/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler; import static org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.Interns.info; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsSource; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metric; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metrics; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.DefaultMetricsSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MetricsRegistry; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableCounterInt; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableCounterLong; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableGaugeInt; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableRate; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMAppState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.BuilderUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.google.common.base.Splitter; @InterfaceAudience.Private @Metrics(context="yarn") public class QueueMetrics implements MetricsSource { @Metric("# of apps submitted") MutableCounterInt appsSubmitted; @Metric("# of running apps") MutableGaugeInt appsRunning; @Metric("# of pending apps") MutableGaugeInt appsPending; @Metric("# of apps completed") MutableCounterInt appsCompleted; @Metric("# of apps killed") MutableCounterInt appsKilled; @Metric("# of apps failed") MutableCounterInt appsFailed; @Metric("Allocated memory in MB") MutableGaugeInt allocatedMB; @Metric("Allocated CPU in virtual cores") MutableGaugeInt allocatedVCores; @Metric("# of allocated containers") MutableGaugeInt allocatedContainers; @Metric("Aggregate # of allocated containers") MutableCounterLong aggregateContainersAllocated; @Metric("Aggregate # of released containers") MutableCounterLong aggregateContainersReleased; @Metric("Available memory in MB") MutableGaugeInt availableMB; @Metric("Available CPU in virtual cores") MutableGaugeInt availableVCores; @Metric("Pending memory allocation in MB") MutableGaugeInt pendingMB; @Metric("Pending CPU allocation in virtual cores") MutableGaugeInt pendingVCores; @Metric("# of pending containers") MutableGaugeInt pendingContainers; @Metric("# of reserved memory in MB") MutableGaugeInt reservedMB; @Metric("Reserved CPU in virtual cores") MutableGaugeInt reservedVCores; @Metric("# of reserved containers") MutableGaugeInt reservedContainers; @Metric("# of active users") MutableGaugeInt activeUsers; @Metric("# of active applications") MutableGaugeInt activeApplications; @Metric("App Attempt First Container Allocation Delay") MutableRate appAttemptFirstContainerAllocationDelay; private final MutableGaugeInt[] runningTime; private TimeBucketMetrics<ApplicationId> runBuckets; static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueueMetrics.class); static final MetricsInfo RECORD_INFO = info("QueueMetrics", "Metrics for the resource scheduler"); protected static final MetricsInfo QUEUE_INFO = info("Queue", "Metrics by queue"); protected static final MetricsInfo USER_INFO = info("User", "Metrics by user"); static final Splitter Q_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('.').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults(); protected final MetricsRegistry registry; protected final String queueName; protected final QueueMetrics parent; protected final MetricsSystem metricsSystem; protected final Map<String, QueueMetrics> users; protected final Configuration conf; protected QueueMetrics(MetricsSystem ms, String queueName, Queue parent, boolean enableUserMetrics, Configuration conf) { registry = new MetricsRegistry(RECORD_INFO); this.queueName = queueName; this.parent = parent != null ? parent.getMetrics() : null; this.users = enableUserMetrics ? new HashMap<String, QueueMetrics>() : null; metricsSystem = ms; this.conf = conf; runningTime = buildBuckets(conf); } protected QueueMetrics tag(MetricsInfo info, String value) { registry.tag(info, value); return this; } protected static StringBuilder sourceName(String queueName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(RECORD_INFO.name()); int i = 0; for (String node : Q_SPLITTER.split(queueName)) { sb.append(",q").append(i++).append('=').append(node); } return sb; } public synchronized static QueueMetrics forQueue(String queueName, Queue parent, boolean enableUserMetrics, Configuration conf) { return forQueue(DefaultMetricsSystem.instance(), queueName, parent, enableUserMetrics, conf); } /** * Helper method to clear cache. */ @Private public synchronized static void clearQueueMetrics() { queueMetrics.clear(); } /** * Simple metrics cache to help prevent re-registrations. */ protected final static Map<String, QueueMetrics> queueMetrics = new HashMap<String, QueueMetrics>(); public synchronized static QueueMetrics forQueue(MetricsSystem ms, String queueName, Queue parent, boolean enableUserMetrics, Configuration conf) { QueueMetrics metrics = queueMetrics.get(queueName); if (metrics == null) { metrics = new QueueMetrics(ms, queueName, parent, enableUserMetrics, conf). tag(QUEUE_INFO, queueName); // Register with the MetricsSystems if (ms != null) { metrics = ms.register( sourceName(queueName).toString(), "Metrics for queue: " + queueName, metrics); } queueMetrics.put(queueName, metrics); } return metrics; } public synchronized QueueMetrics getUserMetrics(String userName) { if (users == null) { return null; } QueueMetrics metrics = users.get(userName); if (metrics == null) { metrics = new QueueMetrics(metricsSystem, queueName, null, false, conf); users.put(userName, metrics); metricsSystem.register( sourceName(queueName).append(",user=").append(userName).toString(), "Metrics for user '"+ userName +"' in queue '"+ queueName +"'", metrics.tag(QUEUE_INFO, queueName).tag(USER_INFO, userName)); } return metrics; } private ArrayList<Integer> parseInts(String value) { ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(String s: value.split(",")) { result.add(Integer.parseInt(s.trim())); } return result; } private MutableGaugeInt[] buildBuckets(Configuration conf) { ArrayList<Integer> buckets = parseInts(conf.get(YarnConfiguration.RM_METRICS_RUNTIME_BUCKETS, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_METRICS_RUNTIME_BUCKETS)); MutableGaugeInt[] result = new MutableGaugeInt[buckets.size() + 1]; result[0] = registry.newGauge("running_0", "", 0); long[] cuts = new long[buckets.size()]; for(int i=0; i < buckets.size(); ++i) { result[i+1] = registry.newGauge("running_" + buckets.get(i), "", 0); cuts[i] = buckets.get(i) * 1000L * 60; // covert from min to ms } this.runBuckets = new TimeBucketMetrics<ApplicationId>(cuts); return result; } private void updateRunningTime() { int[] counts = runBuckets.getBucketCounts(System.currentTimeMillis()); for(int i=0; i < counts.length; ++i) { runningTime[i].set(counts[i]); } } public void getMetrics(MetricsCollector collector, boolean all) { updateRunningTime(); registry.snapshot(collector.addRecord(registry.info()), all); } public void submitApp(String user) { appsSubmitted.incr(); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.submitApp(user); } if (parent != null) { parent.submitApp(user); } } public void submitAppAttempt(String user) { appsPending.incr(); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.submitAppAttempt(user); } if (parent != null) { parent.submitAppAttempt(user); } } public void runAppAttempt(ApplicationId appId, String user) { runBuckets.add(appId, System.currentTimeMillis()); appsRunning.incr(); appsPending.decr(); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.runAppAttempt(appId, user); } if (parent != null) { parent.runAppAttempt(appId, user); } } public void finishAppAttempt( ApplicationId appId, boolean isPending, String user) { runBuckets.remove(appId); if (isPending) { appsPending.decr(); } else { appsRunning.decr(); } QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.finishAppAttempt(appId, isPending, user); } if (parent != null) { parent.finishAppAttempt(appId, isPending, user); } } public void finishApp(String user, RMAppState rmAppFinalState) { switch (rmAppFinalState) { case KILLED: appsKilled.incr(); break; case FAILED: appsFailed.incr(); break; default: appsCompleted.incr(); break; } QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.finishApp(user, rmAppFinalState); } if (parent != null) { parent.finishApp(user, rmAppFinalState); } } public void moveAppFrom(AppSchedulingInfo app) { if (app.isPending()) { appsPending.decr(); } else { appsRunning.decr(); } QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(app.getUser()); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.moveAppFrom(app); } if (parent != null) { parent.moveAppFrom(app); } } public void moveAppTo(AppSchedulingInfo app) { if (app.isPending()) { appsPending.incr(); } else { appsRunning.incr(); } QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(app.getUser()); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.moveAppTo(app); } if (parent != null) { parent.moveAppTo(app); } } /** * Set available resources. To be called by scheduler periodically as * resources become available. * @param limit resource limit */ public void setAvailableResourcesToQueue(Resource limit) { availableMB.set(limit.getMemory()); availableVCores.set(limit.getVirtualCores()); } /** * Set available resources. To be called by scheduler periodically as * resources become available. * @param user * @param limit resource limit */ public void setAvailableResourcesToUser(String user, Resource limit) { QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.setAvailableResourcesToQueue(limit); } } /** * Increment pending resource metrics * @param user * @param containers * @param res the TOTAL delta of resources note this is different from * the other APIs which use per container resource */ public void incrPendingResources(String user, int containers, Resource res) { _incrPendingResources(containers, res); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.incrPendingResources(user, containers, res); } if (parent != null) { parent.incrPendingResources(user, containers, res); } } private void _incrPendingResources(int containers, Resource res) { pendingContainers.incr(containers); pendingMB.incr(res.getMemory() * containers); pendingVCores.incr(res.getVirtualCores() * containers); } public void decrPendingResources(String user, int containers, Resource res) { _decrPendingResources(containers, res); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.decrPendingResources(user, containers, res); } if (parent != null) { parent.decrPendingResources(user, containers, res); } } private void _decrPendingResources(int containers, Resource res) { pendingContainers.decr(containers); pendingMB.decr(res.getMemory() * containers); pendingVCores.decr(res.getVirtualCores() * containers); } public void allocateResources(String user, int containers, Resource res, boolean decrPending) { allocatedContainers.incr(containers); aggregateContainersAllocated.incr(containers); allocatedMB.incr(res.getMemory() * containers); allocatedVCores.incr(res.getVirtualCores() * containers); if (decrPending) { _decrPendingResources(containers, res); } QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.allocateResources(user, containers, res, decrPending); } if (parent != null) { parent.allocateResources(user, containers, res, decrPending); } } public void releaseResources(String user, int containers, Resource res) { allocatedContainers.decr(containers); aggregateContainersReleased.incr(containers); allocatedMB.decr(res.getMemory() * containers); allocatedVCores.decr(res.getVirtualCores() * containers); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.releaseResources(user, containers, res); } if (parent != null) { parent.releaseResources(user, containers, res); } } public void reserveResource(String user, Resource res) { reservedContainers.incr(); reservedMB.incr(res.getMemory()); reservedVCores.incr(res.getVirtualCores()); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.reserveResource(user, res); } if (parent != null) { parent.reserveResource(user, res); } } public void unreserveResource(String user, Resource res) { reservedContainers.decr(); reservedMB.decr(res.getMemory()); reservedVCores.decr(res.getVirtualCores()); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.unreserveResource(user, res); } if (parent != null) { parent.unreserveResource(user, res); } } public void incrActiveUsers() { activeUsers.incr(); } public void decrActiveUsers() { activeUsers.decr(); } public void activateApp(String user) { activeApplications.incr(); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.activateApp(user); } if (parent != null) { parent.activateApp(user); } } public void deactivateApp(String user) { activeApplications.decr(); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.deactivateApp(user); } if (parent != null) { parent.deactivateApp(user); } } public void addAppAttemptFirstContainerAllocationDelay(long latency) { appAttemptFirstContainerAllocationDelay.add(latency); } public int getAppsSubmitted() { return appsSubmitted.value(); } public int getAppsRunning() { return appsRunning.value(); } public int getAppsPending() { return appsPending.value(); } public int getAppsCompleted() { return appsCompleted.value(); } public int getAppsKilled() { return appsKilled.value(); } public int getAppsFailed() { return appsFailed.value(); } public Resource getAllocatedResources() { return BuilderUtils.newResource(allocatedMB.value(), allocatedVCores.value()); } public int getAllocatedMB() { return allocatedMB.value(); } public int getAllocatedVirtualCores() { return allocatedVCores.value(); } public int getAllocatedContainers() { return allocatedContainers.value(); } public int getAvailableMB() { return availableMB.value(); } public int getAvailableVirtualCores() { return availableVCores.value(); } public int getPendingMB() { return pendingMB.value(); } public int getPendingVirtualCores() { return pendingVCores.value(); } public int getPendingContainers() { return pendingContainers.value(); } public int getReservedMB() { return reservedMB.value(); } public int getReservedVirtualCores() { return reservedVCores.value(); } public int getReservedContainers() { return reservedContainers.value(); } public int getActiveUsers() { return activeUsers.value(); } public int getActiveApps() { return activeApplications.value(); } public MetricsSystem getMetricsSystem() { return metricsSystem; } public long getAggregateAllocatedContainers() { return aggregateContainersAllocated.value(); } public long getAggegatedReleasedContainers() { return aggregateContainersReleased.value(); } }