package io.eguan.dtx.journal; /* * #%L * Project eguan * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Oodrive * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static io.eguan.dtx.DtxConstants.DEFAULT_JOURNAL_FILE_PREFIX; import static io.eguan.dtx.DtxTestHelper.writeCompleteTransactions; import static io.eguan.dtx.journal.JournalRotationManager.RotationEvent.RotationStage.ROTATE_SUCCESS; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import io.eguan.dtx.DtxTestHelper; import io.eguan.dtx.journal.JournalFileUtils; import io.eguan.dtx.journal.JournalRotationManager; import io.eguan.dtx.journal.WritableTxJournal; import io.eguan.dtx.journal.JournalRotationManager.RotationEvent; import io.eguan.dtx.journal.JournalRotationManager.RotationListener; import io.eguan.proto.dtx.DistTxWrapper.TxNode; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Tests the rotation methods of the {@link WritableTxJournal} class. * * Consider running these tests using the {@link TmpToRamJUnitRunner}, as they last very long due to large amounts of * transactions being written synchronously to disk. * * @author oodrive * @author pwehrle * */ public final class TestJournalRotation { /** * A {@link RotationListener} counting events with {@link RotationEvent.RotationStage#ROTATE_SUCCESS}. * * */ static final class RotationSuccessCounter implements RotationListener { private final AtomicInteger rotationCounter = new AtomicInteger(); @Override public void rotationEventOccured(final RotationEvent rotevt) { if (ROTATE_SUCCESS.equals(rotevt.getStage())) { rotationCounter.incrementAndGet(); } } /** * Gets the current successful rotation event count. * * @return a positive or zero integer */ final int getCount() { return rotationCounter.get(); } } private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestJournalRotation.class); private static final int NB_TEST_ROTATIONS = 5; private static final int NB_CONCURRENT_JOURNALS = 5; private static final int ROTATION_WAIT_DELAY_RETRIES = 10; private static final int ROTATION_WAIT_DELAY_MS = 1000; private static final int ROTATOR_THREADCOUNT = 3; private static final Set<TxNode> PARTICIPANTS = DtxTestHelper.newRandomParticipantsSet(); private static final Path RAMDISK_PATH = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/run/shm"); private static final long ROTATION_THRESHOLD_RAMDISK = 2097152L; private static final long ROTATION_THRESHOLD_HDD = 6144L; private boolean tmpToRamActive = false; private long rotationThresholdBytes = 0; private JournalRotationManager journalRotMgr; private File tmpJournalDir; /** * Sets up common fixture. * * @throws InitializationError * if setting up temporary storage fails */ @Before public final void setUp() throws InitializationError { // redirect temporary file directory to ramdisk, if possible // TODO: this should be factorized as a custom runner or abstract superclass, but those solutions don't work // with maven and/or coverage tools tmpToRamActive = Files.exists(RAMDISK_PATH); try { if (tmpToRamActive) { this.tmpJournalDir = Files.createTempDirectory(RAMDISK_PATH, TestJournalRotation.class.getSimpleName()) .toFile(); rotationThresholdBytes = ROTATION_THRESHOLD_RAMDISK; } else { this.tmpJournalDir = Files.createTempDirectory(TestJournalRotation.class.getSimpleName()).toFile(); rotationThresholdBytes = ROTATION_THRESHOLD_HDD; } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new InitializationError(e); } this.journalRotMgr = new JournalRotationManager(ROTATOR_THREADCOUNT); journalRotMgr.start(); } /** * Tears down common fixture. * * @throws InitializationError * if deleting temporary data fails */ @After public final void tearDown() throws InitializationError { journalRotMgr.stop(); try { io.eguan.utils.Files.deleteRecursive(tmpJournalDir.toPath()); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new InitializationError(e); } } /** * Tests {@link JournalRotationManager#submitRotation(WritableTxJournal)}'s failure on a stopped instance. */ @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class) public final void testRotationFailStoppedMgr() {"Executing"); journalRotMgr.stop(); assertFalse(journalRotMgr.isStarted()); journalRotMgr.submitRotation(new WritableTxJournal(tmpJournalDir, null, rotationThresholdBytes, journalRotMgr)); } /** * Tests a single, automatically triggered rotation. * * @throws IllegalStateException * if the journal is not started, not part of this test * @throws IOException * if writing to the journal fails, not part of this test * @throws InterruptedException * if the test is interrupted while waiting, not part of this test */ @Test public final void testSingleImplicitRotation() throws IllegalStateException, IOException, InterruptedException {"Executing"); final WritableTxJournal targetJrnl = new WritableTxJournal(tmpJournalDir, null, rotationThresholdBytes, journalRotMgr); assertNotNull(targetJrnl); targetJrnl.start(); assertTrue(targetJrnl.isStarted()); final String journalFilename = targetJrnl.getJournalFilename(); final RotationSuccessCounter rotationCounter = new RotationSuccessCounter(); final File journalFile = new File(journalFilename); assertTrue(journalFile.exists()); journalRotMgr.addRotationEventListener(rotationCounter, journalFilename); // write just enough transactions to get over the rotation threshold long lengthBefore = journalFile.length(); while ((journalFile.length() < rotationThresholdBytes) && (lengthBefore <= journalFile.length())) { // write one complete transaction writeCompleteTransactions(targetJrnl, 1, null, PARTICIPANTS); lengthBefore = journalFile.length(); } int retryCounter = 0; while (1 > rotationCounter.getCount() && retryCounter < ROTATION_WAIT_DELAY_RETRIES) { Thread.sleep(ROTATION_WAIT_DELAY_MS); if (1 > rotationCounter.getCount()) { // write two complete transactions writeCompleteTransactions(targetJrnl, 2, null, PARTICIPANTS); } retryCounter++; } final NavigableMap<Integer, File> backupFileList = JournalFileUtils.getInverseBackupMap(tmpJournalDir, journalFile.getName()); assertFalse(backupFileList.isEmpty()); assertTrue(backupFileList.firstKey().intValue() >= 1); assertTrue(1 <= rotationCounter.getCount()); journalRotMgr.removeRotationEventListener(rotationCounter); } /** * Tests multiple ({@value #NB_TEST_ROTATIONS}), automatically triggered rotations. * * @throws IllegalStateException * if the journal is not started, not part of this test * @throws IOException * if writing to the journal fails, not part of this test * @throws InterruptedException * if the test is interrupted while waiting, not part of this test */ @Test public final void testMultipleImplicitRotations() throws IllegalStateException, IOException, InterruptedException {"Executing"); final WritableTxJournal targetJrnl = new WritableTxJournal(tmpJournalDir, DEFAULT_JOURNAL_FILE_PREFIX, rotationThresholdBytes, journalRotMgr); assertNotNull(targetJrnl); targetJrnl.start(); assertTrue(targetJrnl.isStarted()); final RotationSuccessCounter rotationCounter = new RotationSuccessCounter(); final String journalFilename = targetJrnl.getJournalFilename(); journalRotMgr.addRotationEventListener(rotationCounter, journalFilename); final File journalFile = new File(journalFilename); assertTrue(journalFile.exists()); writeCompleteTransactions(targetJrnl, 2, null, PARTICIPANTS); for (int j = 1; j <= NB_TEST_ROTATIONS; j++) { // write just enough transactions to get over the rotation threshold long lengthBefore = journalFile.length(); while ((journalFile.length() < rotationThresholdBytes) && (lengthBefore <= journalFile.length())) { // write two complete transactions writeCompleteTransactions(targetJrnl, 2, null, PARTICIPANTS); lengthBefore = journalFile.length(); } int retryCounter = 0; while (j > rotationCounter.getCount() && retryCounter < ROTATION_WAIT_DELAY_RETRIES) { Thread.sleep(ROTATION_WAIT_DELAY_MS); if (j > rotationCounter.getCount()) { // write two complete transactions writeCompleteTransactions(targetJrnl, 2, null, PARTICIPANTS); } retryCounter++; } final NavigableMap<Integer, File> backupFileList = JournalFileUtils.getInverseBackupMap(tmpJournalDir, journalFile.getName()); assertFalse(backupFileList.isEmpty()); LOGGER.debug("Checking for rotation count; highestBackup=" + backupFileList.firstKey().intValue() + ", expected=" + j); assertTrue(backupFileList.firstKey().intValue() >= j); assertTrue(j <= rotationCounter.getCount()); // verifying the non-existence of the i+1th backup file does not provide reliable results and is therefore // omitted pending a better solution } journalRotMgr.removeRotationEventListener(rotationCounter); } /** * Tests rotation operations performed by one {@link JournalRotationManager} with {@value #NB_CONCURRENT_JOURNALS} * threads simultaneously writing into their own journal. * * @throws IllegalStateException * if the journal is not started, not part of this test * @throws IOException * if writing to any of the journals fails, not part of this test * @throws InterruptedException * if the test is interrupted while waiting, not part of this test */ @Test public final void testMultipleConcurrentImplicitRotations() throws IllegalStateException, IOException, InterruptedException {"Executing"); final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NB_CONCURRENT_JOURNALS, new ThreadFactory() { private int serial; @Override public Thread newThread(final Runnable r) { serial++; final Thread result = new Thread(r); result.setDaemon(true); result.setName(TestJournalRotation.class.getSimpleName() + " - " + serial); return result; } }); final ArrayList<WritableTxJournal> journalList = new ArrayList<WritableTxJournal>(); final HashMap<String, AtomicInteger> rotationCounters = new HashMap<String, AtomicInteger>(); final ArrayList<Callable<Void>> callableList = new ArrayList<Callable<Void>>(); for (int i = 0; i < NB_CONCURRENT_JOURNALS; i++) { final WritableTxJournal targetJournal = new WritableTxJournal(tmpJournalDir, DEFAULT_JOURNAL_FILE_PREFIX + i, rotationThresholdBytes, journalRotMgr); journalList.add(targetJournal); final String journalFilename = targetJournal.getJournalFilename(); rotationCounters.put(journalFilename, new AtomicInteger()); targetJournal.start(); final JournalTestWriter journalWriter = new JournalTestWriter(targetJournal, rotationThresholdBytes, rotationCounters.get(journalFilename), journalRotMgr); callableList.add(journalWriter); } final RotationListener rotListener = new RotationListener() { @Override public void rotationEventOccured(final RotationEvent rotevt) { if (RotationEvent.RotationStage.ROTATE_SUCCESS.equals(rotevt.getStage())) { rotationCounters.get(rotevt.getFilename()).incrementAndGet(); } } }; journalRotMgr.addRotationEventListener(rotListener, rotationCounters.keySet().toArray(new String[NB_CONCURRENT_JOURNALS])); executor.invokeAll(callableList); // shutdown to try and complete running rotations journalRotMgr.stop(); journalRotMgr.removeRotationEventListener(rotListener); for (final String currFile : rotationCounters.keySet()) { final AtomicInteger currCounter = rotationCounters.get(currFile); assertTrue(NB_TEST_ROTATIONS <= currCounter.get()); } executor.shutdown(); } /** * Autonomous task writing to a given {@link WritableTxJournal}. * * */ private static final class JournalTestWriter implements Callable<Void> { private final WritableTxJournal targetJournal; private final long rotationThreshold; private final AtomicInteger rotationCounter; JournalTestWriter(final WritableTxJournal target, final long rotationThreshold, final AtomicInteger rotationCounter, final JournalRotationManager journalRotMgr) { this.targetJournal = target; this.rotationThreshold = rotationThreshold; this.rotationCounter = rotationCounter; } @Override public Void call() throws Exception { for (int j = 1; j <= NB_TEST_ROTATIONS; j++) { final File journalFile = new File(targetJournal.getJournalFilename()); // write just enough transactions to get over the rotation threshold long lengthBefore = journalFile.length(); while ((journalFile.length() < rotationThreshold) && (lengthBefore <= journalFile.length())) { // write two complete transactions writeCompleteTransactions(targetJournal, 2, null, PARTICIPANTS); lengthBefore = journalFile.length(); } // waits until the rotation counter increases int retryCounter = 0; while (j > rotationCounter.get() && retryCounter < ROTATION_WAIT_DELAY_RETRIES) { Thread.sleep(ROTATION_WAIT_DELAY_MS); if (j > rotationCounter.get()) { // write two complete transactions to trigger missing rotations writeCompleteTransactions(targetJournal, 2, null, PARTICIPANTS); } retryCounter++; } } return null; } } }