/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs.shell; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FsStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; /** Base class for commands related to viewing filesystem usage, such as * du and df */ @InterfaceAudience.Private @InterfaceStability.Evolving class FsUsage extends FsCommand { public static void registerCommands(CommandFactory factory) { factory.addClass(Df.class, "-df"); factory.addClass(Du.class, "-du"); factory.addClass(Dus.class, "-dus"); } protected boolean humanReadable = false; protected TableBuilder usagesTable; protected String formatSize(long size) { return humanReadable ? StringUtils.TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(size, "", 1) : String.valueOf(size); } /** Show the size of a partition in the filesystem */ public static class Df extends FsUsage { public static final String NAME = "df"; public static final String USAGE = "[-h] [<path> ...]"; public static final String DESCRIPTION = "Shows the capacity, free and used space of the filesystem. "+ "If the filesystem has multiple partitions, and no path to a " + "particular partition is specified, then the status of the root " + "partitions will be shown.\n" + "-h: Formats the sizes of files in a human-readable fashion " + "rather than a number of bytes."; @Override protected void processOptions(LinkedList<String> args) throws IOException { CommandFormat cf = new CommandFormat(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "h"); cf.parse(args); humanReadable = cf.getOpt("h"); if (args.isEmpty()) args.add(Path.SEPARATOR); } @Override protected void processArguments(LinkedList<PathData> args) throws IOException { usagesTable = new TableBuilder( "Filesystem", "Size", "Used", "Available", "Use%"); usagesTable.setRightAlign(1, 2, 3, 4); super.processArguments(args); if (!usagesTable.isEmpty()) { usagesTable.printToStream(out); } } @Override protected void processPath(PathData item) throws IOException { FsStatus fsStats = item.fs.getStatus(item.path); long size = fsStats.getCapacity(); long used = fsStats.getUsed(); long free = fsStats.getRemaining(); usagesTable.addRow( item.fs.getUri(), formatSize(size), formatSize(used), formatSize(free), StringUtils.formatPercent((double)used/(double)size, 0) ); } } /** show disk usage */ public static class Du extends FsUsage { public static final String NAME = "du"; public static final String USAGE = "[-s] [-h] <path> ..."; public static final String DESCRIPTION = "Show the amount of space, in bytes, used by the files that " + "match the specified file pattern. The following flags are optional:\n" + "-s: Rather than showing the size of each individual file that" + " matches the pattern, shows the total (summary) size.\n" + "-h: Formats the sizes of files in a human-readable fashion" + " rather than a number of bytes.\n\n" + "Note that, even without the -s option, this only shows size summaries " + "one level deep into a directory.\n\n" + "The output is in the form \n" + "\tsize\tname(full path)\n"; protected boolean summary = false; @Override protected void processOptions(LinkedList<String> args) throws IOException { CommandFormat cf = new CommandFormat(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "h", "s"); cf.parse(args); humanReadable = cf.getOpt("h"); summary = cf.getOpt("s"); if (args.isEmpty()) args.add(Path.CUR_DIR); } @Override protected void processPathArgument(PathData item) throws IOException { usagesTable = new TableBuilder(2); // go one level deep on dirs from cmdline unless in summary mode if (!summary && item.stat.isDirectory()) { recursePath(item); } else { super.processPathArgument(item); } usagesTable.printToStream(out); } @Override protected void processPath(PathData item) throws IOException { long length; if (item.stat.isDirectory()) { length = item.fs.getContentSummary(item.path).getLength(); } else { length = item.stat.getLen(); } usagesTable.addRow(formatSize(length), item); } } /** show disk usage summary */ public static class Dus extends Du { public static final String NAME = "dus"; @Override protected void processOptions(LinkedList<String> args) throws IOException { args.addFirst("-s"); super.processOptions(args); } @Override public String getReplacementCommand() { return "du -s"; } } /** * Creates a table of aligned values based on the maximum width of each * column as a string */ private static class TableBuilder { protected boolean hasHeader = false; protected List<String[]> rows; protected int[] widths; protected boolean[] rightAlign; /** * Create a table w/o headers * @param columns number of columns */ public TableBuilder(int columns) { rows = new ArrayList<String[]>(); widths = new int[columns]; rightAlign = new boolean[columns]; } /** * Create a table with headers * @param headers list of headers */ public TableBuilder(Object ... headers) { this(headers.length); this.addRow(headers); hasHeader = true; } /** * Change the default left-align of columns * @param indexes of columns to right align */ public void setRightAlign(int ... indexes) { for (int i : indexes) rightAlign[i] = true; } /** * Add a row of objects to the table * @param objects the values */ public void addRow(Object ... objects) { String[] row = new String[widths.length]; for (int col=0; col < widths.length; col++) { row[col] = String.valueOf(objects[col]); widths[col] = Math.max(widths[col], row[col].length()); } rows.add(row); } /** * Render the table to a stream * @param out PrintStream for output */ public void printToStream(PrintStream out) { if (isEmpty()) return; StringBuilder fmt = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i < widths.length; i++) { if (fmt.length() != 0) fmt.append(" "); if (rightAlign[i]) { fmt.append("%"+widths[i]+"s"); } else if (i != widths.length-1) { fmt.append("%-"+widths[i]+"s"); } else { // prevent trailing spaces if the final column is left-aligned fmt.append("%s"); } } for (Object[] row : rows) { out.println(String.format(fmt.toString(), row)); } } /** * Number of rows excluding header * @return rows */ public int size() { return rows.size() - (hasHeader ? 1 : 0); } /** * Does table have any rows * @return boolean */ public boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; } } }