/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.client.editor.selection.html; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; /** * Represents an IE TextRange * * All the interface methods directly map to those of the IE TextRange, * except some originally void methods return the range for convenience * * See the MS docos for details: * * http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533042(VS.85).aspx * * Add more methods as needed. * * TODO(danilatos): Put this somewhere common. * * @author danilatos@google.com (Daniel Danilatos) * * NOTE NOTE NOTE(lars): use with care. See comments in * patches/com/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject#toString */ public class JsTextRangeIE extends JavaScriptObject { /** * Units to move, used by certain methods. * * Do not change the spelling or capitalisation of these, because * their name() method depends on it. */ public enum MoveUnit { /** Move by character */ character, /** Move by word */ word, /** Move by sentence */ sentence, /** Move to start or end of original range */ textedit, ; } /** * Units to move, used by certain methods. * * Do not change the spelling or capitalisation of these, because * their name() method depends on it. */ public enum CompareMode { /** */ StartToStart, /** Move by word */ StartToEnd, /** Move by sentence */ EndToStart, /** Move to start or end of original range */ EndToEnd, ; } protected JsTextRangeIE() { } /** * @return a new text range on $doc's body */ public static native JsTextRangeIE create() /*-{ return $doc.body.createTextRange(); }-*/; /** * Set range to encompass given element * @param element * @return this */ public final native JsTextRangeIE moveToElementText(Element element) /*-{ this.moveToElementText(element); return this; }-*/; /** * Collapse the range * @param toStart If true, to the start point. Otherwise, to the end point. * @return this */ public final native JsTextRangeIE collapse(boolean toStart) /*-{ this.collapse(toStart); return this; }-*/; /** * Collapse and move by given amount * @param unit Unit of movement, e.g. "character" * @param amount * @return this */ public final native int move(MoveUnit unit, int amount) /*-{ return this.move(unit.@java.lang.Enum::name()(), amount); }-*/; /** * Move end of range by given amount * @param unit * @param amount * @return this */ public final native int moveEnd(MoveUnit unit, int amount) /*-{ return this.moveEnd(unit.@java.lang.Enum::name()(), amount); }-*/; /** * Set our specified end point to other text range's specified end point. * @param mode Which end points to match, e.g. "StartToStart" or "EndToStart", etc. * @param other Other text range * @return this */ public final native JsTextRangeIE setEndPoint( CompareMode mode, JsTextRangeIE other) /*-{ this.setEndPoint(mode.@java.lang.Enum::name()(), other); return this; }-*/; /** * * @param mode Which end points to compare * @param other * @return standard comparison style int */ public final native int compareEndPoints( CompareMode mode, JsTextRangeIE other) /*-{ return this.compareEndPoints(mode.@java.lang.Enum::name()(), other); }-*/; /** * HTML of the range as a valid HTML fragment * @return value of the htmlText property */ public final native String getHtmlText() /*-{ return this.htmlText; }-*/; /** * @return .text property of underlying js object */ public final native String getText() /*-{ return this.text; }-*/; /** * Set the user's selection to this text range * @return this */ public final native JsTextRangeIE select() /*-{ this.select(); return this; }-*/; /** * Pastes an HTML string into range * * @param html * @return this */ public final native JsTextRangeIE pasteHTML(String html) /*-{ this.pasteHTML(html); return this; }-*/; /** * @return A copy */ public final native JsTextRangeIE duplicate() /*-{ return this.duplicate(); }-*/; /** * @return The parentElement() for the TextRange */ public final native Element parentElement() /*-{ return this.parentElement(); }-*/; /** * Executes command on the range. * @param command the command to execute. * @return this */ public final native JsTextRangeIE execCommand(String command) /*-{ this.execCommand(command); return this; }-*/; /** * @param range * @return true if this equals range */ public final native boolean isEqual(JsTextRangeIE range) /*-{ return this.isEqual(range); }-*/; /** * The calculated left position of the object relative to its offset parent * @return offset left position in px; */ public final native int getOffsetLeft() /*-{ return this.offsetLeft; }-*/; /** * The calculated top position of the object relative to its offset parent * @return offset top position in px; */ public final native int getOffsetTop() /*-{ return this.offsetTop; }-*/; /** * Test if two text ranges are equivalent * @param a Range 1 * @param b Range 2 * @return true if they are equivalent */ public static boolean equivalent(JsTextRangeIE a, JsTextRangeIE b) { return a.compareEndPoints(CompareMode.StartToStart, b) == 0 && a.compareEndPoints(CompareMode.EndToEnd, b) == 0; } /** * @return the opaque bookmark representing this range */ public final native String getBookmark() /*-{ return this.getBookmark(); }-*/; /** * Set the range to the saved bookmark * @param bookmark */ public final native void moveToBookmark(String bookmark) /*-{ this.moveToBookmark(bookmark); }-*/; }