package io.eguan.webui.component; /* * #%L * Project eguan * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Oodrive * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import io.eguan.webui.WebUiResources; import io.eguan.webui.component.WaitingComponent.Background; import io.eguan.webui.component.window.ErrorWindow; import io.eguan.webui.component.window.VvrAttributesWindow; import io.eguan.webui.component.window.VvrDeleteWindow; import io.eguan.webui.model.ModelCreator; import io.eguan.webui.model.VvrManagerModel; import io.eguan.webui.model.VvrModel; import java.util.UUID; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.Runo; /** * The class represents the different operations which can be done on a VVR. * * @author oodrive * @author ebredzinski * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class VvrOperationComponent implements VvrComponent { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VvrOperationComponent.class); private static final String BUTTON_WIDTH = "75px"; private final VvrManagerModel vvrManagerModel; public VvrOperationComponent(final VvrManagerModel vvrManagerModel) { this.vvrManagerModel = vvrManagerModel; } @Override public final AbstractComponent createComponent(final VvrModel model, final ModelCreator handler) { final HorizontalLayout operationLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); operationLayout.setMargin(true); operationLayout.setSpacing(true); operationLayout.setWidth("100%"); // Start and description buttons // START/STOP final Button startStop = new Button(); startStop.setWidth(BUTTON_WIDTH); startStop.addStyleName(Runo.BUTTON_BIG); final Resource iconStartStop; final String description; if (!model.isVvrStarted()) { iconStartStop = WebUiResources.getStartIcon(); description = "Start"; } else { iconStartStop = WebUiResources.getStopIcon(); description = "Stop"; } startStop.setIcon(iconStartStop); startStop.setDescription(description); operationLayout.addComponent(startStop); operationLayout.setExpandRatio(startStop, 1f); operationLayout.setComponentAlignment(startStop, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); final UUID vvrUuid = model.getItemUuid(); startStop.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(final ClickEvent event) { final boolean started = model.isVvrStarted(); // Start/Stop are done in background if (!started) { WaitingComponent.executeBackground(model, new Background() { @Override public void processing() { model.startVvr(); } @Override public void postProcessing() { startStop.setIcon(WebUiResources.getStopIcon()); startStop.setDescription("Stop");"VVR started ", vvrUuid.toString(), Notification.Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION); } }); } else { WaitingComponent.executeBackground(model, new Background() { @Override public void processing() { model.stopVvr(); } @Override public void postProcessing() { startStop.setIcon(WebUiResources.getStartIcon()); startStop.setDescription("Start");"VVR stopped ", vvrUuid.toString(), Notification.Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION); } }); } } }); // ATTRIBUTES final Button attributes = new Button(); attributes.addStyleName(Runo.BUTTON_BIG); attributes.setWidth(BUTTON_WIDTH); operationLayout.addComponent(attributes); operationLayout.setExpandRatio(attributes, 1f); operationLayout.setComponentAlignment(attributes, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); attributes.setIcon(WebUiResources.getSettingsIcon()); attributes.setDescription("Settings"); attributes.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(final ClickEvent event) { try { final VvrAttributesWindow attributesWindow = new VvrAttributesWindow(vvrUuid); attributesWindow.add(model); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Can not get VVR attributes: ", e); final ErrorWindow err = new ErrorWindow("Can not display VVR Attributes: " + e.getMessage()); err.add(model); } } }); // DELETE final Button delete = new Button(); delete.addStyleName(Runo.BUTTON_BIG); delete.setWidth(BUTTON_WIDTH); delete.setIcon(WebUiResources.getTrashIcon()); delete.setDescription("Delete"); operationLayout.addComponent(delete); operationLayout.setExpandRatio(delete, 12f); operationLayout.setComponentAlignment(delete, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); delete.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(final ClickEvent event) { try { final VvrDeleteWindow deleteWindow = new VvrDeleteWindow(vvrUuid); deleteWindow.add(vvrManagerModel); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Can not delete VVR: ", e); final ErrorWindow err = new ErrorWindow("Can not delete VVR: " + e.getMessage()); err.add(model); } } }); return operationLayout; } }