/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueACL; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueUserACLInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ReservationId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceOption; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.api.protocolrecords.NMContainerStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.RMContext; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.recovery.RMStateStore.RMState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation.ReservationConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.resource.ResourceWeights; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMAppEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMAppEventType; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMAppRejectedEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMAppState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.attempt.RMAppAttemptEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.attempt.RMAppAttemptEventType; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.attempt.RMAppAttemptState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainerEventType; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainerState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmnode.RMNode; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmnode.UpdatedContainerInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.AbstractYarnScheduler; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.ActiveUsersManager; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.Allocation; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.QueueMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerApplication; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerApplicationAttempt.ContainersAndNMTokensAllocation; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.common.QueueEntitlement; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.AppAddedSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.AppAttemptAddedSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.AppAttemptRemovedSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.AppRemovedSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.ContainerExpiredSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.ContainerRescheduledEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.NodeAddedSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.NodeRemovedSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.NodeResourceUpdateSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.SchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.security.RMContainerTokenSecretManager; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Clock; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.SystemClock; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DefaultResourceCalculator; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DominantResourceCalculator; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceCalculator; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; /** * A scheduler that schedules resources between a set of queues. The scheduler * keeps track of the resources used by each queue, and attempts to maintain * fairness by scheduling tasks at queues whose allocations are farthest below * an ideal fair distribution. * * The fair scheduler supports hierarchical queues. All queues descend from a * queue named "root". Available resources are distributed among the children * of the root queue in the typical fair scheduling fashion. Then, the children * distribute the resources assigned to them to their children in the same * fashion. Applications may only be scheduled on leaf queues. Queues can be * specified as children of other queues by placing them as sub-elements of * their parents in the fair scheduler configuration file. * * A queue's name starts with the names of its parents, with periods as * separators. So a queue named "queue1" under the root named, would be * referred to as "root.queue1", and a queue named "queue2" under a queue * named "parent1" would be referred to as "root.parent1.queue2". */ @LimitedPrivate("yarn") @Unstable @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class FairScheduler extends AbstractYarnScheduler<FSAppAttempt, FSSchedulerNode> { private FairSchedulerConfiguration conf; private Resource incrAllocation; private QueueManager queueMgr; private volatile Clock clock; private boolean usePortForNodeName; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FairScheduler.class); private static final ResourceCalculator RESOURCE_CALCULATOR = new DefaultResourceCalculator(); private static final ResourceCalculator DOMINANT_RESOURCE_CALCULATOR = new DominantResourceCalculator(); // Value that container assignment methods return when a container is // reserved public static final Resource CONTAINER_RESERVED = Resources.createResource(-1); // How often fair shares are re-calculated (ms) protected long updateInterval; private final int UPDATE_DEBUG_FREQUENCY = 5; private int updatesToSkipForDebug = UPDATE_DEBUG_FREQUENCY; @VisibleForTesting Thread updateThread; private final Object updateThreadMonitor = new Object(); @VisibleForTesting Thread schedulingThread; // timeout to join when we stop this service protected final long THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000; // Aggregate metrics FSQueueMetrics rootMetrics; FSOpDurations fsOpDurations; // Time when we last updated preemption vars protected long lastPreemptionUpdateTime; // Time we last ran preemptTasksIfNecessary private long lastPreemptCheckTime; // Preemption related variables protected boolean preemptionEnabled; protected float preemptionUtilizationThreshold; // How often tasks are preempted protected long preemptionInterval; // ms to wait before force killing stuff (must be longer than a couple // of heartbeats to give task-kill commands a chance to act). protected long waitTimeBeforeKill; // Containers whose AMs have been warned that they will be preempted soon. private List<RMContainer> warnedContainers = new ArrayList<RMContainer>(); protected boolean sizeBasedWeight; // Give larger weights to larger jobs protected WeightAdjuster weightAdjuster; // Can be null for no weight adjuster protected boolean continuousSchedulingEnabled; // Continuous Scheduling enabled or not protected int continuousSchedulingSleepMs; // Sleep time for each pass in continuous scheduling private Comparator<NodeId> nodeAvailableResourceComparator = new NodeAvailableResourceComparator(); // Node available resource comparator protected double nodeLocalityThreshold; // Cluster threshold for node locality protected double rackLocalityThreshold; // Cluster threshold for rack locality protected long nodeLocalityDelayMs; // Delay for node locality protected long rackLocalityDelayMs; // Delay for rack locality private FairSchedulerEventLog eventLog; // Machine-readable event log protected boolean assignMultiple; // Allocate multiple containers per // heartbeat protected int maxAssign; // Max containers to assign per heartbeat @VisibleForTesting final MaxRunningAppsEnforcer maxRunningEnforcer; private AllocationFileLoaderService allocsLoader; @VisibleForTesting AllocationConfiguration allocConf; public FairScheduler() { super(FairScheduler.class.getName()); clock = new SystemClock(); allocsLoader = new AllocationFileLoaderService(); queueMgr = new QueueManager(this); maxRunningEnforcer = new MaxRunningAppsEnforcer(this); } private void validateConf(Configuration conf) { // validate scheduler memory allocation setting int minMem = conf.getInt( YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB); int maxMem = conf.getInt( YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB); if (minMem < 0 || minMem > maxMem) { throw new YarnRuntimeException("Invalid resource scheduler memory" + " allocation configuration" + ", " + YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB + "=" + minMem + ", " + YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB + "=" + maxMem + ", min should equal greater than 0" + ", max should be no smaller than min."); } // validate scheduler vcores allocation setting int minVcores = conf.getInt( YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES); int maxVcores = conf.getInt( YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES); if (minVcores < 0 || minVcores > maxVcores) { throw new YarnRuntimeException("Invalid resource scheduler vcores" + " allocation configuration" + ", " + YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES + "=" + minVcores + ", " + YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES + "=" + maxVcores + ", min should equal greater than 0" + ", max should be no smaller than min."); } } public FairSchedulerConfiguration getConf() { return conf; } public QueueManager getQueueManager() { return queueMgr; } // Allows UpdateThread to start processing without waiting till updateInterval void triggerUpdate() { synchronized (updateThreadMonitor) { updateThreadMonitor.notify(); } } /** * Thread which calls {@link FairScheduler#update()} every * <code>updateInterval</code> milliseconds. */ private class UpdateThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { try { synchronized (updateThreadMonitor) { updateThreadMonitor.wait(updateInterval); } long start = getClock().getTime(); update(); preemptTasksIfNecessary(); long duration = getClock().getTime() - start; fsOpDurations.addUpdateThreadRunDuration(duration); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { LOG.warn("Update thread interrupted. Exiting."); return; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception in fair scheduler UpdateThread", e); } } } } /** * Thread which attempts scheduling resources continuously, * asynchronous to the node heartbeats. */ private class ContinuousSchedulingThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { try { continuousSchedulingAttempt(); Thread.sleep(getContinuousSchedulingSleepMs()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Continuous scheduling thread interrupted. Exiting.", e); return; } } } } /** * Recompute the internal variables used by the scheduler - per-job weights, * fair shares, deficits, minimum slot allocations, and amount of used and * required resources per job. */ protected synchronized void update() { long start = getClock().getTime(); updateStarvationStats(); // Determine if any queues merit preemption FSQueue rootQueue = queueMgr.getRootQueue(); // Recursively update demands for all queues rootQueue.updateDemand(); rootQueue.setFairShare(clusterResource); // Recursively compute fair shares for all queues // and update metrics rootQueue.recomputeShares(); updateRootQueueMetrics(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (--updatesToSkipForDebug < 0) { updatesToSkipForDebug = UPDATE_DEBUG_FREQUENCY; LOG.debug("Cluster Capacity: " + clusterResource + " Allocations: " + rootMetrics.getAllocatedResources() + " Availability: " + Resource.newInstance( rootMetrics.getAvailableMB(), rootMetrics.getAvailableVirtualCores()) + " Demand: " + rootQueue.getDemand()); } } long duration = getClock().getTime() - start; fsOpDurations.addUpdateCallDuration(duration); } /** * Update the preemption fields for all QueueScheduables, i.e. the times since * each queue last was at its guaranteed share and over its fair share * threshold for each type of task. */ private void updateStarvationStats() { lastPreemptionUpdateTime = clock.getTime(); for (FSLeafQueue sched : queueMgr.getLeafQueues()) { sched.updateStarvationStats(); } } /** * Check for queues that need tasks preempted, either because they have been * below their guaranteed share for minSharePreemptionTimeout or they have * been below their fair share threshold for the fairSharePreemptionTimeout. If * such queues exist, compute how many tasks of each type need to be preempted * and then select the right ones using preemptTasks. */ protected synchronized void preemptTasksIfNecessary() { if (!shouldAttemptPreemption()) { return; } long curTime = getClock().getTime(); if (curTime - lastPreemptCheckTime < preemptionInterval) { return; } lastPreemptCheckTime = curTime; Resource resToPreempt = Resources.clone(Resources.none()); for (FSLeafQueue sched : queueMgr.getLeafQueues()) { Resources.addTo(resToPreempt, resourceDeficit(sched, curTime)); } if (isResourceGreaterThanNone(resToPreempt)) { preemptResources(resToPreempt); } } /** * Preempt a quantity of resources. Each round, we start from the root queue, * level-by-level, until choosing a candidate application. * The policy for prioritizing preemption for each queue depends on its * SchedulingPolicy: (1) fairshare/DRF, choose the ChildSchedulable that is * most over its fair share; (2) FIFO, choose the childSchedulable that is * latest launched. * Inside each application, we further prioritize preemption by choosing * containers with lowest priority to preempt. * We make sure that no queue is placed below its fair share in the process. */ protected void preemptResources(Resource toPreempt) { long start = getClock().getTime(); if (Resources.equals(toPreempt, Resources.none())) { return; } // Scan down the list of containers we've already warned and kill them // if we need to. Remove any containers from the list that we don't need // or that are no longer running. Iterator<RMContainer> warnedIter = warnedContainers.iterator(); while (warnedIter.hasNext()) { RMContainer container = warnedIter.next(); if ((container.getState() == RMContainerState.RUNNING || container.getState() == RMContainerState.ALLOCATED) && isResourceGreaterThanNone(toPreempt)) { warnOrKillContainer(container); Resources.subtractFrom(toPreempt, container.getContainer().getResource()); } else { warnedIter.remove(); } } try { // Reset preemptedResource for each app for (FSLeafQueue queue : getQueueManager().getLeafQueues()) { queue.resetPreemptedResources(); } while (isResourceGreaterThanNone(toPreempt)) { RMContainer container = getQueueManager().getRootQueue().preemptContainer(); if (container == null) { break; } else { warnOrKillContainer(container); warnedContainers.add(container); Resources.subtractFrom( toPreempt, container.getContainer().getResource()); } } } finally { // Clear preemptedResources for each app for (FSLeafQueue queue : getQueueManager().getLeafQueues()) { queue.clearPreemptedResources(); } } long duration = getClock().getTime() - start; fsOpDurations.addPreemptCallDuration(duration); } private boolean isResourceGreaterThanNone(Resource toPreempt) { return (toPreempt.getMemory() > 0) || (toPreempt.getVirtualCores() > 0); } protected void warnOrKillContainer(RMContainer container) { ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId = container.getApplicationAttemptId(); FSAppAttempt app = getSchedulerApp(appAttemptId); FSLeafQueue queue = app.getQueue(); LOG.info("Preempting container (prio=" + container.getContainer().getPriority() + "res=" + container.getContainer().getResource() + ") from queue " + queue.getName()); Long time = app.getContainerPreemptionTime(container); if (time != null) { // if we asked for preemption more than maxWaitTimeBeforeKill ms ago, // proceed with kill if (time + waitTimeBeforeKill < getClock().getTime()) { ContainerStatus status = SchedulerUtils.createPreemptedContainerStatus( container.getContainerId(), SchedulerUtils.PREEMPTED_CONTAINER); // TODO: Not sure if this ever actually adds this to the list of cleanup // containers on the RMNode (see SchedulerNode.releaseContainer()). completedContainer(container, status, RMContainerEventType.KILL); LOG.info("Killing container" + container + " (after waiting for premption for " + (getClock().getTime() - time) + "ms)"); } } else { // track the request in the FSAppAttempt itself app.addPreemption(container, getClock().getTime()); } } /** * Return the resource amount that this queue is allowed to preempt, if any. * If the queue has been below its min share for at least its preemption * timeout, it should preempt the difference between its current share and * this min share. If it has been below its fair share preemption threshold * for at least the fairSharePreemptionTimeout, it should preempt enough tasks * to get up to its full fair share. If both conditions hold, we preempt the * max of the two amounts (this shouldn't happen unless someone sets the * timeouts to be identical for some reason). */ protected Resource resourceDeficit(FSLeafQueue sched, long curTime) { long minShareTimeout = sched.getMinSharePreemptionTimeout(); long fairShareTimeout = sched.getFairSharePreemptionTimeout(); Resource resDueToMinShare = Resources.none(); Resource resDueToFairShare = Resources.none(); ResourceCalculator calc = sched.getPolicy().getResourceCalculator(); if (curTime - sched.getLastTimeAtMinShare() > minShareTimeout) { Resource target = Resources.componentwiseMin( sched.getMinShare(), sched.getDemand()); resDueToMinShare = Resources.max(calc, clusterResource, Resources.none(), Resources.subtract(target, sched.getResourceUsage())); } if (curTime - sched.getLastTimeAtFairShareThreshold() > fairShareTimeout) { Resource target = Resources.componentwiseMin( sched.getFairShare(), sched.getDemand()); resDueToFairShare = Resources.max(calc, clusterResource, Resources.none(), Resources.subtract(target, sched.getResourceUsage())); } Resource deficit = Resources.max(calc, clusterResource, resDueToMinShare, resDueToFairShare); if (Resources.greaterThan(calc, clusterResource, deficit, Resources.none())) { String message = "Should preempt " + deficit + " res for queue " + sched.getName() + ": resDueToMinShare = " + resDueToMinShare + ", resDueToFairShare = " + resDueToFairShare; LOG.info(message); } return deficit; } public synchronized RMContainerTokenSecretManager getContainerTokenSecretManager() { return rmContext.getContainerTokenSecretManager(); } // synchronized for sizeBasedWeight public synchronized ResourceWeights getAppWeight(FSAppAttempt app) { double weight = 1.0; if (sizeBasedWeight) { // Set weight based on current memory demand weight = Math.log1p(app.getDemand().getMemory()) / Math.log(2); } weight *= app.getPriority().getPriority(); if (weightAdjuster != null) { // Run weight through the user-supplied weightAdjuster weight = weightAdjuster.adjustWeight(app, weight); } ResourceWeights resourceWeights = app.getResourceWeights(); resourceWeights.setWeight((float)weight); return resourceWeights; } public Resource getIncrementResourceCapability() { return incrAllocation; } private FSSchedulerNode getFSSchedulerNode(NodeId nodeId) { return nodes.get(nodeId); } public double getNodeLocalityThreshold() { return nodeLocalityThreshold; } public double getRackLocalityThreshold() { return rackLocalityThreshold; } public long getNodeLocalityDelayMs() { return nodeLocalityDelayMs; } public long getRackLocalityDelayMs() { return rackLocalityDelayMs; } public boolean isContinuousSchedulingEnabled() { return continuousSchedulingEnabled; } public synchronized int getContinuousSchedulingSleepMs() { return continuousSchedulingSleepMs; } public Clock getClock() { return clock; } @VisibleForTesting void setClock(Clock clock) { this.clock = clock; } public FairSchedulerEventLog getEventLog() { return eventLog; } /** * Add a new application to the scheduler, with a given id, queue name, and * user. This will accept a new app even if the user or queue is above * configured limits, but the app will not be marked as runnable. */ protected synchronized void addApplication(ApplicationId applicationId, String queueName, String user, boolean isAppRecovering) { if (queueName == null || queueName.isEmpty()) { String message = "Reject application " + applicationId + " submitted by user " + user + " with an empty queue name."; LOG.info(message); rmContext.getDispatcher().getEventHandler() .handle(new RMAppRejectedEvent(applicationId, message)); return; } if (queueName.startsWith(".") || queueName.endsWith(".")) { String message = "Reject application " + applicationId + " submitted by user " + user + " with an illegal queue name " + queueName + ". " + "The queue name cannot start/end with period."; LOG.info(message); rmContext.getDispatcher().getEventHandler() .handle(new RMAppRejectedEvent(applicationId, message)); return; } RMApp rmApp = rmContext.getRMApps().get(applicationId); FSLeafQueue queue = assignToQueue(rmApp, queueName, user); if (queue == null) { return; } // Enforce ACLs UserGroupInformation userUgi = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(user); if (!queue.hasAccess(QueueACL.SUBMIT_APPLICATIONS, userUgi) && !queue.hasAccess(QueueACL.ADMINISTER_QUEUE, userUgi)) { String msg = "User " + userUgi.getUserName() + " cannot submit applications to queue " + queue.getName(); LOG.info(msg); rmContext.getDispatcher().getEventHandler() .handle(new RMAppRejectedEvent(applicationId, msg)); return; } SchedulerApplication<FSAppAttempt> application = new SchedulerApplication<FSAppAttempt>(queue, user); applications.put(applicationId, application); queue.getMetrics().submitApp(user); LOG.info("Accepted application " + applicationId + " from user: " + user + ", in queue: " + queueName + ", currently num of applications: " + applications.size()); if (isAppRecovering) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(applicationId + " is recovering. Skip notifying APP_ACCEPTED"); } } else { rmContext.getDispatcher().getEventHandler() .handle(new RMAppEvent(applicationId, RMAppEventType.APP_ACCEPTED)); } } /** * Add a new application attempt to the scheduler. */ protected synchronized void addApplicationAttempt( ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId, boolean transferStateFromPreviousAttempt, boolean isAttemptRecovering) { SchedulerApplication<FSAppAttempt> application = applications.get(applicationAttemptId.getApplicationId()); String user = application.getUser(); FSLeafQueue queue = (FSLeafQueue) application.getQueue(); FSAppAttempt attempt = new FSAppAttempt(this, applicationAttemptId, user, queue, new ActiveUsersManager(getRootQueueMetrics()), rmContext); if (transferStateFromPreviousAttempt) { attempt.transferStateFromPreviousAttempt(application .getCurrentAppAttempt()); } application.setCurrentAppAttempt(attempt); boolean runnable = maxRunningEnforcer.canAppBeRunnable(queue, user); queue.addApp(attempt, runnable); if (runnable) { maxRunningEnforcer.trackRunnableApp(attempt); } else { maxRunningEnforcer.trackNonRunnableApp(attempt); } queue.getMetrics().submitAppAttempt(user); LOG.info("Added Application Attempt " + applicationAttemptId + " to scheduler from user: " + user); if (isAttemptRecovering) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(applicationAttemptId + " is recovering. Skipping notifying ATTEMPT_ADDED"); } } else { rmContext.getDispatcher().getEventHandler().handle( new RMAppAttemptEvent(applicationAttemptId, RMAppAttemptEventType.ATTEMPT_ADDED)); } } /** * Helper method that attempts to assign the app to a queue. The method is * responsible to call the appropriate event-handler if the app is rejected. */ @VisibleForTesting FSLeafQueue assignToQueue(RMApp rmApp, String queueName, String user) { FSLeafQueue queue = null; String appRejectMsg = null; try { QueuePlacementPolicy placementPolicy = allocConf.getPlacementPolicy(); queueName = placementPolicy.assignAppToQueue(queueName, user); if (queueName == null) { appRejectMsg = "Application rejected by queue placement policy"; } else { queue = queueMgr.getLeafQueue(queueName, true); if (queue == null) { appRejectMsg = queueName + " is not a leaf queue"; } } } catch (InvalidQueueNameException qne) { appRejectMsg = qne.getMessage(); } catch (IOException ioe) { appRejectMsg = "Error assigning app to queue " + queueName; } if (appRejectMsg != null && rmApp != null) { LOG.error(appRejectMsg); rmContext.getDispatcher().getEventHandler().handle( new RMAppRejectedEvent(rmApp.getApplicationId(), appRejectMsg)); return null; } if (rmApp != null) { rmApp.setQueue(queue.getName()); } else { LOG.error("Couldn't find RM app to set queue name on"); } return queue; } private synchronized void removeApplication(ApplicationId applicationId, RMAppState finalState) { SchedulerApplication<FSAppAttempt> application = applications.get(applicationId); if (application == null){ LOG.warn("Couldn't find application " + applicationId); return; } application.stop(finalState); applications.remove(applicationId); } private synchronized void removeApplicationAttempt( ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId, RMAppAttemptState rmAppAttemptFinalState, boolean keepContainers) { LOG.info("Application " + applicationAttemptId + " is done." + " finalState=" + rmAppAttemptFinalState); SchedulerApplication<FSAppAttempt> application = applications.get(applicationAttemptId.getApplicationId()); FSAppAttempt attempt = getSchedulerApp(applicationAttemptId); if (attempt == null || application == null) { LOG.info("Unknown application " + applicationAttemptId + " has completed!"); return; } // Release all the running containers for (RMContainer rmContainer : attempt.getLiveContainers()) { if (keepContainers && rmContainer.getState().equals(RMContainerState.RUNNING)) { // do not kill the running container in the case of work-preserving AM // restart. LOG.info("Skip killing " + rmContainer.getContainerId()); continue; } completedContainer(rmContainer, SchedulerUtils.createAbnormalContainerStatus( rmContainer.getContainerId(), SchedulerUtils.COMPLETED_APPLICATION), RMContainerEventType.KILL); } // Release all reserved containers for (RMContainer rmContainer : attempt.getReservedContainers()) { completedContainer(rmContainer, SchedulerUtils.createAbnormalContainerStatus( rmContainer.getContainerId(), "Application Complete"), RMContainerEventType.KILL); } // Clean up pending requests, metrics etc. attempt.stop(rmAppAttemptFinalState); // Inform the queue FSLeafQueue queue = queueMgr.getLeafQueue(attempt.getQueue() .getQueueName(), false); boolean wasRunnable = queue.removeApp(attempt); if (wasRunnable) { maxRunningEnforcer.untrackRunnableApp(attempt); maxRunningEnforcer.updateRunnabilityOnAppRemoval(attempt, attempt.getQueue()); } else { maxRunningEnforcer.untrackNonRunnableApp(attempt); } } /** * Clean up a completed container. */ @Override protected synchronized void completedContainer(RMContainer rmContainer, ContainerStatus containerStatus, RMContainerEventType event) { if (rmContainer == null) { LOG.info("Container " + containerStatus.getContainerId() + " completed with event " + event); return; } Container container = rmContainer.getContainer(); // Get the application for the finished container FSAppAttempt application = getCurrentAttemptForContainer(container.getId()); ApplicationId appId = container.getId().getApplicationAttemptId().getApplicationId(); if (application == null) { LOG.info("Container " + container + " of" + " finished application " + appId + " completed with event " + event); return; } // Get the node on which the container was allocated FSSchedulerNode node = getFSSchedulerNode(container.getNodeId()); if (rmContainer.getState() == RMContainerState.RESERVED) { application.unreserve(rmContainer.getReservedPriority(), node); } else { application.containerCompleted(rmContainer, containerStatus, event); node.releaseContainer(container); updateRootQueueMetrics(); } LOG.info("Application attempt " + application.getApplicationAttemptId() + " released container " + container.getId() + " on node: " + node + " with event: " + event); } private synchronized void addNode(List<NMContainerStatus> containerReports, RMNode node) { FSSchedulerNode schedulerNode = new FSSchedulerNode(node, usePortForNodeName); nodes.put(node.getNodeID(), schedulerNode); Resources.addTo(clusterResource, node.getTotalCapability()); updateMaximumAllocation(schedulerNode, true); triggerUpdate(); queueMgr.getRootQueue().setSteadyFairShare(clusterResource); queueMgr.getRootQueue().recomputeSteadyShares(); LOG.info("Added node " + node.getNodeAddress() + " cluster capacity: " + clusterResource); recoverContainersOnNode(containerReports, node); updateRootQueueMetrics(); } private synchronized void removeNode(RMNode rmNode) { FSSchedulerNode node = getFSSchedulerNode(rmNode.getNodeID()); // This can occur when an UNHEALTHY node reconnects if (node == null) { return; } Resources.subtractFrom(clusterResource, rmNode.getTotalCapability()); updateRootQueueMetrics(); triggerUpdate(); // Remove running containers List<RMContainer> runningContainers = node.getRunningContainers(); for (RMContainer container : runningContainers) { completedContainer(container, SchedulerUtils.createAbnormalContainerStatus( container.getContainerId(), SchedulerUtils.LOST_CONTAINER), RMContainerEventType.KILL); } // Remove reservations, if any RMContainer reservedContainer = node.getReservedContainer(); if (reservedContainer != null) { completedContainer(reservedContainer, SchedulerUtils.createAbnormalContainerStatus( reservedContainer.getContainerId(), SchedulerUtils.LOST_CONTAINER), RMContainerEventType.KILL); } nodes.remove(rmNode.getNodeID()); queueMgr.getRootQueue().setSteadyFairShare(clusterResource); queueMgr.getRootQueue().recomputeSteadyShares(); updateMaximumAllocation(node, false); LOG.info("Removed node " + rmNode.getNodeAddress() + " cluster capacity: " + clusterResource); } @Override public Allocation allocate(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId, List<ResourceRequest> ask, List<ContainerId> release, List<String> blacklistAdditions, List<String> blacklistRemovals) { // Make sure this application exists FSAppAttempt application = getSchedulerApp(appAttemptId); if (application == null) { LOG.info("Calling allocate on removed " + "or non existant application " + appAttemptId); return EMPTY_ALLOCATION; } // Sanity check SchedulerUtils.normalizeRequests(ask, DOMINANT_RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, clusterResource, minimumAllocation, getMaximumResourceCapability(), incrAllocation); // Record container allocation start time application.recordContainerRequestTime(getClock().getTime()); // Release containers releaseContainers(release, application); synchronized (application) { if (!ask.isEmpty()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("allocate: pre-update" + " applicationAttemptId=" + appAttemptId + " application=" + application.getApplicationId()); } application.showRequests(); // Update application requests application.updateResourceRequests(ask); application.showRequests(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("allocate: post-update" + " applicationAttemptId=" + appAttemptId + " #ask=" + ask.size() + " reservation= " + application.getCurrentReservation()); LOG.debug("Preempting " + application.getPreemptionContainers().size() + " container(s)"); } Set<ContainerId> preemptionContainerIds = new HashSet<ContainerId>(); for (RMContainer container : application.getPreemptionContainers()) { preemptionContainerIds.add(container.getContainerId()); } application.updateBlacklist(blacklistAdditions, blacklistRemovals); ContainersAndNMTokensAllocation allocation = application.pullNewlyAllocatedContainersAndNMTokens(); // Record container allocation time if (!(allocation.getContainerList().isEmpty())) { application.recordContainerAllocationTime(getClock().getTime()); } Resource headroom = application.getHeadroom(); application.setApplicationHeadroomForMetrics(headroom); return new Allocation(allocation.getContainerList(), headroom, preemptionContainerIds, null, null, allocation.getNMTokenList()); } } /** * Process a heartbeat update from a node. */ private synchronized void nodeUpdate(RMNode nm) { long start = getClock().getTime(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("nodeUpdate: " + nm + " cluster capacity: " + clusterResource); } eventLog.log("HEARTBEAT", nm.getHostName()); FSSchedulerNode node = getFSSchedulerNode(nm.getNodeID()); List<UpdatedContainerInfo> containerInfoList = nm.pullContainerUpdates(); List<ContainerStatus> newlyLaunchedContainers = new ArrayList<ContainerStatus>(); List<ContainerStatus> completedContainers = new ArrayList<ContainerStatus>(); for(UpdatedContainerInfo containerInfo : containerInfoList) { newlyLaunchedContainers.addAll(containerInfo.getNewlyLaunchedContainers()); completedContainers.addAll(containerInfo.getCompletedContainers()); } // Processing the newly launched containers for (ContainerStatus launchedContainer : newlyLaunchedContainers) { containerLaunchedOnNode(launchedContainer.getContainerId(), node); } // Process completed containers for (ContainerStatus completedContainer : completedContainers) { ContainerId containerId = completedContainer.getContainerId(); LOG.debug("Container FINISHED: " + containerId); completedContainer(getRMContainer(containerId), completedContainer, RMContainerEventType.FINISHED); } if (continuousSchedulingEnabled) { if (!completedContainers.isEmpty()) { attemptScheduling(node); } } else { attemptScheduling(node); } long duration = getClock().getTime() - start; fsOpDurations.addNodeUpdateDuration(duration); } void continuousSchedulingAttempt() throws InterruptedException { long start = getClock().getTime(); List<NodeId> nodeIdList = new ArrayList<NodeId>(nodes.keySet()); // Sort the nodes by space available on them, so that we offer // containers on emptier nodes first, facilitating an even spread. This // requires holding the scheduler lock, so that the space available on a // node doesn't change during the sort. synchronized (this) { Collections.sort(nodeIdList, nodeAvailableResourceComparator); } // iterate all nodes for (NodeId nodeId : nodeIdList) { FSSchedulerNode node = getFSSchedulerNode(nodeId); try { if (node != null && Resources.fitsIn(minimumAllocation, node.getAvailableResource())) { attemptScheduling(node); } } catch (Throwable ex) { LOG.error("Error while attempting scheduling for node " + node + ": " + ex.toString(), ex); } } long duration = getClock().getTime() - start; fsOpDurations.addContinuousSchedulingRunDuration(duration); } /** Sort nodes by available resource */ private class NodeAvailableResourceComparator implements Comparator<NodeId> { @Override public int compare(NodeId n1, NodeId n2) { if (!nodes.containsKey(n1)) { return 1; } if (!nodes.containsKey(n2)) { return -1; } return RESOURCE_CALCULATOR.compare(clusterResource, nodes.get(n2).getAvailableResource(), nodes.get(n1).getAvailableResource()); } } @VisibleForTesting synchronized void attemptScheduling(FSSchedulerNode node) { if (rmContext.isWorkPreservingRecoveryEnabled() && !rmContext.isSchedulerReadyForAllocatingContainers()) { return; } final NodeId nodeID = node.getNodeID(); if (!nodes.containsKey(nodeID)) { // The node might have just been removed while this thread was waiting // on the synchronized lock before it entered this synchronized method LOG.info("Skipping scheduling as the node " + nodeID + " has been removed"); return; } // Assign new containers... // 1. Check for reserved applications // 2. Schedule if there are no reservations boolean validReservation = false; FSAppAttempt reservedAppSchedulable = node.getReservedAppSchedulable(); if (reservedAppSchedulable != null) { validReservation = reservedAppSchedulable.assignReservedContainer(node); } if (!validReservation) { // No reservation, schedule at queue which is farthest below fair share int assignedContainers = 0; while (node.getReservedContainer() == null) { boolean assignedContainer = false; if (!queueMgr.getRootQueue().assignContainer(node).equals( Resources.none())) { assignedContainers++; assignedContainer = true; } if (!assignedContainer) { break; } if (!assignMultiple) { break; } if ((assignedContainers >= maxAssign) && (maxAssign > 0)) { break; } } } updateRootQueueMetrics(); } public FSAppAttempt getSchedulerApp(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId) { return super.getApplicationAttempt(appAttemptId); } @Override public ResourceCalculator getResourceCalculator() { return RESOURCE_CALCULATOR; } /** * Subqueue metrics might be a little out of date because fair shares are * recalculated at the update interval, but the root queue metrics needs to * be updated synchronously with allocations and completions so that cluster * metrics will be consistent. */ private void updateRootQueueMetrics() { rootMetrics.setAvailableResourcesToQueue( Resources.subtract( clusterResource, rootMetrics.getAllocatedResources())); } /** * Check if preemption is enabled and the utilization threshold for * preemption is met. * * @return true if preemption should be attempted, false otherwise. */ private boolean shouldAttemptPreemption() { if (preemptionEnabled) { return (preemptionUtilizationThreshold < Math.max( (float) rootMetrics.getAllocatedMB() / clusterResource.getMemory(), (float) rootMetrics.getAllocatedVirtualCores() / clusterResource.getVirtualCores())); } return false; } @Override public QueueMetrics getRootQueueMetrics() { return rootMetrics; } @Override public void handle(SchedulerEvent event) { switch (event.getType()) { case NODE_ADDED: if (!(event instanceof NodeAddedSchedulerEvent)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected event type: " + event); } NodeAddedSchedulerEvent nodeAddedEvent = (NodeAddedSchedulerEvent)event; addNode(nodeAddedEvent.getContainerReports(), nodeAddedEvent.getAddedRMNode()); break; case NODE_REMOVED: if (!(event instanceof NodeRemovedSchedulerEvent)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected event type: " + event); } NodeRemovedSchedulerEvent nodeRemovedEvent = (NodeRemovedSchedulerEvent)event; removeNode(nodeRemovedEvent.getRemovedRMNode()); break; case NODE_UPDATE: if (!(event instanceof NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected event type: " + event); } NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent nodeUpdatedEvent = (NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent)event; nodeUpdate(nodeUpdatedEvent.getRMNode()); break; case APP_ADDED: if (!(event instanceof AppAddedSchedulerEvent)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected event type: " + event); } AppAddedSchedulerEvent appAddedEvent = (AppAddedSchedulerEvent) event; String queueName = resolveReservationQueueName(appAddedEvent.getQueue(), appAddedEvent.getApplicationId(), appAddedEvent.getReservationID()); if (queueName != null) { addApplication(appAddedEvent.getApplicationId(), queueName, appAddedEvent.getUser(), appAddedEvent.getIsAppRecovering()); } break; case APP_REMOVED: if (!(event instanceof AppRemovedSchedulerEvent)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected event type: " + event); } AppRemovedSchedulerEvent appRemovedEvent = (AppRemovedSchedulerEvent)event; removeApplication(appRemovedEvent.getApplicationID(), appRemovedEvent.getFinalState()); break; case NODE_RESOURCE_UPDATE: if (!(event instanceof NodeResourceUpdateSchedulerEvent)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected event type: " + event); } NodeResourceUpdateSchedulerEvent nodeResourceUpdatedEvent = (NodeResourceUpdateSchedulerEvent)event; updateNodeResource(nodeResourceUpdatedEvent.getRMNode(), nodeResourceUpdatedEvent.getResourceOption()); break; case APP_ATTEMPT_ADDED: if (!(event instanceof AppAttemptAddedSchedulerEvent)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected event type: " + event); } AppAttemptAddedSchedulerEvent appAttemptAddedEvent = (AppAttemptAddedSchedulerEvent) event; addApplicationAttempt(appAttemptAddedEvent.getApplicationAttemptId(), appAttemptAddedEvent.getTransferStateFromPreviousAttempt(), appAttemptAddedEvent.getIsAttemptRecovering()); break; case APP_ATTEMPT_REMOVED: if (!(event instanceof AppAttemptRemovedSchedulerEvent)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected event type: " + event); } AppAttemptRemovedSchedulerEvent appAttemptRemovedEvent = (AppAttemptRemovedSchedulerEvent) event; removeApplicationAttempt( appAttemptRemovedEvent.getApplicationAttemptID(), appAttemptRemovedEvent.getFinalAttemptState(), appAttemptRemovedEvent.getKeepContainersAcrossAppAttempts()); break; case CONTAINER_EXPIRED: if (!(event instanceof ContainerExpiredSchedulerEvent)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected event type: " + event); } ContainerExpiredSchedulerEvent containerExpiredEvent = (ContainerExpiredSchedulerEvent)event; ContainerId containerId = containerExpiredEvent.getContainerId(); completedContainer(getRMContainer(containerId), SchedulerUtils.createAbnormalContainerStatus( containerId, SchedulerUtils.EXPIRED_CONTAINER), RMContainerEventType.EXPIRE); break; case CONTAINER_RESCHEDULED: if (!(event instanceof ContainerRescheduledEvent)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected event type: " + event); } ContainerRescheduledEvent containerRescheduledEvent = (ContainerRescheduledEvent) event; RMContainer container = containerRescheduledEvent.getContainer(); recoverResourceRequestForContainer(container); break; default: LOG.error("Unknown event arrived at FairScheduler: " + event.toString()); } } private synchronized String resolveReservationQueueName(String queueName, ApplicationId applicationId, ReservationId reservationID) { FSQueue queue = queueMgr.getQueue(queueName); if ((queue == null) || !allocConf.isReservable(queue.getQueueName())) { return queueName; } // Use fully specified name from now on (including root. prefix) queueName = queue.getQueueName(); if (reservationID != null) { String resQName = queueName + "." + reservationID.toString(); queue = queueMgr.getQueue(resQName); if (queue == null) { String message = "Application " + applicationId + " submitted to a reservation which is not yet currently active: " + resQName; this.rmContext.getDispatcher().getEventHandler() .handle(new RMAppRejectedEvent(applicationId, message)); return null; } if (!queue.getParent().getQueueName().equals(queueName)) { String message = "Application: " + applicationId + " submitted to a reservation " + resQName + " which does not belong to the specified queue: " + queueName; this.rmContext.getDispatcher().getEventHandler() .handle(new RMAppRejectedEvent(applicationId, message)); return null; } // use the reservation queue to run the app queueName = resQName; } else { // use the default child queue of the plan for unreserved apps queueName = getDefaultQueueForPlanQueue(queueName); } return queueName; } private String getDefaultQueueForPlanQueue(String queueName) { String planName = queueName.substring(queueName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); queueName = queueName + "." + planName + ReservationConstants.DEFAULT_QUEUE_SUFFIX; return queueName; } @Override public void recover(RMState state) throws Exception { // NOT IMPLEMENTED } public synchronized void setRMContext(RMContext rmContext) { this.rmContext = rmContext; } private void initScheduler(Configuration conf) throws IOException { synchronized (this) { this.conf = new FairSchedulerConfiguration(conf); validateConf(this.conf); minimumAllocation = this.conf.getMinimumAllocation(); initMaximumResourceCapability(this.conf.getMaximumAllocation()); incrAllocation = this.conf.getIncrementAllocation(); continuousSchedulingEnabled = this.conf.isContinuousSchedulingEnabled(); continuousSchedulingSleepMs = this.conf.getContinuousSchedulingSleepMs(); nodeLocalityThreshold = this.conf.getLocalityThresholdNode(); rackLocalityThreshold = this.conf.getLocalityThresholdRack(); nodeLocalityDelayMs = this.conf.getLocalityDelayNodeMs(); rackLocalityDelayMs = this.conf.getLocalityDelayRackMs(); preemptionEnabled = this.conf.getPreemptionEnabled(); preemptionUtilizationThreshold = this.conf.getPreemptionUtilizationThreshold(); assignMultiple = this.conf.getAssignMultiple(); maxAssign = this.conf.getMaxAssign(); sizeBasedWeight = this.conf.getSizeBasedWeight(); preemptionInterval = this.conf.getPreemptionInterval(); waitTimeBeforeKill = this.conf.getWaitTimeBeforeKill(); usePortForNodeName = this.conf.getUsePortForNodeName(); updateInterval = this.conf.getUpdateInterval(); if (updateInterval < 0) { updateInterval = FairSchedulerConfiguration.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS; LOG.warn(FairSchedulerConfiguration.UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS + " is invalid, so using default value " + +FairSchedulerConfiguration.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS + " ms instead"); } rootMetrics = FSQueueMetrics.forQueue("root", null, true, conf); fsOpDurations = FSOpDurations.getInstance(true); // This stores per-application scheduling information this.applications = new ConcurrentHashMap< ApplicationId, SchedulerApplication<FSAppAttempt>>(); this.eventLog = new FairSchedulerEventLog(); eventLog.init(this.conf); allocConf = new AllocationConfiguration(conf); try { queueMgr.initialize(conf); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Failed to start FairScheduler", e); } updateThread = new UpdateThread(); updateThread.setName("FairSchedulerUpdateThread"); updateThread.setDaemon(true); if (continuousSchedulingEnabled) { // start continuous scheduling thread schedulingThread = new ContinuousSchedulingThread(); schedulingThread.setName("FairSchedulerContinuousScheduling"); schedulingThread.setDaemon(true); } } allocsLoader.init(conf); allocsLoader.setReloadListener(new AllocationReloadListener()); // If we fail to load allocations file on initialize, we want to fail // immediately. After a successful load, exceptions on future reloads // will just result in leaving things as they are. try { allocsLoader.reloadAllocations(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Failed to initialize FairScheduler", e); } } private synchronized void startSchedulerThreads() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(updateThread, "updateThread is null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(allocsLoader, "allocsLoader is null"); updateThread.start(); if (continuousSchedulingEnabled) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(schedulingThread, "schedulingThread is null"); schedulingThread.start(); } allocsLoader.start(); } @Override public void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception { initScheduler(conf); super.serviceInit(conf); } @Override public void serviceStart() throws Exception { startSchedulerThreads(); super.serviceStart(); } @Override public void serviceStop() throws Exception { synchronized (this) { if (updateThread != null) { updateThread.interrupt(); updateThread.join(THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT_MS); } if (continuousSchedulingEnabled) { if (schedulingThread != null) { schedulingThread.interrupt(); schedulingThread.join(THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT_MS); } } if (allocsLoader != null) { allocsLoader.stop(); } } super.serviceStop(); } @Override public void reinitialize(Configuration conf, RMContext rmContext) throws IOException { try { allocsLoader.reloadAllocations(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to reload allocations file", e); } } @Override public QueueInfo getQueueInfo(String queueName, boolean includeChildQueues, boolean recursive) throws IOException { if (!queueMgr.exists(queueName)) { throw new IOException("queue " + queueName + " does not exist"); } return queueMgr.getQueue(queueName).getQueueInfo(includeChildQueues, recursive); } @Override public List<QueueUserACLInfo> getQueueUserAclInfo() { UserGroupInformation user; try { user = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(); } catch (IOException ioe) { return new ArrayList<QueueUserACLInfo>(); } return queueMgr.getRootQueue().getQueueUserAclInfo(user); } @Override public int getNumClusterNodes() { return nodes.size(); } @Override public synchronized boolean checkAccess(UserGroupInformation callerUGI, QueueACL acl, String queueName) { FSQueue queue = getQueueManager().getQueue(queueName); if (queue == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("ACL not found for queue access-type " + acl + " for queue " + queueName); } return false; } return queue.hasAccess(acl, callerUGI); } public AllocationConfiguration getAllocationConfiguration() { return allocConf; } private class AllocationReloadListener implements AllocationFileLoaderService.Listener { @Override public void onReload(AllocationConfiguration queueInfo) { // Commit the reload; also create any queue defined in the alloc file // if it does not already exist, so it can be displayed on the web UI. synchronized (FairScheduler.this) { allocConf = queueInfo; allocConf.getDefaultSchedulingPolicy().initialize(clusterResource); queueMgr.updateAllocationConfiguration(allocConf); maxRunningEnforcer.updateRunnabilityOnReload(); } } } @Override public List<ApplicationAttemptId> getAppsInQueue(String queueName) { FSQueue queue = queueMgr.getQueue(queueName); if (queue == null) { return null; } List<ApplicationAttemptId> apps = new ArrayList<ApplicationAttemptId>(); queue.collectSchedulerApplications(apps); return apps; } @Override public synchronized String moveApplication(ApplicationId appId, String queueName) throws YarnException { SchedulerApplication<FSAppAttempt> app = applications.get(appId); if (app == null) { throw new YarnException("App to be moved " + appId + " not found."); } FSAppAttempt attempt = (FSAppAttempt) app.getCurrentAppAttempt(); // To serialize with FairScheduler#allocate, synchronize on app attempt synchronized (attempt) { FSLeafQueue oldQueue = (FSLeafQueue) app.getQueue(); String destQueueName = handleMoveToPlanQueue(queueName); FSLeafQueue targetQueue = queueMgr.getLeafQueue(destQueueName, false); if (targetQueue == null) { throw new YarnException("Target queue " + queueName + " not found or is not a leaf queue."); } if (targetQueue == oldQueue) { return oldQueue.getQueueName(); } if (oldQueue.isRunnableApp(attempt)) { verifyMoveDoesNotViolateConstraints(attempt, oldQueue, targetQueue); } executeMove(app, attempt, oldQueue, targetQueue); return targetQueue.getQueueName(); } } private void verifyMoveDoesNotViolateConstraints(FSAppAttempt app, FSLeafQueue oldQueue, FSLeafQueue targetQueue) throws YarnException { String queueName = targetQueue.getQueueName(); ApplicationAttemptId appAttId = app.getApplicationAttemptId(); // When checking maxResources and maxRunningApps, only need to consider // queues before the lowest common ancestor of the two queues because the // total running apps in queues above will not be changed. FSQueue lowestCommonAncestor = findLowestCommonAncestorQueue(oldQueue, targetQueue); Resource consumption = app.getCurrentConsumption(); // Check whether the move would go over maxRunningApps or maxShare FSQueue cur = targetQueue; while (cur != lowestCommonAncestor) { // maxRunningApps if (cur.getNumRunnableApps() == allocConf.getQueueMaxApps(cur.getQueueName())) { throw new YarnException("Moving app attempt " + appAttId + " to queue " + queueName + " would violate queue maxRunningApps constraints on" + " queue " + cur.getQueueName()); } // maxShare if (!Resources.fitsIn(Resources.add(cur.getResourceUsage(), consumption), cur.getMaxShare())) { throw new YarnException("Moving app attempt " + appAttId + " to queue " + queueName + " would violate queue maxShare constraints on" + " queue " + cur.getQueueName()); } cur = cur.getParent(); } } /** * Helper for moveApplication, which has appropriate synchronization, so all * operations will be atomic. */ private void executeMove(SchedulerApplication<FSAppAttempt> app, FSAppAttempt attempt, FSLeafQueue oldQueue, FSLeafQueue newQueue) { boolean wasRunnable = oldQueue.removeApp(attempt); // if app was not runnable before, it may be runnable now boolean nowRunnable = maxRunningEnforcer.canAppBeRunnable(newQueue, attempt.getUser()); if (wasRunnable && !nowRunnable) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should have already verified that app " + attempt.getApplicationId() + " would be runnable in new queue"); } if (wasRunnable) { maxRunningEnforcer.untrackRunnableApp(attempt); } else if (nowRunnable) { // App has changed from non-runnable to runnable maxRunningEnforcer.untrackNonRunnableApp(attempt); } attempt.move(newQueue); // This updates all the metrics app.setQueue(newQueue); newQueue.addApp(attempt, nowRunnable); if (nowRunnable) { maxRunningEnforcer.trackRunnableApp(attempt); } if (wasRunnable) { maxRunningEnforcer.updateRunnabilityOnAppRemoval(attempt, oldQueue); } } @VisibleForTesting FSQueue findLowestCommonAncestorQueue(FSQueue queue1, FSQueue queue2) { // Because queue names include ancestors, separated by periods, we can find // the lowest common ancestors by going from the start of the names until // there's a character that doesn't match. String name1 = queue1.getName(); String name2 = queue2.getName(); // We keep track of the last period we encounter to avoid returning root.apple // when the queues are root.applepie and root.appletart int lastPeriodIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(name1.length(), name2.length()); i++) { if (name1.length() <= i || name2.length() <= i || name1.charAt(i) != name2.charAt(i)) { return queueMgr.getQueue(name1.substring(0, lastPeriodIndex)); } else if (name1.charAt(i) == '.') { lastPeriodIndex = i; } } return queue1; // names are identical } /** * Process resource update on a node and update Queue. */ @Override public synchronized void updateNodeResource(RMNode nm, ResourceOption resourceOption) { super.updateNodeResource(nm, resourceOption); updateRootQueueMetrics(); queueMgr.getRootQueue().setSteadyFairShare(clusterResource); queueMgr.getRootQueue().recomputeSteadyShares(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public EnumSet<SchedulerResourceTypes> getSchedulingResourceTypes() { return EnumSet .of(SchedulerResourceTypes.MEMORY, SchedulerResourceTypes.CPU); } @Override public Set<String> getPlanQueues() throws YarnException { Set<String> planQueues = new HashSet<String>(); for (FSQueue fsQueue : queueMgr.getQueues()) { String queueName = fsQueue.getName(); if (allocConf.isReservable(queueName)) { planQueues.add(queueName); } } return planQueues; } @Override public void setEntitlement(String queueName, QueueEntitlement entitlement) throws YarnException { FSLeafQueue reservationQueue = queueMgr.getLeafQueue(queueName, false); if (reservationQueue == null) { throw new YarnException("Target queue " + queueName + " not found or is not a leaf queue."); } reservationQueue.setWeights(entitlement.getCapacity()); // TODO Does MaxCapacity need to be set for fairScheduler ? } /** * Only supports removing empty leaf queues * @param queueName name of queue to remove * @throws YarnException if queue to remove is either not a leaf or if its * not empty */ @Override public void removeQueue(String queueName) throws YarnException { FSLeafQueue reservationQueue = queueMgr.getLeafQueue(queueName, false); if (reservationQueue != null) { if (!queueMgr.removeLeafQueue(queueName)) { throw new YarnException("Could not remove queue " + queueName + " as " + "its either not a leaf queue or its not empty"); } } } private String handleMoveToPlanQueue(String targetQueueName) { FSQueue dest = queueMgr.getQueue(targetQueueName); if (dest != null && allocConf.isReservable(dest.getQueueName())) { // use the default child reservation queue of the plan targetQueueName = getDefaultQueueForPlanQueue(targetQueueName); } return targetQueueName; } }