package org.ensembl.healthcheck.testcase.funcgen; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.ensembl.healthcheck.DatabaseRegistryEntry; import org.ensembl.healthcheck.Team; import org.ensembl.healthcheck.testcase.generic.ComparePreviousVersionBase; abstract public class ComparePreviousVersionProbeFeaturesFromProbeSetsByArrayBase extends ComparePreviousVersionBase{ public ComparePreviousVersionProbeFeaturesFromProbeSetsByArrayBase() { setTeamResponsible(Team.FUNCGEN); } protected Map getNormalisedProbePerArrayCounts(DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre) { Map<String, Integer> arrayNameToAverageProbeSetSize = getAverageProbeSetSizePerArrayCounts(dbre); Map<String, Integer> rawProbeFeaturePerArrayCounts = getRawProbeFeaturePerArrayCounts(dbre); // Normalise the counts for arrays with probe sets // Arrays that don't have probe sets will be skipped. Map<String, Integer> normalisedResult = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Iterator<String> iterator = rawProbeFeaturePerArrayCounts.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String currentArray =; int normalisedProbeFeatureCount; if (arrayNameToAverageProbeSetSize.containsKey(currentArray)) { normalisedProbeFeatureCount = rawProbeFeaturePerArrayCounts.get(currentArray) / arrayNameToAverageProbeSetSize.get(currentArray); normalisedResult.put(currentArray, normalisedProbeFeatureCount); } } return normalisedResult; } @Override protected Map getCounts(DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre) { return getNormalisedProbePerArrayCounts(dbre); } protected Map<String, Integer> getRawProbeFeaturePerArrayCounts(DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre) { String sql = "select, count(distinct probe_feature.probe_feature_id) from array join array_chip using (array_id) join probe using (array_chip_id) join probe_feature using (probe_id) join analysis using (analysis_id) where analysis.logic_name like \"%transcript%\" group by analysis.logic_name,"; return getCountsBySQL(dbre, sql); } protected Map<String, Integer> getAverageProbeSetSizePerArrayCounts(DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre) { // This creates a map from all arrays that are organised into probe // sets to the average number of probes per probe sets. // // This will be used to normalise the total counts. // // Affymetrix uses probe sets, but calls them probes. // // So what is called a "probe set" in Ensembl is actually a probe for // Affymetrix. In order to make the numbers reported by this test // comparable to the manufacturer's data sheet, the numbers reported are // divided by the number of probes per probe set for arrays that are // organised into probe sets. // String sql = "select " + ", " + " count(distinct probe_id)/count(distinct probe_set_id) " + "from " + " probe_set join probe using (probe_set_id) join array_chip on (array_chip.array_chip_id = probe.array_chip_id) join array using (array_id) " + "group by " + ", array.vendor"; Map<String, Integer> arrayNameToAverageProbeSetSize = getCountsBySQL(dbre, sql); return arrayNameToAverageProbeSetSize; } @Override protected double threshold() { return 1; } @Override protected boolean testUpperThreshold(){ return true; } @Override protected double minimum() { return 0; } }