package ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues; import java.util.Arrays; import org.netlib.arpack.ARPACK; import org.netlib.util.doubleW; import org.netlib.util.intW; import ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix; import ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector; /** Finds a few eigenvalues of a matrix. *<P> * This class use ARPACK to find a few eigenvalues (λ) and corresponding * eigenvectors (<b>x</b>) for the standard eigenvalue problem: *<PRE> * <CODE>A<b>x</b> = λ<b>x</b></CODE> *</PRE> * where <code>A</code> is an <code>n</code> × <code>n</code> real symmetric matrix. *<P> * The only thing that must be supplied in order to use this * class on your problem is to change the array dimensions * appropriately, to specify <em>which</em> eigenvalues you want to compute * and to supply a matrix-vector product *<PRE> * <b>w</b> ← A<b>v</b> *</PRE> * in the {@link #callback(Vector)} method. *<P> * Please refer to the ARPACK guide for further information. *<P> * <b>Example:</b> *<PRE> * Matrix A = <i>…square matrix…</i>; * Eigenvalues eigen = Eigenvalues.of(A).largest(4); *; * double[] l = eigen.values; * Vector[] x = eigen.vectors; *</PRE> * @author Adrian Kuhn (Java) based on <CODE>ddsimp.f</CODE> by Richard Lehoucq, Danny Sorensen, Chao Yang (Fortran) * * @see * */ public abstract class FewEigenvalues extends Eigenvalues { private enum Which { LA, SA, LM, SM, BE }; private Which which; public static FewEigenvalues of(final Matrix matrix) { assert matrix.isSquare(); return new FewEigenvalues(matrix.columnCount()) { @Override protected Vector callback(Vector vector) { return matrix.mult(vector); } }; } public FewEigenvalues(int n) { super(n); this.greatest(20); } private FewEigenvalues which(Which which, int nev) { this.which = which; this.nev = nev < n ? nev : n - 1; return this; } /** Compute the largest algebraic eigenvalues. */ @Override public FewEigenvalues largest(int nev0) { return which(Which.LA, nev0); } /** Compute the smallest algebraic eigenvalues. */ public FewEigenvalues smallest(int nev0) { return which(Which.SA, nev0); } /** Compute the largest eigenvalues in magnitude. */ public FewEigenvalues greatest(int nev0) { return which(Which.LM, nev0); } /** Compute the smallest eigenvalues in magnitude. */ public FewEigenvalues lowest(int nev0) { return which(Which.SM, nev0); } /** Compute eigenvalues from both end of the spectrum. * When the <CODE>nev</CODE> is odd, compute one more from the * high end than from the low end. */ public FewEigenvalues fromBothEnds(int nev0) { return which(Which.BE, nev0); } /** Runs the eigenvalue decomposition, * using an implicitly restarted Arnoldi process (IRAP). * Please refer to the ARPACK guide for more information. * */ @Override public Eigenvalues run() { ARPACK arpack = ARPACK.getInstance(); /* * Setting up parameters for DSAUPD call. * */ intW ido = new intW(0); // must start zero String bmat = "I"; // standard problem doubleW tol = new doubleW(0); // uses machine precision intW info = new intW(0); // request random starting vector double[] resid = new double[n]; // allocate starting vector /* * NVC is the largest number of basis vectors that will * be used in the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Process. * Work per major iteration is proportional to N*NCV*NCV. * */ int ncv = Math.min(nev * 4, n); // rule of thumb use twice nev double[] v = new double[n * ncv]; double[] workd = new double[3*n]; double[] workl = new double[ncv*(ncv+8)]; // Parameters int[] iparam = new int[11]; { int ishfts = 1; // use the exact shift strategy int maxitr = 300; // max number of Arnoldi iterations int mode = 1; // use "mode 1" iparam[1-1] = ishfts; iparam[3-1] = maxitr; iparam[7-1] = mode; } int[] ipntr = new int[11]; // debug setting org.netlib.arpack.arpack_debug.ndigit.val = -3; org.netlib.arpack.arpack_debug.logfil.val = 6; org.netlib.arpack.arpack_debug.msgets.val = 0; org.netlib.arpack.arpack_debug.msaitr.val = 0; org.netlib.arpack.arpack_debug.msapps.val = 0; org.netlib.arpack.arpack_debug.msaupd.val = 0; org.netlib.arpack.arpack_debug.msaup2.val = 0; org.netlib.arpack.arpack_debug.mseigt.val = 0; org.netlib.arpack.arpack_debug.mseupd.val = 0; /* * Main loop (reverse communication loop) * * Repeatedly calls the routine DSAUPD and takes * actions indicated by parameter IDO until either * convergence is indicated or maxitr has been * exceeded. * */ assert n > 0; assert nev > 0; assert ncv > nev && ncv <= n; while (true) { arpack.dsaupd( ido, // reverse communication parameter bmat, // "I" = standard problem n, // problem size, // which values are requested? nev, // who many values? tol, // 0 = use machine precision resid, ncv, v, n, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, workl.length, info ); if (!(ido.val == 1 || ido.val == -1)) break; /* Perform matrix vector multiplication * * y <--- OP*x * * The user should supply his own matrix- * vector multiplication routine here that * takes workd(ipntr(1)) as the input, and * return the result to workd(ipntr(2)). * */ int x0 = ipntr[1-1]-1; // Fortran is off-by-one compared to Java! int y0 = ipntr[2-1]-1; Vector x = Vector.copy(workd, x0, n); Vector y = this.callback(x); assert y.size() == n; y.storeOn(workd, y0); } /* * Either we have convergence or there is an error. * */ if (info.val != 0) throw new Error("dsaupd ERRNO = "+info.val +", see"); /* * Post-Process using DSEUPD. * * Computed eigenvalues may be extracted. * * The routine DSEUPD now called to do this * post processing (other modes may require * more complicated post processing than * "mode 1"). * */ boolean rvec = true; // request vectors boolean[] select = new boolean[ncv]; double[] d = new double[ncv * 2]; double sigma = 0; // not used in "mode 1" intW ierr = new intW(0); intW nevW = new intW(nev); arpack.dseupd( rvec, "All", select, d, v, n, sigma, bmat, n,, nevW, tol.val, resid, ncv, v, n, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, workl.length, ierr ); if (ierr.val < 0) throw new Error("dseupd ERRNO = "+info.val +", see"); /* * Eigenvalues are returned in the first column * of the two dimensional array D and the * corresponding eigenvectors are returned in * the first NCONV (=IPARAM(5)) columns of the * two dimensional array V if requested. * Otherwise, an orthogonal basis for the * invariant subspace corresponding to the * eigenvalues in D is returned in V. * */ int nconv = iparam[5-1]; value = Arrays.copyOf(d, nconv); vector = new Vector[nconv]; for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { vector[i] = Vector.copy(v, i*n, n); } return this; } protected abstract Vector callback(Vector vector); }