/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.PermissionStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockStoragePolicySuite; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.Snapshot; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; /** * An anonymous reference to an inode. * * This class and its subclasses are used to support multiple access paths. * A file/directory may have multiple access paths when it is stored in some * snapshots and it is renamed/moved to other locations. * * For example, * (1) Suppose we have /abc/foo, say the inode of foo is inode(id=1000,name=foo) * (2) create snapshot s0 for /abc * (3) mv /abc/foo /xyz/bar, i.e. inode(id=1000,name=...) is renamed from "foo" * to "bar" and its parent becomes /xyz. * * Then, /xyz/bar and /abc/.snapshot/s0/foo are two different access paths to * the same inode, inode(id=1000,name=bar). * * With references, we have the following * - /abc has a child ref(id=1001,name=foo). * - /xyz has a child ref(id=1002) * - Both ref(id=1001,name=foo) and ref(id=1002) point to another reference, * ref(id=1003,count=2). * - Finally, ref(id=1003,count=2) points to inode(id=1000,name=bar). * * Note 1: For a reference without name, e.g. ref(id=1002), it uses the name * of the referred inode. * Note 2: getParent() always returns the parent in the current state, e.g. * inode(id=1000,name=bar).getParent() returns /xyz but not /abc. */ public abstract class INodeReference extends INode { /** * Try to remove the given reference and then return the reference count. * If the given inode is not a reference, return -1; */ public static int tryRemoveReference(INode inode) { if (!inode.isReference()) { return -1; } return removeReference(inode.asReference()); } /** * Remove the given reference and then return the reference count. * If the referred inode is not a WithCount, return -1; */ private static int removeReference(INodeReference ref) { final INode referred = ref.getReferredINode(); if (!(referred instanceof WithCount)) { return -1; } WithCount wc = (WithCount) referred; wc.removeReference(ref); return wc.getReferenceCount(); } /** * When destroying a reference node (WithName or DstReference), we call this * method to identify the snapshot which is the latest snapshot before the * reference node's creation. */ static int getPriorSnapshot(INodeReference ref) { WithCount wc = (WithCount) ref.getReferredINode(); WithName wn = null; if (ref instanceof DstReference) { wn = wc.getLastWithName(); } else if (ref instanceof WithName) { wn = wc.getPriorWithName((WithName) ref); } if (wn != null) { INode referred = wc.getReferredINode(); if (referred.isFile() && referred.asFile().isWithSnapshot()) { return referred.asFile().getDiffs().getPrior(wn.lastSnapshotId); } else if (referred.isDirectory()) { DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = referred.asDirectory() .getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(); if (sf != null) { return sf.getDiffs().getPrior(wn.lastSnapshotId); } } } return Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID; } private INode referred; public INodeReference(INode parent, INode referred) { super(parent); this.referred = referred; } public final INode getReferredINode() { return referred; } public final void setReferredINode(INode referred) { this.referred = referred; } @Override public final boolean isReference() { return true; } @Override public final INodeReference asReference() { return this; } @Override public final boolean isFile() { return referred.isFile(); } @Override public final INodeFile asFile() { return referred.asFile(); } @Override public final boolean isDirectory() { return referred.isDirectory(); } @Override public final INodeDirectory asDirectory() { return referred.asDirectory(); } @Override public final boolean isSymlink() { return referred.isSymlink(); } @Override public final INodeSymlink asSymlink() { return referred.asSymlink(); } @Override public byte[] getLocalNameBytes() { return referred.getLocalNameBytes(); } @Override public void setLocalName(byte[] name) { referred.setLocalName(name); } @Override public final long getId() { return referred.getId(); } @Override public final PermissionStatus getPermissionStatus(int snapshotId) { return referred.getPermissionStatus(snapshotId); } @Override public final String getUserName(int snapshotId) { return referred.getUserName(snapshotId); } @Override final void setUser(String user) { referred.setUser(user); } @Override public final String getGroupName(int snapshotId) { return referred.getGroupName(snapshotId); } @Override final void setGroup(String group) { referred.setGroup(group); } @Override public final FsPermission getFsPermission(int snapshotId) { return referred.getFsPermission(snapshotId); } @Override final AclFeature getAclFeature(int snapshotId) { return referred.getAclFeature(snapshotId); } @Override final void addAclFeature(AclFeature aclFeature) { referred.addAclFeature(aclFeature); } @Override final void removeAclFeature() { referred.removeAclFeature(); } @Override final XAttrFeature getXAttrFeature(int snapshotId) { return referred.getXAttrFeature(snapshotId); } @Override final void addXAttrFeature(XAttrFeature xAttrFeature) { referred.addXAttrFeature(xAttrFeature); } @Override final void removeXAttrFeature() { referred.removeXAttrFeature(); } @Override public final short getFsPermissionShort() { return referred.getFsPermissionShort(); } @Override void setPermission(FsPermission permission) { referred.setPermission(permission); } @Override public long getPermissionLong() { return referred.getPermissionLong(); } @Override public final long getModificationTime(int snapshotId) { return referred.getModificationTime(snapshotId); } @Override public final INode updateModificationTime(long mtime, int latestSnapshotId) { return referred.updateModificationTime(mtime, latestSnapshotId); } @Override public final void setModificationTime(long modificationTime) { referred.setModificationTime(modificationTime); } @Override public final long getAccessTime(int snapshotId) { return referred.getAccessTime(snapshotId); } @Override public final void setAccessTime(long accessTime) { referred.setAccessTime(accessTime); } @Override public final byte getStoragePolicyID() { return referred.getStoragePolicyID(); } @Override public final byte getLocalStoragePolicyID() { return referred.getLocalStoragePolicyID(); } @Override final void recordModification(int latestSnapshotId) { referred.recordModification(latestSnapshotId); } @Override // used by WithCount public void cleanSubtree( ReclaimContext reclaimContext, int snapshot, int prior) { referred.cleanSubtree(reclaimContext, snapshot, prior); } @Override // used by WithCount public void destroyAndCollectBlocks(ReclaimContext reclaimContext) { if (removeReference(this) <= 0) { referred.destroyAndCollectBlocks(reclaimContext); } } @Override public ContentSummaryComputationContext computeContentSummary( ContentSummaryComputationContext summary) { return referred.computeContentSummary(summary); } @Override public QuotaCounts computeQuotaUsage(BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps, byte blockStoragePolicyId, boolean useCache, int lastSnapshotId) { return referred.computeQuotaUsage(bsps, blockStoragePolicyId, useCache, lastSnapshotId); } @Override public final INodeAttributes getSnapshotINode(int snapshotId) { return referred.getSnapshotINode(snapshotId); } @Override public QuotaCounts getQuotaCounts() { return referred.getQuotaCounts(); } @Override public final void clear() { super.clear(); referred = null; } @Override public void dumpTreeRecursively(PrintWriter out, StringBuilder prefix, final int snapshot) { super.dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, snapshot); if (this instanceof DstReference) { out.print(", dstSnapshotId=" + ((DstReference) this).dstSnapshotId); } if (this instanceof WithCount) { out.print(", count=" + ((WithCount)this).getReferenceCount()); } out.println(); final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < prefix.length(); i++) { b.append(' '); } b.append("->"); getReferredINode().dumpTreeRecursively(out, b, snapshot); } public int getDstSnapshotId() { return Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID; } /** An anonymous reference with reference count. */ public static class WithCount extends INodeReference { private final List<WithName> withNameList = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Compare snapshot with IDs, where null indicates the current status thus * is greater than any non-null snapshot. */ public static final Comparator<WithName> WITHNAME_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<WithName>() { @Override public int compare(WithName left, WithName right) { return left.lastSnapshotId - right.lastSnapshotId; } }; public WithCount(INodeReference parent, INode referred) { super(parent, referred); Preconditions.checkArgument(!referred.isReference()); referred.setParentReference(this); } public int getReferenceCount() { int count = withNameList.size(); if (getParentReference() != null) { count++; } return count; } /** Increment and then return the reference count. */ public void addReference(INodeReference ref) { if (ref instanceof WithName) { WithName refWithName = (WithName) ref; int i = Collections.binarySearch(withNameList, refWithName, WITHNAME_COMPARATOR); Preconditions.checkState(i < 0); withNameList.add(-i - 1, refWithName); } else if (ref instanceof DstReference) { setParentReference(ref); } } /** Decrement and then return the reference count. */ public void removeReference(INodeReference ref) { if (ref instanceof WithName) { int i = Collections.binarySearch(withNameList, (WithName) ref, WITHNAME_COMPARATOR); if (i >= 0) { withNameList.remove(i); } } else if (ref == getParentReference()) { setParent(null); } } WithName getLastWithName() { return withNameList.size() > 0 ? withNameList.get(withNameList.size() - 1) : null; } WithName getPriorWithName(WithName post) { int i = Collections.binarySearch(withNameList, post, WITHNAME_COMPARATOR); if (i > 0) { return withNameList.get(i - 1); } else if (i == 0 || i == -1) { return null; } else { return withNameList.get(-i - 2); } } /** * @return the WithName/DstReference node contained in the given snapshot. */ public INodeReference getParentRef(int snapshotId) { int start = 0; int end = withNameList.size() - 1; while (start < end) { int mid = start + (end - start) / 2; int sid = withNameList.get(mid).lastSnapshotId; if (sid == snapshotId) { return withNameList.get(mid); } else if (sid < snapshotId) { start = mid + 1; } else { end = mid; } } if (start < withNameList.size() && withNameList.get(start).lastSnapshotId >= snapshotId) { return withNameList.get(start); } else { return this.getParentReference(); } } } /** A reference with a fixed name. */ public static class WithName extends INodeReference { private final byte[] name; /** * The id of the last snapshot in the src tree when this WithName node was * generated. When calculating the quota usage of the referred node, only * the files/dirs existing when this snapshot was taken will be counted for * this WithName node and propagated along its ancestor path. */ private final int lastSnapshotId; public WithName(INodeDirectory parent, WithCount referred, byte[] name, int lastSnapshotId) { super(parent, referred); this.name = name; this.lastSnapshotId = lastSnapshotId; referred.addReference(this); } @Override public final byte[] getLocalNameBytes() { return name; } @Override public final void setLocalName(byte[] name) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot set name: " + getClass() + " is immutable."); } public int getLastSnapshotId() { return lastSnapshotId; } @Override public final ContentSummaryComputationContext computeContentSummary( ContentSummaryComputationContext summary) { // only count storagespace for WithName final QuotaCounts q = computeQuotaUsage( summary.getBlockStoragePolicySuite(), getStoragePolicyID(), false, lastSnapshotId); summary.getCounts().addContent(Content.DISKSPACE, q.getStorageSpace()); summary.getCounts().addTypeSpaces(q.getTypeSpaces()); return summary; } @Override public final QuotaCounts computeQuotaUsage(BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps, byte blockStoragePolicyId, boolean useCache, int lastSnapshotId) { // if this.lastSnapshotId < lastSnapshotId, the rename of the referred // node happened before the rename of its ancestor. This should be // impossible since for WithName node we only count its children at the // time of the rename. Preconditions.checkState(lastSnapshotId == Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID || this.lastSnapshotId >= lastSnapshotId); final INode referred = this.getReferredINode().asReference() .getReferredINode(); // We will continue the quota usage computation using the same snapshot id // as time line (if the given snapshot id is valid). Also, we cannot use // cache for the referred node since its cached quota may have already // been updated by changes in the current tree. int id = lastSnapshotId != Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID ? lastSnapshotId : this.lastSnapshotId; return referred.computeQuotaUsage(bsps, blockStoragePolicyId, false, id); } @Override public void cleanSubtree(ReclaimContext reclaimContext, final int snapshot, int prior) { // since WithName node resides in deleted list acting as a snapshot copy, // the parameter snapshot must be non-null Preconditions.checkArgument(snapshot != Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID); // if prior is NO_SNAPSHOT_ID, we need to check snapshot belonging to the // previous WithName instance if (prior == Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID) { prior = getPriorSnapshot(this); } if (prior != Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID && Snapshot.ID_INTEGER_COMPARATOR.compare(snapshot, prior) <= 0) { return; } // record the old quota delta QuotaCounts old = reclaimContext.quotaDelta().getCountsCopy(); getReferredINode().cleanSubtree(reclaimContext, snapshot, prior); INodeReference ref = getReferredINode().getParentReference(); if (ref != null) { QuotaCounts current = reclaimContext.quotaDelta().getCountsCopy(); current.subtract(old); // we need to update the quota usage along the parent path from ref reclaimContext.quotaDelta().addUpdatePath(ref, current); } if (snapshot < lastSnapshotId) { // for a WithName node, when we compute its quota usage, we only count // in all the nodes existing at the time of the corresponding rename op. // Thus if we are deleting a snapshot before/at the snapshot associated // with lastSnapshotId, we do not need to update the quota upwards. reclaimContext.quotaDelta().setCounts(old); } } @Override public void destroyAndCollectBlocks(ReclaimContext reclaimContext) { int snapshot = getSelfSnapshot(); reclaimContext.quotaDelta().add(computeQuotaUsage(reclaimContext.bsps)); if (removeReference(this) <= 0) { getReferredINode().destroyAndCollectBlocks(reclaimContext.getCopy()); } else { int prior = getPriorSnapshot(this); INode referred = getReferredINode().asReference().getReferredINode(); if (snapshot != Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID) { if (prior != Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID && snapshot <= prior) { // the snapshot to be deleted has been deleted while traversing // the src tree of the previous rename operation. This usually // happens when rename's src and dst are under the same // snapshottable directory. E.g., the following operation sequence: // 1. create snapshot s1 on /test // 2. rename /test/foo/bar to /test/foo2/bar // 3. create snapshot s2 on /test // 4. rename foo2 again // 5. delete snapshot s2 return; } ReclaimContext newCtx = reclaimContext.getCopy(); referred.cleanSubtree(newCtx, snapshot, prior); INodeReference ref = getReferredINode().getParentReference(); if (ref != null) { // we need to update the quota usage along the parent path from ref reclaimContext.quotaDelta().addUpdatePath(ref, newCtx.quotaDelta().getCountsCopy()); } } } } private int getSelfSnapshot() { INode referred = getReferredINode().asReference().getReferredINode(); int snapshot = Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID; if (referred.isFile() && referred.asFile().isWithSnapshot()) { snapshot = referred.asFile().getDiffs().getPrior(lastSnapshotId); } else if (referred.isDirectory()) { DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = referred.asDirectory() .getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(); if (sf != null) { snapshot = sf.getDiffs().getPrior(lastSnapshotId); } } return snapshot; } } public static class DstReference extends INodeReference { /** * Record the latest snapshot of the dst subtree before the rename. For * later operations on the moved/renamed files/directories, if the latest * snapshot is after this dstSnapshot, changes will be recorded to the * latest snapshot. Otherwise changes will be recorded to the snapshot * belonging to the src of the rename. * * {@link Snapshot#NO_SNAPSHOT_ID} means no dstSnapshot (e.g., src of the * first-time rename). */ private final int dstSnapshotId; @Override public final int getDstSnapshotId() { return dstSnapshotId; } public DstReference(INodeDirectory parent, WithCount referred, final int dstSnapshotId) { super(parent, referred); this.dstSnapshotId = dstSnapshotId; referred.addReference(this); } @Override public void cleanSubtree(ReclaimContext reclaimContext, int snapshot, int prior) { if (snapshot == Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID && prior == Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID) { destroyAndCollectBlocks(reclaimContext); } else { // if prior is NO_SNAPSHOT_ID, we need to check snapshot belonging to // the previous WithName instance if (prior == Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID) { prior = getPriorSnapshot(this); } // if prior is not NO_SNAPSHOT_ID, and prior is not before the // to-be-deleted snapshot, we can quit here and leave the snapshot // deletion work to the src tree of rename if (snapshot != Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID && prior != Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID && Snapshot.ID_INTEGER_COMPARATOR.compare(snapshot, prior) <= 0) { return; } getReferredINode().cleanSubtree(reclaimContext, snapshot, prior); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <br/> * To destroy a DstReference node, we first remove its link with the * referred node. If the reference number of the referred node is <= 0, we * destroy the subtree of the referred node. Otherwise, we clean the * referred node's subtree and delete everything created after the last * rename operation, i.e., everything outside of the scope of the prior * WithName nodes. * @param reclaimContext */ @Override public void destroyAndCollectBlocks(ReclaimContext reclaimContext) { // since we count everything of the subtree for the quota usage of a // dst reference node, here we should just simply do a quota computation. // then to avoid double counting, we pass a different QuotaDelta to other // calls reclaimContext.quotaDelta().add(computeQuotaUsage(reclaimContext.bsps)); ReclaimContext newCtx = reclaimContext.getCopy(); if (removeReference(this) <= 0) { getReferredINode().destroyAndCollectBlocks(newCtx); } else { // we will clean everything, including files, directories, and // snapshots, that were created after this prior snapshot int prior = getPriorSnapshot(this); // prior must be non-null, otherwise we do not have any previous // WithName nodes, and the reference number will be 0. Preconditions.checkState(prior != Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID); // identify the snapshot created after prior int snapshot = getSelfSnapshot(prior); INode referred = getReferredINode().asReference().getReferredINode(); if (referred.isFile()) { // if referred is a file, it must be a file with snapshot since we did // recordModification before the rename INodeFile file = referred.asFile(); Preconditions.checkState(file.isWithSnapshot()); // make sure we mark the file as deleted file.getFileWithSnapshotFeature().deleteCurrentFile(); // when calling cleanSubtree of the referred node, since we // compute quota usage updates before calling this destroy // function, we use true for countDiffChange referred.cleanSubtree(newCtx, snapshot, prior); } else if (referred.isDirectory()) { // similarly, if referred is a directory, it must be an // INodeDirectory with snapshot INodeDirectory dir = referred.asDirectory(); Preconditions.checkState(dir.isWithSnapshot()); DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature.destroyDstSubtree(newCtx, dir, snapshot, prior); } } } private int getSelfSnapshot(final int prior) { WithCount wc = (WithCount) getReferredINode().asReference(); INode referred = wc.getReferredINode(); int lastSnapshot = Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID; if (referred.isFile() && referred.asFile().isWithSnapshot()) { lastSnapshot = referred.asFile().getDiffs().getLastSnapshotId(); } else if (referred.isDirectory()) { DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = referred.asDirectory() .getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(); if (sf != null) { lastSnapshot = sf.getLastSnapshotId(); } } if (lastSnapshot != Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID && lastSnapshot != prior) { return lastSnapshot; } else { return Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID; } } } }