } } RandomizerOperationComponent generateWithLookahead(final DocOpAutomaton a, boolean valid, final Stage stage) { { ValidationResult r = a.checkAnnotationBoundary( AnnotationBoundaryMapImpl.builder().updateValues("a", null, "1").build(), null); assert r.isIllFormed() || r.isValid(); if (r.isIllFormed()) { return null; } } Set<String> keySet = new TreeSet<String>(new StringNullComparator()); for (AnnotationOption o : p.getAnnotationOptions()) { keySet.add(o.key); } keySet.addAll(a.currentAnnotations().keySet()); keySet.addAll(a.inheritedAnnotations().keySet()); final ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(keySet); Collections.sort(keys); // For every key, either pick it, or don't (choice point, recursively // explore both options). // For each key, one option is to end that key if it currently is in // openAnnotations(). // Another option is not to end that key: In that case, given the key, // the valid old values are those from annotationOptions and // those from currentAnnotations() (for deletions) and // those from inheritedAnnotations() (for insertions); // the valid new values are those from annotationOptions and // those from inheritedAnnotations() (for deletion). // // Given the full map, we need to check if the component is valid, then // temporarily apply it to find out if there is any valid component // to follow up with. final RunnableWithException<Result> chooseKeys = new RunnableWithException<Result>() { ArrayList<String> keysToEnd = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> changeKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> changeOldValues = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> changeNewValues = new ArrayList<String>(); void tryThisOption() throws Result { AnnotationBoundaryMapImpl map = AnnotationBoundaryMapImpl.builder() .initializationEnd(toArray(keysToEnd)) .updateValues(toArray(changeKeys), toArray(changeOldValues), toArray(changeNewValues)).build(); final RandomizerOperationComponent component = generate(map); DocOpAutomaton temp = new DocOpAutomaton(a); ViolationCollector v = new ViolationCollector(); component.check(temp, v); assert !component.check(temp, null).isIllFormed(); component.apply(temp); // System.err.println("begin lookahead for " + map); RandomizerOperationComponent followup = pickComponent(temp, stage); if (followup != null) { // System.err.println("end lookahead, success"); throw new Result(component); } // System.err.println("end lookahead, failed"); } void removeLastMaybe(ArrayList<String> l, int lastItemIndex) { assert lastItemIndex == l.size() || lastItemIndex == l.size() - 1; if (lastItemIndex == l.size() - 1) { l.remove(lastItemIndex); } } void take(int nextKeyIndex, String key) throws Result { assert key != null; if (a.openAnnotations().contains(key)) { int oldSize = keysToEnd.size(); try { keysToEnd.add(key); nextKey(nextKeyIndex); } finally { removeLastMaybe(keysToEnd, oldSize); } } Set<String> valueSet = new TreeSet<String>(new StringNullComparator()); for (AnnotationOption o : p.getAnnotationOptions()) { if (key.equals(o.key)) { valueSet.addAll(o.valueAlternatives); } } AnnotationMap inheritedAnnotations = a.inheritedAnnotations(); if (inheritedAnnotations.containsKey(key)) { valueSet.add(inheritedAnnotations.get(key)); } else { valueSet.add(null); } ArrayList<String> newValues = new ArrayList<String>(valueSet); AnnotationMap currentAnnotations = a.currentAnnotations(); if (currentAnnotations.containsKey(key)) { valueSet.add(currentAnnotations.get(key)); } else { valueSet.add(null); } ArrayList<String> oldValues = new ArrayList<String>(valueSet); shuffle(r, oldValues); shuffle(r, newValues); for (String oldValue : oldValues) { for (String newValue : newValues) { assert changeKeys.size() == changeOldValues.size(); assert changeKeys.size() == changeNewValues.size(); int oldSize = changeKeys.size(); try { changeKeys.add(key); changeOldValues.add(oldValue); changeNewValues.add(newValue); nextKey(nextKeyIndex); } finally { removeLastMaybe(changeNewValues, oldSize); removeLastMaybe(changeOldValues, oldSize); removeLastMaybe(changeKeys, oldSize); assert changeKeys.size() == changeOldValues.size(); assert changeKeys.size() == changeNewValues.size(); } } } } void nextKey(int nextKeyIndex) throws Result { if (nextKeyIndex >= keys.size()) { tryThisOption(); return; } String key = keys.get(nextKeyIndex); boolean take = r.nextBoolean(); if (take) { take(nextKeyIndex + 1, key); nextKey(nextKeyIndex + 1); } else { nextKey(nextKeyIndex + 1); take(nextKeyIndex + 1, key); } } @Override public void run() throws Result { nextKey(0); } }; try { chooseKeys.run(); } catch (Result e) { return e.component; } return null; } } private static boolean equal(Object a, Object b) { return a == null ? b == null : a.equals(b); } final RandomProvider r; final Parameters p; final AutomatonDocument doc; Generator(RandomProvider r, Parameters p, AutomatonDocument doc) { this.r = r; this.p = p; this.doc = doc; } final List<RandomOperationComponentGenerator> componentGenerators = Arrays.asList( new AnnotationBoundaryGenerator(), new CharactersGenerator(), new ElementStartGenerator(), new ElementEndGenerator(), new SkipGenerator(), new DeleteCharactersGenerator(), new DeleteElementStartGenerator(), new DeleteElementEndGenerator(), new ReplaceAttributesGenerator(), new UpdateAttributesGenerator() ); DocOp generate() { DocOpAutomaton a = new DocOpAutomaton(doc, DocumentSchema.NO_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINTS); DocOpBuffer b = new DocOpBuffer(); generate1(a, b); return b.finish(); } RandomizerOperationComponent pickComponent(final DocOpAutomaton a, final Stage stage) { // System.err.println("stage: " + stage); RandomizerOperationComponent component = pickRandomNonNullMappedElement(r, componentGenerators, new Mapper<RandomOperationComponentGenerator, RandomizerOperationComponent>() { @Override public RandomizerOperationComponent map(RandomOperationComponentGenerator g) { // System.err.println("trying generator " + g); RandomizerOperationComponent c = g.generate(a, true, stage); if (c != null) { assert c.check(a, null).isValid(); } return c; } }); // System.err.println("picked " + component); return component; } RandomizerOperationComponent generate2(DocOpAutomaton a, DocOpCursor output, Stage stage) { RandomizerOperationComponent component = pickComponent(a, stage); assert component != null; component.apply(a); component.output(output); return component; } void generate1(DocOpAutomaton a, DocOpCursor output) { if (!p.getValidity()) { throw new RuntimeException("generation of invalid operations not supported yet"); } int desiredNumComponents = randomIntFromRange(r, 0, p.getMaxOpeningComponents()); int numComponentsPicked = 0; while (numComponentsPicked < desiredNumComponents) { RandomizerOperationComponent component = generate2(a, output, Stage.S1_UNRESTRICTED); if (!component.isAnnotationBoundary()) { numComponentsPicked++; } } while (a.deletionStackComplexityMeasure() > 0) { generate2(a, output, Stage.S2_CLOSE_STRUCTURE); } while (a.insertionStackComplexityMeasure() > 0) { int before = a.insertionStackComplexityMeasure(); generate2(a, output, Stage.S2_CLOSE_STRUCTURE); assert a.insertionStackComplexityMeasure() <= before; } if (!a.openAnnotations().isEmpty()) { generate2(a, output, Stage.S3_CLOSE_ANNOTATIONS); assert a.openAnnotations().isEmpty(); } if (a.maxRetainItemCount() > 0) { generate2(a, output, Stage.S4_SKIP_TO_END); assert a.maxRetainItemCount() == 0; } } } /** * Returns a randomly-generated document operation based on the given document, * parameters, and schema. */ public static DocOp generate(RandomProvider r, Parameters p, AutomatonDocument doc) { DocOp op = new Generator(r, p, doc).generate(); ViolationCollector v = new ViolationCollector(); DocOpValidator.validate(v, null, doc, op); assert !v.isIllFormed(); assert p.getValidity() == v.isValid(); return op; } /** * Stand-alone main() for quick experimentation. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws OperationException { BootstrapDocument initialDoc = new BootstrapDocument(); initialDoc.consume(new DocInitializationBuilder() .elementStart("blip", Attributes.EMPTY_MAP) .elementStart("p", Attributes.EMPTY_MAP) .characters("abc") .elementEnd() .elementEnd().build()); Parameters p = new Parameters(); p.setMaxOpeningComponents(10); RandomProvider r = RandomProviderImpl.ofSeed(2538); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { BootstrapDocument doc = new BootstrapDocument(); doc.consume(initialDoc.asOperation()); for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { System.err.println("i=" + i + ", j=" + j); System.err.println("old: " + DocOpUtil.toXmlString(doc.asOperation())); System.err.println("old: " + DocOpUtil.toConciseString(doc.asOperation())); DocOp op = generate(r, p, doc); System.err.println("op: " + DocOpUtil.toConciseString(op)); doc.consume(op); System.err.println("new: " + DocOpUtil.toConciseString(doc.asOperation())); System.err.println("new: " + DocOpUtil.toXmlString(doc.asOperation())); if (!DocOpValidator.validate(null, DocumentSchema.NO_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINTS, doc.asOperation()).isValid()) { throw new RuntimeException("doc not valid"); } } } } }