/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; /** * <p> * A collection of tests for the contract of the {@link FileSystem}. * This test should be used for general-purpose implementations of * {@link FileSystem}, that is, implementations that provide implementations * of all of the functionality of {@link FileSystem}. * </p> * <p> * To test a given {@link FileSystem} implementation create a subclass of this * test and override {@link #setUp()} to initialize the <code>fs</code> * {@link FileSystem} instance variable. * </p> */ public abstract class FileSystemContractBaseTest extends TestCase { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FileSystemContractBaseTest.class); protected final static String TEST_UMASK = "062"; protected FileSystem fs; protected byte[] data = dataset(getBlockSize() * 2, 0, 255); @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { fs.delete(path("/test"), true); } protected int getBlockSize() { return 1024; } protected String getDefaultWorkingDirectory() { return "/user/" + System.getProperty("user.name"); } protected boolean renameSupported() { return true; } public void testFsStatus() throws Exception { FsStatus fsStatus = fs.getStatus(); assertNotNull(fsStatus); //used, free and capacity are non-negative longs assertTrue(fsStatus.getUsed() >= 0); assertTrue(fsStatus.getRemaining() >= 0); assertTrue(fsStatus.getCapacity() >= 0); } public void testWorkingDirectory() throws Exception { Path workDir = path(getDefaultWorkingDirectory()); assertEquals(workDir, fs.getWorkingDirectory()); fs.setWorkingDirectory(path(".")); assertEquals(workDir, fs.getWorkingDirectory()); fs.setWorkingDirectory(path("..")); assertEquals(workDir.getParent(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); Path relativeDir = path("hadoop"); fs.setWorkingDirectory(relativeDir); assertEquals(relativeDir, fs.getWorkingDirectory()); Path absoluteDir = path("/test/hadoop"); fs.setWorkingDirectory(absoluteDir); assertEquals(absoluteDir, fs.getWorkingDirectory()); } public void testMkdirs() throws Exception { Path testDir = path("/test/hadoop"); assertFalse(fs.exists(testDir)); assertFalse(fs.isFile(testDir)); assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(testDir)); assertTrue(fs.exists(testDir)); assertFalse(fs.isFile(testDir)); assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(testDir)); assertTrue(fs.exists(testDir)); assertFalse(fs.isFile(testDir)); Path parentDir = testDir.getParent(); assertTrue(fs.exists(parentDir)); assertFalse(fs.isFile(parentDir)); Path grandparentDir = parentDir.getParent(); assertTrue(fs.exists(grandparentDir)); assertFalse(fs.isFile(grandparentDir)); } public void testMkdirsFailsForSubdirectoryOfExistingFile() throws Exception { Path testDir = path("/test/hadoop"); assertFalse(fs.exists(testDir)); assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(testDir)); assertTrue(fs.exists(testDir)); createFile(path("/test/hadoop/file")); Path testSubDir = path("/test/hadoop/file/subdir"); try { fs.mkdirs(testSubDir); fail("Should throw IOException."); } catch (IOException e) { // expected } assertFalse(fs.exists(testSubDir)); Path testDeepSubDir = path("/test/hadoop/file/deep/sub/dir"); try { fs.mkdirs(testDeepSubDir); fail("Should throw IOException."); } catch (IOException e) { // expected } assertFalse(fs.exists(testDeepSubDir)); } public void testMkdirsWithUmask() throws Exception { if (fs.getScheme().equals("s3") || fs.getScheme().equals("s3n")) { // skip permission tests for S3FileSystem until HDFS-1333 is fixed. return; } Configuration conf = fs.getConf(); String oldUmask = conf.get(CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_PERMISSIONS_UMASK_KEY); try { conf.set(CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_PERMISSIONS_UMASK_KEY, TEST_UMASK); final Path dir = new Path("/test/newDir"); assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(dir, new FsPermission((short)0777))); FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(dir); assertTrue(status.isDirectory()); assertEquals((short)0715, status.getPermission().toShort()); } finally { conf.set(CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_PERMISSIONS_UMASK_KEY, oldUmask); } } public void testGetFileStatusThrowsExceptionForNonExistentFile() throws Exception { try { fs.getFileStatus(path("/test/hadoop/file")); fail("Should throw FileNotFoundException"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // expected } } public void testListStatusThrowsExceptionForNonExistentFile() throws Exception { try { fs.listStatus(path("/test/hadoop/file")); fail("Should throw FileNotFoundException"); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { // expected } } public void testListStatus() throws Exception { Path[] testDirs = { path("/test/hadoop/a"), path("/test/hadoop/b"), path("/test/hadoop/c/1"), }; assertFalse(fs.exists(testDirs[0])); for (Path path : testDirs) { assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(path)); } FileStatus[] paths = fs.listStatus(path("/test")); assertEquals(1, paths.length); assertEquals(path("/test/hadoop"), paths[0].getPath()); paths = fs.listStatus(path("/test/hadoop")); assertEquals(3, paths.length); assertEquals(path("/test/hadoop/a"), paths[0].getPath()); assertEquals(path("/test/hadoop/b"), paths[1].getPath()); assertEquals(path("/test/hadoop/c"), paths[2].getPath()); paths = fs.listStatus(path("/test/hadoop/a")); assertEquals(0, paths.length); } public void testWriteReadAndDeleteEmptyFile() throws Exception { writeReadAndDelete(0); } public void testWriteReadAndDeleteHalfABlock() throws Exception { writeReadAndDelete(getBlockSize() / 2); } public void testWriteReadAndDeleteOneBlock() throws Exception { writeReadAndDelete(getBlockSize()); } public void testWriteReadAndDeleteOneAndAHalfBlocks() throws Exception { writeReadAndDelete(getBlockSize() + (getBlockSize() / 2)); } public void testWriteReadAndDeleteTwoBlocks() throws Exception { writeReadAndDelete(getBlockSize() * 2); } /** * Write a dataset, read it back in and verify that they match. * Afterwards, the file is deleted. * @param len length of data * @throws IOException on IO failures */ protected void writeReadAndDelete(int len) throws IOException { Path path = path("/test/hadoop/file"); writeAndRead(path, data, len, false, true); } public void testOverwrite() throws IOException { Path path = path("/test/hadoop/file"); fs.mkdirs(path.getParent()); createFile(path); assertTrue("Exists", fs.exists(path)); assertEquals("Length", data.length, fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen()); try { fs.create(path, false).close(); fail("Should throw IOException."); } catch (IOException e) { // Expected } FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path, true); out.write(data, 0, data.length); out.close(); assertTrue("Exists", fs.exists(path)); assertEquals("Length", data.length, fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen()); } public void testWriteInNonExistentDirectory() throws IOException { Path path = path("/test/hadoop/file"); assertFalse("Parent exists", fs.exists(path.getParent())); createFile(path); assertTrue("Exists", fs.exists(path)); assertEquals("Length", data.length, fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen()); assertTrue("Parent exists", fs.exists(path.getParent())); } public void testDeleteNonExistentFile() throws IOException { Path path = path("/test/hadoop/file"); assertFalse("Path exists: " + path, fs.exists(path)); assertFalse("No deletion", fs.delete(path, true)); } public void testDeleteRecursively() throws IOException { Path dir = path("/test/hadoop"); Path file = path("/test/hadoop/file"); Path subdir = path("/test/hadoop/subdir"); createFile(file); assertTrue("Created subdir", fs.mkdirs(subdir)); assertTrue("File exists", fs.exists(file)); assertTrue("Dir exists", fs.exists(dir)); assertTrue("Subdir exists", fs.exists(subdir)); try { fs.delete(dir, false); fail("Should throw IOException."); } catch (IOException e) { // expected } assertTrue("File still exists", fs.exists(file)); assertTrue("Dir still exists", fs.exists(dir)); assertTrue("Subdir still exists", fs.exists(subdir)); assertTrue("Deleted", fs.delete(dir, true)); assertFalse("File doesn't exist", fs.exists(file)); assertFalse("Dir doesn't exist", fs.exists(dir)); assertFalse("Subdir doesn't exist", fs.exists(subdir)); } public void testDeleteEmptyDirectory() throws IOException { Path dir = path("/test/hadoop"); assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(dir)); assertTrue("Dir exists", fs.exists(dir)); assertTrue("Deleted", fs.delete(dir, false)); assertFalse("Dir doesn't exist", fs.exists(dir)); } public void testRenameNonExistentPath() throws Exception { if (!renameSupported()) return; Path src = path("/test/hadoop/path"); Path dst = path("/test/new/newpath"); rename(src, dst, false, false, false); } public void testRenameFileMoveToNonExistentDirectory() throws Exception { if (!renameSupported()) return; Path src = path("/test/hadoop/file"); createFile(src); Path dst = path("/test/new/newfile"); rename(src, dst, false, true, false); } public void testRenameFileMoveToExistingDirectory() throws Exception { if (!renameSupported()) return; Path src = path("/test/hadoop/file"); createFile(src); Path dst = path("/test/new/newfile"); fs.mkdirs(dst.getParent()); rename(src, dst, true, false, true); } public void testRenameFileAsExistingFile() throws Exception { if (!renameSupported()) return; Path src = path("/test/hadoop/file"); createFile(src); Path dst = path("/test/new/newfile"); createFile(dst); rename(src, dst, false, true, true); } public void testRenameFileAsExistingDirectory() throws Exception { if (!renameSupported()) return; Path src = path("/test/hadoop/file"); createFile(src); Path dst = path("/test/new/newdir"); fs.mkdirs(dst); rename(src, dst, true, false, true); assertTrue("Destination changed", fs.exists(path("/test/new/newdir/file"))); } public void testRenameDirectoryMoveToNonExistentDirectory() throws Exception { if (!renameSupported()) return; Path src = path("/test/hadoop/dir"); fs.mkdirs(src); Path dst = path("/test/new/newdir"); rename(src, dst, false, true, false); } public void testRenameDirectoryMoveToExistingDirectory() throws Exception { if (!renameSupported()) return; Path src = path("/test/hadoop/dir"); fs.mkdirs(src); createFile(path("/test/hadoop/dir/file1")); createFile(path("/test/hadoop/dir/subdir/file2")); Path dst = path("/test/new/newdir"); fs.mkdirs(dst.getParent()); rename(src, dst, true, false, true); assertFalse("Nested file1 exists", fs.exists(path("/test/hadoop/dir/file1"))); assertFalse("Nested file2 exists", fs.exists(path("/test/hadoop/dir/subdir/file2"))); assertTrue("Renamed nested file1 exists", fs.exists(path("/test/new/newdir/file1"))); assertTrue("Renamed nested exists", fs.exists(path("/test/new/newdir/subdir/file2"))); } public void testRenameDirectoryAsExistingFile() throws Exception { if (!renameSupported()) return; Path src = path("/test/hadoop/dir"); fs.mkdirs(src); Path dst = path("/test/new/newfile"); createFile(dst); rename(src, dst, false, true, true); } public void testRenameDirectoryAsExistingDirectory() throws Exception { if (!renameSupported()) return; Path src = path("/test/hadoop/dir"); fs.mkdirs(src); createFile(path("/test/hadoop/dir/file1")); createFile(path("/test/hadoop/dir/subdir/file2")); Path dst = path("/test/new/newdir"); fs.mkdirs(dst); rename(src, dst, true, false, true); assertTrue("Destination changed", fs.exists(path("/test/new/newdir/dir"))); assertFalse("Nested file1 exists", fs.exists(path("/test/hadoop/dir/file1"))); assertFalse("Nested file2 exists", fs.exists(path("/test/hadoop/dir/subdir/file2"))); assertTrue("Renamed nested file1 exists", fs.exists(path("/test/new/newdir/dir/file1"))); assertTrue("Renamed nested exists", fs.exists(path("/test/new/newdir/dir/subdir/file2"))); } public void testInputStreamClosedTwice() throws IOException { //HADOOP-4760 according to Closeable#close() closing already-closed //streams should have no effect. Path src = path("/test/hadoop/file"); createFile(src); FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(src); in.close(); in.close(); } public void testOutputStreamClosedTwice() throws IOException { //HADOOP-4760 according to Closeable#close() closing already-closed //streams should have no effect. Path src = path("/test/hadoop/file"); FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(src); out.writeChar('H'); //write some data out.close(); out.close(); } protected Path path(String pathString) { return new Path(pathString).makeQualified(fs); } protected void createFile(Path path) throws IOException { FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path); out.write(data, 0, data.length); out.close(); } protected void rename(Path src, Path dst, boolean renameSucceeded, boolean srcExists, boolean dstExists) throws IOException { assertEquals("Rename result", renameSucceeded, fs.rename(src, dst)); assertEquals("Source exists", srcExists, fs.exists(src)); assertEquals("Destination exists" + dst, dstExists, fs.exists(dst)); } /** * Verify that if you take an existing file and overwrite it, the new values * get picked up. * This is a test for the behavior of eventually consistent * filesystems. * * @throws Exception on any failure */ public void testOverWriteAndRead() throws Exception { int blockSize = getBlockSize(); byte[] filedata1 = dataset(blockSize * 2, 'A', 26); byte[] filedata2 = dataset(blockSize * 2, 'a', 26); Path path = path("/test/hadoop/file-overwrite"); writeAndRead(path, filedata1, blockSize, true, false); writeAndRead(path, filedata2, blockSize, true, false); writeAndRead(path, filedata1, blockSize * 2, true, false); writeAndRead(path, filedata2, blockSize * 2, true, false); writeAndRead(path, filedata1, blockSize, true, false); writeAndRead(path, filedata2, blockSize * 2, true, false); } /** * * Write a file and read it in, validating the result. Optional flags control * whether file overwrite operations should be enabled, and whether the * file should be deleted afterwards. * * If there is a mismatch between what was written and what was expected, * a small range of bytes either side of the first error are logged to aid * diagnosing what problem occurred -whether it was a previous file * or a corrupting of the current file. This assumes that two * sequential runs to the same path use datasets with different character * moduli. * * @param path path to write to * @param len length of data * @param overwrite should the create option allow overwrites? * @param delete should the file be deleted afterwards? -with a verification * that it worked. Deletion is not attempted if an assertion has failed * earlier -it is not in a <code>finally{}</code> block. * @throws IOException IO problems */ protected void writeAndRead(Path path, byte[] src, int len, boolean overwrite, boolean delete) throws IOException { assertTrue("Not enough data in source array to write " + len + " bytes", src.length >= len); fs.mkdirs(path.getParent()); FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path, overwrite, fs.getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), (short) 1, getBlockSize()); out.write(src, 0, len); out.close(); assertTrue("Exists", fs.exists(path)); assertEquals("Length", len, fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen()); FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(path); byte[] buf = new byte[len]; in.readFully(0, buf); in.close(); assertEquals(len, buf.length); int errors = 0; int first_error_byte = -1; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (src[i] != buf[i]) { if (errors == 0) { first_error_byte = i; } errors++; } } if (errors > 0) { String message = String.format(" %d errors in file of length %d", errors, len); LOG.warn(message); // the range either side of the first error to print // this is a purely arbitrary number, to aid user debugging final int overlap = 10; for (int i = Math.max(0, first_error_byte - overlap); i < Math.min(first_error_byte + overlap, len); i++) { byte actual = buf[i]; byte expected = src[i]; String letter = toChar(actual); String line = String.format("[%04d] %2x %s\n", i, actual, letter); if (expected != actual) { line = String.format("[%04d] %2x %s -expected %2x %s\n", i, actual, letter, expected, toChar(expected)); } LOG.warn(line); } fail(message); } if (delete) { boolean deleted = fs.delete(path, false); assertTrue("Deleted", deleted); assertFalse("No longer exists", fs.exists(path)); } } /** * Convert a byte to a character for printing. If the * byte value is < 32 -and hence unprintable- the byte is * returned as a two digit hex value * @param b byte * @return the printable character string */ protected String toChar(byte b) { if (b >= 0x20) { return Character.toString((char) b); } else { return String.format("%02x", b); } } /** * Create a dataset for use in the tests; all data is in the range * base to (base+modulo-1) inclusive * @param len length of data * @param base base of the data * @param modulo the modulo * @return the newly generated dataset */ protected byte[] dataset(int len, int base, int modulo) { byte[] dataset = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { dataset[i] = (byte) (base + (i % modulo)); } return dataset; } }