/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.concurrencycontrol.wave; import org.waveprotocol.wave.concurrencycontrol.channel.OperationChannel; import org.waveprotocol.wave.concurrencycontrol.common.ChannelException; import org.waveprotocol.wave.concurrencycontrol.wave.CcBasedWaveViewImpl.CcDocumentFactory; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.ObservableDocument; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.id.WaveId; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.id.WaveletId; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.OperationException; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.SilentOperationSink; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.WaveletBlipOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.WaveletOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.WaveletOperationContext; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.CopyOnWriteSet; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Preconditions; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.version.HashedVersion; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.Blip; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.ObservableWavelet; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.ParticipantId; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.ParticipationHelper; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.WaveletListener; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.data.ObservableWaveletData; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.opbased.OpBasedWavelet; import java.util.Set; /** * A Wavelet that is based on Cc. * */ public final class CcBasedWavelet implements ObservableWavelet { /** * Factory for {@link CcBasedWavelet}s in the same wave. */ static class Factory { private final WaveId waveId; private final WaveletOperationContext.Factory contextFactory; private final ParticipationHelper participationHelper; private final CcDocumentFactory<?> docFactory; private final FailureHandler failureHandler; private final DuplexOpSinkFactory opTaps; Factory(WaveId waveId, WaveletOperationContext.Factory contextFactory, ParticipationHelper participationHelper, CcDocumentFactory<?> docFactory, FailureHandler failureHandler, DuplexOpSinkFactory opTaps) { this.waveId = waveId; this.contextFactory = contextFactory; this.participationHelper = participationHelper; this.docFactory = docFactory; this.failureHandler = failureHandler; this.opTaps = opTaps; } /** * Places a concurrency-control driver and target on top of the new * operation channel. All wavelet model objects are created through this * method. * * @param target target to be controller by operations * @param channel channel for operation communication * @return new wavelet */ CcBasedWavelet create(OperationChannel channel, ObservableWaveletData target) { return new CcBasedWavelet(waveId, contextFactory, participationHelper, channel, target, docFactory, failureHandler, opTaps); } } /** * Handler for failure of the concurrency control channel supporting a * wavelet. * * When a wavelet fails the handler must ensure the wavelet is not further * mutated either through application of remote operations or local mutation * methods. Side-effect-free queries remain usable. */ interface FailureHandler { /** * Called when an operation fails to apply to the wavelet. * * @param failure the exception raised by the wavelet/channel. */ void onWaveletFailed(OperationException failure); } /** * An applier can flush and can consume operations against a target. */ private class OperationApplier implements FlushingOperationSink<WaveletOperation> { /** Target being operated. */ private final ObservableWaveletData target; private final WaveletId waveletId; /** Attachments hack. */ private SilentOperationSink<WaveletOperation> extraHandler; /** Just for debugging, so we know what ops have been applied before any death. */ private WaveletOperation debugLastSuccessfulOp = null; OperationApplier(ObservableWaveletData target, WaveletId waveletId) { this.target = target; this.waveletId = waveletId; } @Override public boolean flush(WaveletOperation operation, Runnable resume) { Preconditions.checkState(!failed, "CcBasedWavelet operation applier flushed after failure"); if (operation instanceof WaveletBlipOperation) { WaveletBlipOperation waveBlipOp = (WaveletBlipOperation) operation; CcDocument doc = docFactory.get(waveletId, waveBlipOp.getBlipId()); if (doc != null) { return doc.flush(resume); } } return true; } /** * HACK(user): * Inserts an extra operation handler. This is only required for * attachment handling. * * @param extraHandler */ void register(SilentOperationSink<WaveletOperation> extraHandler) { this.extraHandler = extraHandler; } @Override public void consume(WaveletOperation waveOp) { Preconditions.checkState(!failed, "CcBasedWavelet operation applier received op after failure"); try { fireOnOpBegin(waveOp.getContext(), waveOp.isWorthyOfAttribution()); waveOp.apply(target); // Hack for attachments if (extraHandler != null) { extraHandler.consume(waveOp); } // attachmentsManager.getServerOperationListener().consume(waveOp); } catch (OperationException e) { // Fail this wavelet permanently fail(new OperationException("Operation failed; no recovery possible: " + e.getMessage() + "\n[debugLastSuccessfulOp:" + debugLastSuccessfulOp + "]" + "\n[waveOp:" + waveOp + "]" + "\n[target:" + target + "]", e)); } finally { fireOnOpEnd(); } debugLastSuccessfulOp = waveOp; } } /** * Adapts an operation channel, making it look like an operation sink. * The only reason a channel is not already a sink is because it has a more * general acceptor that takes a varargs parameter. */ private static class ChannelAdapter implements SilentOperationSink<WaveletOperation> { private final OperationChannel target; public ChannelAdapter(OperationChannel target) { this.target = target; } @Override public void consume(WaveletOperation op) { try { target.send(op); } catch (ChannelException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Send failed, channel is broken", e); } } } private final OperationApplier applier; private final ChannelAdapter remote; private final OpBasedWavelet wavelet; private final CcDocumentFactory<?> docFactory; private final CopyOnWriteSet<CcBasedWaveletListener> ccBasedWaveListeners = CopyOnWriteSet.create(); private final FailureHandler failureHandler; private final OperationChannel channel; private final DuplexOpSink opTap; private final OperationSucker driver; private boolean failed = false; CcBasedWavelet(WaveId waveId, WaveletOperationContext.Factory contextFactory, ParticipationHelper participationHelper, OperationChannel channel, ObservableWaveletData target, CcDocumentFactory<?> docFactory, FailureHandler failureHandler, DuplexOpSinkFactory opTaps) { this.docFactory = docFactory; this.channel = channel; this.failureHandler = failureHandler; Preconditions.checkNotNull(opTaps, "OpTaps cannot be null"); // Sink through which all operations are sent to remote state remote = new ChannelAdapter(channel); // Sink through which all operations are applied to local state applier = new OperationApplier(target, target.getWaveletId()); opTap = opTaps.create(target.getWaveletId(), applier, remote); // Create operation adapter, which translates semantic methods into // operations, applying them to the target as well as sending them down // the operation channel. Local operation failure fails this wavelet // permanently. wavelet = new OpBasedWavelet(waveId, target, contextFactory, participationHelper, opTap.incoming(), opTap.outgoing()); // Create operation sucker, which sucks operations out of the channel and // applies them to the CC target. driver = new OperationSucker(channel, opTap.incoming()); channel.setListener(driver); } /** * Add an OpBasedWaveletListener. */ public void addCcBasedWaveletListener( org.waveprotocol.wave.concurrencycontrol.wave.CcBasedWaveletListener listener) { ccBasedWaveListeners.add(listener); } /** * Remove an OpBasedWaveletListener. */ public void removeCcBasedWaveletListener(CcBasedWaveletListener listener) { ccBasedWaveListeners.remove(listener); } /** * @return the debug string of cc stack */ public String getCcDebugString() { return channel.getDebugString(); } /** * @return the underlying wavelet. */ public OpBasedWavelet getOpBasedWavelet() { return wavelet; } private void fireOnOpBegin(WaveletOperationContext context, boolean isWorthyOfContribution) { for (CcBasedWaveletListener l : ccBasedWaveListeners) { l.onOpBegin(context.getCreator(), context.getTimestamp(), isWorthyOfContribution); } } private void fireOnOpEnd() { for (CcBasedWaveletListener l : ccBasedWaveListeners) { l.onOpEnd(); } } /** * Fails this wavelet, removing listeners and notifying the wavelet's failure * handler that this wavelet is unusable. * * @param failure exception causing the failure */ private void fail(OperationException failure) { if (!failed) { failed = true; driver.shutdown(); ccBasedWaveListeners.clear(); // Currently this will cause the wave to disconnect. failureHandler.onWaveletFailed(failure); } } /** * @throws IllegalStateException if this wavelet has failed. */ private void checkNotFailed() { if (failed) { throw new IllegalStateException("CcBasedWavelet used after failure"); } } // // Delegates to OpBasedWavelet // @Override public void addParticipantIds(Set<ParticipantId> participants) { checkNotFailed(); wavelet.addParticipantIds(participants); } @Override public void addParticipant(ParticipantId participant) { checkNotFailed(); wavelet.addParticipant(participant); } @Override public Iterable<? extends Blip> getBlips() { return wavelet.getBlips(); } @Override public Blip getBlip(String blipId) { return wavelet.getBlip(blipId); } @Override public Blip createBlip(String id) { return wavelet.createBlip(id); } @Override public long getCreationTime() { return wavelet.getCreationTime(); } @Override public ParticipantId getCreatorId() { return wavelet.getCreatorId(); } @Override public ObservableDocument getDocument(String documentName) { return wavelet.getDocument(documentName); } @Override public Set<String> getDocumentIds() { return wavelet.getDocumentIds(); } @Override public WaveletId getId() { return wavelet.getId(); } @Override public long getLastModifiedTime() { return wavelet.getLastModifiedTime(); } @Override public Set<ParticipantId> getParticipantIds() { return wavelet.getParticipantIds(); } @Override public long getVersion() { return wavelet.getVersion(); } @Override public HashedVersion getHashedVersion() { return wavelet.getHashedVersion(); } @Deprecated @Override public WaveId getWaveId() { return wavelet.getWaveId(); } @Override public void addListener(WaveletListener listener) { wavelet.addListener(listener); } @Override public void removeListener(WaveletListener listener) { wavelet.removeListener(listener); } @Override public void removeParticipant(ParticipantId participant) { checkNotFailed(); wavelet.removeParticipant(participant); } @Override public String toString() { return wavelet.toString(); } @Override public ObservableWaveletData getWaveletData() { return wavelet.getWaveletData(); } }