package org.codemap.internal; import org.codemap.Location; import org.codemap.MapAlgorithm; import org.codemap.util.StopWatch; /** Creates the digital elevation model of a map. A digital elevation model (DEM) is a raster of z-ordinates for each pixel. *<p> * For each location on the map, a hill is added to the digital elevation model. The elevation of a hill at position * (x0,y0) with height (z) is defined as follows, f(x,y) = z * exp ^ (-0.5 * (dist * factor) ^ 2) where * dist = sqrt((x - x0) ^ 2 + (y - y0) ^ 2) and factor = k / z. The constant (k) is chosen such that a hill of height * 100.0 has a diameter of 41% of the map. *<p> * The algorithm has been optimized to run fast. *<p> * Not thread-safe. * * @author Adrian Kuhn * */ public class DEMAlgorithm extends MapAlgorithm<float[][]> { public static final int MAGIC_VALUE = 8*320; // TODO magic number! private static final double THRESHOLD = 1.0; private float[][] DEM; private int radius; @Override public float[][] call() { setup(); compute(); return DEM; } private void compute() { StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch("DEM").start(); // TODO a map configuration on map should return locations on map for (Location each: map.getDEMLocations()) { elevateHill(each, computePie(each)); } stopWatch.printStop(); } private void elevateHill(Location each, float[][] pie) { final int y0, x0, top, bottom, left, right; y0 =; x0 = each.px; top = y0 > radius ? 1 - radius : 0 - y0; left = x0 > radius ? 1 - radius : 0 - x0; bottom = y0 + radius < DEM.length ? radius : DEM.length - y0; right = x0 + radius < DEM.length ? radius : DEM.length - x0; for (int y = top; y < bottom; y++) { int absy = Math.abs(y); for (int x = left; x < right; x++) { DEM[x+x0][y+y0] += pie [Math.max(absy,Math.abs(x))] [Math.min(absy,Math.abs(x))]; } } } private float[][] computePie(Location each) { float[][] pie = new float[DEM.length][]; double elevationFactor = each.getElevation(); double distFactor2 = -1.0 / (elevationFactor * elevationFactor) * (MAGIC_VALUE * MAGIC_VALUE) / (DEM.length * DEM.length) // bigger hill when there are more pixels / 2; radius = computePieLoop(pie, elevationFactor, distFactor2); return pie; } private int computePieLoop(float[][] pie, double elevationFactor, double distFactor2) { // generate square numbers by summing up all the odd numbers for (int n = 0, n2 = 0; n < pie.length; n2 += (++n)+n-1) { pie[n] = new float[n+1]; for (int m = 0, dist2 = n2; m <= n; dist2 += (++m)+m-1) { double elevation = elevationFactor * Math.exp(distFactor2 * (double) dist2); if (elevation < THRESHOLD) { if (m == 0) return n; break; } pie[n][m] += elevation - THRESHOLD; } } throw new Error("Should not happen, nach Adam Riese."); } private void setup() { DEM = new float[map.getWidth()][map.getWidth()]; } }