package io.eguan.vold; /* * #%L * Project eguan * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Oodrive * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import io.eguan.configuration.MetaConfiguration; import io.eguan.dtx.DtxManager; import io.eguan.dtx.DtxNode; import io.eguan.dtx.config.DtxConfigurationContext; import io.eguan.hash.HashAlgorithm; import io.eguan.iscsisrv.IscsiServer; import io.eguan.iscsisrv.IscsiServerConfigurationContext; import io.eguan.nbdsrv.NbdServer; import io.eguan.nbdsrv.NbdServerConfigurationContext; import io.eguan.vold.VoldConfigurationContext; import io.eguan.vold.MultiVoldUtils.VoldClientServer; import io.eguan.vold.model.DeviceMXBean; import io.eguan.vold.model.DummyMBeanServer; import io.eguan.vold.model.SnapshotMXBean; import io.eguan.vold.model.VoldTestHelper; import io.eguan.vold.model.VvrMXBean; import io.eguan.vold.model.VvrManagementException; import io.eguan.vold.model.VvrManager; import io.eguan.vold.model.VvrManagerHelper; import io.eguan.vold.model.VvrManagerTestUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public abstract class TestMultiVoldAbstract { protected static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestMultiVoldAbstract.class); protected static final int BLOCKSIZE = 4096; // == BlockSize protected static final int LENGTH = 64 * 4; // 64KB == 4MB // Default test block count protected static final int NUMBLOCKS = 4; // 4096 == 64KB, // Test block count for single IO protected static final int NUMBLOCKS_SINGLE = 1; // 4096 protected static final int BLOCKSIZE_PARTIAL = 512; // BlockSize/8 protected static int nbOfNodes; protected static int nbOfNodesInit; protected static Boolean vvrIsStarted; private static final int DEFAULT_HZ_PORT = 12341; private static final int HZ_PORT_OFFSET = 10; private static final String ISCSI_ADDRESS = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress().getHostAddress(); private static final Integer ISCSI_PORT = Integer.valueOf(3260); private static final String NBD_ADDRESS = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress().getHostAddress(); private static final Integer NBD_PORT = Integer.valueOf(10809); private static DtxManager dtxManagers[]; private static VvrManager vvrManagers[]; private static VoldTestHelper voldTestHelpers[]; private static DummyMBeanServer dummyMBeanServers[]; private static VoldClientServer voldClientServers[]; private static IscsiServer iscsiServers[]; private static NbdServer nbdServers[]; protected static boolean nodeStarted[]; protected static final ArrayList<DtxNode> peerList = new ArrayList<DtxNode>(); protected static final ArrayList<DtxNode> dtxPeerList = new ArrayList<DtxNode>(); protected static final UUID VOLD_OWNER = UUID.randomUUID(); private static ObjectName dtxLocalNodeObjectNames[]; private static ObjectName dtxManagerObjectNames[]; private static ObjectName msgServerObjectNames[]; private static ObjectName msgClientObjectNames[]; protected UUID vvrUuid; protected UUID rootUuid; DtxManager getDtxManager(final int index) { return dtxManagers[index]; } VvrManager getVvrManager(final int index) { return vvrManagers[index]; } static VoldTestHelper getVoldTestHelper(final int index) { return voldTestHelpers[index]; } static DummyMBeanServer getDummyMBeanServer(final int index) { return dummyMBeanServers[index]; } static int getNbdServerPort(final int serverIndex) { return NBD_PORT.intValue() + 2 * serverIndex; } static int getIscsiServerPort(final int serverIndex) { return ISCSI_PORT.intValue() + 2 * serverIndex; } @Before public final void checkNodes() throws Exception { // Check node for (int i = 0; i < nbOfNodesInit; i++) { if (!nodeStarted[i]) { startNode(i); Assert.assertTrue(VvrManagerTestUtils.waitMXBeanNumber(getDummyMBeanServer(i), VoldTestHelper.MXBEANS_NUMBER_INIT)); } } for (int i = nbOfNodesInit; i < nbOfNodes; i++) { if (nodeStarted[i]) { stopNode(i); } } } @After public final void deleteVvrs() throws Exception { if (vvrUuid != null) { VvrMXBean vvr; if (rootUuid != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nbOfNodes; i++) { // Restart the stopped node, to check its vvr if (!nodeStarted[i]) { startNode(i); // Wait vvr is registered vvr = getVoldTestHelper(i).waitVvrMXBeanRegistration(getDummyMBeanServer(i), vvrUuid); } else { vvr = VvrManagerTestUtils.getVvrMXBean(getDummyMBeanServer(i), VOLD_OWNER, vvrUuid); } Assert.assertNotNull(vvr); // If the vvr is started, deactivate all its devices and stop it if (vvr.isStarted()) { getVoldTestHelper(i).deactivateDevice(getDummyMBeanServer(i), vvrUuid, rootUuid.toString()); getVoldTestHelper(i).stopVvr(getDummyMBeanServer(i), vvrUuid); } } } // Delete the vvr getVoldTestHelper(0).deleteVvr(getDummyMBeanServer(0), vvrUuid); } } protected final SnapshotMXBean createVvrStarted() throws VvrManagementException { final VvrMXBean vvrMXBean = getVoldTestHelper(0).createVvr(getDummyMBeanServer(0), "name", "description"); vvrUuid = UUID.fromString(vvrMXBean.getUuid()); final SnapshotMXBean snapshotRoot = VvrManagerTestUtils.getSnapshotRoot(getDummyMBeanServer(0), getVoldTestHelper(0), vvrUuid); rootUuid = UUID.fromString(snapshotRoot.getUuid()); return snapshotRoot; } protected static final void setUpVolds(final int nbOfNodes, final int nbOfNodesInit, final boolean vvrIsStarted) throws Exception { TestMultiVoldAbstract.nbOfNodes = nbOfNodes; TestMultiVoldAbstract.nbOfNodesInit = nbOfNodesInit; TestMultiVoldAbstract.vvrIsStarted = Boolean.valueOf(vvrIsStarted); // Initialize arrays with nb of nodes dtxManagers = new DtxManager[nbOfNodes]; vvrManagers = new VvrManager[nbOfNodes]; voldTestHelpers = new VoldTestHelper[nbOfNodes]; dummyMBeanServers = new DummyMBeanServer[nbOfNodes]; voldClientServers = new VoldClientServer[nbOfNodes]; iscsiServers = new IscsiServer[nbOfNodes]; nbdServers = new NbdServer[nbOfNodes]; dtxLocalNodeObjectNames = new ObjectName[nbOfNodes]; dtxManagerObjectNames = new ObjectName[nbOfNodes]; msgClientObjectNames = new ObjectName[nbOfNodes]; msgServerObjectNames = new ObjectName[nbOfNodes]; nodeStarted = new boolean[nbOfNodes]; // Initialize peers lists for (int i = 0; i < nbOfNodes; i++) { peerList.add(new DtxNode(UUID.randomUUID(), new InetSocketAddress("", DEFAULT_HZ_PORT + (i * HZ_PORT_OFFSET)))); } for (int i = 0; i < nbOfNodes; i++) { dtxPeerList.add(new DtxNode(UUID.randomUUID(), new InetSocketAddress("", DEFAULT_HZ_PORT + 1 + (i * HZ_PORT_OFFSET)))); } // Init all the vold Test Helper for (int i = 0; i < nbOfNodes; i++) { initVoldTestHelper(i); dummyMBeanServers[i] = new DummyMBeanServer(); } // Start only the Node which must be started at the beginning for (int i = 0; i < nbOfNodesInit; i++) { startNode(i); } // Wait for all the nodes are started correctly for (int i = 0; i < nbOfNodesInit; i++) { Assert.assertTrue(VvrManagerTestUtils.waitMXBeanNumber(getDummyMBeanServer(i), VoldTestHelper.MXBEANS_NUMBER_INIT)); } } public static final void stopNodes() throws Exception { for (int k = 0; k < nbOfNodes; k++) { stopNode(k); } } @AfterClass public static final void cleanRemoteVolds() throws Exception { // Clean all Vold potentially started for (int k = 0; k < nbOfNodes; k++) { stopNode(k); finiVoldTestHelper(k); dummyMBeanServers[k] = null; } } private static void initVoldTestHelper(final int index) throws IOException { final DtxNode currPeer = peerList.get(index); final ArrayList<DtxNode> otherPeers = new ArrayList<DtxNode>(peerList); otherPeers.remove(currPeer); final String peers = constructRemotePeers(otherPeers); // VOLD test Helper final VoldTestHelper voldTestHelper = new VoldTestHelper(VOLD_OWNER,, HashAlgorithm.MD5, vvrIsStarted); voldTestHelpers[index] = voldTestHelper; voldTestHelper.createTemporary(currPeer.getNodeId().toString(), currPeer.getAddress().getHostName(), Integer.valueOf(currPeer.getAddress().getPort()), peers, ISCSI_ADDRESS, Integer.valueOf(getIscsiServerPort(index)), NBD_ADDRESS, Integer.valueOf(getNbdServerPort(index))); } private static void finiVoldTestHelper(final int index) { try { voldTestHelpers[index].destroy(); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while destroying the vold test helper", t); } finally { voldTestHelpers[index] = null; } } private static String constructRemotePeers(final ArrayList<DtxNode> otherPeers) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); boolean filled = false; for (final DtxNode peer : otherPeers) { if (filled) { result.append(","); } filled = true; result.append(peer.getNodeId() + "@" + peer.getAddress().getPort()); } return result.toString(); } protected final static void stopNode(final int index) throws Exception { if (nodeStarted[index]) { if (msgClientObjectNames[index] != null) { try { dummyMBeanServers[index].unregisterMBean(msgClientObjectNames[index]); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while unregistering the msg client", t); } finally { msgClientObjectNames[index] = null; } } if (msgServerObjectNames[index] != null) { try { dummyMBeanServers[index].unregisterMBean(msgServerObjectNames[index]); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while unregistering the msg server", t); } finally { msgServerObjectNames[index] = null; } } if (voldClientServers[index] != null) { final VoldClientServer voldClientServer = voldClientServers[index]; try { voldClientServer.getVoldSyncServer().stop(); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while stopping the vold sync server", t); } try { voldClientServer.getMsgClientStartpoint().stop(); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while stopping the msg client", t); } finally { voldClientServers[index] = null; } } if (vvrManagers[index] != null) { try { vvrManagers[index].fini(); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while finishing the vvr manager", t); } finally { vvrManagers[index] = null; } } if (dtxManagerObjectNames[index] != null) { try { dummyMBeanServers[index].unregisterMBean(dtxManagerObjectNames[index]); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while unregistering the dtx manager", t); } finally { dtxManagerObjectNames[index] = null; } } if (dtxLocalNodeObjectNames[index] != null) { try { dummyMBeanServers[index].unregisterMBean(dtxLocalNodeObjectNames[index]); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while unregistering the local node", t); } finally { dtxLocalNodeObjectNames[index] = null; } } if (dtxManagers[index] != null) { try { dtxManagers[index].fini(); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while finishing the DtxManager", t); } finally { dtxManagers[index] = null; } } if (iscsiServers[index] != null) { try { iscsiServers[index].stop(); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while stopping the iscsi server", t); } finally { iscsiServers[index] = null; } } if (nbdServers[index] != null) { try { nbdServers[index].stop(); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Error while stopping the nbd server", t); } finally { nbdServers[index] = null; } } nodeStarted[index] = false; } } protected final static void startNode(final int index) throws Exception { if (!nodeStarted[index]) { final DtxNode currPeer = peerList.get(index); // ISCSI server final IscsiServer iscsiServer = VvrManagerTestUtils.createIscsiServer(dummyMBeanServers[index], getVoldTestHelper(index)); iscsiServers[index] = iscsiServer; // NBD server final NbdServer nbdServer = VvrManagerTestUtils.createNbdServer(dummyMBeanServers[index], getVoldTestHelper(index)); nbdServers[index] = nbdServer; // VVR Manager final VvrManager vvrManager = VvrManagerTestUtils.createVvrManager(dummyMBeanServers[index], getVoldTestHelper(index), currPeer.getNodeId().toString(), iscsiServer, nbdServer); Assert.assertNotNull(vvrManager); vvrManagers[index] = vvrManager; // Java net final MetaConfiguration metaConfiguration = MetaConfiguration.newConfiguration(getVoldTestHelper(index) .getVoldCfgFile(), VoldConfigurationContext.getInstance(), IscsiServerConfigurationContext .getInstance(), NbdServerConfigurationContext.getInstance(), DtxConfigurationContext.getInstance()); final VoldClientServer voldClientServer = MultiVoldUtils.initAndGetRemote(currPeer.getNodeId(), vvrManager, metaConfiguration); vvrManager.setSyncClient(voldClientServer.getMsgClientStartpoint()); voldClientServers[index] = voldClientServer; msgServerObjectNames[index] = voldClientServer.getVoldSyncServer().registerMXBean(dummyMBeanServers[index]); msgClientObjectNames[index] = voldClientServer.getMsgClientStartpoint().registerMXBean( dummyMBeanServers[index]); final DtxNode currDtxPeer = dtxPeerList.get(index); final ArrayList<DtxNode> otherDtxPeers = new ArrayList<DtxNode>(dtxPeerList); otherDtxPeers.remove(currDtxPeer); // DTX Manager final DtxManager dtxManager = VvrManagerTestUtils.createDtxManager(dummyMBeanServers[index], getVoldTestHelper(index), currDtxPeer, otherDtxPeers); dtxManagers[index] = dtxManager; // Register MBean dtxManagerObjectNames[index] = VvrManagerTestUtils.registerDtxManagerMXBean(dummyMBeanServers[index], getVoldTestHelper(index), dtxManager); dtxLocalNodeObjectNames[index] = VvrManagerTestUtils.registerDtxLocalNodeMXBean(dummyMBeanServers[index], getVoldTestHelper(index), DtxLocalNode()); VvrManagerHelper.initDtxManagement(vvrManager, dtxManager); nodeStarted[index] = true; } } protected final void restartVvrManagers() throws Exception { for (int j = 0; j < nbOfNodes; j++) { vvrManagers[j].fini(); } Thread.sleep(1000); for (int j = 0; j < nbOfNodes; j++) { VvrManagerHelper.initDtxManagement(vvrManagers[j], dtxManagers[j]); } } protected final void restartNodes() throws Exception { for (int j = 0; j < nbOfNodes; j++) { stopNode(j); } Thread.sleep(1000); for (int j = 0; j < nbOfNodes; j++) { startNode(j); } // Wait for all the nodes are started correctly for (int i = 0; i < nbOfNodes; i++) { Assert.assertTrue(VvrManagerTestUtils.waitMXBeanNumber(getDummyMBeanServer(i), VoldTestHelper.MXBEANS_NUMBER_INIT)); } } protected void setDeviceRO(final DummyMBeanServer server, final VoldTestHelper voldTestHelper, final UUID vvrUuid, final DeviceMXBean device) throws Exception { voldTestHelper.waitTaskEnd(vvrUuid, device.activateRO(), server); Assert.assertTrue(device.isActive()); } protected void setDeviceRW(final DummyMBeanServer server, final VoldTestHelper voldTestHelper, final UUID vvrUuid, final DeviceMXBean device) throws Exception { voldTestHelper.waitTaskEnd(vvrUuid, device.activateRW(), server); Assert.assertTrue(device.isActive()); } protected void setDeviceDeActivated(final DummyMBeanServer server, final VoldTestHelper voldTestHelper, final UUID vvrUuid, final DeviceMXBean device) throws Exception { voldTestHelper.waitTaskEnd(vvrUuid, device.deActivate(), server); Assert.assertFalse(device.isActive()); } protected final DeviceMXBean getDeviceMXBeanOnOtherServer(final UUID vvrUuid, final DeviceMXBean device, final DummyMBeanServer server) throws MalformedObjectNameException { final ObjectName on2 = VvrManagerTestUtils.getDeviceObjectName(VOLD_OWNER, vvrUuid, UUID.fromString(device.getUuid())); return (DeviceMXBean) server.getMXBean(on2); } protected final DeviceMXBean waitDeviceMXBeanOnOtherServer(final UUID vvrUuid, final DeviceMXBean device, final DummyMBeanServer server) throws MalformedObjectNameException { final ObjectName on2 = VvrManagerTestUtils.getDeviceObjectName(VOLD_OWNER, vvrUuid, UUID.fromString(device.getUuid())); return (DeviceMXBean) server.waitMXBean(on2); } }