/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs; import org.junit.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.URI; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.tools.tar.TarEntry; import org.apache.tools.tar.TarOutputStream; import javax.print.attribute.URISyntax; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; public class TestFileUtil { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestFileUtil.class); private static final String TEST_ROOT_DIR = System.getProperty( "test.build.data", "/tmp") + "/fu"; private static final File TEST_DIR = new File(TEST_ROOT_DIR); private static final String FILE = "x"; private static final String LINK = "y"; private static final String DIR = "dir"; private final File del = new File(TEST_DIR, "del"); private final File tmp = new File(TEST_DIR, "tmp"); private final File dir1 = new File(del, DIR + "1"); private final File dir2 = new File(del, DIR + "2"); private final File partitioned = new File(TEST_DIR, "partitioned"); private InetAddress inet1; private InetAddress inet2; private InetAddress inet3; private InetAddress inet4; private InetAddress inet5; private InetAddress inet6; private URI uri1; private URI uri2; private URI uri3; private URI uri4; private URI uri5; private URI uri6; private FileSystem fs1; private FileSystem fs2; private FileSystem fs3; private FileSystem fs4; private FileSystem fs5; private FileSystem fs6; /** * Creates multiple directories for testing. * * Contents of them are * dir:tmp: * file: x * dir:del: * file: x * dir: dir1 : file:x * dir: dir2 : file:x * link: y to tmp/x * link: tmpDir to tmp * dir:partitioned: * file: part-r-00000, contents: "foo" * file: part-r-00001, contents: "bar" */ @Ignore private void setupDirs() throws IOException { Assert.assertFalse(del.exists()); Assert.assertFalse(tmp.exists()); Assert.assertFalse(partitioned.exists()); del.mkdirs(); tmp.mkdirs(); partitioned.mkdirs(); new File(del, FILE).createNewFile(); File tmpFile = new File(tmp, FILE); tmpFile.createNewFile(); // create directories dir1.mkdirs(); dir2.mkdirs(); new File(dir1, FILE).createNewFile(); new File(dir2, FILE).createNewFile(); // create a symlink to file File link = new File(del, LINK); FileUtil.symLink(tmpFile.toString(), link.toString()); // create a symlink to dir File linkDir = new File(del, "tmpDir"); FileUtil.symLink(tmp.toString(), linkDir.toString()); Assert.assertEquals(5, del.listFiles().length); // create files in partitioned directories createFile(partitioned, "part-r-00000", "foo"); createFile(partitioned, "part-r-00001", "bar"); // create a cycle using symlinks. Cycles should be handled FileUtil.symLink(del.toString(), dir1.toString() + "/cycle"); } /** * Creates a new file in the specified directory, with the specified name and * the specified file contents. This method will add a newline terminator to * the end of the contents string in the destination file. * @param directory File non-null destination directory. * @param name String non-null file name. * @param contents String non-null file contents. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ private File createFile(File directory, String name, String contents) throws IOException { File newFile = new File(directory, name); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(newFile); try { pw.println(contents); } finally { pw.close(); } return newFile; } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testListFiles() throws IOException { setupDirs(); //Test existing files case File[] files = FileUtil.listFiles(partitioned); Assert.assertEquals(2, files.length); //Test existing directory with no files case File newDir = new File(tmp.getPath(),"test"); newDir.mkdir(); Assert.assertTrue("Failed to create test dir", newDir.exists()); files = FileUtil.listFiles(newDir); Assert.assertEquals(0, files.length); newDir.delete(); Assert.assertFalse("Failed to delete test dir", newDir.exists()); //Test non-existing directory case, this throws //IOException try { files = FileUtil.listFiles(newDir); Assert.fail("IOException expected on listFiles() for non-existent dir " + newDir.toString()); } catch(IOException ioe) { //Expected an IOException } } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testListAPI() throws IOException { setupDirs(); //Test existing files case String[] files = FileUtil.list(partitioned); Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of pre-existing files", 2, files.length); //Test existing directory with no files case File newDir = new File(tmp.getPath(),"test"); newDir.mkdir(); Assert.assertTrue("Failed to create test dir", newDir.exists()); files = FileUtil.list(newDir); Assert.assertEquals("New directory unexpectedly contains files", 0, files.length); newDir.delete(); Assert.assertFalse("Failed to delete test dir", newDir.exists()); //Test non-existing directory case, this throws //IOException try { files = FileUtil.list(newDir); Assert.fail("IOException expected on list() for non-existent dir " + newDir.toString()); } catch(IOException ioe) { //Expected an IOException } } @Before public void before() throws IOException { cleanupImpl(); } @After public void tearDown() throws IOException { cleanupImpl(); } private void cleanupImpl() throws IOException { FileUtil.fullyDelete(del, true); Assert.assertTrue(!del.exists()); FileUtil.fullyDelete(tmp, true); Assert.assertTrue(!tmp.exists()); FileUtil.fullyDelete(partitioned, true); Assert.assertTrue(!partitioned.exists()); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testFullyDelete() throws IOException { setupDirs(); boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(del); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertFalse(del.exists()); validateTmpDir(); } /** * Tests if fullyDelete deletes * (a) symlink to file only and not the file pointed to by symlink. * (b) symlink to dir only and not the dir pointed to by symlink. * @throws IOException */ @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testFullyDeleteSymlinks() throws IOException { setupDirs(); File link = new File(del, LINK); Assert.assertEquals(5, del.list().length); // Since tmpDir is symlink to tmp, fullyDelete(tmpDir) should not // delete contents of tmp. See setupDirs for details. boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(link); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertFalse(link.exists()); Assert.assertEquals(4, del.list().length); validateTmpDir(); File linkDir = new File(del, "tmpDir"); // Since tmpDir is symlink to tmp, fullyDelete(tmpDir) should not // delete contents of tmp. See setupDirs for details. ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(linkDir); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertFalse(linkDir.exists()); Assert.assertEquals(3, del.list().length); validateTmpDir(); } /** * Tests if fullyDelete deletes * (a) dangling symlink to file properly * (b) dangling symlink to directory properly * @throws IOException */ @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testFullyDeleteDanglingSymlinks() throws IOException { setupDirs(); // delete the directory tmp to make tmpDir a dangling link to dir tmp and // to make y as a dangling link to file tmp/x boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(tmp); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertFalse(tmp.exists()); // dangling symlink to file File link = new File(del, LINK); Assert.assertEquals(5, del.list().length); // Even though 'y' is dangling symlink to file tmp/x, fullyDelete(y) // should delete 'y' properly. ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(link); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertEquals(4, del.list().length); // dangling symlink to directory File linkDir = new File(del, "tmpDir"); // Even though tmpDir is dangling symlink to tmp, fullyDelete(tmpDir) should // delete tmpDir properly. ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(linkDir); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertEquals(3, del.list().length); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testFullyDeleteContents() throws IOException { setupDirs(); boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDeleteContents(del); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertTrue(del.exists()); Assert.assertEquals(0, del.listFiles().length); validateTmpDir(); } private void validateTmpDir() { Assert.assertTrue(tmp.exists()); Assert.assertEquals(1, tmp.listFiles().length); Assert.assertTrue(new File(tmp, FILE).exists()); } private final File xSubDir = new File(del, "xSubDir"); private final File xSubSubDir = new File(xSubDir, "xSubSubDir"); private final File ySubDir = new File(del, "ySubDir"); private static final String file1Name = "file1"; private final File file2 = new File(xSubDir, "file2"); private final File file22 = new File(xSubSubDir, "file22"); private final File file3 = new File(ySubDir, "file3"); private final File zlink = new File(del, "zlink"); /** * Creates a directory which can not be deleted completely. * * Directory structure. The naming is important in that {@link MyFile} * is used to return them in alphabetical order when listed. * * del(+w) * | * .---------------------------------------, * | | | | * file1(!w) xSubDir(-rwx) ySubDir(+w) zlink * | | | * | file2(-rwx) file3 * | * xSubSubDir(-rwx) * | * file22(-rwx) * * @throws IOException */ private void setupDirsAndNonWritablePermissions() throws IOException { Assert.assertFalse("The directory del should not have existed!", del.exists()); del.mkdirs(); new MyFile(del, file1Name).createNewFile(); // "file1" is non-deletable by default, see MyFile.delete(). xSubDir.mkdirs(); file2.createNewFile(); xSubSubDir.mkdirs(); file22.createNewFile(); revokePermissions(file22); revokePermissions(xSubSubDir); revokePermissions(file2); revokePermissions(xSubDir); ySubDir.mkdirs(); file3.createNewFile(); Assert.assertFalse("The directory tmp should not have existed!", tmp.exists()); tmp.mkdirs(); File tmpFile = new File(tmp, FILE); tmpFile.createNewFile(); FileUtil.symLink(tmpFile.toString(), zlink.toString()); } private static void grantPermissions(final File f) { FileUtil.setReadable(f, true); FileUtil.setWritable(f, true); FileUtil.setExecutable(f, true); } private static void revokePermissions(final File f) { FileUtil.setWritable(f, false); FileUtil.setExecutable(f, false); FileUtil.setReadable(f, false); } // Validates the return value. // Validates the existence of the file "file1" private void validateAndSetWritablePermissions( final boolean expectedRevokedPermissionDirsExist, final boolean ret) { grantPermissions(xSubDir); grantPermissions(xSubSubDir); Assert.assertFalse("The return value should have been false.", ret); Assert.assertTrue("The file file1 should not have been deleted.", new File(del, file1Name).exists()); Assert.assertEquals( "The directory xSubDir *should* not have been deleted.", expectedRevokedPermissionDirsExist, xSubDir.exists()); Assert.assertEquals("The file file2 *should* not have been deleted.", expectedRevokedPermissionDirsExist, file2.exists()); Assert.assertEquals( "The directory xSubSubDir *should* not have been deleted.", expectedRevokedPermissionDirsExist, xSubSubDir.exists()); Assert.assertEquals("The file file22 *should* not have been deleted.", expectedRevokedPermissionDirsExist, file22.exists()); Assert.assertFalse("The directory ySubDir should have been deleted.", ySubDir.exists()); Assert.assertFalse("The link zlink should have been deleted.", zlink.exists()); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testFailFullyDelete() throws IOException { if(Shell.WINDOWS) { // windows Dir.setWritable(false) does not work for directories return; } LOG.info("Running test to verify failure of fullyDelete()"); setupDirsAndNonWritablePermissions(); boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(new MyFile(del)); validateAndSetWritablePermissions(true, ret); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testFailFullyDeleteGrantPermissions() throws IOException { setupDirsAndNonWritablePermissions(); boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(new MyFile(del), true); // this time the directories with revoked permissions *should* be deleted: validateAndSetWritablePermissions(false, ret); } /** * Extend {@link File}. Same as {@link File} except for two things: (1) This * treats file1Name as a very special file which is not delete-able * irrespective of it's parent-dir's permissions, a peculiar file instance for * testing. (2) It returns the files in alphabetically sorted order when * listed. * */ public static class MyFile extends File { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public MyFile(File f) { super(f.getAbsolutePath()); } public MyFile(File parent, String child) { super(parent, child); } /** * Same as {@link File#delete()} except for file1Name which will never be * deleted (hard-coded) */ @Override public boolean delete() { LOG.info("Trying to delete myFile " + getAbsolutePath()); boolean bool = false; if (getName().equals(file1Name)) { bool = false; } else { bool = super.delete(); } if (bool) { LOG.info("Deleted " + getAbsolutePath() + " successfully"); } else { LOG.info("Cannot delete " + getAbsolutePath()); } return bool; } /** * Return the list of files in an alphabetically sorted order */ @Override public File[] listFiles() { final File[] files = super.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return null; } List<File> filesList = Arrays.asList(files); Collections.sort(filesList); File[] myFiles = new MyFile[files.length]; int i=0; for(File f : filesList) { myFiles[i++] = new MyFile(f); } return myFiles; } } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testFailFullyDeleteContents() throws IOException { if(Shell.WINDOWS) { // windows Dir.setWritable(false) does not work for directories return; } LOG.info("Running test to verify failure of fullyDeleteContents()"); setupDirsAndNonWritablePermissions(); boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDeleteContents(new MyFile(del)); validateAndSetWritablePermissions(true, ret); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testFailFullyDeleteContentsGrantPermissions() throws IOException { setupDirsAndNonWritablePermissions(); boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDeleteContents(new MyFile(del), true); // this time the directories with revoked permissions *should* be deleted: validateAndSetWritablePermissions(false, ret); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testCopyMergeSingleDirectory() throws IOException { setupDirs(); boolean copyMergeResult = copyMerge("partitioned", "tmp/merged"); Assert.assertTrue("Expected successful copyMerge result.", copyMergeResult); File merged = new File(TEST_DIR, "tmp/merged"); Assert.assertTrue("File tmp/merged must exist after copyMerge.", merged.exists()); BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(merged)); try { Assert.assertEquals("Line 1 of merged file must contain \"foo\".", "foo", rdr.readLine()); Assert.assertEquals("Line 2 of merged file must contain \"bar\".", "bar", rdr.readLine()); Assert.assertNull("Expected end of file reading merged file.", rdr.readLine()); } finally { rdr.close(); } } /** * Calls FileUtil.copyMerge using the specified source and destination paths. * Both source and destination are assumed to be on the local file system. * The call will not delete source on completion and will not add an * additional string between files. * @param src String non-null source path. * @param dst String non-null destination path. * @return boolean true if the call to FileUtil.copyMerge was successful. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ private boolean copyMerge(String src, String dst) throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); final boolean result; try { Path srcPath = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR, src); Path dstPath = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR, dst); boolean deleteSource = false; String addString = null; result = FileUtil.copyMerge(fs, srcPath, fs, dstPath, deleteSource, conf, addString); } finally { fs.close(); } return result; } /** * Test that getDU is able to handle cycles caused due to symbolic links * and that directory sizes are not added to the final calculated size * @throws IOException */ @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testGetDU() throws Exception { setupDirs(); long du = FileUtil.getDU(TEST_DIR); // Only two files (in partitioned). Each has 3 characters + system-specific // line separator. final long expected = 2 * (3 + System.getProperty("line.separator").length()); Assert.assertEquals(expected, du); // target file does not exist: final File doesNotExist = new File(tmp, "QuickBrownFoxJumpsOverTheLazyDog"); long duDoesNotExist = FileUtil.getDU(doesNotExist); assertEquals(0, duDoesNotExist); // target file is not a directory: File notADirectory = new File(partitioned, "part-r-00000"); long duNotADirectoryActual = FileUtil.getDU(notADirectory); long duNotADirectoryExpected = 3 + System.getProperty("line.separator").length(); assertEquals(duNotADirectoryExpected, duNotADirectoryActual); try { // one of target files is not accessible, but the containing directory // is accessible: try { FileUtil.chmod(notADirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "0000"); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // should never happen since that method never throws InterruptedException. assertNull(ie); } assertFalse(FileUtil.canRead(notADirectory)); final long du3 = FileUtil.getDU(partitioned); assertEquals(expected, du3); // some target files and containing directory are not accessible: try { FileUtil.chmod(partitioned.getAbsolutePath(), "0000"); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // should never happen since that method never throws InterruptedException. assertNull(ie); } assertFalse(FileUtil.canRead(partitioned)); final long du4 = FileUtil.getDU(partitioned); assertEquals(0, du4); } finally { // Restore the permissions so that we can delete the folder // in @After method: FileUtil.chmod(partitioned.getAbsolutePath(), "0777", true/*recursive*/); } } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testUnTar() throws IOException { setupDirs(); // make a simple tar: final File simpleTar = new File(del, FILE); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(simpleTar); TarOutputStream tos = new TarOutputStream(os); try { TarEntry te = new TarEntry("/bar/foo"); byte[] data = "some-content".getBytes("UTF-8"); te.setSize(data.length); tos.putNextEntry(te); tos.write(data); tos.closeEntry(); tos.flush(); tos.finish(); } finally { tos.close(); } // successfully untar it into an existing dir: FileUtil.unTar(simpleTar, tmp); // check result: assertTrue(new File(tmp, "/bar/foo").exists()); assertEquals(12, new File(tmp, "/bar/foo").length()); final File regularFile = new File(tmp, "QuickBrownFoxJumpsOverTheLazyDog"); regularFile.createNewFile(); assertTrue(regularFile.exists()); try { FileUtil.unTar(simpleTar, regularFile); assertTrue("An IOException expected.", false); } catch (IOException ioe) { // okay } } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testReplaceFile() throws IOException { setupDirs(); final File srcFile = new File(tmp, "src"); // src exists, and target does not exist: srcFile.createNewFile(); assertTrue(srcFile.exists()); final File targetFile = new File(tmp, "target"); assertTrue(!targetFile.exists()); FileUtil.replaceFile(srcFile, targetFile); assertTrue(!srcFile.exists()); assertTrue(targetFile.exists()); // src exists and target is a regular file: srcFile.createNewFile(); assertTrue(srcFile.exists()); FileUtil.replaceFile(srcFile, targetFile); assertTrue(!srcFile.exists()); assertTrue(targetFile.exists()); // src exists, and target is a non-empty directory: srcFile.createNewFile(); assertTrue(srcFile.exists()); targetFile.delete(); targetFile.mkdirs(); File obstacle = new File(targetFile, "obstacle"); obstacle.createNewFile(); assertTrue(obstacle.exists()); assertTrue(targetFile.exists() && targetFile.isDirectory()); try { FileUtil.replaceFile(srcFile, targetFile); assertTrue(false); } catch (IOException ioe) { // okay } // check up the post-condition: nothing is deleted: assertTrue(srcFile.exists()); assertTrue(targetFile.exists() && targetFile.isDirectory()); assertTrue(obstacle.exists()); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testCreateLocalTempFile() throws IOException { setupDirs(); final File baseFile = new File(tmp, "base"); File tmp1 = FileUtil.createLocalTempFile(baseFile, "foo", false); File tmp2 = FileUtil.createLocalTempFile(baseFile, "foo", true); assertFalse(tmp1.getAbsolutePath().equals(baseFile.getAbsolutePath())); assertFalse(tmp2.getAbsolutePath().equals(baseFile.getAbsolutePath())); assertTrue(tmp1.exists() && tmp2.exists()); assertTrue(tmp1.canWrite() && tmp2.canWrite()); assertTrue(tmp1.canRead() && tmp2.canRead()); tmp1.delete(); tmp2.delete(); assertTrue(!tmp1.exists() && !tmp2.exists()); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testUnZip() throws IOException { // make sa simple zip setupDirs(); // make a simple tar: final File simpleZip = new File(del, FILE); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(simpleZip); ZipOutputStream tos = new ZipOutputStream(os); try { ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry("foo"); byte[] data = "some-content".getBytes("UTF-8"); ze.setSize(data.length); tos.putNextEntry(ze); tos.write(data); tos.closeEntry(); tos.flush(); tos.finish(); } finally { tos.close(); } // successfully untar it into an existing dir: FileUtil.unZip(simpleZip, tmp); // check result: assertTrue(new File(tmp, "foo").exists()); assertEquals(12, new File(tmp, "foo").length()); final File regularFile = new File(tmp, "QuickBrownFoxJumpsOverTheLazyDog"); regularFile.createNewFile(); assertTrue(regularFile.exists()); try { FileUtil.unZip(simpleZip, regularFile); assertTrue("An IOException expected.", false); } catch (IOException ioe) { // okay } } @Test (timeout = 30000) /* * Test method copy(FileSystem srcFS, Path src, File dst, boolean deleteSource, Configuration conf) */ public void testCopy5() throws IOException { setupDirs(); URI uri = tmp.toURI(); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.newInstance(uri, conf); final String content = "some-content"; File srcFile = createFile(tmp, "src", content); Path srcPath = new Path(srcFile.toURI()); // copy regular file: final File dest = new File(del, "dest"); boolean result = FileUtil.copy(fs, srcPath, dest, false, conf); assertTrue(result); assertTrue(dest.exists()); assertEquals(content.getBytes().length + System.getProperty("line.separator").getBytes().length, dest.length()); assertTrue(srcFile.exists()); // should not be deleted // copy regular file, delete src: dest.delete(); assertTrue(!dest.exists()); result = FileUtil.copy(fs, srcPath, dest, true, conf); assertTrue(result); assertTrue(dest.exists()); assertEquals(content.getBytes().length + System.getProperty("line.separator").getBytes().length, dest.length()); assertTrue(!srcFile.exists()); // should be deleted // copy a dir: dest.delete(); assertTrue(!dest.exists()); srcPath = new Path(partitioned.toURI()); result = FileUtil.copy(fs, srcPath, dest, true, conf); assertTrue(result); assertTrue(dest.exists() && dest.isDirectory()); File[] files = dest.listFiles(); assertTrue(files != null); assertEquals(2, files.length); for (File f: files) { assertEquals(3 + System.getProperty("line.separator").getBytes().length, f.length()); } assertTrue(!partitioned.exists()); // should be deleted } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testStat2Paths1() { assertNull(FileUtil.stat2Paths(null)); FileStatus[] fileStatuses = new FileStatus[0]; Path[] paths = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fileStatuses); assertEquals(0, paths.length); Path path1 = new Path("file://foo"); Path path2 = new Path("file://moo"); fileStatuses = new FileStatus[] { new FileStatus(3, false, 0, 0, 0, path1), new FileStatus(3, false, 0, 0, 0, path2) }; paths = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fileStatuses); assertEquals(2, paths.length); assertEquals(paths[0], path1); assertEquals(paths[1], path2); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testStat2Paths2() { Path defaultPath = new Path("file://default"); Path[] paths = FileUtil.stat2Paths(null, defaultPath); assertEquals(1, paths.length); assertEquals(defaultPath, paths[0]); paths = FileUtil.stat2Paths(null, null); assertTrue(paths != null); assertEquals(1, paths.length); assertEquals(null, paths[0]); Path path1 = new Path("file://foo"); Path path2 = new Path("file://moo"); FileStatus[] fileStatuses = new FileStatus[] { new FileStatus(3, false, 0, 0, 0, path1), new FileStatus(3, false, 0, 0, 0, path2) }; paths = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fileStatuses, defaultPath); assertEquals(2, paths.length); assertEquals(paths[0], path1); assertEquals(paths[1], path2); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testSymlink() throws Exception { Assert.assertFalse(del.exists()); del.mkdirs(); byte[] data = "testSymLink".getBytes(); File file = new File(del, FILE); File link = new File(del, "_link"); //write some data to the file FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file); os.write(data); os.close(); //create the symlink FileUtil.symLink(file.getAbsolutePath(), link.getAbsolutePath()); //ensure that symlink length is correctly reported by Java Assert.assertEquals(data.length, file.length()); Assert.assertEquals(data.length, link.length()); //ensure that we can read from link. FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(link); long len = 0; while (in.read() > 0) { len++; } in.close(); Assert.assertEquals(data.length, len); } /** * Test that rename on a symlink works as expected. */ @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testSymlinkRenameTo() throws Exception { Assert.assertFalse(del.exists()); del.mkdirs(); File file = new File(del, FILE); file.createNewFile(); File link = new File(del, "_link"); // create the symlink FileUtil.symLink(file.getAbsolutePath(), link.getAbsolutePath()); Assert.assertTrue(file.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(link.exists()); File link2 = new File(del, "_link2"); // Rename the symlink Assert.assertTrue(link.renameTo(link2)); // Make sure the file still exists // (NOTE: this would fail on Java6 on Windows if we didn't // copy the file in FileUtil#symlink) Assert.assertTrue(file.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(link2.exists()); Assert.assertFalse(link.exists()); } /** * Test that deletion of a symlink works as expected. */ @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testSymlinkDelete() throws Exception { Assert.assertFalse(del.exists()); del.mkdirs(); File file = new File(del, FILE); file.createNewFile(); File link = new File(del, "_link"); // create the symlink FileUtil.symLink(file.getAbsolutePath(), link.getAbsolutePath()); Assert.assertTrue(file.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(link.exists()); // make sure that deleting a symlink works properly Assert.assertTrue(link.delete()); Assert.assertFalse(link.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(file.exists()); } /** * Test that length on a symlink works as expected. */ @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testSymlinkLength() throws Exception { Assert.assertFalse(del.exists()); del.mkdirs(); byte[] data = "testSymLinkData".getBytes(); File file = new File(del, FILE); File link = new File(del, "_link"); // write some data to the file FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file); os.write(data); os.close(); Assert.assertEquals(0, link.length()); // create the symlink FileUtil.symLink(file.getAbsolutePath(), link.getAbsolutePath()); // ensure that File#length returns the target file and link size Assert.assertEquals(data.length, file.length()); Assert.assertEquals(data.length, link.length()); file.delete(); Assert.assertFalse(file.exists()); if (Shell.WINDOWS && !Shell.isJava7OrAbove()) { // On Java6 on Windows, we copied the file Assert.assertEquals(data.length, link.length()); } else { // Otherwise, the target file size is zero Assert.assertEquals(0, link.length()); } link.delete(); Assert.assertFalse(link.exists()); } private void doUntarAndVerify(File tarFile, File untarDir) throws IOException { if (untarDir.exists() && !FileUtil.fullyDelete(untarDir)) { throw new IOException("Could not delete directory '" + untarDir + "'"); } FileUtil.unTar(tarFile, untarDir); String parentDir = untarDir.getCanonicalPath() + Path.SEPARATOR + "name"; File testFile = new File(parentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "version"); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.length() == 0); String imageDir = parentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "image"; testFile = new File(imageDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "fsimage"); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.length() == 157); String currentDir = parentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "current"; testFile = new File(currentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "fsimage"); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.length() == 4331); testFile = new File(currentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "edits"); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.length() == 1033); testFile = new File(currentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "fstime"); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.length() == 8); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testUntar() throws IOException { String tarGzFileName = System.getProperty("test.cache.data", "build/test/cache") + "/test-untar.tgz"; String tarFileName = System.getProperty("test.cache.data", "build/test/cache") + "/test-untar.tar"; String dataDir = System.getProperty("test.build.data", "build/test/data"); File untarDir = new File(dataDir, "untarDir"); doUntarAndVerify(new File(tarGzFileName), untarDir); doUntarAndVerify(new File(tarFileName), untarDir); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testCreateJarWithClassPath() throws Exception { // setup test directory for files Assert.assertFalse(tmp.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(tmp.mkdirs()); // create files expected to match a wildcard List<File> wildcardMatches = Arrays.asList(new File(tmp, "wildcard1.jar"), new File(tmp, "wildcard2.jar"), new File(tmp, "wildcard3.JAR"), new File(tmp, "wildcard4.JAR")); for (File wildcardMatch: wildcardMatches) { Assert.assertTrue("failure creating file: " + wildcardMatch, wildcardMatch.createNewFile()); } // create non-jar files, which we expect to not be included in the classpath Assert.assertTrue(new File(tmp, "text.txt").createNewFile()); Assert.assertTrue(new File(tmp, "executable.exe").createNewFile()); Assert.assertTrue(new File(tmp, "README").createNewFile()); // create classpath jar String wildcardPath = tmp.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator + "*"; String nonExistentSubdir = tmp.getCanonicalPath() + Path.SEPARATOR + "subdir" + Path.SEPARATOR; List<String> classPaths = Arrays.asList("", "cp1.jar", "cp2.jar", wildcardPath, "cp3.jar", nonExistentSubdir); String inputClassPath = StringUtils.join(File.pathSeparator, classPaths); String[] jarCp = FileUtil.createJarWithClassPath(inputClassPath + File.pathSeparator + "unexpandedwildcard/*", new Path(tmp.getCanonicalPath()), System.getenv()); String classPathJar = jarCp[0]; assertNotEquals("Unexpanded wildcard was not placed in extra classpath", jarCp[1].indexOf("unexpanded"), -1); // verify classpath by reading manifest from jar file JarFile jarFile = null; try { jarFile = new JarFile(classPathJar); Manifest jarManifest = jarFile.getManifest(); Assert.assertNotNull(jarManifest); Attributes mainAttributes = jarManifest.getMainAttributes(); Assert.assertNotNull(mainAttributes); Assert.assertTrue(mainAttributes.containsKey(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH)); String classPathAttr = mainAttributes.getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH); Assert.assertNotNull(classPathAttr); List<String> expectedClassPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String classPath: classPaths) { if (classPath.length() == 0) { continue; } if (wildcardPath.equals(classPath)) { // add wildcard matches for (File wildcardMatch: wildcardMatches) { expectedClassPaths.add(wildcardMatch.toURI().toURL() .toExternalForm()); } } else { File fileCp = null; if(!new Path(classPath).isAbsolute()) { fileCp = new File(tmp, classPath); } else { fileCp = new File(classPath); } if (nonExistentSubdir.equals(classPath)) { // expect to maintain trailing path separator if present in input, even // if directory doesn't exist yet expectedClassPaths.add(fileCp.toURI().toURL() .toExternalForm() + Path.SEPARATOR); } else { expectedClassPaths.add(fileCp.toURI().toURL() .toExternalForm()); } } } List<String> actualClassPaths = Arrays.asList(classPathAttr.split(" ")); Collections.sort(expectedClassPaths); Collections.sort(actualClassPaths); Assert.assertEquals(expectedClassPaths, actualClassPaths); } finally { if (jarFile != null) { try { jarFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("exception closing jarFile: " + classPathJar, e); } } } } @Ignore public void setupCompareFs() { // Set up Strings String host1 = ""; String host2 = ""; int port1 = 7000; int port2 = 7001; String uris1 = "hdfs://" + host1 + ":" + Integer.toString(port1) + "/tmp/foo"; String uris2 = "hdfs://" + host1 + ":" + Integer.toString(port2) + "/tmp/foo"; String uris3 = "hdfs://" + host2 + ":" + Integer.toString(port2) + "/tmp/foo"; String uris4 = "hdfs://" + host2 + ":" + Integer.toString(port2) + "/tmp/foo"; String uris5 = "file:///" + host1 + ":" + Integer.toString(port1) + "/tmp/foo"; String uris6 = "hdfs:///" + host1 + "/tmp/foo"; // Set up URI objects try { uri1 = new URI(uris1); uri2 = new URI(uris2); uri3 = new URI(uris3); uri4 = new URI(uris4); uri5 = new URI(uris5); uri6 = new URI(uris6); } catch (URISyntaxException use) { } // Set up InetAddress inet1 = mock(InetAddress.class); when(inet1.getCanonicalHostName()).thenReturn(host1); inet2 = mock(InetAddress.class); when(inet2.getCanonicalHostName()).thenReturn(host1); inet3 = mock(InetAddress.class); when(inet3.getCanonicalHostName()).thenReturn(host2); inet4 = mock(InetAddress.class); when(inet4.getCanonicalHostName()).thenReturn(host2); inet5 = mock(InetAddress.class); when(inet5.getCanonicalHostName()).thenReturn(host1); inet6 = mock(InetAddress.class); when(inet6.getCanonicalHostName()).thenReturn(host1); // Link of InetAddress to corresponding URI try { when(InetAddress.getByName(uris1)).thenReturn(inet1); when(InetAddress.getByName(uris2)).thenReturn(inet2); when(InetAddress.getByName(uris3)).thenReturn(inet3); when(InetAddress.getByName(uris4)).thenReturn(inet4); when(InetAddress.getByName(uris5)).thenReturn(inet5); } catch (UnknownHostException ue) { } fs1 = mock(FileSystem.class); when(fs1.getUri()).thenReturn(uri1); fs2 = mock(FileSystem.class); when(fs2.getUri()).thenReturn(uri2); fs3 = mock(FileSystem.class); when(fs3.getUri()).thenReturn(uri3); fs4 = mock(FileSystem.class); when(fs4.getUri()).thenReturn(uri4); fs5 = mock(FileSystem.class); when(fs5.getUri()).thenReturn(uri5); fs6 = mock(FileSystem.class); when(fs6.getUri()).thenReturn(uri6); } @Test public void testCompareFsNull() throws Exception { setupCompareFs(); assertEquals(FileUtil.compareFs(null,fs1),false); assertEquals(FileUtil.compareFs(fs1,null),false); } @Test public void testCompareFsDirectories() throws Exception { setupCompareFs(); assertEquals(FileUtil.compareFs(fs1,fs1),true); assertEquals(FileUtil.compareFs(fs1,fs2),false); assertEquals(FileUtil.compareFs(fs1,fs5),false); assertEquals(FileUtil.compareFs(fs3,fs4),true); assertEquals(FileUtil.compareFs(fs1,fs6),false); } }