/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.undo; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.DocOp; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.algorithm.DocOpInverter; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.algorithm.Transformer; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.OperationPair; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.TransformException; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.core.CoreAddParticipant; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.core.CoreNoOp; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.core.CoreRemoveParticipant; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.core.CoreWaveletDocumentOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.core.CoreWaveletOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.AddParticipant; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.BlipContentOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.NoOp; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.RemoveParticipant; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.WaveletBlipOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.WaveletOperation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.ParticipantId; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * An aggregate operation, built up from wavelet operations. * */ final class AggregateOperation { private static final class DocumentOperations { final String id; final DocOpList operations; DocumentOperations(String id, DocOpList operations) { this.id = id; this.operations = operations; } } private static final Comparator<ParticipantId> participantComparator = new Comparator<ParticipantId>() { @Override public int compare(ParticipantId o1, ParticipantId o2) { return o1.getAddress().compareTo(o2.getAddress()); } }; /** * Creates an aggregate operation from a <code>CoreWaveletOperation</code>. * * @param operation The wavelet operation whose behaviour the aggregate * operation should have. * @return The aggregate operation. */ static AggregateOperation createAggregate(CoreWaveletOperation operation) { if (operation instanceof CoreWaveletDocumentOperation) { return new AggregateOperation((CoreWaveletDocumentOperation) operation); } else if (operation instanceof CoreRemoveParticipant) { return new AggregateOperation((CoreRemoveParticipant) operation); } else if (operation instanceof CoreAddParticipant) { return new AggregateOperation((CoreAddParticipant) operation); } assert operation instanceof CoreNoOp; return new AggregateOperation(); } /** * Creates an aggregate operation from a <code>WaveletOperation</code>. * * @param operation The wavelet operation whose behaviour the aggregate * operation should have. * @return The aggregate operation. */ static AggregateOperation createAggregate(WaveletOperation operation) { if (operation instanceof WaveletBlipOperation) { return new AggregateOperation((WaveletBlipOperation) operation); } else if (operation instanceof RemoveParticipant) { return new AggregateOperation((RemoveParticipant) operation); } else if (operation instanceof AddParticipant) { return new AggregateOperation((AddParticipant) operation); } assert operation instanceof NoOp : "Operation is an unhandled type: " + operation.getClass(); return new AggregateOperation(); } private static DocOpList invert(DocOpList docOpList) { return new DocOpList.Singleton(DocOpInverter.invert(docOpList.composeAll())); } /** * Composes the given aggregate operations. * * @param operations The aggregate operations to compose. * @return The composition of the given operations. */ static AggregateOperation compose(Iterable<AggregateOperation> operations) { // NOTE(user): It's possible to replace the following two sets with a single map. Set<ParticipantId> toRemove = new TreeSet<ParticipantId>(participantComparator); Set<ParticipantId> toAdd = new TreeSet<ParticipantId>(participantComparator); Map<String, DocOpList> docOps = new TreeMap<String, DocOpList>(); for (AggregateOperation operation : operations) { for (ParticipantId participant : operation.participantsToRemove) { if (toAdd.contains(participant)) { toAdd.remove(participant); } else { toRemove.add(participant); } } for (ParticipantId participant : operation.participantsToAdd) { if (toRemove.contains(participant)) { toRemove.remove(participant); } else { toAdd.add(participant); } } for (DocumentOperations documentOps : operation.docOps) { DocOpList docOpList = docOps.get(documentOps.id); if (docOpList != null) { docOps.put(documentOps.id, docOpList.concatenateWith(documentOps.operations)); } else { docOps.put(documentOps.id, documentOps.operations); } } } return new AggregateOperation( new ArrayList<ParticipantId>(toRemove), new ArrayList<ParticipantId>(toAdd), mapToList(docOps)); } /** * Transforms the given aggregate operations. * * @param clientOp The client operation to transform. * @param serverOp The server operation to transform. * * @return The transform of the two operations. * @throws TransformException */ static OperationPair<AggregateOperation> transform(AggregateOperation clientOp, AggregateOperation serverOp) throws TransformException { List<ParticipantId> clientParticipantsToRemove = new ArrayList<ParticipantId>(); List<ParticipantId> serverParticipantsToRemove = new ArrayList<ParticipantId>(); List<ParticipantId> clientParticipantsToAdd = new ArrayList<ParticipantId>(); List<ParticipantId> serverParticipantsToAdd = new ArrayList<ParticipantId>(); List<DocumentOperations> clientDocOps = new ArrayList<DocumentOperations>(); List<DocumentOperations> serverDocOps = new ArrayList<DocumentOperations>(); removeCommonParticipants(clientOp.participantsToRemove, serverOp.participantsToRemove, clientParticipantsToRemove, serverParticipantsToRemove); removeCommonParticipants(clientOp.participantsToAdd, serverOp.participantsToAdd, clientParticipantsToAdd, serverParticipantsToAdd); transformDocumentOperations(clientOp.docOps, serverOp.docOps, clientDocOps, serverDocOps); AggregateOperation transformedClientOp = new AggregateOperation( clientParticipantsToRemove, clientParticipantsToAdd, clientDocOps); AggregateOperation transformedServerOp = new AggregateOperation( serverParticipantsToRemove, serverParticipantsToAdd, serverDocOps); return new OperationPair<AggregateOperation>(transformedClientOp, transformedServerOp); } private static List<DocumentOperations> mapToList(Map<String, DocOpList> map) { List<DocumentOperations> list = new ArrayList<DocumentOperations>(); for (Map.Entry<String, DocOpList> entry : map.entrySet()) { list.add(new DocumentOperations(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } return list; } static private void removeCommonParticipants(List<ParticipantId> ids1, List<ParticipantId> ids2, List<ParticipantId> outputIds1, List<ParticipantId> outputIds2) { int index = 0; outerLoop: for (ParticipantId id1 : ids1) { while (index < ids2.size()) { ParticipantId id2 = ids2.get(index); int comparison = participantComparator.compare(id1, id2); if (comparison < 0) { break; } ++index; if (comparison > 0) { outputIds2.add(id2); } else { continue outerLoop; } } outputIds1.add(id1); } for (; index < ids2.size(); ++index) { outputIds2.add(ids2.get(index)); } } static private void transformDocumentOperations( List<DocumentOperations> clientOps, List<DocumentOperations> serverOps, List<DocumentOperations> transformedClientOps, List<DocumentOperations> transformedServerOps) throws TransformException { int index = 0; outerLoop: for (DocumentOperations fromClient : clientOps) { while (index < serverOps.size()) { DocumentOperations fromServer = serverOps.get(index); int comparison = fromClient.id.compareTo(fromServer.id); if (comparison < 0) { break; } ++index; if (comparison > 0) { transformedServerOps.add(fromServer); } else { DocOp clientOp = fromClient.operations.composeAll(); DocOp serverOp = fromServer.operations.composeAll(); OperationPair<DocOp> transformedOps = Transformer.transform(clientOp, serverOp); transformedClientOps.add(new DocumentOperations(fromClient.id, new DocOpList.Singleton(transformedOps.clientOp()))); transformedServerOps.add(new DocumentOperations(fromClient.id, new DocOpList.Singleton(transformedOps.serverOp()))); continue outerLoop; } } transformedClientOps.add(fromClient); } for (; index < serverOps.size(); ++index) { transformedServerOps.add(serverOps.get(index)); } } private final List<ParticipantId> participantsToRemove; private final List<ParticipantId> participantsToAdd; private final List<DocumentOperations> docOps; private AggregateOperation(List<ParticipantId> toRemove, List<ParticipantId> toAdd, List<DocumentOperations> docOps) { participantsToRemove = toRemove; participantsToAdd = toAdd; this.docOps = docOps; } /** * Constructs an aggregate operation that does nothing. */ AggregateOperation() { participantsToRemove = Collections.emptyList(); participantsToAdd = Collections.emptyList(); docOps = Collections.emptyList(); } // The "Core" operations are simpler variants of the regular operations, // used in the open source org.waveprotocol federation implementation. /** * Constructs an aggregate operation that has the same behaviour as a * <code>CoreWaveletDocumentOperation</code>. * * @param waveletDocumentOperation The wavelet document operation. */ AggregateOperation(CoreWaveletDocumentOperation waveletDocumentOperation) { participantsToRemove = Collections.emptyList(); participantsToAdd = Collections.emptyList(); docOps = Collections.singletonList( new DocumentOperations( waveletDocumentOperation.getDocumentId(), new DocOpList.Singleton(waveletDocumentOperation.getOperation()))); } /** * Constructs an aggregate operation that has the same behaviour as a * <code>CoreRemoveParticipant</code>. * * @param removeParticipant */ AggregateOperation(CoreRemoveParticipant removeParticipant) { participantsToRemove = Collections.singletonList(removeParticipant.getParticipantId()); participantsToAdd = Collections.emptyList(); docOps = Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Constructs an aggregate operation that has the same behaviour as an * <code>CoreAddParticipant</code>. * * @param addParticipant */ AggregateOperation(CoreAddParticipant addParticipant) { participantsToRemove = Collections.emptyList(); participantsToAdd = Collections.singletonList(addParticipant.getParticipantId()); docOps = Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Constructs an aggregate operation that has the same behaviour as a * <code>WaveletBlipOperation</code>. * * @param op The wavelet blip operation. */ AggregateOperation(WaveletBlipOperation op) { participantsToRemove = Collections.emptyList(); participantsToAdd = Collections.emptyList(); if (op.getBlipOp() instanceof BlipContentOperation) { docOps = Collections.singletonList( new DocumentOperations( op.getBlipId(), new DocOpList.Singleton(((BlipContentOperation) op.getBlipOp()).getContentOp()))); } else { docOps = Collections.emptyList(); } } /** * Constructs an aggregate operation that has the same behaviour as a * <code>RemoveParticipant</code>. * * @param removeParticipant */ AggregateOperation(RemoveParticipant removeParticipant) { ParticipantId participant = new ParticipantId( removeParticipant.getParticipantId().getAddress()); participantsToRemove = Collections.singletonList(participant); participantsToAdd = Collections.emptyList(); docOps = Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Constructs an aggregate operation that has the same behaviour as an * <code>AddParticipant</code>. * * @param addParticipant */ AggregateOperation(AddParticipant addParticipant) { ParticipantId participant = new ParticipantId(addParticipant.getParticipantId().getAddress()); participantsToRemove = Collections.emptyList(); participantsToAdd = Collections.singletonList(participant); docOps = Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Inverts this aggregate operation. * * @return this aggregate operation. */ AggregateOperation invert() { List<DocumentOperations> invertedDocOps = new ArrayList<DocumentOperations>(docOps.size()); for (DocumentOperations operations : docOps) { invertedDocOps.add(new DocumentOperations(operations.id, invert(operations.operations))); } return new AggregateOperation(participantsToAdd, participantsToRemove, invertedDocOps); } /** * Creates a list of wavelet operations representing the behaviour of this * aggregate operation. * * @return The list of wavelet operations representing the behaviour of this * aggregate operation. */ List<CoreWaveletOperation> toCoreWaveletOperations() { List<CoreWaveletOperation> operations = new ArrayList<CoreWaveletOperation>(); for (ParticipantId participant : participantsToRemove) { operations.add(new CoreRemoveParticipant(participant)); } for (DocumentOperations documentOps : docOps) { operations.add(new CoreWaveletDocumentOperation(documentOps.id, documentOps.operations.composeAll())); } for (ParticipantId participant : participantsToAdd) { operations.add(new CoreAddParticipant(participant)); } return operations; } }