package org.codemap.internal; import static java.lang.Math.PI; import static java.lang.Math.atan; import static java.lang.Math.atan2; import static java.lang.Math.cos; import static java.lang.Math.sin; import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; import static org.codemap.CodemapCore.colorScheme; import org.codemap.MapAlgorithm; import org.codemap.MapSetting; import org.codemap.util.StopWatch; /** * @see spatial_analyst_tools/how_hillshade_works.htm * @see Burrough, P. A. and McDonell, R.A., 1998. Principles of Geographical Information Systems (Oxford University * Press, New York), p. 190. */ public class ShadeAlgorithm extends MapAlgorithm<double[][]> { private static final double Z_FACTOR_MULT = 1e-3; public static final MapSetting<Integer> CONTOUR_STEP = MapSetting.define("CONTOUR_STEP", 10); @Override public double[][] call() { StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch("HillShade").start(); // zenith: height of sun over horizon (90 = horizon, 0 = zenith). double zenithRad = 45 * PI / 180; // azimuth: direction of sun on x-y-plane double azimuthRad = (315 - 180) * PI / 180; // generate magic factor that takes darken factor of color scheme into account // furthermore, it adapts to the map-size double z_factor = (1.1 - colorScheme().getDarkenFactor()) * Z_FACTOR_MULT * map.getWidth(); int step = map.get(CONTOUR_STEP); double[][] hillshade = new double[map.width][map.width]; float[][] DEM = map.getDEM(); int width = map.width; double contour_darken_factor = colorScheme().getDarkenFactor(); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < width; y++) { float here = DEM[x][y]; if (here == 0.0) continue; // build kernel int yTop = (y == 0 ? 0 : y - 1); int xLeft = (x == 0 ? 0 : x - 1); int yBottom = (y == (width -1) ? (width - 1) : y + 1); int xRight = (x == (width - 1) ? (width - 1) : x + 1); float topLeft = DEM[xLeft][yTop]; float top = DEM[x][yTop]; float topRight = DEM[xRight][yTop]; float left = DEM[xLeft][y]; float right = DEM[xRight][y]; float bottomLeft = DEM[xLeft][yBottom]; float bottom = DEM[x][yBottom]; float bottomRight = DEM[xRight][yBottom]; // calculate hillshading double dx = (topRight + (2 * right) + bottomRight - (topLeft + (2 * left) + bottomLeft)) / 8; double dy = (bottomLeft + (2 * bottom) + bottomRight - (topLeft + (2 * top) + topRight)) / 8; double slopeRad = atan(z_factor * sqrt(dx * dx + (dy * dy))); double aspectRad = atan2(dy, -dx); double shading = (cos(zenithRad) * cos(slopeRad) + (sin(zenithRad) * sin(slopeRad) * cos(azimuthRad - aspectRad))); hillshade[x][y] = shading; //min(0.5, shading); // calculate contourlines int topHeight = (int) Math.floor(top / step); int leftHeight = (int) Math.floor(left / step); int hereHeight = (int) Math.floor(here / step); boolean isCoastline = topHeight == 0 || leftHeight == 0 || hereHeight == 0; boolean isContourLine = (topHeight != hereHeight || leftHeight != hereHeight) && !isCoastline; if (isContourLine) { hillshade[x][y] *= contour_darken_factor; } } } stopWatch.printStop(); return hillshade; } }