package; /* * #%L * Project eguan * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Oodrive * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import io.eguan.iscsisrv.IscsiServerMXBean; import io.eguan.nbdsrv.NbdServerMXBean; import io.eguan.srv.AbstractServerMXBean; import io.eguan.vold.model.DeviceMXBean; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Objects; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * {@link DeviceResource} implementation for JMX backend. * * @author oodrive * @author pwehrle * @author ebredzinski * */ public final class DeviceResourceJmxImpl extends AbstractResource implements DeviceResource { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeviceResourceJmxImpl.class); /** * Enumeration of all supported client protocols. * * */ private enum ClientProtocol { ISCSI, NBD; } private final DeviceMXBean deviceInstance; private final VvrResourceJmxImpl vvrResource; private final URI resourceUri; public DeviceResourceJmxImpl(final DeviceMXBean deviceProxy, final VvrResourceJmxImpl vvrResource, final URI resourceUri) { this.deviceInstance = deviceProxy; this.vvrResource = vvrResource; this.resourceUri = resourceUri; } public final class ActivateDeviceResourceJmxImpl implements ActivateDeviceResource { @Override public Response activateDevice(final String ownerId, final boolean readOnly) { final VvrTasksResourceJmxImpl tasksResource = vvrResource.getVvrTasksResource(); String taskId; try { if (readOnly) { taskId = deviceInstance.activateRO(); } else { taskId = deviceInstance.activateRW(); } } catch (final IllegalStateException e) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newForbiddenException( e.getMessage() == null ? "Failed to activate device" : e.getMessage(), "Illegal state to activate device"); } catch (final Exception e) { throw ServerErrorFactory.newInternalErrorException("Failed to activate the device", "Exception activate device", e); } final URI taskUri = tasksResource.constructTaskUri(taskId); return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).location(taskUri).build(); } } public final class DeactivateDeviceResourceJmxImpl implements DeactivateDeviceResource { @Override public Response deactivateDevice(final String ownerId) { final VvrTasksResourceJmxImpl tasksResource = vvrResource.getVvrTasksResource(); final String taskId; try { taskId = deviceInstance.deActivate(); } catch (final IllegalStateException e) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newForbiddenException(e.getMessage() == null ? "Failed to de-activate device" : e.getMessage(), "Illegal state to de-activate device"); } catch (final Exception e) { throw ServerErrorFactory.newInternalErrorException("Failed to de-activate device", "Exception to activate device", e); } final URI taskUri = tasksResource.constructTaskUri(taskId); return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).location(taskUri).build(); } } public final class ResizeDeviceResourceJmxImpl implements ResizeDeviceResource { @Override public Response resizeDevice(final String ownerId, final long size) throws CustomResourceException { // input validation if (size <= 0) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newForbiddenException("Invalid size", "Size " + size + " requested for device " + deviceInstance.getUuid()); } final long currentSize = deviceInstance.getSize(); if ((size < currentSize) && deviceInstance.isActive()) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newForbiddenException("Device is active", "Resize requested for active device " + deviceInstance.getUuid()); } final VvrTasksResourceJmxImpl tasksResource = vvrResource.getVvrTasksResource(); final String taskId; try { taskId = deviceInstance.setSizeNoWait(size); } catch (final Exception e) { throw ServerErrorFactory .newInternalErrorException("Failed to set new size", "Exception to set size", e); } final URI taskUri = tasksResource.constructTaskUri(taskId); return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).location(taskUri).build(); } } public final class ConnectionResourceJmxImpl implements ConnectionResource { @Override public ConnectionInfo getConnection(final String ownerId, final String ip, final String clientProtocol) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ip)) { throw ClientErrorFactory .newBadRequestException("No client IP provided", "No client IP; ip=" + ip, null); } try { InetAddress.getByName(ip); } catch (final UnknownHostException e) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newBadRequestException("Invalid client IP provided", "Invalid client IP; ip=" + ip, e); } if (!deviceInstance.isActive()) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newForbiddenException("Can't connect to inactive device; ip=" + ip + ", protocol=" + clientProtocol, "Can't connect to device"); } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(clientProtocol)) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newBadRequestException("No client protocol provided", "No client protocol; protocol=" + clientProtocol, null); } final ClientProtocol validClientProtocol; try { validClientProtocol = ClientProtocol.valueOf(clientProtocol.toUpperCase()); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newBadRequestException("Unsupported client protocol", "Bad client protocol; protocol=" + clientProtocol, null); } final ConnectionInfo result = getObjectFactory().createConnectionInfo(); final MBeanServerConnection connection = vvrResource.getParentResource().getConnection(); final ObjectName serverObjName; try { switch (validClientProtocol) { case NBD: result.setDriverVolumeType("nbd"); serverObjName = new ObjectName(NbdServerMXBean.class.getPackage().getName() + ":type=Server"); result.setDevName(deviceInstance.getName()); break; case ISCSI: default: result.setDriverVolumeType("iscsi"); serverObjName = new ObjectName(IscsiServerMXBean.class.getPackage().getName() + ":type=Server"); result.setIqn(deviceInstance.getIqn()); result.setIscsiAlias(deviceInstance.getIscsiAlias()); } } catch (final MalformedObjectNameException e) { LOGGER.warn(""); throw ServerErrorFactory.newInternalErrorException("Server not found", "Exception getting connection data", e); } final AbstractServerMXBean server = JMX .newMBeanProxy(connection, serverObjName, AbstractServerMXBean.class); result.setServerAddress(server.getAddress()); result.setServerPort(server.getPort()); return result; } } /** * Member {@link NewSnapshotResource} implementation. * * */ public final class NewSnapshotResourceJmxImpl implements NewSnapshotResource { @Override public final Response newSnapshot(final String ownerId, final String name, final String description, final String uuid) { final VvrTasksResourceJmxImpl tasksResource = vvrResource.getVvrTasksResource(); final String taskId; try { if (uuid == null) { if (description == null) { taskId = deviceInstance.takeSnapshot(name); } else { taskId = deviceInstance.takeSnapshot(name, description); } } else { if (description == null) { taskId = deviceInstance.takeSnapshotUuid(name, uuid); } else { taskId = deviceInstance.takeSnapshotUuid(name, description, uuid); } } } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newBadRequestException( e.getMessage() == null ? "Failed to create a new snapshot" : e.getMessage(), "Illegal argument exception for takeSnaphot", e); } catch (final IllegalStateException e) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newForbiddenException( e.getMessage() == null ? "Failed to create a new snapshot" : e.getMessage(), "Illegal State exception for takeSnaphot"); } catch (final Exception e) { throw ServerErrorFactory.newInternalErrorException("Failed to create a new snapshot", "Exception create snapshot", e); } final URI taskUri = tasksResource.constructTaskUri(taskId); return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).location(taskUri).build(); } } /** * Member {@link CloneDeviceResource} implementation. * * */ public final class CloneDeviceResourceJmxImpl implements CloneDeviceResource { @Override public Response cloneDevice(final String ownerId, final String name, final String description, final String uuid) { final VvrTasksResourceJmxImpl tasksResource = vvrResource.getVvrTasksResource(); final String taskId; try { if (uuid == null) { if (description == null) { taskId = deviceInstance.clone(name); } else { taskId = deviceInstance.clone(name, description); } } else { if (description == null) { taskId = deviceInstance.cloneUuid(name, uuid); } else { taskId = deviceInstance.cloneUuid(name, description, uuid); } } } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newBadRequestException(e.getMessage() == null ? "Failed to clone a new device" : e.getMessage(), "Illegal argument exception for clone", e); } catch (final IllegalStateException e) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newForbiddenException(e.getMessage() == null ? "Failed to clone a new device" : e.getMessage(), "Illegal State exception for clone"); } catch (final Exception e) { throw ServerErrorFactory.newInternalErrorException("Failed to clone a new device", "Exception clone device", e); } final URI taskUri = tasksResource.constructTaskUri(taskId); return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).location(taskUri).build(); } } @Override public final Device getDevice(final String ownerId) { return DevicesResourceJmxImpl.getDevicePojoFromMbeanProxy(deviceInstance); } @Override public final Device postDevice(final String ownerId, final Device device) throws CustomResourceException { Objects.requireNonNull(device); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("POST on Device " + deviceInstance.getUuid() + "; argument=" + device.toString()); } boolean readOnlyChanged = false; readOnlyChanged |= !deviceInstance.getUuid().equals(device.getUuid()); readOnlyChanged |= !deviceInstance.getParent().equals(device.getParent()); readOnlyChanged |= (deviceInstance.getSize() != device.getSize()); if (readOnlyChanged) { LOGGER.warn("Detected read-only attribute change on Snapshot " + deviceInstance.getUuid()); throw ClientErrorFactory.newForbiddenException("Write on read-only attributes forbidden", "Tried to modify read-only attributes for device " + deviceInstance.getUuid()); } try { deviceInstance.setName(device.getName()); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newBadRequestException(e.getMessage() == null ? "Illegal Name" : e.getMessage(), "Illegal argument for name", e); } catch (final Exception e) { throw ServerErrorFactory.newInternalErrorException("Failed to set name", "Exception set name", e); } try { deviceInstance.setDescription(device.getDescription()); } catch (final Exception e) { throw ServerErrorFactory.newInternalErrorException("Failed to set description", "Exception set description", e); } return DevicesResourceJmxImpl.getDevicePojoFromMbeanProxy(deviceInstance); } @Override public final Response deleteDevice(final String ownerId) { final VvrTasksResourceJmxImpl tasksResource = vvrResource.getVvrTasksResource(); final String taskId; try { taskId = deviceInstance.delete(); } catch (final IllegalStateException e) { throw ClientErrorFactory.newForbiddenException(e.getMessage() == null ? "Illegal state to delete device" : e.getMessage(), "Illegal argument for name"); } catch (final Exception e) { throw ServerErrorFactory.newInternalErrorException("Failed to delete device", "Exception delete device", e); } final URI taskUri = tasksResource.constructTaskUri(taskId); return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).location(taskUri).build(); } @Override public final ActivateDeviceResource getActivateDeviceResource(final String ownerId) { return new ActivateDeviceResourceJmxImpl(); } @Override public final DeactivateDeviceResource getDeactivateDeviceResource(final String ownerId) { return new DeactivateDeviceResourceJmxImpl(); } @Override public final ResizeDeviceResource getResizeDeviceResource(final String ownerId) { return new ResizeDeviceResourceJmxImpl(); } @Override public final NewSnapshotResource getNewSnapshotResource(final String ownerId) { return new NewSnapshotResourceJmxImpl(); } @Override public final ConnectionResource getConnectionResource(final String ownerId) { return new ConnectionResourceJmxImpl(); } @Override public CloneDeviceResource getCloneDeviceResource(final String ownerId) { return new CloneDeviceResourceJmxImpl(); } @Override protected final URI getResourceUri() { return resourceUri; } }