/** * Copyright (c) 2012, University of Konstanz, Distributed Systems Group * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the University of Konstanz nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.jscsi.initiator.connection.state; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.jscsi.exception.InternetSCSIException; import org.jscsi.exception.OperationalTextKeyException; import org.jscsi.initiator.connection.Connection; import org.jscsi.parser.AbstractMessageParser; import org.jscsi.parser.ProtocolDataUnit; import org.jscsi.parser.data.DataInParser; import org.jscsi.parser.datasegment.OperationalTextKey; import org.jscsi.parser.scsi.SCSIResponseParser; import org.jscsi.parser.scsi.SCSIStatus; /** * <h1>ReadResponseState</h1> * <p/> * This state handles a Read Response. * * @author Volker Wildi */ public final class ReadResponseState extends AbstractState { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This is the wrap around divisor (2**32) of the modulo operation used by * incrementing the sequence numbers. See [RFC1982] for details. */ private static final int WRAP_AROUND_DIVISOR = (int)Math.pow(2, 32); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The buffer to used for the message transfer. */ private final ByteBuffer buffer; /** The start offset of the data to send. */ private int bufferOffset; /** The expected data sequence number of the next response. */ private int expectedDataSequenceNumber; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor to create a new, empty <code>ReadResponseState</code>. * * @param initConnection * This is the connection, which is used for the network * transmission. * @param initBuffer * The buffer, where the readed bytes are stored in. * @param initBufferOffset * The start offset of the data to send. * @param initExpectedDataSequenceNumber * The Expected Data Sequence Number of the next response * message. */ public ReadResponseState(final Connection initConnection, final ByteBuffer initBuffer, final int initBufferOffset, final int initExpectedDataSequenceNumber, final int initInitiatorTaskTag) { // OODRIVE super(initConnection, initInitiatorTaskTag); buffer = initBuffer; bufferOffset = initBufferOffset; expectedDataSequenceNumber = initExpectedDataSequenceNumber; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** {@inheritDoc} */ public final void execute() throws InternetSCSIException { ProtocolDataUnit protocolDataUnit; do { // OODRIVE protocolDataUnit = connection.receive(initiatorTaskTag); boolean dataWasRead = false; if (protocolDataUnit.getBasicHeaderSegment().getParser() instanceof DataInParser) { final DataInParser parser = (DataInParser)protocolDataUnit.getBasicHeaderSegment().getParser(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Remaining, DataSegmentLength: " + buffer.remaining() + ", " + protocolDataUnit.getBasicHeaderSegment().getDataSegmentLength()); } final ByteBuffer dataSegment = protocolDataUnit.getDataSegment(); while (buffer.hasRemaining() && dataSegment.hasRemaining()) { buffer.put(dataSegment.get()); } dataWasRead = true; // last message with the status flag set if (parser.isStatusFlag() && parser.getStatus() == SCSIStatus.GOOD) { // return false; return; } else if (connection.getSettingAsInt(OperationalTextKey.ERROR_RECOVERY_LEVEL) > 0 && parser.isAcknowledgeFlag()) { // TODO: Test this case // send a DataAck // OODRIVE connection.nextState(new SNACKRequestState(connection, this, parser.getTargetTaskTag(), initiatorTaskTag), initiatorTaskTag); // return true; return; } else if (protocolDataUnit.getBasicHeaderSegment().getParser() instanceof SCSIResponseParser && !dataWasRead) { readHandleImmediateData(protocolDataUnit); } } } while (!protocolDataUnit.getBasicHeaderSegment().isFinalFlag()); if (connection.getSettingAsBoolean(OperationalTextKey.IMMEDIATE_DATA)) { return; } else { // OODRIVE protocolDataUnit = connection.receive(initiatorTaskTag); if (protocolDataUnit.getBasicHeaderSegment().getParser() instanceof SCSIResponseParser) { readHandleImmediateData(protocolDataUnit); } } } private void readHandleImmediateData(final ProtocolDataUnit protocolDataUnit) throws InternetSCSIException { final SCSIResponseParser parser = (SCSIResponseParser)protocolDataUnit.getBasicHeaderSegment().getParser(); final ByteBuffer dataSegment = protocolDataUnit.getDataSegment(); while (buffer.hasRemaining() && dataSegment.hasRemaining()) { buffer.put(dataSegment.get()); } if (parser.getStatus() == SCSIStatus.GOOD) { // return false; super.stateFollowing = false; return; } else { throw new InternetSCSIException(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Exception isCorrect(final ProtocolDataUnit protocolDataUnit) { final AbstractMessageParser parser = protocolDataUnit.getBasicHeaderSegment().getParser(); if (parser instanceof DataInParser) { final DataInParser dataParser = (DataInParser)parser; try { if (connection.getSettingAsBoolean(OperationalTextKey.DATA_PDU_IN_ORDER) && connection.getSettingAsBoolean(OperationalTextKey.DATA_SEQUENCE_IN_ORDER)) { if (dataParser.getBufferOffset() < bufferOffset) { return new IllegalStateException(new StringBuilder( "This buffer offsets must be in increasing order and overlays are forbidden.") .append(" The parserOffset here is ").append(dataParser.getBufferOffset()) .append(" and the bufferOffset is ").append(bufferOffset).toString()); } bufferOffset = dataParser.getBufferOffset(); } } catch (OperationalTextKeyException e) { return e; } if (dataParser.getDataSequenceNumber() != expectedDataSequenceNumber) { return new IllegalStateException(new StringBuilder( "Data Sequence Number Mismatch (received, expected): " + dataParser.getDataSequenceNumber() + ", " + expectedDataSequenceNumber).toString()); } incrementExpectedDataSequenceNumber(); if (dataParser.isStatusFlag()) { incrementExpectedDataSequenceNumber(); return super.isCorrect(protocolDataUnit); } else if (dataParser.getStatusSequenceNumber() != 0) { return new IllegalStateException(new StringBuilder("Status Sequence Number must be zero.") .toString()); } return null; } else if (parser instanceof SCSIResponseParser) { try { if (connection.getSettingAsBoolean(OperationalTextKey.IMMEDIATE_DATA)) { return new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder("Parser ") .append( "should not be instance of SCSIResponseParser because of ImmendiateData-Flag \"no\" in config!") .toString()); } } catch (OperationalTextKeyException e) { return e; } return null; } else { return new IllegalStateException(new StringBuilder("Parser ").append( protocolDataUnit.getBasicHeaderSegment().getParser().toString()).append(" is instance of ") .append(protocolDataUnit.getBasicHeaderSegment().getParser().getClass().toString()).append( " and not instance of either DataInParser or SCSIResponseParser!").toString()); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Increments the Expected Data Sequence Number counter. */ private void incrementExpectedDataSequenceNumber() { expectedDataSequenceNumber = (expectedDataSequenceNumber + 1) % WRAP_AROUND_DIVISOR; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }