package io.eguan.dtx; /* * #%L * Project eguan * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Oodrive * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static io.eguan.dtx.DtxNodeState.INITIALIZED; import static io.eguan.dtx.DtxResourceManagerState.UP_TO_DATE; import static io.eguan.dtx.DtxTestHelper.DEFAULT_TX_MESSAGE; import static io.eguan.dtx.proto.TxProtobufUtils.toUuid; import static javax.transaction.xa.XAException.XAER_INVAL; import static javax.transaction.xa.XAException.XAER_NOTA; import static javax.transaction.xa.XAException.XAER_PROTO; import static javax.transaction.xa.XAException.XAER_RMERR; import static javax.transaction.xa.XAException.XAER_RMFAIL; import static javax.transaction.xa.XAException.XA_RBINTEGRITY; import static javax.transaction.xa.XAException.XA_RBPROTO; import static javax.transaction.xa.XAException.XA_RBROLLBACK; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import io.eguan.dtx.DtxManager; import io.eguan.dtx.DtxManagerConfig; import io.eguan.dtx.DtxNodeState; import io.eguan.dtx.DtxResourceManager; import io.eguan.dtx.DtxTaskStatus; import io.eguan.dtx.TransactionManager; import io.eguan.proto.Common.ProtocolVersion; import io.eguan.proto.dtx.DistTxWrapper.TxMessage; import io.eguan.proto.dtx.DistTxWrapper.TxNode; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.transaction.xa.XAException; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Tests for all error cases included in the transaction execution protocol implemented by the * {@link TransactionManager}. * * @author oodrive * @author pwehrle * @author ebredzinski * */ @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public final class TestTransactionManagerErrorCases { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestTransactionManagerErrorCases.class); private static final Set<TxNode> PARTICIPANTS = DtxTestHelper.newRandomParticipantsSet(); private DtxManager dtxManager; private Path tmpJournalDir; /** * Operation identifiers. * * */ public enum TestOp { /** execute the {@link TransactionManager#start(TxMessage, Iterable)} method. */ START, /** execute the {@link TransactionManager#prepare(long)} method. */ PREPARE, /** execute the {@link TransactionManager#commit(long)} method. */ COMMIT, /** execute the {@link TransactionManager#rollback(long)} method. */ ROLLBACK; }; private static final int[] TM_PROTO = new int[] { XAER_PROTO }; private static final int[] TM_NOTA = new int[] { XAER_NOTA }; private static final int[] TM_INTERNAL = new int[] { XAER_NOTA, XAER_PROTO }; private static final int[] RM_INTERNAL = { XAER_RMERR, XAER_INVAL, XAER_RMFAIL }; private static final int[] RM_ROLLBACK = { XA_RBROLLBACK, XA_RBINTEGRITY, XA_RBPROTO }; /** * Sets up common fixture. * * @throws InitializationError * if setup fails */ @Before public final void setUp() throws InitializationError { try { this.tmpJournalDir = Files.createTempDirectory(TestTransactionManagerErrorCases.class.getSimpleName()); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new InitializationError(e); } final DtxManagerConfig dtxConfig = DtxTestHelper.newDtxManagerConfig(tmpJournalDir); this.dtxManager = new DtxManager(dtxConfig); dtxManager.init(); assertEquals(INITIALIZED, dtxManager.getStatus()); target = new TransactionManager(dtxConfig, dtxManager); target.startUp(null); } /** * Tears down common fixture. * * @throws InitializationError * if teardown fails */ @After public final void tearDown() throws InitializationError { try { io.eguan.utils.Files.deleteRecursive(tmpJournalDir); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new InitializationError(e); } } /** * Parameter generator method for the {@link Parameterized} test. * * @return a {@link List} of parameter combinations */ @Parameters public static List<Object[]> data() { final ArrayList<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (final DtxTaskStatus currStatus : DtxTaskStatus.values()) { final HashMap<TestOp, int[]> opErrMap = new HashMap<TestOp, int[]>(); switch (currStatus) { case PENDING: opErrMap.put(TestOp.START, concatAll(RM_INTERNAL, RM_ROLLBACK)); opErrMap.put(TestOp.PREPARE, TM_NOTA); opErrMap.put(TestOp.COMMIT, TM_NOTA); opErrMap.put(TestOp.ROLLBACK, TM_NOTA); break; case STARTED: opErrMap.put(TestOp.START, TM_PROTO); opErrMap.put(TestOp.PREPARE, concatAll(RM_INTERNAL, RM_ROLLBACK)); opErrMap.put(TestOp.COMMIT, TM_PROTO); opErrMap.put(TestOp.ROLLBACK, concatAll(RM_INTERNAL, RM_INTERNAL)); break; case PREPARED: opErrMap.put(TestOp.START, TM_PROTO); opErrMap.put(TestOp.PREPARE, TM_PROTO); opErrMap.put(TestOp.COMMIT, concatAll(RM_INTERNAL, RM_ROLLBACK)); opErrMap.put(TestOp.ROLLBACK, RM_INTERNAL); break; case COMMITTED: opErrMap.put(TestOp.START, TM_NOTA); opErrMap.put(TestOp.PREPARE, TM_NOTA); opErrMap.put(TestOp.COMMIT, TM_NOTA); opErrMap.put(TestOp.ROLLBACK, TM_NOTA); break; case ROLLED_BACK: opErrMap.put(TestOp.START, TM_NOTA); opErrMap.put(TestOp.PREPARE, TM_NOTA); opErrMap.put(TestOp.COMMIT, TM_NOTA); opErrMap.put(TestOp.ROLLBACK, TM_NOTA); break; default: break; } for (final TestOp currOp : opErrMap.keySet()) { final int[] currErrList = opErrMap.get(currOp); for (int i = 0; i < currErrList.length; i++) { result.add(new Object[] { currOp, currStatus, new XAException(currErrList[i]) }); } } } return result; } private final DtxTaskStatus initialStatus; private final XAException checkException; private final TestOp testOp; private TransactionManager target; /** * Parameterized constructor. * * @param operation * the {@link TestOp operation} to test * @param status * the status of the transaction upon calling the operation * @param xe * the exception to throw */ public TestTransactionManagerErrorCases(final TestOp operation, final DtxTaskStatus status, final XAException xe) { this.testOp = operation; this.initialStatus = status; this.checkException = xe; } /** * Test a precise failure case for one of the {@link TransactionManager} methods. * * @throws XAException * expected for this test */ @Test(expected = XAException.class) public final void testOperationFailure() throws XAException { LOGGER.debug("Executing operation failure test; status=" + initialStatus + ", operation=" + testOp + ", expected=" + checkException.errorCode); final DtxResourceManager initialResMgr = DtxDummyRmFactory.newResMgrThatDoesEverythingRight(null); final UUID resourceId = initialResMgr.getId(); dtxManager.init(); assertEquals(DtxNodeState.INITIALIZED, dtxManager.getStatus()); target.registerResourceManager(initialResMgr, null); assertEquals(initialResMgr, target.getRegisteredResourceManager(resourceId)); final TxMessage startTx = TxMessage.newBuilder(DEFAULT_TX_MESSAGE).setVersion(ProtocolVersion.VERSION_1) .setTxId(DtxTestHelper.nextTxId()).setResId(toUuid(resourceId)).build(); final long txId = startTx.getTxId(); switch (this.initialStatus) { case STARTED: target.start(startTx, PARTICIPANTS); break; case PREPARED: target.start(startTx, PARTICIPANTS); target.prepare(txId); break; case COMMITTED: target.start(startTx, PARTICIPANTS); target.prepare(txId); target.commit(txId, PARTICIPANTS); break; case ROLLED_BACK: target.start(startTx, PARTICIPANTS); target.rollback(txId, PARTICIPANTS); break; case PENDING: default: } // exclude exceptions generated by the transaction manager from the mock initialization if (Arrays.binarySearch(TM_INTERNAL, checkException.errorCode) < 0) { // unregister the initial resource manager and replace with a faulty one target.unregisterResourceManager(initialResMgr.getId()); assertNull(target.getRegisteredResourceManager(resourceId)); final DtxResourceManager resMgr; switch (this.testOp) { case START: resMgr = DtxDummyRmFactory.newResMgrFailingOnStart(resourceId, checkException); break; case PREPARE: resMgr = DtxDummyRmFactory.newResMgrFailingOnPrepare(resourceId, checkException); break; case COMMIT: resMgr = DtxDummyRmFactory.newResMgrFailingOnCommit(resourceId, checkException); break; case ROLLBACK: resMgr = DtxDummyRmFactory.newResMgrFailingOnRollback(resourceId, checkException); break; default: resMgr = DtxDummyRmFactory.newResMgrThatDoesEverythingRight(resourceId); } target.registerResourceManager(resMgr, null); assertEquals(resMgr, target.getRegisteredResourceManager(resMgr.getId())); } target.setResManagerSyncState(resourceId, UP_TO_DATE); // execute the target operation and analyze the thrown exception try { switch (this.testOp) { case START: target.start(startTx, PARTICIPANTS); break; case PREPARE: target.prepare(txId); break; case COMMIT: target.commit(txId, PARTICIPANTS); break; case ROLLBACK: target.rollback(txId, PARTICIPANTS); break; default: break; } LOGGER.error("No exception thrown; expected=" + checkException.errorCode + ", operation=" + this.testOp + ", initialState=" + this.initialStatus); } catch (final XAException xe) { if (checkException.errorCode != xe.errorCode) { LOGGER.error("Unexpected error; code=" + xe.errorCode + ", expected=" + checkException.errorCode + ", operation=" + this.testOp + ", initialState=" + this.initialStatus); } assertEquals(checkException.errorCode, xe.errorCode); throw xe; } } private static int[] concatAll(final int[] first, final int[]... rest) { int totalLength = first.length; for (final int[] currArray : rest) { totalLength += currArray.length; } final int[] result = Arrays.copyOf(first, totalLength); int offset = first.length; for (final int[] array : rest) { System.arraycopy(array, 0, result, offset, array.length); offset += array.length; } return result; } }