/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.client.widget.popup; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.DivElement; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Visibility; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.StyleInjector; import com.google.gwt.resources.client.ClientBundle; import com.google.gwt.resources.client.CssResource; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.FlowPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.autohide.AutoHider; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.autohide.AutoHider.KeyBehavior; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.autohide.AutoHiderRegistrarHolder; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.webdriver.DebugClassHelper; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.scheduler.ScheduleTimer; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.CopyOnWriteSet; /** * Class implementing UniversalPopup for Desktop clients. * * * Class is package private. */ class DesktopUniversalPopup extends FlowPanel implements UniversalPopup { /** Resources used by DesktopUniversalPopup. */ interface Resources extends ClientBundle { /** CSS class names used by DesktopUniversalPopup */ interface Css extends CssResource { /** style to give popup-behaviour to the popup */ String popup(); /** style to apply to the mask */ String mask(); /** style to animate fade-in */ String fadeIn(); /** style to animate fade-out */ String fadeOut(); } /** The singleton instance of our CSS resources. */ static final Resources INSTANCE = GWT.<Resources>create(Resources.class); /** css */ @Source("DesktopUniversalPopup.css") Css css(); static final String FADE_IN_MS = DEFAULT_FADE_IN_DURATION_MS + "ms"; static final String FADE_OUT_MS = DEFAULT_FADE_OUT_DURATION_MS + "ms"; } /** * Inject the stylesheet only once, and only when the class is used. */ static { // Injection must be synchronous (not the default behaviour of // asynchronous), because positioning the popup involves synchronously // measuring its layout properties. boolean synchronous = true; StyleInjector.inject(Resources.INSTANCE.css().getText(), synchronous); } /** Time that the fade-in animation should take */ private static final int DEFAULT_FADE_IN_DURATION_MS = 250; /** Time that the fade-out animation should take */ private static final int DEFAULT_FADE_OUT_DURATION_MS = 350; /** * Time to wait after the start of fade-out animation before completing DOM * removal. Allow enough time for the fade-out animation to complete. */ private static final int DEFAULT_REMOVE_MS = DEFAULT_FADE_OUT_DURATION_MS + 100; /** List of popup event listeners */ private final CopyOnWriteSet<PopupEventListener> listeners = CopyOnWriteSet.create(); /** Positioner to use when show is called. */ private final RelativePopupPositioner positioner; /** * Element relative to which this popup is positioned (may be null). * * NOTE(hearnden/macpherson): the model to which we want to move is that the * popup DOM is pulled from a pool, and that popup state is supplied at the * point where a popup is shown (rather than instantiating a popup object). * To simplify "singleton" popups, there will be a popup description that * encapsulates the multiple items of state, and that can be supplied to the * new show mechanism. * After that has been implemented, this reference will go away (as will * the positioner above). */ private final Element reference; /** Visibility state of this popup */ private boolean showing = false; /** The title bar widget, or null if title bar is not enabled */ private DesktopTitleBar titleBar; /** * The PopupChrome which adds a border to this panel. */ private final PopupChrome chrome; /** Contains AutoHide logic for this popup. */ private AutoHider autoHide; /** Keep track of whether this popup should actually be auto-hidden. */ private final boolean shouldAutoHide; /** The div that puts a mask over the screen. */ private DivElement maskDiv; /** Whether or not the mask should be shown when the popup is shown. */ private boolean isMaskEnabled = false; /** * Create a new DesktopUniversalPopupPanel * @param p The positioner to use to determine popup position. * @param chrome The chrome for this popup, or null if no chrome is required. * @param autoHide If true, clicking outside the popup will cause the popup to hide itself. */ DesktopUniversalPopup(Element reference, RelativePopupPositioner p, PopupChrome chrome, boolean autoHide) { DebugClassHelper.addDebugClass(getElement(), DEBUG_CLASS); this.chrome = chrome; this.positioner = p; this.reference = reference; this.shouldAutoHide = autoHide; getElement().setClassName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().popup()); if (chrome != null) { add(chrome.getChrome()); } } @Override // TODO(user): change this method name to addDebugClass public void setDebugClass(String dcName) { if (dcName != null) { DebugClassHelper.addDebugClass(getElement(), dcName); } } @Override public void hide() { // nothing to do if we are already invisible if (!showing) { return; } final Element clone = (Element)getElement().cloneNode(true); RootPanel.getBodyElement().appendChild(clone); showing = false; if (isMaskEnabled) { setMaskVisible(false); } RootPanel.get().remove(DesktopUniversalPopup.this); if (shouldAutoHide) { deregisterAutoHider(); } // trigger fade-out clone.removeClassName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().fadeIn()); clone.addClassName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().fadeOut()); clone.getOffsetWidth(); // Force update clone.getStyle().setOpacity(0.0); // schedule removal of clone from DOM once animation complete new ScheduleTimer() { @Override public void run() { clone.removeFromParent(); } }.schedule(DEFAULT_REMOVE_MS); // fire popup event listeners for (PopupEventListener listener : listeners) { listener.onHide(DesktopUniversalPopup.this); } } @Override public void show() { // nothing to do if we are already visible. if (showing) { return; } // we are invisbile, need to set up the popup getElement().getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); getElement().getStyle().setOpacity(0.0); if (isMaskEnabled) { setMaskVisible(true); } RootPanel.get().add(this); if (shouldAutoHide) { registerAutoHider(); } if (positioner != null) { position(); } else { getElement().getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.VISIBLE); } for (PopupEventListener listener : listeners) { listener.onShow(this); } // trigger the fade-in animation getElement().removeClassName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().fadeOut()); getElement().addClassName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().fadeIn()); getOffsetWidth(); // force update getElement().getStyle().setOpacity(1.0); // change state to appearing showing = true; } /** * @param isVisible Whether or not the mask should be visible on the screen. */ private void setMaskVisible(boolean isVisible) { if (isVisible) { RootPanel.get().getElement().appendChild(getOrCreateMask()); } else { RootPanel.get().getElement().removeChild(getOrCreateMask()); } } /** * Creates the div for the mask if it doesn't already exist. */ private Element getOrCreateMask() { if (maskDiv == null) { maskDiv = Document.get().createDivElement(); maskDiv.setClassName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().mask()); } return maskDiv; } @Override public void move() { position(); } @Override public void clear() { super.clear(); if (chrome != null) { add(chrome.getChrome()); } } @Override public void addPopupEventListener(PopupEventListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } @Override public void removePopupEventListener(PopupEventListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { super.onBrowserEvent(event); // We don't want anything outside the popup to receive events event.stopPropagation(); } private void registerAutoHider() { // NOTE(patcoleman): assumes hiding on both escape and outside click. // This could later be extended to set either hiding separately. maybeCreateAutoHider(); AutoHiderRegistrarHolder.get().registerAutoHider(autoHide); } private void deregisterAutoHider() { AutoHiderRegistrarHolder.get().deregisterAutoHider(autoHide); } @Override public TitleBar getTitleBar() { if (titleBar == null) { titleBar = new DesktopTitleBar(); insert(titleBar, 0); if (chrome != null) { chrome.enableTitleBar(); } } return titleBar; } @Override public boolean isShowing() { return showing; } @Override public void associateWidget(Widget w) { maybeCreateAutoHider(); autoHide.ignoreHideClickFor(w.getElement()); // add another widget to the 'inside' list } /** * Positions and displays this popup. */ private void position() { positioner.setPopupPositionAndMakeVisible(reference, getElement()); } /** Utility to lazily set up the autohider (but not register it). */ private void maybeCreateAutoHider() { if (autoHide == null) { if (isMaskEnabled) { autoHide = new AutoHider(this, false, false, false, KeyBehavior.DO_NOT_HIDE_ON_ANY_KEY); autoHide.ignoreHideClickFor(maskDiv); } else { autoHide = new AutoHider(this, true, true, true, KeyBehavior.HIDE_ON_ESCAPE); } autoHide.ignoreHideClickFor(getElement()); // your own element is inside } } @Override public void setMaskEnabled(boolean isMaskEnabled) { this.isMaskEnabled = isMaskEnabled; } }