package; /* * #%L * Project eguan * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Oodrive * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status.ACCEPTED; import static com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status.NOT_FOUND; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.Builder; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig; import com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONConfiguration; import com.sun.jersey.core.util.MultivaluedMapImpl; /** * Abstract class providing a common REST client setup. * * @author oodrive * @author pwehrle * @author ebredzinski * */ @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public abstract class AbstractVvrsResourceTest extends AbstractResourceTest { private static final String VVRS_RESOURCE_URI = SERVER_BASE_URI + "/" + VvrsResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class).value(); static final String CREATE_VVR_PATH = "action/createVvr"; static final String START_VVR_PATH = "action/start"; static final String STOP_VVR_PATH = "action/stop"; static final String TASK_VVRS_PATH = VVRS_RESOURCE_URI + "/tasks"; /** * The default task timeout in seconds. */ protected static final int DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S = 25; /** * Common POJO replicator. * * @see JaxbPojoReplicator */ protected static final JaxbPojoReplicator<VersionedVolumeRepository> VVR_REPLICATOR = new JaxbPojoReplicator<>( VersionedVolumeRepository.class); private static Client client; private static MultivaluedMapImpl mandatoryQueryParams; private static MediaType contentType = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE; private static MediaType acceptType = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE; private static final int TASK_WAIT_MS = 100; private static final int NOT_FOUND_RETRY_COUNT = 100; private static final int NOT_FOUND_WAIT_DELAY_MS = 200; /** * Internal constructor with content and response type arguments. * * @param runContentType * the content type to send in requests * @param runAcceptType * the accepted response type */ protected AbstractVvrsResourceTest(final MediaType runContentType, final MediaType runAcceptType) { contentType = runContentType; acceptType = runAcceptType; } /** * Test parameter generator method. * * @return all test parameter combinations to test */ @Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> data() { return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE }, { MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE } }); } /** * Gets the root 'vvrs' resource. * * @return a valid {@link WebResource} */ protected final WebResource getVvrsResource() { return client.resource(VVRS_RESOURCE_URI); } /** * Gets the common vvrs task resource. * * @return a valid {@link WebResource} */ protected final WebResource getVvrsTasksResource() { return client.resource(TASK_VVRS_PATH); } /** * Sets up the Jersey client. */ @BeforeClass public static final void setUpJerseyClient() { final ClientConfig cfg = new DefaultClientConfig(); cfg.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, Boolean.TRUE); client = Client.create(cfg); mandatoryQueryParams = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); mandatoryQueryParams.add("ownerId", Objects.requireNonNull(getOwnerUuid())); } /** * Sets up and cleans the root vvrs resource. */ @Before public final void setUpVvrsResource() { clearVvrsResource(getOwnerUuid(), getVvrsResource()); } /** * Tears down leftover sub-resources of the root vvrs resource. */ @After public final void tearDownVvrsResource() { clearVvrsResource(getOwnerUuid(), getVvrsResource()); } /** * Prepares a request with common mandatory parameters and optional query parameters. * * @param targetResource * the target {@link WebResource} * @param additionalQueryParams * optional query parameters * @return a preconfigured */ protected static final Builder prebuildRequest(final WebResource targetResource, final MultivaluedMap<String, String> additionalQueryParams) { WebResource parameterizedResource = targetResource.queryParams(mandatoryQueryParams); if (additionalQueryParams != null) { parameterizedResource = parameterizedResource.queryParams(additionalQueryParams); } return parameterizedResource.accept(acceptType).type(contentType); } /** * Extracts the task resource from the given response to a task-creating request. * * @param taskCreateResponse * a {@link ClientResponse} received as response to a task-creating (POST) request * @return a valid {@link WebResource} pointing to the created task * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the provided response does not have the proper return code or its location header is empty */ protected static final WebResource getTaskResourceFromAcceptedResponse(final ClientResponse taskCreateResponse) throws IllegalArgumentException { final int responseStatus = taskCreateResponse.getStatus(); if (ACCEPTED.getStatusCode() != responseStatus) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Response status is not 'accepted'; responseStatus=" + Status.fromStatusCode(responseStatus)); } final List<String> locationHeaders = taskCreateResponse.getHeaders().get("location"); if (locationHeaders.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No location headers found"); } return client.resource(locationHeaders.get(0)); } /** * Utility method to wait for the result produced by a task. * * @param taskCreateResponse * the {@link ClientResponse} pointing to the newly created task * @param timeUnit * a {@link TimeUnit} to measure the timeout in * @param timeout * a timeout after which to stop waiting for the result * @return a {@link WebResource} pointing to the result * @throws TimeoutException * if the specified timeout is reached before the result could be obtained * @throws IllegalStateException * if the task fails or does not produce a result */ protected static final WebResource getResultFromTask(final ClientResponse taskCreateResponse, final TimeUnit timeUnit, final long timeout) throws IllegalStateException, TimeoutException { return getResultFromTask(taskCreateResponse, timeUnit, timeout, false); } /** * Utility method to wait for the result produced by a task. * * @param taskCreateResponse * the {@link ClientResponse} pointing to the newly created task * @param timeUnit * a {@link TimeUnit} to measure the timeout in * @param timeout * a timeout after which to stop waiting for the result * @param waitForResult * whether to wait with the same timeout until the resulting resource appears before returning * @return a {@link WebResource} pointing to the result * @throws TimeoutException * if the specified timeout is reached before the result could be obtained * @throws IllegalStateException * if the task fails or does not produce a result */ protected static final WebResource getResultFromTask(final ClientResponse taskCreateResponse, final TimeUnit timeUnit, final long timeout, final boolean waitForResult) throws IllegalStateException, TimeoutException { final WebResource taskRes = getTaskResourceFromAcceptedResponse(taskCreateResponse); final long millisTimeout = timeUnit.toMillis(timeout) + System.currentTimeMillis(); String resultRef; boolean resultReferenced = false; ExecState state; boolean keepWaiting; do { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > millisTimeout) { throw new TimeoutException(); } final Task task = prebuildRequest(taskRes, null).get(Task.class); state = task.getState(); resultRef = task.getResultRef(); resultReferenced = (resultRef != null); if (state == ExecState.FAILED) { throw new IllegalStateException("Task failed; uuid=" + task.getUuid()); } if ((state == ExecState.DONE) && !resultReferenced) { throw new IllegalStateException("Task done without producing a result; uuid=" + task.getUuid()); } keepWaiting = !resultReferenced || state == ExecState.IN_PROGRESS || state == ExecState.PENDING; if (keepWaiting) { try { Thread.sleep(TASK_WAIT_MS); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } } while (keepWaiting); final WebResource result = client.resource(resultRef); if (!waitForResult) { return result; } ClientResponse checkResponse = prebuildRequest(result, null).get(ClientResponse.class); final int statusOk = Status.OK.getStatusCode(); while (checkResponse.getStatus() != statusOk) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > millisTimeout) { throw new TimeoutException(); } try { Thread.sleep(TASK_WAIT_MS); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } checkResponse = prebuildRequest(result, null).get(ClientResponse.class); } return result; } /** * Creates a VVR resource. * * @param vvrsResource * the parent vvrs resource * @param additionalQueryParams * query parameters to include in the creation request * @return a {@link WebResource} pointing to the result * @throws TimeoutException * if the creation task does not complete within {@value #DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S} seconds */ protected static final WebResource createVvr(final WebResource vvrsResource, final MultivaluedMap<String, String> additionalQueryParams) throws TimeoutException { final ClientResponse createResponse = prebuildRequest(vvrsResource.path(CREATE_VVR_PATH), additionalQueryParams) .post(ClientResponse.class, null); return getResultFromTask(createResponse, TimeUnit.SECONDS, DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S, true); } /** * Starts the given VVR. * * @param vvrResource * the target VVR resource * @param additionalQueryParams * query parameters to include in the start request * @return a {@link WebResource} pointing to the started VVR * @throws TimeoutException * if the start task does not complete within {@value #DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S} seconds * @throws InterruptedException * if interrupted while waiting for the VVR resource to be available */ protected static final WebResource startVvr(final WebResource vvrResource, final MultivaluedMap<String, String> additionalQueryParams) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException { ClientResponse startResponse = prebuildRequest(vvrResource.path(START_VVR_PATH), additionalQueryParams).post( ClientResponse.class, null); int count = 0; while (NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode() == startResponse.getStatus() && count < NOT_FOUND_RETRY_COUNT) { Thread.sleep(NOT_FOUND_WAIT_DELAY_MS); count++; startResponse = prebuildRequest(vvrResource.path(START_VVR_PATH), additionalQueryParams).post( ClientResponse.class, null); } final WebResource startedVvrRes = getResultFromTask(startResponse, TimeUnit.SECONDS, DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S); final VersionedVolumeRepository startedVvr = prebuildRequest(startedVvrRes, additionalQueryParams).get( VersionedVolumeRepository.class); assertTrue(startedVvr.isStarted()); return startedVvrRes; } /** * Activates a given device. * * @param deviceResource * the {@link WebResource} representing the target device * @param readOnly * whether to activate read-only * @return a {@link WebResource} representing the active device * @throws TimeoutException * if the activation task does not complete within {@value #DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S} seconds */ protected static final WebResource activateDevice(final WebResource deviceResource, final boolean readOnly) throws TimeoutException { final WebResource activateActionRes = deviceResource.path("action/activate"); final MultivaluedMapImpl activateParams = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); activateParams.add("readOnly", readOnly); final ClientResponse activateResponse = prebuildRequest(activateActionRes, activateParams).post( ClientResponse.class); return getResultFromTask(activateResponse, TimeUnit.SECONDS, DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S); } /** * Deactivates a given device. * * @param deviceResource * the {@link WebResource} representing the target device * @return a {@link WebResource} representing the inactive device * @throws TimeoutException * if the deactivation task does not complete within {@value #DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S} seconds */ protected static final WebResource deactivateDevice(final WebResource deviceResource) throws TimeoutException { final WebResource deactivateActionRes = deviceResource.path("action/deactivate"); final ClientResponse deactivateResponse = prebuildRequest(deactivateActionRes, null).post(ClientResponse.class); return getResultFromTask(deactivateResponse, TimeUnit.SECONDS, DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S); } /** * Check all the tasks locally saved are present in the server returned list. * * @param localTasks * a {@link List} of local tasks * @param serverTasks * a {@link List} of server-side tasks * @return <code>true</code> if all local tasks have been found in the server-side tasks */ protected static final boolean checkTasks(final List<Task> localTasks, final List<Task> serverTasks) { // check that all the tasks locally saved are present in the server returned list boolean localTaskfound = false; for (final Task localTask : localTasks) { for (final Task serverTask : serverTasks) { if (localTask.getUuid().equals(serverTask.getUuid())) { localTaskfound = true; break; } } } return localTaskfound; } /** * Gets the list of tasks from a tasks resource. * * @param tasksResource * the target {@link WebResource} * @return a {@link List} of {@link Task}s */ protected static final List<Task> getServerTasks(final WebResource tasksResource) { final TaskList serverTaskList = prebuildRequest(tasksResource, null).get(TaskList.class); assertNotNull(serverTaskList); final List<Task> newTaskList = serverTaskList.getTasks(); assertNotNull(newTaskList); return newTaskList; } /** * Delete all sub-resources of the given vvrs resource. * * @param ownerId * the owner ID associated to the target resource * @param rootResource * the target vvrs resource */ private static final void clearVvrsResource(final String ownerId, final WebResource rootResource) { // clear all remaining vvr resources contained in the root vvrs resource final VersionedVolumeRepositoryList vvrsToDelete = prebuildRequest(rootResource, null).get( VersionedVolumeRepositoryList.class); try { for (final VersionedVolumeRepository currVvr : vvrsToDelete.getVersionedVolumeRepositories()) { final WebResource resource = rootResource.path(currVvr.getUuid()); if (currVvr.isStarted()) { deactivateAllDevices(resource); final WebResource stoppedVvrRes = getResultFromTask( prebuildRequest(resource.path("action/stop"), null).post(ClientResponse.class, null), TimeUnit.SECONDS, DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S); final VersionedVolumeRepository stoppedVvr = prebuildRequest(stoppedVvrRes, null).get( VersionedVolumeRepository.class); assert !stoppedVvr.isStarted(); } final ClientResponse deleteResponse = prebuildRequest(resource, null).delete(ClientResponse.class); assertEquals(Status.ACCEPTED.getStatusCode(), deleteResponse.getStatus()); getResultFromTask(deleteResponse, TimeUnit.SECONDS, DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S); } } catch (final TimeoutException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } /** * Deactivates all devices in a given VVR resource. * * @param vvrResource * the target resource * @throws TimeoutException * if any of the deactivation tasks does not complete within {@value #DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_S} seconds */ private static final void deactivateAllDevices(final WebResource vvrResource) throws TimeoutException { final WebResource devicesRes = vvrResource.path("devices"); for (final Device currDev : prebuildRequest(devicesRes, null).get(DeviceList.class).getDevices()) { if (!currDev.isActive()) { continue; } final WebResource deviceRes = devicesRes.path(currDev.getUuid()); deactivateDevice(deviceRes); } } }