/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.CollectionUtils; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /** * Implements a PruningSequenceMap using a doubly-linked list. * * @author danilatos@google.com (Daniel Danilatos) */ public final class LinkedPruningSequenceMap<K extends VolatileComparable<? super K>, V> implements PruningSequenceMap<K, V> { private final Comparator<K> cmp; private Node first = null; private Node last = null; private Node recent = null; private int size = 0; private class Node implements SequenceElement<V> { Node next; Node prev; K key; V value; private Node(K key, V value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } @Override public Node getNext() { while (next != null && !next.key.isComparable()) { remove(next); } return next; } @Override public Node getPrev() { while (prev != null && !prev.key.isComparable()) { remove(prev); } return prev; } @Override public V value() { return value; } } /** * Factory method for when the key type is Comparable * * @return instance with comparator automatically supplied */ public static <K extends VolatileComparable<K>, V> LinkedPruningSequenceMap<K, V> create() { return new LinkedPruningSequenceMap<K, V>(new Comparator<K>() { public int compare(K o1, K o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); } @Override public void clear() { // Use getFirst() to ensure pruning of invalid nodes while (getFirst() != null) { remove(first.key); } } /** * Constructor * * @param cmp * Comparator to use */ public LinkedPruningSequenceMap(Comparator<K> cmp) { this.cmp = cmp; } @Override public V get(K key) { SequenceElement<V> node = getElement(key); return node == null ? null : node.value(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; } @Override public V put(K key, V value) { V old = null; if (size == 0) { emptyPut(key, value); } else { Node prev = findBefore(key); // findBefore might have emptied the map, so check again if (size == 0) { emptyPut(key, value); } else { if (prev == null || cmp.compare(key, prev.key) != 0) { Node node = new Node(key, value); // goes after last if (prev == last) { last = node; } // goes before first if (prev == null) { prev = last; first = node; } insertAfter(prev, node); size++; } else { old = prev.value; prev.value = value; } } } return old; } @Override public V remove(K key) { V val = null; if (!key.isComparable()) { // Key is already gone. If it is still in the node structure, it will get // cleaned up eventually and transparently. Logically, the entry is gone // the instant the key becomes non-comparable. return null; } Node node = findBefore(key); if (node != null && cmp.compare(key, node.key) == 0) { val = node.value; remove(node); } return val; } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public SequenceElement<V> getElement(K key) { Node prev = findBefore(key); if (prev == null) { return first; } return cmp.compare(prev.key, key) == 0 ? prev : null; } @Override public boolean isFirst(SequenceElement<V> elt) { return elt == first; } @Override public boolean isLast(SequenceElement<V> elt) { return elt == last; } @Override public Node getFirst() { return getUsable(first); } @Override public Node getLast() { return getUsable(last); } @Override public Iterable<K> copyKeys() { Node first = getFirst(); if (first != null) { List<K> keys = CollectionUtils.newArrayList(); Node node = first; do { keys.add(node.key); node = node.getNext(); } while (node != first); return keys; } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public Node findBefore(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("key is null"); } Node search = getUsable(recent); if (search == null) { return null; } while (true) { int cmpPrev = cmp.compare(search.key, key); if (cmpPrev <= 0) { if (last == search || cmpPrev == 0) { return search; } Node next = search.getNext(); int cmpNext = cmp.compare(next.key, key); if (cmpNext > 0) { return search; } search = search.getNext(); } else { if (first == search) { return null; } search = search.getPrev(); } } } /** * put, when the map is empty. */ private void emptyPut(K key, V value) { Node node = new Node(key, value); first = last = recent = node; recent.next = recent; recent.prev = recent; size++; } /** * Place node in the doubly linked list after prev * * @param prev * @param node */ private void insertAfter(Node prev, Node node) { Node next = prev.getNext(); node.prev = prev; node.next = next; prev.next = node; next.prev = node; } private void remove(Node node) { Node prev = node.prev, next = node.next; prev.next = next; next.prev = prev; node.next = node.prev = null; // cleanup node, in case of external use if (recent == node) { recent = prev; } if (first == node && last == node) { first = null; last = null; recent = null; } else { if (first == node) { first = next; } if (last == node) { last = prev; } } size--; } /** * @param node A node that may or may not be currently comparable * @return The input if usable, otherwise a nearby usable node, or null if none */ private Node getUsable(Node node) { if (node != null && !node.key.isComparable()) { if (isLast(node)) { node = node.getNext(); if (node != null) { node = node.getPrev(); } } else { node = node.getPrev(); if (node != null) { node = node.getNext(); } } } return node; } }